Magic Tower Starry Sky

Chapter 15: daily dog ​​training

After coming to the Tower of the Great Sage, the fourth visit of the Chamber of Commerce's carriage team.

In addition to bringing routine supplies, there is also a covered carriage that can be used to take people. This is to send two apprentices back to the district branch to accept the first ring apprentice assessment.

Generally speaking, if you can afford enough remuneration and your face is big enough, you should invite a qualified examiner to come to the magic tower to test your apprentices in person. But Lin didn't have enough money, and he didn't have enough face, so naturally he couldn't invite those high-ranking great magicians to come to this wilderness.

There is a way to have no money or no money. It is also possible to let apprentices walk back to the division with their legs, just like going to Beijing to catch exams in ancient China on Earth. But considering that the two little girls are only in their early ten years old, there is really no need to go through such a toss. Anyway, transporting guests is one of the businesses of the chamber of commerce. The return trip of the delivery is delivered at the same time, and the cost is much lower than that of a special trip.

As for Lin not leaving the tower of the great sage, it is also because of the duty of guarding that he cannot leave too far or for too long. If you plan to travel far, according to the rules, you must first report to the association. In case the owner of the tower disappeared or got fart, the association also mistakenly thought that the magic tower was guarded, resulting in omissions. Leaving without saying goodbye is extremely degrading.

But Lin didn't want to take this extra trip, mainly because of laziness. Although a long-distance trip in a carriage is faster than two feet, the bumps on the road are not something people who are used to riding in vehicles with shock absorbers can adapt to. Secondly, returning to the association, it is inevitable that the announced systems will be used to deal with those peers or seniors who come to ask questions.

The reason why fat houses can enjoy themselves is not because they hate that kind of meaningless communication. People who don't understand are lack of wisdom. When it comes to growing beards and knotting beards, you may not be able to teach those mediocre people well.

So put the online shopping mall system to be submitted to the association in a sealed box, and handed it over to the two young apprentices, and Lin ushered in a life of living alone that he hadn't seen for several years. The first thing, of course, is to lie on the floor of the lobby on the first floor and roll sideways to the other end. Living in a big house, this kind of thing has long been wanted to come back, to declare sovereignty.

But as soon as he rolled to the wall, when he opened his eyes, he saw four dog eyes and two long tongues dripping with saliva. Yes, those two monsters, Gray Hoof and White Nose, who are no different from dogs, were left in the Tower of the Great Sage. Compared with their original appearance, they are now several times larger, but they are not yet considered adults. It can only be said that the nutrition is too good.

Lin was quite emotional about this, and it was the state where a child raising a dog turned into a father and mother raising a dog. There is no way, the next thing is to live a life of one person and two dogs. As everyone knows, this is the beginning of the disaster.

With the loss of two little apprentices who stared at the two animals all day long, the usual training was also stopped, and the rules that should have been lost, the entire magic tower became a paradise for the two dogs to play tricks on. The bitten sheets, the dog feces in the middle of the core room, the kitchen that was robbed, and the new furniture that has not been used for a few months have become the objects of teeth grinding, not to mention how horrible the few books are at the scene of dismemberment.

For several days, Lin became a dog slave who cleaned up the mess, cleaned up the toilet, and prepared food for the two masters.

...Is there something wrong?

Lin recalls the lore of Earth, the statement that dogs are a classed creature. The feeling said that usually the two young apprentices would take care of the small and big chores in the magic tower, but Lin completely let go of it. In the eyes of the dog, such behavior is the performance of the lowest class. So when the two highest-ranking people are not around, the two beasts think that they are above the human being in front of them.

If these two beasts are Pomeranians, Chihuahuas, small hysterical dogs, then forget it. But in the Lost World, these two are at least carnivorous beasts, even monsters. To put it simply, it is rough skin and rough flesh that can withstand beatings.

Recalling what the old man said in the past, when Taiwan raised dogs in the early days, in order to prevent the dogs from giving birth to too many puppies, they would neute the dogs. But it is definitely not a veterinarian, but a barefoot fairy (secret doctor) in the village who knows this craft.

