Magic Tower Starry Sky

Chapter 79: dog training

Gasping in the futility of the protest, Lin watched the two girls leave with the chamber of commerce horse team.

The reason for their persistence is because the two girls still don't understand the importance of momentum. Maybe their two children and two big dogs are not a problem to deal with the little thieves on the road. But with the help of the Chamber of Commerce's guards, it can deter the thieves.

Just like the tower of the great sage, a solitary tower, many people thought it was a soft persimmon, but in the end they broke their teeth. If it is the five-linked tower of the Xijia District Branch Headquarters, besides the five towers connected, how many magicians and their warrior followers gathered around. Such a trend, no matter how thoughtful people are, they will not force it.

But this kind of truth is not something children of Harumi and Kaya's age can understand. They are at a loss between the large number of people and the belief in their own strength, these two categories. To continue to grow, they will understand that having many friends is also a part of their strength.

It's a pity that in the field of knowledge, as a top student, Lin can teach wonderfully; but when it comes to life subjects, he failed even himself and became a reckless person, how could he do anything to ignorant girls? To be persuasive. So he will only use this rough method to make decisions for the girls.

However, after the girls left, the manager of the chamber of commerce who originally said they would arrive within two months and give the last left arm of the golden skull came late. More than three months have passed since his previous promise.

With the final parts in hand, Lin wasn't in a hurry to put the whole skeleton together. Just keep the original seal and throw it into the warehouse first. He sharpened his knife... No, it was a smirk... It should mean that he walked towards the two trembling large demon dogs very seriously.

Originally, Lin imitated the whistle of the two girls calling for the dog, but he couldn't wait for the two giant dogs to appear. He calmly walked up to the core room on the third floor, and called up the monitoring map. After the Arcane Eye gathered on the top of the tower, Gray Hoof and White Nose could not hide.

Then slightly modify the parameters of the light bomb attack array, so that each magic attack will bombard the left and right sides of the target in turn. And as long as the target is fixed, the bombardment distance will start to shorten, and finally hit the target.

This change is just a few more lines of program code. In order to confirm that the program runs smoothly, go directly to the actual combat test. The target is of course two big dogs with no eyes, and the attack speed should not be too fast, just the attack speed of the first stage is good, about 60 to 80 rounds per minute. Then start.

Lin walked back to the first floor in a leisurely manner, adjusted his robes, and straightened the hem of his clothes before walking out the door. Above the head, the light bullets released by the magic tower flew happily, almost connecting into two straight lines, and hitting in different directions.

He pursed his lips and blew out a long whistle. Seeing that the trajectory of the light bullet was getting closer, the two dogs rushed out of the forest and rushed to lie down in front of the most terrifying tower owner. Lin flicked his fingers to stop the magic tower's attack. I saw many scorched scars on the two dogs, and it seemed that they were often attacked by light bullets. Being able to be bombarded so many times without dying proves that monsters are indeed much rougher than humans.

Generally speaking, the first step in training a dog is to form a conditioned reflex. That is to say, let the dog see some kind of instruction, maybe a password or a gesture, and it will perform a certain action, even if it does not understand the meaning of the instruction, but it is a dog of the earth.

In the Lost World, creatures that can be named Warcraft, apart from having the ability to pull supernatural power, the biggest feature is that they are not inferior to humans in cunning. Maybe they can't speak human language, but they are limited by the structure of vocal cords and oral cavity, which is different from that of Homo sapiens. But in terms of understanding, it is not a problem at all. What's more, there are spells such as animal conversation in magic.

It's just that with wisdom, how can they be inferior to humans? This is the difference between animal nature and human nature. Most Homo sapiens are bound by morality and law, so they know the meaning of respecting the elders and respecting the virtuous, brothers and friends, and monarchs and ministers. They understand that the orders of the superiors should be executed exactly.

That is to say, the society as a whole keeps touting the 'big self'. Some people may say that this is a conspiracy theory of the ruling class, but it is indeed the cooperation that builds society and the basis for progress.

But animal nature does not have so many restrictions. Even if the strong are respected, beasts take the "ego" as the core. The reason for respecting the strong is just a means to preserve the ego. Since it is difficult to have many constraints, it is not easy to make the behavior of beasts tend to be human.

But this is just 'difficult', not impossible.

Just like a child, when he is ignorant, how is the child's nature different from that of a beast. They eat when they are hungry, and sleep when they are sleepy. The only difference is that they don't have fangs and claws to bite and arrest. But when moral constraints are imposed and integrated into the society, the child no longer retains that childlike innocence, but is like an "adult" like everyone else.

So in the Lost World, how would it be to teach beasts in the same way as teaching people? Honestly, no idea. Because no one has tried it.

