Magic and Martial War God

Chapter 39: Fighting Different Races- Part 3

"Holy cow, this guy is strong. No, all of them are strong. They seem to be more than normal trial puppets, are they real or spiritual?" Johnny tried to think of whether they are real or spiritual because they seem to be just more than some spiritual beings.

"We are spiritual but our power is no weaker than that of genius from our races." The man who punched the thunder fist spoke. His tone was neither arrogant nor humble; he seems to be remembering his past.

'No way, they heard me from so far' this was Johnny's first thought, and then he looked at these guys and asked "I didn't think the last trial would be so difficult."

"If you think this trial is difficult, then you have no chance facing against the real last trial, because this is not the last trial, at least not for you." The man spoke again facing a smiling face but in a cruel way of body posture, his tongue was licking around his mouth as if he wanted to taste Johnny's blood.

"Alright, that means I have to defeat all of you fast." Johnny stretches his body, in a different position before getting ready to fight. Suddenly, dark energy revolves inside his body, and then it began to flow towards a new, path to his soul.

"Dark Sword Soul" Johnny shouted aiming his index finger towards the shadow person. A strange invisible dark energy emerges from his body and flew towards the shadow person.

"Soul attack, be careful" A girl in a corner shouted looking at the shadow person, but before anyone could react, the dark sword soul pierced into his soul. The dark sword soul slowly began to corrode, and slash the shadow's soul.

"Thud" After the passage of a few seconds, the dead body of a shadow fell to the ground. Everyone watch this with an ugly face, but suddenly Johnny said "Hey, I'm here."

Currently, Johnny had moved in front of the person who punched thunder's fist. His fist was clenched, spiritual energy was erupting out of his fist, he roared when he saw his enemy turning towards him, and slammed his fist on his enemy stomach.

"Mountain Breaking Fist" "Bang" "Thud" His fist made his enemy glides back, and fell hard on the ground. The momentum of the fist caused his upper body clothes to ripped. Johnny had no time to waste since he knows he can't give his enemy a single chance to retaliate.

In his body, Thunder-Flame Elephant Gene was slowly adapting, and his power was also soaring because previously he couldn't use all of his newly awakened power. This was due to the rapid integration of the Thunder-Flame Elephant Gene.

His feet stomped on the ground, giving him a huge boost. This boost caused his speed to soar, and his body flashes like lightning, appearing in front of a fallen enemy. He once again clenched his fist, spiritual energy flooded in his arm, this wasn't normal energy instead it was earth spiritual energy. Then, he gave his opponent a normal punch but only the style was normal.

"Black Tortoise Fist" "Bang"

The solid punch landed on the body of his opponent who was just trying to get up. The momentum of the black tortoise astonishes everyone before they couldn't react much, it was extremely solid, and after the punch, Johnny didn't even move an inch, while his opponent was the same.

Except for his opponent's bones, and veins were broken, especially chest parts where Johnny's fist landed. But Johnny knows, this still won't be enough to win. He accumulated dark energy into his soul, and shouted "Dark Sword Soul"

A dark sword emerges out of his body and flies into his opponent's body. It entered his opponent's soul and slain it.

"Two down, eight to go" Although Johnny took out eight of them so fast, he was also exhausted. His motions were too fluid but his body could barely hold them. His gaze fell on the girl who previously identified his soul attacks; he knows she won't be down by a soul attack.

There was also a person holding a sword, and others were also looking powerful. Two of them were transformed, into a tiger and a lion respectively. Finally, he decided to take down the guy with a sword. Johnny brings back his spear and unfolded his thunder wings. His speed soars, as he flies towards the swordsman.

"Good, come!" Seeing Johnny coming towards him, the swordsman smiled and welcomed. But when Johnny reached mid-way, his spear disappeared, and thunder energy flooded in his arm. He just put his spear in his back, using thunder energy to bind it.

Meanwhile, in his arm, a thunder spear was slowly getting formed. Currently, he was using both spiritual energy and Mana at the same time. He was using fire spiritual energy to heat his spear on his back while he was using thunder energy to form a thunder spear.