At that time, there was a particularly fierce **** dog in the village, chasing cars and people and postmen, which caused great anger and resentment, even the uncle who had the skill of castrating dogs was chased. When the owner of the black dog wanted to neuter the dog, he invited this uncle to do it. The old man insisted on tying up the dog, the knife cut open the meat, cut half of the eggs, and people ran to smoke, not caring how miserable the black dog was howling. After smoking for more than an hour, I came back and finished the rest of the operation slowly. From then on, that **** dog, seeing his uncle approaching from a distance, must have run away with its tail between its legs.

So... do you want to neuter these two dogs? Lin thought to himself. But considering that I don't have that skill, it's better not to try it lightly. But not without alternatives. Thinking of this, Lin showed a wicked smile, which made the two beasts inexplicably terrified.

First, go into the foundry and craft some iron chains. With the help of magical plastic surgery, the job is easy. Then, three pairs of wooden frames for peeling animal skins were made, which were very firmly tied. Then, taking advantage of the fact that the two animals who didn't know they were about to die and were still biting pillows and playing in the core room didn't notice, they tied the two dogs tightly with magic rope.

The giant power technique of the official magician level is definitely not something that two immature cubs can compete with. Grayhoof and Whitenose had no strength to resist, and were firmly chained to the skinning frame. The limbs were firmly fixed, except for the dog's head which could turn, the other parts were absolutely immobile.

This is of course not to skin the two dogs. Lin ignored the groans of the two beasts begging for mercy, went out the door, hunted an adult wolf back, and tied it to the third wooden frame. Immediately, within sight of the gray hoof and the white-nosed dog, the steps of bloodletting, skinning, dismemberment, and making delicious barbecue began.

Of course, there is no portion for the two beasts. They can only watch humans enjoy the food. However, Lin still kindly fed the two dogs with a bowl of water, and then cast the silence spell, ignoring the screams of the dog's conch, and returned to his own territory to start stargazing at night.

Such a move, for three days in a row. The difference was that on the second day it hunted a genuine magic dog, and on the third day it was another wolf. Anyway, hunting these carnivorous beasts was originally the duty of the guardians, so Lin took it as a matter of course.

By the early morning of the fourth day, the two beasts, who had only had a little water for three days, had already lost the strength to moan. Tongue hangs feebly, with almost one breath left, Lin put the two dogs down.

As soon as they landed, the two dogs didn't know where the strength came from, and they ran back to their kennel in a hurry, hiding inside and not daring to come out. Until Lin cut a piece of wolf meat roasted last night and put it in a bowl dedicated to the two dogs. You must know that the barbecue has been left for a night, and it has become hard and tasteless. But this meat still brought out Gray Hoof and White Nose.

They walked forward tremblingly, the corners of their eyes showed fear, and UU reading looked at the human standing in front of the dog bowl. Just a few steps away, Lin stretched out his hand to signal a block, and shouted: "Stop!" The two dogs stopped together.


These simple instructions have been learned in the training of two young apprentices. So Gray Hoof and White Nose sat down obediently, although they shrugged their heads and wagged their tails feebly.

Lin is very satisfied that although he is not the main trainer, he is not responsible for feeding the dogs in normal times. But these two dogs can still understand these simple commands, and execute them meticulously, but they can't speak human words, come to 'Sir, _yes_sir.'. On the other hand, if you are so stupid that you can't understand people's words, there is no value in training, and you will become a pot of dog meat long ago.


After an instruction, the two dogs dared to lower their heads and bite the cold and hard barbecue.

In the following days, Lin still did not discipline or train the two dogs, which was what the two apprentices promised to do. And Gray Hoof and White Nose returned to their unattended state, but this time they only dared to play wild outside the tower, and they didn't even dare to go up to the core room on the third floor.

Lin's life finally became stable, but when he remembered, he threw a few pieces of meat into the dog's bowl and filled the basin with water.

After all, raising a dog is like teaching a child. When the reason does not make sense, eat a hungry meal and take a few shots, and the reason will become clear. Thinking of the beatings he suffered when he was a child, Lin felt a lot. In that era, the standard for a school teacher was to break a few pointers in a semester.

But in the era before I traveled, it appeared on TV from time to time, called discipline, but it was actually child abuse news. Looking at the child's bruised and bruised appearance, that is not called teaching a child, it is simply regarded as an enemy and venting anger. The world is going down.

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