Magic Tower Starry Sky

Chapter 16: Visitor's daily life

"Excuse me, is the Tower Master here?"

On a certain leisurely evening, such a call came from the gate on the first floor of the Tower of the Great Sage. Lin appeared from the transformed stairwell, and there were six adventurers in front of him. Looking at the distinctive attire, guess that such a combination is two warriors, archers, mages, monks and a hunter.

The difference between a hunter and an archer is that the former is lightly armed with a short bow, while the latter is armored with a long bow. Hunters usually also have the responsibilities of pathfinding and outpost, and they are also good at hunting, tracking or avoiding monsters in the wild. Some teams that can't find good hunters will use thieves instead.

It can be regarded as a pretty standard small adventure group. Lin stepped forward and said politely: "In this remote place, it's really rare to see high-level warriors. I don't know what's the matter when you are here?"

Most of these people have sharp eyes and big muscles. Although the armor protective equipment is somewhat mottled and faded, it is definitely well maintained and can play a complete protective role. The older heavy armored soldier inside was the group leader. He took a step forward and said, "The journey passed by here, and it was getting late. I would like to stay at your place for one night. I will leave early tomorrow morning."

The magic tower in the Lost World is responsible for guarding a place, and theoretically, it also serves as a shelter and supply station for adventurers.

Of course, the magic tower is also different from a full-time hotel. If you want to eat and drink here, don't expect the magician to be like a waiter, waiting on the saddle, everything has to be done by yourself. If you live in the tower, don’t think about soft beds or clean rooms. Basically, they are empty rooms or warehouses, restaurants, etc., and sleep in the corner for a night. The only advantage is that you don't have to worry about being attacked by nocturnal beasts in the middle of the night, and most of the time, you don't need to send people to watch the night.

But there is a prerequisite for all of this, that is, dare to enter the magic tower where the tower owner holds the power of life and death. Although this place is not comparable to China's Song Dynasty, the top hotels on the road are either selling human flesh buns, or preparing to make buns for guests. It is very common for adventurers to enter the tower to buy some magic weapons and props, or to supply some food and water. But not many people have the guts to fall asleep unprepared in this environment.

So hearing such a request, Lin was quite surprised. But it's like the saying in my hometown: rely on your parents at home, and rely on friends when you go out. I'm not a character like Sun Erniang in Water Margin, so it's nothing to let someone sleep for a night. Of course, I can get some rewards afterwards, so I agreed. Pointing to a room with an open door beside him, he said:

"You can stay in the dining room. The space is quite large, and the tables and chairs can be moved. There is a stove inside that you can use at will. If you want food, there are some dried meat in the storage box."

"Thank you tower master." The leading warrior saluted slightly. After Lin returned a salute, he was about to walk back to the third floor. The layout of the magic tower is the same, the higher the level, the more important it is, which also means that no entry is allowed. The guests are all active on the first floor. As for the storage room, weapon room and casting room on the first floor, the doors are all locked with magic locks. Unless the colleague in the group makes a move, most people don't want to go in. Of course, if the magician really made a move, Lin, as the tower owner, would definitely know about it immediately, and then make a response.

So on the whole, Lin is not afraid of outsiders entering the magic tower. For this kind of passing guests, he doesn't need to be overly enthusiastic, nor should he be too cold. It is enough to ask for a clear purpose and a few polite greetings. It's just that he wants to keep things simple, but usually things don't go as he imagined.

"That tower owner, why is there no one in the village in your territory?"

Are you looking for something? this group of people.

Lin's thought flashed, and he looked back at the adventurers, and it was a young warrior inside who was talking. The armor is bright and beautiful, and there are faint fluctuations of magic power flowing. This is a very advanced magic armor, with its own defensive magic. However, it was precisely this set of high-end products on his body that made him feel a little out of place with the others. And this sense of disobedience also includes his expression.

Some people were annoyed, some were shocked, some were puzzled, but the young man looked up arrogantly, raised his head, and said solemnly: "I heard that within the territory of this magic tower, there is a village where kind people live. .Now the village is empty, but there are many bones hanging outside your tower. Can you explain what's going on?"

Keeping his composure, he brushed the third knuckle of his index finger with his right thumb, and two mirrors of water instantly appeared beside Lin. The image shown in the mirror is exactly the scene where the villagers broke into the magic tower and were slaughtered. He said in a cold tone: "A group of mobs entered the tower to kill me, and then they all died in the tower. They tried to slander my behavior towards the association, so they were punished by the inspectors. What will happen to them, to me Say it's not important. Are you satisfied with this answer?"

Although Lin also has a bit of a temper, of course he will be unhappy when he is questioned like this, but it doesn't mean that he doesn't even have the idea of ​​explaining. In the past, when I went to the theater, I saw those self-righteous protagonists who refused to say things that could be explained in two sentences, and insisted on making things go crazy. Every time I look at it, I want to vomit blood every time.

