Magic Tower Starry Sky

Chapter 80: magic tattoo

Warcraft themselves are very good conductors of mana and power, so their bodies can also be used as trophies, dismembered by humans and made into various props, weapons, and dishes. The euphemistic name is giving a second life. And their vitality is the best source of energy, which is also semi-permanent. When it is exhausted, it will be replenished after eating, drinking and sleeping. If you can’t get it back, it just means you haven’t eaten enough or slept enough.

In the spirit of covering all corners of the magic tower with magic patterns, Lin applied the same idea to the two dogs, and this time the medium was tattoos. Magic tattoos are also considered a major school in the knowledge of magicians. Some people make magic props to equip themselves, and some people simply turn themselves into magic props by tattooing.

Born from the gravity change technique of the three-ring apprentice magic, the magic tattooed on the front of the two dogs' four feet has a famous name-Uganna's flat ground technique.

As the name suggests, the technique allows users to walk on walls, ceilings, rock walls, and roofs, as if walking on flat ground, without hindering their activities. It can be said that if you want to realize the light work of flying over the eaves and walls of the lost version, you have to learn this magic.

It's a pity that this magic sounds cool and awesome, but it's not always true in practice. After Lin became an official magician, the first sum of money he saved was used to learn this magic knowledge, and thus discovered some shortcomings that were not considered shortcomings.

Magic is like the name itself, no matter what direction it is on the plane after casting, the caster can walk on the ground as if on the ground. It’s okay if you just walk or run normally; if you’re in a fighting state and want to rely on magic to expand your combat space, it’s easy to get lost in space.

He changes the direction of his gravitational field violently and frequently, not to mention whether the sense of balance controlled by the third semicircular canal can adapt, and often falls because of not standing firmly after changing the plane. After doing a set of tactical actions and changing the standing plane, you will not know the direction and distance between yourself and the enemy.

After practicing this way a few times, Lin gave up introducing this magic into his offensive system. In the subsequent actual combat, the scenes are mostly in underground tunnels or in lush forests, and the situations in which this magic can be used are limited. Lin thought about it for himself, and it was probably just an urban alleyway battle, detours or surprise attacks would be more useful.

Facts have proved that Fat Zhai cannot evolve into a genius warrior after learning magic. No matter how ruthless they are, they are just bullying small animals.

As for climbing the mountain wall or something, whether it is jumping, floating or flying, it is much easier to use than the flat ground spell. In the past few years, the place where it has been used is probably when picking herbs on the mountain wall. The Walking on the Ground is indeed better than other magics.

But the premise of all this is that Lin's own fighting talent is not good enough. It has always been relying on high-impact auxiliary magic and weapons to crush the enemy with one force and ten sessions. In short, bullying the weak.

What if the same spell is used on these two dogs?

With their **** talents, can they exert their fighting power in three-dimensional space? As soon as this idea sprouted, Lin couldn't stop thinking about it. Of course, someone doesn't care whether the two dogs agree to be treated like this. In this era when human rights are not respected, how can we talk about dog rights.

The iron chain was taken out again, with the same smile that chilled the dog's heart. Under the pressure of the magic tower version of Boka Moshaw's giant palm, the two giant dogs compromised without compromise.

Do tattoos hurt? meeting.

Do magic tattoos hurt? Yes, and it hurts to the bone!

Those magicians who love to do this stuff on themselves are more or less self-abuse.

By the time the tattoo is completed, the most basic trust between man and dog has dropped to the lowest point. But Lin didn't care, he didn't need the love of the two dogs.

Trying to put it in terms they can understand, it tells about the function of quadruped tattoos. But calling the energy in the body is the instinctive ability of a monster. As long as there is energy gathered on the feet, the tattoo lines can work their magic.

Grayhoof tried first. After the four-legged tattoo received energy infusion, a small circle of purple magic circle aura appeared on the place where it stood. It tried to stick its right foreleg against the outer wall of the Tower of the Great Sage, and the magic circle aura appeared smoothly. Then the left foreleg was put on, the uncoordinated direction of gravity made Gray Hooves draw back its feet, and looked around suspiciously.

Under the gaze of a person and a dog behind him, Huihoo closed his eyes this time and jumped onto the wall with all four feet.

When it opened its dog's eyes, it unexpectedly found that it was standing firmly without any discomfort. On the contrary, the man and the dog were standing on a plane different from their own, with the dog's head tilted, and couldn't figure out why they didn't fall off the wall for a while. After a closer look, I realized that others were standing on the ground, while I was standing on the wall. Surprised!

What does a dog's surprised expression look like. For Lin, he would say: You are a big boy, don't be cute. But now he is looking at the work in front of him proudly. Finally, from building transformation, progress to living body transformation, a big step towards a mad scientist...ah, no, a mad magician.

