Magic and Martial War God

Chapter 58: Spiritual Power- Battle Suit Armor

The sword swings, and slashed the body of the fourth prince. But the fourth prince wasn't a fool, he could feel that sword will definitely kill him; he spreads his spiritual energy into his feet, and sprinted away.

"Johnny, don't be too arrogant. I am a martial artist; do you think your sword can kill me?" The fourth prince got his arm slashed, just in the corner, and blood spilled out. A man, who has almost never been hurt, was now hurt by a sword of junior warrior how can he not feel embarrassed.

The fourth prince tried to say something but Johnny didn't listen. At this moment, he could barely keep his mind alive to think. But his heart wishes to kill and kill. Johnny frowns a lot, kept thinking of a solution but the only solution was to condense Sword Heart.

He even tried his Giant's Will but it didn't work. He felt his heart has truly sunk over the thirst for killing. Now, only by killing, he can recover.

But suddenly a thought rang in his mind 'Don't I have Cosmic God Heart? It should be able to hold that killing intent, right?'

He wasn't sure this will work but for now, this seems to be his only option. Finally, he stood at a single position, deeply gripped his sword, and sank his mind sense in his Cosmic God Heart.

At this moment, he felt time and space has stopped but a few moments later he found only he was stagnant.

'Heart of a god, blessing with divine power. How can you get to look down on by some measly killing intents?'

These thoughts rang in his mind, but unlike the statement, it felt like someone questioning him. At this moment, he didn't know how to reply but soon a thought rang in his mind as he spoke 'I'm weak, my heart is weak. I am not ignorant, I want to improve myself, my heart but disaster fell on me before I was strong. What can I do?'

'Admitting yourself as a weak, you aren't worthy of Cosmic God Heart.' These thoughts once again rang as if he was questioned.

'I admit I'm weak that way I can live longer. I am weak but that doesn't represent the future.' He spoke but his tone made the thoughts a little angry because he knows what the owner has gone through due to his ignorance.

'But admitting yourself as a weak, you'll never reach a higher realm.' Again the thoughts rang.

Johnny didn't argue with that, instead, his mind sense moved and summoned two items in front of him. Although he can't control these, he can move and utilize their functions, at least one of them.

Johnny pointed at the black stone that was floating on his right "This is called Primal Chaos Celestial Dao Stone" Then he pointed at the book floating on his left and said, "This is called Book of Eight Extremes and a Single Chaos."

Then he pointed at himself and said "Both of them belong to me."

His words were direct and indicate his meaning but the way he expressed causes some shamelessness for his face.

"And don't forget, even you belong to me now."

At this moment those thoughts disappeared. Suddenly gushed of wind blow towards him, in his body, something else was going on. He felt his body energy was getting sucked in. He quickly asked the black stone and found the answer.

"Cultivators absorb energy but absorption doesn't represent cultivation. The refinement of energy into essence is cultivation."

"Essence is the source of the cultivation, and cultivation is the representation of essence. Cultivator's essence is called All Myriad Essence that includes all kind of essence."

"Life Essence, Body Essence, Soul Essence, all kind of essences are merged to form All Myriad Essence."

"Currently Owners essence is transforming into cosmic energy but it is only temporarily."

At this moment, he felt a burst of holy energy in his body. This energy directly struck his heart and calmed him down. But it didn't stop there, it began to transform his heart to be precise, something else in his heart.

Soon, the killing intent around his body and mind faded away and he returned calmly. Although it seems a lot of time has passed for Johnny, for others it would be only for few breaths.

At this moment, the sword in his hand disappeared. He looked at the fourth prince with a calm mind but he still had the intention to kill. This intention doesn't come from his sword but his disgust against the fourth prince.

"You said, people, are watching over us, right?" Johnny spoke, making the fourth prince was startled because he was terrified by previous killing intent.

But he didn't lose his pride and still answered with arrogance "Yes, Johnny not only you've offended my parents but also attacked me, you'll be punished by our royal law."

