Magic and Martial War God

Chapter 57: The final path is Sword Path

"Mira, this is the last chance I give you. Forget him and accept my love otherwise I'll kill him."

A vicious voice rang in between the houses. A youth in blue pants and a yellow jacket was standing in the middle while stepping over a guy.

This guy was none other than Klink. He slowly raised his head towards a petite girl in front of him. At this moment he could see tears rolling out of the girl's eyes. He felt extremely sorry for being weak but he didn't admit it. He spoke in a hoarse tone "Mira! Don't listen to him. You know what kind of beast he is. You'll only ruin your life. Your cousin's friend is the son of the Dark King and War Queen. As long as you take his shelter, this beast cannot do an... Bleg"

At this moment, the youth stomped his foot over Klink. His face was extremely ugly, he standing horror of them. At this moment, he had the killing intent in his eyes. But Klink endured the pain and further spoke, "You must run."

At this moment, terrible energy burst out of his inner space, and soon it began trembling with crack Sensing such energy, the youth panicked a little shouted, "You dare!"

"Boom" But he had already made his move. The huge amount of spiritual energy crawl out of his body spreads around him. Like flame eruptions, all that spiritual energy changed into yellow flame and burst out like an explosion, engulfing both of them.

"No Klink" Seeing Klink engulfing into the terror of flames, tears burst out of her eyes even more. Soon, she controlled herself and wiped her tears out. She knows the fourth prince won't die by such an explosion, at worst he'll be seriously injured.

Mira turned around, and use the mana in her feet, running away with tears following out her eyes.

"Klink you bastard die for me!" The fourth prince shouted with rage covering his eyes. The spiritual energy gushed out of his hand, slamming towards Klink.

Hearing Klink's name, Mira stopped but not because of him but the flames of a man in front of her. That man embraced Mira's face into his chest and spoke in a low voice "Don't worry Brother Johnny is here"

At this moment, Mira had even more tears gushing out of her eyes.

"Whoosh" "Bang"

A man with fire wings behind his back caught Klink's body before the fourth prince fist punched him. The 'Vermillion Flight' a powerful move of the Second Stage of Four Divine Battle Beast Art.

"Who?" After his fist slammed against the ground, the fourth prince shouted in anger. He still hasn't relieved his anger, how can he let go of Klink.

But soon his anger suppressed a little when he saw a youth standing in front of him. Of course, he didn't lose his attitude as a prince, he had no reservation towards Johnny as he spoke "Little cousin don't interfere here. You can't bear the consequences."

Although he was afraid of Dark King and War Queen, he wasn't afraid of Johnny. After all, he is in the middle stage of Martial Artist. The first three stages (1-3) are called the early stage, the middle three stages (4-6) are called the middle stage, the late three stages (7-9) are called late, and the final legendary tenth stage is called Great Perfection.

Unfortunately, only a few peoples have reached this stage, and every single one of them is Heaven Chosen. This is a special title given to those with very high accomplishments. Yes, not talent but accomplishment.

Talent is something you can achieve from high-level resources, but what you accomplished matters in the eyes of top powerhouses. This also created a hierarchy between families, sects, organizations, etc.

The fourth prince wasn't a talented one, but he had his family support. His age was just one year older than Johnny, maybe even a few months. At this moment, Johnny didn't even look at him. He caught Klink and rushed towards Mira. But at this moment, Klink's injures were recovering rapidly.

It was due to the medicine Johnny bought from the system. It had quite a powerful effect to recover so soon, but it did cost twenty sect points and it was Spirit Rank medicine too. He let Mira hold him, and he turned around looking at the fourth prince.

His fire wings were gone; at this moment he spoke "Are you a son of bitch to murder a person in the road?" But the moment, his words were out. Not only the fourth prince but even Michal and Mira were confused looking at him.

"Cousin, mind your words" The fourth prince spoke in a cold tone. He felt humiliated when Johnny spoke those words. But he didn't erupt because he knows this might be just a fluke.

"Oh, I'm sorry I said something wrong." Suddenly, his expression changed and Johnny asked for forgiveness. His attitude made everyone calm, but the next moment he once again spoke "Are you the son of a mother*k*r to assault a girl in the broad daylight?"

"Johnny, are you treating the royal family with such rough words?" Hearing him, the fourth prince's face turned cold once again. He felt extremely humiliated but still suppressed his anger.

"So what If I am? Do you think anyone will find out? Do you think they'll believe just your words?" Johnny laughed making the fourth prince even angrier, he then looked at Michal and Mira asking "Did you hear any rough words?"

Mira and Michal shook their heads with no expression, but in their heart, they were laughing. At this moment, Johnny laughed out even louder "Haha, did you see son of bitch, no-one is hearing us?"

"Johnny, it seems your mind is really out of your head. This whole city is under the surveillance of our royal family." The fourth prince spoke in a haughty tone.

"Really?" Johnny didn't look at him instead asked Mira and Michal. At this moment, they became a little sad but still nodded their head. Confirming this, Johnny's eyes suddenly turned cold. At first, he thought the fourth prince was doing so many things when no-one was looking.

But it turned out, he was wrong. He spoke those words to infuriate the fourth prince. His goal was simple, make the fourth prince attack him and then kill him. After all, he hates the person who uses power to destroy other life.

Of course, he isn't a saint but that doesn't mean he'll let go of people who made bad relationships with his friends and families. Here, Michal was his close friend, Mira was just like a cousin to him and Klink was a worthy opponent. At least, he fought well and showed the power equal to Spirit Rank Second Grade.

At this moment, he fell in deep silence. Seeing this, the fourth prince made a satisfied smile on his face while Mira and Michal turned sad. But they didn't know, Johnny was actually going through enlightenment.

It was sword enlightenment. His Sword God Bloodline was running madly. This bloodline was actually part of Sword God's inheritance, and it is unlike another bloodline. This is just a seed in his body, he needs to reach the second layer of the Sword Heart Technique to sprout it.

This bloodline was passed earlier but didn't show up in his attribute panel because it is still hidden in his body. He grows with his bloodline. He felt different kinds of information in his mind. Most of them were about the sword path.

'A sword was born to kill; a path forge by the sword is the path of Killing. Killing one is a crime, Killing a thousand is slaughter, and killing a million is dao. Find a dao of killing, slaughter millions of creature.'

'Would you turn into a killing machine if you enter the dao of killing? Yes, if you can't control your own dao, you'll be controlled by dao. Dao is not omnipotent, our heart is. This heart that runs our life can suppress the dao of Killing.'

'A sword in the hands of an expert can kill enemy, a sword in the hands of a newbie can cut the mountain, but a sword in the hands of a madman can kill your family. Don't let your sword control you, let your heart control the sword.'

'The sword is majestic, born to cut a thousand daos. A sword comes from the west slaughtering evil dragon, a sword comes from the east suppressing the eternal demon, a sword comes from the north suppressing the moon and sun, and a sword comes from the south summoning ten supreme intents.'

'A sword is a pagoda, suppressing the devil; a sword is killing machine, slaughtering the armies; Walk with the sword, play with the sword, yin and yang, two energy, merge with your sword. Energy can be sword energy, all arts can be sword arts, all paths can be sword path, but a sword path is a final path.'

At this moment, Johnny went through terrible enlightenment. His mind barely digested all this kind of information and finally, he opened his eyes. At this moment, he wanted to kill, kill someone to satisfy his killing.

His red eyes looked at the fourth prince, bringing the aura of hell in his gaze. At this moment, the fourth prince felt the world had ended in front of him. Suddenly, Johnny moved and his sword slashed.


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