Now that I met him, I realized how upset I was that I didn't want to answer. But he still said it, although he didn't know if it would work. After all, the person opposite is a nobleman with nostrils on his forehead, whether he can understand people's words is still open to question.

Sure enough, this man didn't look at the picture in the water mirror at all, and walked straight forward, about to question him, but was pulled back by the more stable heavy armored soldier who was traveling with him. Covering the young man's mouth, the team leader apologized and said: "Sorry, our young man is a little ignorant and offended the tower owner. Please don't take it to heart."

The struggling young man pulled away the soldier's hand and cursed loudly: "Schmidt, you bastard, don't let me go. Don't forget who you are, how dare you treat me like this. What's more, have you forgotten , How miserable we were when we met the little widow with the child before. This time we are here to uphold justice."

The young man kept cursing, Lin had already taken a step back and snapped his fingers. The aura of the magic shields in front of him flickered, and at the same time, the defense function of the entire magic tower was activated at the same time. The red light flowed through every corner along with the magic channel on the wall, casting an ominous color on the entire hall on the first floor. Although he hasn't really done anything yet, the meaning of vigilance and warning is strong.

At the same time, the adventure group was not idle. The leader of the warriors carrying the man gave his fellow hunter a look, and the latter skillfully played a sap. To the back of the young man's head! This young man who was clearly on the same road but not in the same mind rolled his eyes and passed out.

Regarding the scene in front of him, Lin didn't act rashly, he just waited quietly. The few people headed by the warrior carefully placed the main weapon on the ground, indicating that they were not hostile. The magician did not give up his cane, but he also took a few steps away from the crowd, which also showed no hostility.

Because if Faye is going to do it, without prior preparation, the standard action is to hide behind his companion, first rub out a few auxiliary magic, and then talk, instead of stepping back and exposing himself.

Seeing this, Lin also dissipated the ominous red light in the magic tower, and the white light for night lighting was restored. The two groups of people looked at each other speechlessly, and it was Lin who said first: "It is not easy for you to serve a noble young master."

The archer who had been standing behind everyone without speaking, but always looking eager to try, suddenly said excitedly, "How do you know he is the eldest son of Earl Sita?"

You just said that, idiot. I really wanted to answer him this way, but seeing that Archer was bathed in the eyes of his companions, Lin felt embarrassed to add insult to injury, and said with an embarrassed smile: "These are all high-level adventurers, and they don't seem to be purely rich. You can invite someone to be a babysitter. Unless the hired person is rich and powerful, there is no way for you to look after your heirs. Therefore, it is not difficult to guess that the young man is a nobleman. But let I'm more surprised that you actually greeted your employer's head."

The leading warrior shrugged and said, "Our contract only protects Baron Sita's life, and does not include accompanying him to attack an owner's magic tower. In my opinion, this is the most reasonable approach."

In this regard, Lin does not comment much. When lazy cancer breaks out, it is the highest criterion in this life to not do it if you can. He just asked tentatively: "Then everyone, do you have any plans for the future?" The implication was whether to leave here, or to stay in the tower temporarily for one night according to the original request.

It was the Magistrate who stood up first and asked, "I heard that you are the founder of the forum, the founder of UU Kanshu Tripwood Forum Browser Technique knowledge, Gabrash Tripwood Magic division."

"Yes, I am right."

"I don't know if I'm lucky enough to learn the knowledge of forum browser skills from your Excellency?" Seeing Lin's puzzled expression, the magician among the adventurers introduced himself: "I am a magician from the Nuonan branch, Mai H. Lindflies. After entering the Xijia District, I saw that many magicians used the forum system. I was very curious. After being introduced by a friend, I came to the Tower of the Great Sage, hoping to learn Relevant knowledge and magic."

If you travel from Nonan District, you will indeed pass through the Tower of the Great Sage before going to the association branch in Xijia District. As for magic knowledge, apart from learning it at the chapters of each division, of course, you can also go directly to the original researcher to learn its content. As for the tuition fee paid, of course, there is no draw from the association.

Of course, the association does not prohibit such behavior. Their original intention of selling magical knowledge is just to hope that magical knowledge can be spread more widely, rather than monopolizing any benefits. However, most magicians are too lazy to teach an outsider. If they have that time, it is better to do their own research, so they entrust the power of selling magic knowledge to the association.

Although Lin has all kinds of laziness, since he is the first colleague from another branch, interested in the forum, and based on the idea of ​​promotion, there is no reason to reject people thousands of miles away. "Your Excellency Lindfries, if you want to learn about the forum, please follow me to the core room on the third floor. All systems are based on the energy pool of the magic tower, and it will be easier to explain there. As for the others, Just take care of yourself."

With a wave of his hand, he invited the magician to walk towards the stairs. Immediately, Lin walked ahead, leading the people towards the core area of ​​the magic tower.

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