Whether it's the druids summoning animals, or the armies of some big and small countries training monsters as mounts, they mostly domesticate them with lures, in order not to erase the nature of the beasts. And this nature, or wildness, is the value of a beast in the eyes of this group of people. As for the Colosseum or nobles, big and small, the value of raising a mad dog is much higher than a flock of sheep.

Maybe Lin didn't spend a lot of energy on raising these two dogs, and they were all taken care of by his two young apprentices; but a lot of resources were spent on them. Among other things, if the meat eaten by these two dogs is stored and cooked slowly, how long will it last?

These two big bellies can last several days for the three masters and apprentices. One of the reasons why the two girls were not allowed to take them to Wulian City was that they couldn't figure out how to keep them in the city? If you just focus on these two dogs and don't go out to harm other people's pets, then the girls still need to take part in the assessment. Just concentrate on being a dog slave.

So keeping these two things, although I intend to use the way of educating people, I don't plan to start with counting or pronunciation and writing, and go directly to professional courses. From lurking and sneaking, tactical actions, separate attacks, frontal collisions, stances, beatings, and the most important physical fitness, all courses have only one focus, that is, they are creatures called hunters that are at the top of the food chain.

It is not expected to train two dogs to become weapons of war that only know **** and obey orders, but at least they must have the level of biting and stopping. And you have to bite out of level, bite out of tricks, bite so that people are caught off guard, and bite so hard to guard against, so that you can live up to the painstaking efforts you have put in.

Lin would never admit it. It was because he saw his belly and his figure that gradually changed to the appearance before time travel, so he made up his mind to give himself a devil training camp. The two dogs were just caught to accompany and suffer, so that I have a good mood and motivation to continue and persevere.

Besides, teaching these two dogs is much easier than teaching people. Hitting people is afraid of getting hurt, cursing people is afraid of getting frustrated, what to do with these two beasts. Just follow the example of the old U.S. military teaching blockbuster, the Master Chief sprays the way the recruits and novices doubt life, and makes the two dogs doubt the dog's birth. Hit, but hit harder to death. If he was killed, he just put it in the pot and stewed; if he was not killed, he continued to lick his saliva.

Dog rights? In this mysterious world where human rights are insufficient, and even the word 'human rights' does not exist, is it too far to discuss those things?

Of course, if there is punishment, there will be reward, otherwise these beasts cannot be tamed well.

In order to train the two dogs, Lin naturally worked very hard. Beating the dog until I am tired, and yelling at the dog until my voice is hoarse, of course I have to reward myself for three meals a day. Now that I cooked it by hand, as long as the performance of the two dogs in the day is not too bad, I can prepare their portions and enjoy the same food. If the performance is really too bad, then dump two pieces of raw meat.

In the end, the two dogs looked at Lin, no longer flinching, but four eyes sparkling, almost kneeling and licking.

A lot of training, of course, some attack skills are indispensable. Perhaps as a person, it is difficult to imagine how the dog exerts its strength and how it attacks. But Lin couldn't help but watched the Animal World Channel before crossing, and watched many anime works that opened up his mind. Coupled with the power data detection that was also used on the two, it really allowed Lin to come up with a few sets of skills that can be used by dog-shaped monsters.

It seems to imitate the bite of a crocodile and then turn around. If the opponent does not roll over, a piece of meat will be bitten off. A charge that uses retreat as an advance method can explode with greater power within a short distance. There are also dog tail whip, tiger pounce, and cat claw attacks.

I have to say that there are many actions that go against the nature of dogs, but they are easy to use and have many changes. The combination of several moves becomes a routine; the combination of several routines, in line with the environment and situation, becomes a tactic.

After such a series of training, although the dogs are not like dogs, Lin can guarantee that if an enemy uses the thinking of dealing with ordinary dog-shaped monsters to deal with these two dogs, they will definitely be overwhelmed. And as long as the first trick is hit, the next routine will not run; after one routine, half of the life will be lost.

If there is only this series of physical and mental torture, then I am too sorry for the word "Warcraft". So Lin found time to study some magic.

It is not uncommon for Warcraft to know magic, but how they use it and how to mobilize the energy in their bodies is unknown to Lin. But it can't get rid of the essence of magic, that is, the arrangement and combination of mana and power.

If a magic apprentice learns magic, he starts by constructing a spell model, including gestures, spells, and the medium used. A complete set of knowledge should be taught to dogs... Lin would rather play the piano against the cow.

However, this did not prevent Lin from intending to give the two dogs the ability to cast spells, and the method was not difficult. In the past few years, what he has done the most is to follow the example and apply it to dogs.

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