At this moment, a black spear with golden dragon batter on it appeared in his hand. Johnny pointed his spear at the head of the fourth prince, and spoke: "Then let's see whether those people come first or I killed you first."

His words weren't even finished, Johnny had dark energy flowing in his feet. He executed Shadow Steps, and his figure moved like skiing.

He stabbed his spear forward, his move was neither simple nor fancy, it was just domineering. His spear pierced the air, and the dragon phantom was released.

"Azure Dragon First Stance- Dragon Roar"

A spear roared like a dragon, its tip pierced as if the air let his spear pass through. The terrible amount of spiritual energy was gathered at the tip of his spear.

But the fourth prince wasn't going to wait till Johnny pierced his body. He spreads the silver energy around his body. Unlike Johnny, his spiritual energy was vast, his body got covered with three inches thick silver armor.

"Silver Body Armor"


His spear collided against the silver armor but couldn't break it. At this moment, the fourth prince started laughing with pride "Haha Johnny no matter how enchanting you might be, your spiritual energy isn't enough to pierce my"

At this moment, Johnny had no reservation about his strength. He had shown his cultivation to him. But the fourth prince was wrong because current Johnny could cross nine realms by his battle power alone.

Of course, Johnny hasn't used all of his tricks, he's just getting started. With a rapid speed, he pulls back his spear and twisted his left hand which was holding the middle of the spear. His twist caused his tip to vibrate; slowly his spiritual energy was condensed as an azure dragon phantom at the tip of his spear.

But the azure dragon phantom was very small, rotating around the spear tip, it blends within it. Suddenly, his spear pushed his spear tip like a lightning.

"Azure Dragon Second Stance- Dragon Pierce"

"Bang" "Crack" "Boom"

The tip of the spear penetrated through the silver armor, and slowly cracks appeared everywhere. When the vibration of the spear stopped, the silver armor broke into the dust. At this moment, his spear tip has penetrated the outer skin of the fourth prince.

"Ahhh, mongrel how dare you to hurt me? Die, die, die, I want you to die." Although the wound was very small, a guy who has never been beaten was scared the hell out of his mind when the spear pierced his armor.

Not to mention, it also caused him to hate Johnny to death. He couldn't help but regret fighting with him. But he didn't lose his mind completely, he shouted with anger and powerful energy erupts out of his body, blasting Johnny far away.

"Battle Suit Transform"

His body was covered in light, and a cloth-like armor covered his body. Although it looks flexible as rubber, it had metal shinning on its outer layer. The moment he transformed into a battle suit, he laughed out loud "Do you think you can defeat me with your cultivation? Do you think I deserved to be a genius if I could be defeated by the likes of you?"

"I awakened the martial path, but my main awakening was a spiritual path. My spiritual power was ninety-eight at my birth. I am a genius with my battle suit."

At this moment, Johnny was also very much surprised. He knows a little about Battle Suits. These were the suits created by Battle Suit Fighter. Only those with high-level spiritual power can create these suits, as for how? He doesn't know.

He only knows, to be a Battle Suit Fighter, you must have spiritual power above fifty from the moment you awaken. But only those who are fed with powerful spiritual herbs can awaken such spiritual power. In other words, you need to be rich among the rich to be a Battle Suit Fighter.

"Humph! Battlesuit or not, you'll still die at my hands." Johnny didn't get jealous, instead snorted at him.

The fourth prince inside the armor shouted "Johnny, you know you'll die because of your arrogance. Take this, Blasting Mountain Punch"

His armor hand moved, but it was filled with an immense amount of spiritual energy. At this moment, Johnny's figure moved, and he twisted his spear a few times, suddenly his spiritual energy burst into an azure dragon, stretching its claw but the next moment, azure energy gushed out of its claw, formed at the tip of his spear and pierced forward.

"Azure Dragon Third Stance- Azure is Holy"

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