Magic and Martial War God

Chapter 38: Fighting Different Races- Part 2


A huge blue dragon phantom rose up above Johnny, its claw was as big as Johnny's body. It slashes the claw down towards the body of dozens of Magicians and Martial Artists. The Azure Dragon Claw shattered their bones, though they disappeared the moment, their bones were shattered.

But the moment, Johnny steps on the ground he pushes his feet so strong, that he spins for a moment. When he stops spinning, his left arm gets bigger by every second until it reaches the size of a small room. The power of War God Bloodline was still flowing through his left arm.

"Giant Arm"

"Demon Ox Body" "Silver's Body" The martial artist standing in front of him, activated their defense art while magicians did the same "Metal Shield" "Earth's Wall" "Water World"


A giant arm swept the entire ground, shields were smashed, and defensive bodies were broken. Without any waste of time, Johnny summoned thousands of swords in the air. Johnny slammed his hand in the air with a large shout.

"Sword Creation Magic: Gathering of Thousand Swords"

His Mana level decreased drastically after using this move twice. But he was still letting dark energy converted into Mana at the same time. This was really painful since he was doing two things at the same time; especially his Meridians were hurting much more.

"Whoosh" "Whoosh" "Whoosh" "Whoosh"

Thousands of swords slashed the bodies of Martial Artists and Magicians that were lying on the ground defenses. Everything happened in flash, those swords fell rapidly causing these people to disappear into the dust.

But Johnny has no time to relax, he knows faster he kills higher the will he have a chance to cross this stage. Even though, it is hard as hell. Especially if he was still weaker when he started a trial, now he has some chances to cross this trial.

He also understood the main point of this trial was to let him grow into something he never would have thought 'a true genius'. Yes, now his fighting power is strongest under Junior Martial or Magician.

While he attacked those people, he was also attacked from behind and on both sides. There were at least hundreds of Magicians summoning different attacks from their body.

"Fire Fist" "Rolling Water Palm" "Thunder Sword" "Earth Creation Magic: Wall of Spikes" Johnny was almost covered by these. Seeing this Johnny gritted his teeth with annoyance, he erupts spiritual energy into his palms. And then, he began to slam palms after palms towards these attacks.

"Papapapapapapa" "Boom"

But his attacks weren't able to block it completely. He was still bombarded with many Magic Arts. His body was tearing, and burning at the same time. Fortunately, his undead bloodline was working just fine with Giant Armor Body, his wounds were healing faster than he expected.

Suddenly, A.I. responded in his mind "Analyze of Fire Creation Intermediate Magic- Complete. Compatibility with Host's current- 20%. Unlocked Spells- Fire Dragon Roar, Fire Dragon Wing Slash, Sword of Fire, Hall of Flames, and Ring of Fire. Current analyzing progress- Thunder Creation Intermediate Magic (20%) and Sword Creation Intermediate Magic (5%)."

"Hehe, just in time. A.I. you are wrong this time because sometimes we need to step out of our boundaries." Johnny finally let a cheerful smile; his mind began to fill up with a different spell. Fortunately, A.I. was controlling the flow of information into his mind; otherwise, he would be in a serious problem.

Johnny places both of his hands, straight to his mouth. His fists were hollow leaving a hole between his palms. Inside his body, Mana erupts into the book, and from the book, fire energy spreads out. His Dragon God Veins were bearing an enormous amount of fire energy. Finally, fire energy was accumulated into his mouth, and he spews it like spitting saliva.

"Fire Creation Magic: Fire Dragon Roar"

The fire burst out of his mouth like the breath of a dragon. The fire dragon is a powerful dragon that lives in the fire, made out of the fire, and eats fire. This creature is the king of fire among most mythical beasts. More importantly, this spells works just like the true Fire Dragon Roar.

"Boom" The fire exploded the whole surrounding, destroying the body of hundreds of these creatures. After this explosion, there were roughly two thousand creatures standing on the battlefield. This attack was truly destructive, even though many used their defensive arts, it couldn't prevent them from getting destroyed.

Of course, this spell wasn't this destructive in those magicians, Johnny previously faced. The reason why this attack is more powerful? It is because of his Dragon God Veins which has the ability to empower the dragon-based attacks. This is also why his Azure Dragon Claw is several times stronger now than before.

