Magic and Martial War God

Chapter 204: Burial God's Sanctum Part 5

The answer to those questions was relatively simple. Quantum World is within the universe but smaller than an atom. So, its existence might be within the universe, it has completely different connections. A person can't entire the Quantum World without understanding the basics about it.

And Daos are the path that leads to Quantum World. In another world, the deeper you get into the dao, the more you will connect yourself within the Quantum World. Here, cause and effects are completely different. You can't expect the same cause and effect as it happens in the real world.

Dao is a path, it connects you with the quantum world where you can change and make the rules as you want, creating fire out of nothing, moving and destroying space, stopping time, all due to the connection with the quantum.

Thinking of this, Rose laughed at herself and that Cosmic God. Because they never understood the connection of dao is with the quantum rather they thought dao is a path towards heaven or to the peak of cultivation.

The concept is completely different, a person is expanding with the real world concept while a person is shrinking with the concept of the quantum world. And this is why people can't make a huge change in-universe.

A person can affect time and space within a certain radius, but that's it. A person can't completely cover the entire universe with that radius. And this where the quantum world comes from. Here, a person doesn't increase his radius rather he merges quantum world rules with the universe.

And that relationship can only be formed from a certain connection which is a path. And that path is dao. So, understand dao makes a path between the real world and the quantum world. The stronger the path a person condenses, the more impact he can cause.

Although both seem relatively the same. One has limitations due to the power level of the universe while the other has no limitations. But what makes her curious was the origin of this information? After all, she hasn't got a single piece of information from that circle.

And this knowledge seems pretty basic for Law of Time in Quantum World. So, such basic information wouldn't be hidden deep in the circle if it was present there. Suddenly, she felt maybe this world is vast, even vaster than Fei could have imagined.

But what's more conspicuous was the source of power that dao utilizes such as River of Time follows in both worlds. One has the cause and another has the effect, and the dao maintains the path between them. Dao of Time makes changes in the quantum world and effects are shown in the real world which doesn't any kind of effect.

But that's only for those who actually manage to create the path between the real-world and quantum world. For those who can't make such a path, they need to depend upon the real-world source. Just like how Rose uses Future Aging Sword, she makes changes in real-world which ultimately makes the passage of time go against her.

That means, now she doesn't need to use the black dragon sword to use such attacks. Of course, she found another problem here. Inside this Sanctum, she couldn't connect herself with the system or those treasures inside the sword.

Even though the sword was still working, it was also getting affected by the nature of this Sanctum. This began to erupt few doubts in her mind.

'What is the origin of this Sanctum? Why can it affect powerful weapons like the black dragon sword? And from little black words, our universe is at the lowest level? So, how can such an advanced treasure appear here?'

'Little black, can you contact Johnny?' From her thoughts, she asked little black so that others won't hear her.

'Miss, I can feel power reaching inside young master's body but I can't contact him. Does it seem to have blocked our connection with those treasures? Still, though, energies can still reach inside which is very weird.' Little black answered back which made her frown even more.

She was getting bad vibes about this sanctum. Suddenly, she glanced at the old man and asked "So, what now? We have already passed the trial?"

Hearing her questions, a sneer appeared on his lips but suddenly when disappeared when Rose caught her hilt. This was a clear sign of her attitude. So, the old man got no choice but to answer her clearly "We don't know much but there are three trials that we must complete before we leave."

"As I said, although this is almost like a death trial, dying people would be stronger people rather than weaker. If you want to escape, we must work together for the next trial, if I am not wrong." Just a second later, the same voice rang again.

"Second Trial shall begin!"

"Boom" "Creek" "Bang" "Bang"

Suddenly, the ground trembled and few rocks were blown apart. With a powerful explosion towards the opposite side of them, the ground began to shake even more. Next, an insane amount of creatures came out. These creatures were like the ferocious wolf, but with black scales and long claws. They didn't have any eyes.

And more importantly, they almost had no intention to stop. There were thousands of these beasts appearing at the same time. Seeing this, the eyes almost popped out of the old man's eyes. A bald man's mouth twitched as he asked "Didn't you say there were people who survived this?"

"Yes, not many but around ten." The old man's face turned red due to embarrassment but he still nodded his head and seriously answered.

"Are you freaking kidding me? Who in the world can survive this?" The bald man's face touched even more after hearing old man's words. He felt like slapping the old man's face. But soon controlled himself and asked "So, how can we defeat it?"

"Mass attack!" Suddenly, a beautiful woman wearing red gown spoke with lustrous red lips, striking each other. Her face had a trace of worry and pitifulness.

"Well, we don't have much time. Let's go!" The old man nodded his head and led the team. He summoned an insane amount of star essence at his fist, turning it into the layers of yellow flames that spiral around his hand and turned into a long snake.

"Fire Snake Binding Explosion" "Boom"

Suddenly, the snake flew out of his hand and enlarged itself. The length increased to hundred meters and also got thicker. In an instant, it covered around fifty creatures and exploded. The power of explosion shook the ground and trembled the cave.

"Sky Demon Sword Style- Thousand Falling Swords" Suddenly, the beautiful women jump in the sky, and the black energy gushed out of her. The black energy turned into the clouds and condensed thousands of swords.

When they were fell, they fell over the creatures that were previously exploded under the fire snake. Surprisingly, none of them died instead brutally attacked them. But this time, result were unexpected.

"Splash" "Splash" "Splash" "Splash" "Splash" "Splash" "Splash" "Splash" "Splash"

In an instant, the whole ground was colored in black. Yes, these creatures didn't have red blood instead the black blood flows like the river. Seeing the black blood, everyone frowned and felt the black gas still gushing out of the blood.

But it wasn't like the black gas from that beautiful. There was certain difference. Her black gas has not a single kind of uniqueness except its power. But this black gas was unique by its killing intent. This killing intent was very horrific at least even for those star level cultivator.

But nothing was happening to Rose. Suddenly, she condensed the sword out red energy. An idea emerged on her head as she threw this sword above the pool of black blood. While travelling, her sword was affected by the black gas slowly turning dark red.

At this moment, Rose noticed the speed of her sword was increasing as it absorbs more of that black gas. Suddenly, her eyes widen when her sword reached near those creatures. In an instant, her sword turned ten meters long and five meters wide from one meter long and half meter wide.

"Splash" Although it didn't kill many, but her sword directly pierce through the body of those creature in a single strike. And the most laughing matter was her sword. It was her weakest sword. She didn't even condense it properly just to check her idea.

Those results were really unexpected to her. More importantly, she didn't even realize her attack not only took them down but also make those creature hesitant. Seeing this, a large arc formed on her lips.

"Splash" "Splash" "Splash" "Splash" "Splash"

For her, it seems little black was right. The luck was really on her side. In an instant, she condensed dozens of sword and not only made them rushed above the pool of blood but also made dip it down on the pool for some moment.

"Splash" "Splash" "Splash" "Splash" "Splash"

Before they could reach the destination, these sword covered the entire space, not letting a single creature escape. In those peoples horrified eyes, those swords deeply pierced the bodies of those creatures.

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