Magic and Martial War God

Chapter 203: Burial God's Sanctum Part 4

"Dragon Blood Grass" Unlike the previous time, he didn't practice Divine Dragon Transformation Codex. Having a dragon bloodline was nothing but a distraction to him. How? If he focuses too much on the bloodlines, he will be like his father.

Fei is invincible but he is second to at least one person on each path of cultivation. In some, he is even further away. The only reason he was strong was due to his bloodlines. But Johnny found, even if he gathers other bloodlines, they are nothing compared to the original.

Even if all five bloodlines are merged together, they aren't the same level as Ultimate Destiny Bloodline. His clone of destiny was a prime example. It has only been five days inside the Book of Eight Extremes and Single Chaos after he created this clone who looks exactly like him.

The tall height of six feet, black hair, slightly longer nose and ears, eyes are in normal shapes with black pupils inside. His body was toned. His face was pale with slightly curved eyebrows and a small mouth. Johnny had already reverted back to his original face except he looked exceptionally handsome.

Maybe it was just instinct, he decided to make himself handsome. His clone had the same name as him. And he had successfully merged with Mortal Sword God Bloodline and Dragon Bloodline. Yep, those bloodlines were given to his clones.

He also gave him Immemorial Perfect Sword Body Art. This sword art was divided into five stages. First stage practices from Sword Energy Realm to Sword Soul Realm, Second Stage practices from Sword Lord Realm to Sword Saint Realm, Third Stage practices from Sword Emperor Realm to Sword God Realm.

The fourth and Fifth Stages practices Mortal Sword Realm and above. His clone had started cultivation five days ago and now he has already reached the Fifth Stage of Sword Energy Realm.

Each realm in one day, but just from this he found he was actually not good for the sword. Because even Rose practiced the sword faster than him. If it was for the Book of Eight Extremes and Single Chaos, it was hard to say how embarrassed he would be to hold the title of sect master of Supreme Sword Sect.

Fortunately, he could feel the changes ongoing inside his body. As he practices Immemorial Perfect Sword Body Art, he can feel his understanding and comprehension over sword was improving. As for his real body, he cultivated his realm in these five days.

With resources and experience, he cultivated to the peak of Junior Warrior in just five days. Of course, he only took a day to cultivate three stages of Junior Warrior Realm and took two days to successfully open the tenth meridian.

And now, he started Immemorial Dragon Elephant Secret Body Art after taking red grass which was Dragon Blood Grass. The Dragon Blood Grass entered his throat, making its way to his stomach. Once it reaches there, scorching flames erupted inside his stomach.

Johnny naturally didn't care about injuries but there is the limitation of his current body. He can't bear too much of the force at once. But he didn't give up. His goal was to practice Elemental Dragon Force to perfection with a single shot.

There was another reason he chooses to do what he was currently doing. The first two elements that he awakened didn't change. He got Thunder Element and Dark Element. So, he had no other reasons to believe. He did what his heart told him.

Elemental Dragon Force is a strength burrowed from nine different elements which are Fire, Water, Earth, Wind, Metal, Thunder, Ice, Light, and Dark. So, he needs to condense a core with each element. But this doesn't mean he can use those powers.

He needs to fill those cores with dark energy which will eventually turn into these elements but he can't use it. So, his goal was to condense nine cores simultaneously and condense the Dragon Force. But his goal wasn't Dragon Force rather Herculean Elephant Strength.

Although the Elemental Dragon Force can improve his strength, the major improvement will occur once he reaches the second stage. After all, Herculean Elephant Strength gives the strength of hundreds of giant elephants who stomp the mountains flat.

But it was easier said than done. The Dragon Blood Grass holds all nine elements, and he needs to separate those elements and condense the core. When the core is condensed, a drop of blood will be realized. This drop of blood can be used to transform his body and get stronger physically.

While Johnny deepens himself in the cultivation, a major change occurred outside.

"Bang" Suddenly, the middle-aged man smashed his fist against Rose. But Rose used Dao of Space and Dao of Time at the same time to slow her opponents and escape. Because the middle-aged man wasn't the only one attacking her.

Even the old man attacked her. Originally, Rose thought her reward was extremely powerful. But it seemed she was very wrong. The girl in pink pants actually received a stone, not just one but a pouch of stones. Well, not just an ordinary stone but a chaos stone.

Chaos Stone is the rarest resource for cultivation in the entire universe. It can be found only at the very core of the universe. Even galaxy level cultivator slaughters each other for this stone. And now, she possesses a pouch.

And it wasn't an ordinary pouch rather a pouch with hundreds or maybe thousands of chaos stone. Technically, Rose was still the person who earned the most but physically, it was the girl in the pink pant. Because what Rose received was immense knowledge about the Dao of Time.

She couldn't believe it but that knowledge includes the complete study of Time at Quantum Level. This allows her to comprehend Dao of Time much better. But this was just knowledge. This is why in others' eyes, the reward of the girl in pink pants was too much for a single person.

They tried to snatch it. Although Rose wasn't a nosy person, as a sect master, she thinks for the sect. So, she decided she would give her a helping hand if the girl in pink pant decides to join their sect as an elder.

Since the girl in pink pant had no option, she made an oath and signed the contract with Supreme Sword Sect. Naturally, after this, she can't betray the sect. So, why did Rose became nosy? Because her strength improved a lot.

Especially after comprehending the Law of Time at the quantum level, her understanding improved a lot. Dao of Time works as the Law of Time in the quantum world, not in the real world. Due to this, a person can affect a little with his Dao of Time but he can't affect the entire world.

But what made her even more conspicuous was the connection of the Law of Time from the quantum world to the real world. Although it wasn't mentioned in her knowledge, she learned about it after reading the full text about the Law of Time from Quantum World.

"Violet Wolf Fangs" Suddenly, the middle-aged man condensed the phantom of the wolf with his star essence and attacked her. The fang of the wolf slashed at her but she didn't dodge this time.

"Creek" "Whoosh"

Suddenly, the phantom disappeared when the fang reaches in front of her eyes. When everyone looked at the body of a middle-aged man, they were horrified. The middle-aged man was turning old and at a very rapid rate. His lifespan was slowly decreasing and reaching the limit of a star-level cultivator.

Only at this moment, he saw Rose's hands were empty. He looked at her and slowly spoke "Your sword..... It is not here, is it?"

But before he could say anything further, his body disappeared. Suddenly, the old man felt chills on his body. He knew something very weird was going on. Suddenly, he burst his star essence and coughed the blood "Ku-ek"

Seeing this, Rose frowned. Because just now, she attacked his future but this old man communicated with his future self, uses the star essence on his future self, and dodged the attack. Just like Rose, he also had comprehended the Dao of Time.

"Miss, how about calling this an end? You know we are stuck in this sanctum and without me, you can't escape nor you can kill me with your sword." The old man instantly understood why he feeling threatened by her.

It was rather easy to say. It wasn't him that felt threatened but his future self. If he hadn't transmitted his star essence to his future, he might've fallen down. Of course, the main reason he retreated was because of the loss he suffered.

When he sent his star essence to his future self, he was hit by the passage of time which consumed his life force. Naturally, this also made Rose understand her weakness. It takes more than thirty seconds in the present time and thirty minutes in the future to completely consume the lifespan of the Star Body Realm cultivator.

If she would've worked faster, then he would've died. Not to mention, she peeked at a hundred thousand years into the future of the old man. From his current attitude, Rose instantly understood how can this man live for so long?

And why can he live if the universe was meant to be destroyed?

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