Huihoof, who realized his situation, didn't dare to move at first. After waiting for a while, I realized that I didn't fall to the ground, so I tried to take a step. First the right front foot, then the left front foot, take a few steps, and jump. nothing.

Looking at the ground where his companion and the tower master were standing, he steadily returned to the appearance of standing on the ground. I was so playful for a while, I just kept jumping on the walls and the ground. The person and dog next to him were blinded by the sight, but Gray Hoof suddenly stood on the ground, motionless. Unsurprisingly, the dog became dizzy and vomited all over the floor.

Even the way Baibi looked at his companion was a bit more contemptuous and helpless.

After the two dogs confirmed the tattoo's function, they went crazy. First step on the wall and go straight to the top of the Tower of the Great Sage. Just leaping backward at the edge of the top of the tower, bent over and somersaulted several times, and landed firmly on the ground. The dog heads glanced at each other, then ran wildly into the forest. For a moment, the forest outside the tower was chased by two mad dogs.

All the birds that lived in the forest flew into the sky. There was a big dog that was not moving quickly, and was caught by the big dog that ran to the treetops and jumped with its mouth. Even after getting the hang of it, the two dogs galloped straight above the canopy. From time to time, it sneaks under the crown of the tree and jumps between the branches; from time to time, it makes a big jump, passes through the crown of the tree, and falls under it again. Straight like a fish swimming in the sea, so uncomfortable.

Sure enough, Fat House's talent is not as good as the skill tree of sports players. Looking at the two dogs having fun, I felt a little envious and jealous in my heart. That kind of freedom is not what I yearn for.

But I don't have that ability, I just need two dogs. What's the advantage of being a boss, you don't need to know everything yourself, just use a dog.

There was a long whistle. The two dogs that ran far away immediately turned around, and after another series of flying dogs jumped, they walked out of the woods. Lin made a gesture, and the two dogs ran towards their master's master without stopping.

He grabbed the neck hair neatly, turned over, and Lin got on the dog's back. Nowadays, two dogs the size of a small truck can carry an adult without any problem. Lin then leaned down on the dog's back, feeling the howling wind. Just like when I was in Earth University, when I first bought a motorcycle, I went out on bikes again and again.

"Go, go up the tower!"

With a whistle, the two dogs immediately understood. After jumping sideways a few times, they turned sharply and ran towards the Tower of the Great Sage. When there was still a few dog's body distance away from Tayom, the gray hooves carrying Lin just leaped forward, but the white nose rolled in the air. run. Grayhoof didn't roll over, but it went up the wall, and someone on top got hurt.

Magic only acts on the caster's body, and has no effect on external objects. In other words, Gray Hooves could walk on flat ground, but Lin was clinging to the protruding dog's neck. The violent action made him lose his grip and fell directly from the dog. If it weren't for the ring in his hand that could quickly cast the levitation technique at any time, someone might have to fall three stories high and fall to the sky.

With this interruption, Lin's playfulness disappeared, and he suddenly felt dull. The two dogs are still crazy, but the person who fell from him is very hot now.

After thinking about it, Lin did not stop the actions of the two dogs. Having just possessed such abilities, it would be good to let them get acquainted. And my first experiment was successful, of course the second and third experiments can be scheduled. It's just that if you want to tattoo any magic on the dog, you have to think carefully.

With magic, the more the better, the more powerful the better, it must be coordinated. Systematic tactical actions, a series of attack routines, and several magical combinations with different properties. The moment of life and death has never been determined by one and for the two dogs, the dog body is an inherent limitation. The reason why man is called the best body is that the human body can do what most animals can do through imitation. Otherwise, rely on tools.

But humans can punch a tiger and a crane double-shaped fist, and it is too unrealistic to expect a dog to perform eagle claw skills.

So if Lin wants to think about magic and the movements that dogs can do, he has to carefully consider it. Magic tattoos are such a thing, if you make a mistake, it is very troublesome to remove them. The usual advice is to cut off the wrong part and replace it with a prosthetic or use necromantic magic to connect someone else's limb.

Stabbing this thing on the four feet of two dogs is honestly very risky. If they can't get used to it and form their own tactics, Lin hasn't thought of a good solution other than stewing it in the pot. Fortunately, the bet succeeded.

This matter must be hidden from the two girls. Of course, the tattoos like walking on the ground cannot be concealed, but Lin didn't have any good ideas about what kind of magic to tattoo next.

Thinking of this, I thought of another question. Will such a magical tattoo affect the balance of power in the two dogs' bodies and cause sequelae?

It seems that this decision is still a little too hasty. Lin walked back to the core room on the third floor, turned on the monitoring and detection program, and the arcane eye immediately formed on the top of the tower. The data of various body functions of the two dogs were immediately fed back to the screen.

For the time being, there is no clue, and the performance in all aspects is similar to the previous observation records. But this kind of change is long-term and slow after all, and we can only observe it for a while.

───) Readers, please pay attention!

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