Even though his attack was successful, Johnny didn't relax a bit. He immediately accumulated Mana in his arms. But suddenly, a strange but repeated move appeared in front of him.

A white light flashes the room, completely blinding Johnny for a moment. The next moment, there were ten individuals in front of Johnny. They were neither very big nor just phantoms. These were more like Johnny, like living beings.

They had a different face, with different sizes though they were still small compared to previous wolves.

"Whoosh" Suddenly in a lightning speed, an arrow flew towards Johnny, piercing the air around him. The power of the arrow was not something he could underestimate. Dark energy spreads throughout his palm and rapidly condensed into a solid bow and arrow. The energy condensed in the arrow was completely materialized, Johnny finally shot his arrow.

"Dark Arrow Art- Final Arrow"

"Whoosh" "Clang" "Whoosh" "Bang"

Both arrows collide, while the arrow shot by the enemy was actually just a wooden arrow though its power was completely rivaling the power of dark arrow final form which turns this arrow into a metallic arrow.

The dark arrow pierced through the wooden arrow, but the enemy already made another shot. This time, it was an arrow made out of an intense amount of energy. This shocked Johnny because he has never seen anyone gathering so much energy into a single point.

This person who shot the arrow was non-other than the elf wearing a green robe. His next arrow completely shattered the dark arrow. He didn't shot next; instead, a person who was tall disappeared like a shadow. This person was wearing black clothes and a black mask. This made Johnny startled and alert. Secretly, Johnny launched ten shadows under his real shadow.

These shadows were used to find the person who disappeared, but before they could found him, he appeared in front of Johnny. He clenched his fist and punched straight. But before his attack slammed into him, his body fell down while a shadow replaced him.

"Poof" The punch strikes the shadow, and Johnny escaped. But Johnny underestimated the enemy because when he tried to replace him with another shadow and escape, the enemy disappeared in the ground like a shadow, a shadow that can't be seen.

Originally, Johnny used himself as bait; to wait until the enemy reveals himself but he didn't know his enemy will appear in front of him like a shadow which made him dodge hastily. Then, until he stands on the ground with help of another shadow, the enemy vanished under the shadow.

"Splash" Suddenly, a dark scythe appeared at the place where Johnny standing. Before Johnny could dodge properly, the enemy in black mask slashed his scythe towards Johnny, slashing his chest.

Blood drip out of his chest. Though Johnny was attacked, he didn't lose his chance, and shouted "Shadows attack!" His body was still hovering in the air, while his chest wound was currently getting healed with the Undead bloodline.

Nine shadows suddenly appeared around the enemy in a black mask, they all punched towards the enemy. But the enemy only spun his scythe, completely making them disappeared which was exactly what Johnny wanted?

"Poof" "Poof" "Poof" "Poof" "Poof" "Poof" "Poof" "Poof" "Poof"

All remaining shadows disappeared, but the enemy pupils contracted, he tried to disappear on the ground.

"Oh no! You are not going anywhere" Johnny shouted, his back was sparkling with thunder wings which were pushing him forward with extreme speed. Johnny's fist was condensing thunder energy in it. The speed of Johnny soars to the maximum, he appeared near the enemy in a black mask and punched with powerful momentum rising from his fist.

"Rushing Thunder Fist" "Bang" Johnny's fist slammed on the chest of the enemy with great force. It not only contained thunder energy but his pure physical too.

A powerful thunder fist rose up while the enemy body was flying back into the air. The big thunder fist engulfed the enemy in a black mask with its destructive power.

"Hu" Johnny sighed on finishing one opponent of his but the next moment his expression froze.

"Bang" "Thud" "Thud" "Thud" "Boom" Another man appeared near the destructive fist that was carving its own path by smashing the enemy in a black mask against the road. The man who appeared had a human-shaped body but with a beast head and sharp nails like claws. That man condensed especially energy into his fist, slamming into the thunder fist, pushing the thunder fist back.

The enemy in the black mask rolled on the ground due to the impact of the collision. Finally, that man pushed the thunder fist away and blasts it like an explosion.

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