This thunder spear was one and a half feet long, with a sharp but rumbling edge. Seeing, the swordsman was alert though he didn't know why Johnny put his open back. But thunder spear wasn't alone. Suddenly, the book in his Mana Space opened up.

Johnny chants "Fire Creation Magic: Swirling Flames + Thunder Spear

Then, flames began to coil around the thunder spear. The power of thunder spear and swirl fire complemented each other, and the aura of Swirling Flames Thunder Spear rose, and Johnny threw it towards the swordsman.

Seeing the intensity of flames and destructive thunder, the swordsman didn't hold back. His sword glow in red, an intense aura spread out of it. Unexpectedly, others didn't attack him, just stand there folding their hands, as if they were honoring the swordsman fight.

But this is something, Johnny needs. After all, if anyone attacked him at this moment, then it could deadly, especially, when attackers are as dangerous as them. First, both were down due to luck and surprise, but now no-one is going to fall for his soul attacks.

Of course, this doesn't mean they are too overpowered. Like the man who punched the thunder, he was easily taken by Johnny due to his low speed, and no defense.

"Slaying Demon Sword" The swordsman moved very fast, faster than Johnny could see him. His sword emitted red light that covered the whole room. The sword light collides against the thunder-flame spear.

"Ding" "Drizzzzz" "ZZZrrrrr"

The weird sound of collision rang throughout the room. Finally, the swordsman sword splits through the thunder-flame spear. But suddenly, in front of him, Johnny was hovering in the air. After seeing his opponent, Johnny spins four or five times in the mid-air then one of his hands was holding the spear while another hand was making a circle in front of his mouth.

Johnny took a deep breath from his nose, and the book inside his Mana Space released an insane amount of fire energy. Then, Johnny spits fire out of his mouth "Fire Creation Magic: Fire Dragon Roar"

The fire was condensed into a dragon roaring towards his opponent. The fire dragon roared and burned everything in front of it.

"Swap" "whoosh"

"Sword of the Silver King" Swordsman swings his sword, emitting the silver light. This silver was sharp, strong, and fast. The cut-through fire like cutting tofu (PS: Tofu is still available in the future world). The silver sword light split the fire, and let it pass through him but the next moment, the swordsman pupil shrunk.

"Red Sun Spear Technique- Burning Sun"

The fire around him suddenly accumulates to a certain point. That point was none other than, Johnny's spear tip where there was already a sun. From the other's perspective, the sun at the tip of the spear was the size of a Ping-Pong ball, but for a swordsman, it looks the size of a small room.

He could even see the magma boiling on the surface of the sun. Currently, the temperature of the sun has risen to more than two thousand degrees Celsius.

"Sword of the Golden King" Seeing Johnny's attack, the swordsman couldn't hold back his final attack. He roared, and swings his sword vertically up to down, his sword emerges from the golden light that blocks the heat of the sun. But it wasn't the golden light accurately; it was a figure in golden. It was the golden king that stopped the sun with his bare golden hands.

"Ding" Spear and sword collide, but the sun was getting blocked by the golden king. But soon, the result was on everyone's sight. The sun, enormously heated sun successfully melted the golden king. The spear pierced through the sword of a swordsman.

Still, the swordsman hadn't fallen yet. So Johnny draws his spear back in a flash, stored it in his storage ring, and jumped towards the swordsman. Strange energy was getting condensed in his finger. When Swordsman saw him coming, he simply clenched his burned fist.

The power of the sunburned most of his body parts. But when Johnny raised his finger vertically and slashed. The same girl from the previous time shouted "It soul attack again."

"Soul Severing Finger"

But before the swordsman could react to it, his soul was split apart by the finger art. In the end, he forgets to guard his soul in the battle against Johnny. Their battle didn't last long, but Johnny dominated it.

Finally, the girl once again says "He can do soul attacks, and he will do it against us because the soul is our soul of power. We can't recover once his attacks hit us."

Johnny looked at them with deep eyes, and said "Seven still more to go" but his face turned ugly because he only saw six of them in front of him.

"Splash" The next moment, blood spills.

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