Magic Tower Starry Sky

Chapter 81: 5 trip to the city

The five-linked city, which has been absent for two years, is becoming more and more prosperous. Among other things, the houses on the outermost perimeter have several more circles. The hastily erected tents and thatched-roofed rough houses may look simple, but the people living inside are full of vitality.

They believe that if they work hard here for a few years, they will be able to live a good life. So no one complains, just seize every opportunity and do our best.

Both Hallumi and Kaya feel that this place is a little strange. But he was also infected by the people coming and going, and the smile couldn't help but hang on his lips.

This time there is no mall system, this kind of magic knowledge that makes the association's senior executives hopeless. So the two girls did not have the chance to meet the president, which made them relieved. Going to see that kind of big man, no matter how amiable he pretends to be, there will be a sense of oppression inherently.

The chariot team of the Chamber of Commerce took the two girls directly to the house that Lin bought in Wulian City. Detached, two-story building with a small courtyard, away from the commercial area, it has its own tranquility. Public security is not a big problem, and the people who live nearby are all well-known magicians or great magicians in Wulian City. Members of the Thieves Guild were not bold enough to cause trouble around here.

Such a house in the community cannot be afforded without a certain status and funds. When Lin entrusted the chamber of commerce to manage the affairs, he also borrowed the name of the backer, the president Chengguo Eaton, to buy a house in this area. As for money or something, it wasn't an issue from the start.

The price of this real estate is now several times higher than it was two years ago. Many magicians who moved here have revealed that they want to buy it. However, the owner is not short of money...

Although no one lives there in normal times, the property was bought under the name of the chairman, so no one dared to occupy the house. Every three days, someone will come to clean it. It is the manager of the chamber of commerce who is responsible for negotiating with Lin, his wife and daughter. It can be regarded as a certain degree of fat and water not falling into the fields of outsiders. Lin didn't object to this. Anyway, the house was cleaned, as long as it wasn't dilapidated.

After the two girls decided to take the second ring apprenticeship test, Lin also greeted the steward who was still on the journey. He contacted his wife, prepared some ingredients, and put them in the ice cellar in the basement of the house.

Today, this room finally welcomes two apprentices of its master....

After unloading the luggage and getting out of the car, the girls once again found the reason why they didn't want to go back and forth in the carriage. It didn't matter that their buttocks were split in two, and the bones in their bodies were about to fall apart.

"Are they the two ladies who came back from the Great Sage's Tower?" The old lady standing at the door asked with a friendly smile.

"Yes. Sister?"

"Hey, old lady, I'm embarrassed to be called sister by you. You should call me mother-in-law." The old woman greeted the two girls, helped them pick up the extra bags, and walked into the house while Said: "Old woman, I have helped you take care of the house for several years, you are here today. Come in quickly, I have to tell you about the layout of the house and where the things are placed."


The girls didn't have free hands either, one on the left and one on the right, grabbing a lot of things, and followed the old woman into the room. As for the registration for the apprentice assessment, and the handing in of the magic knowledge of his own teacher, there is still time until tomorrow. Take a good night's rest today, but unfortunately there is no open-air hot spring pool here, otherwise it will be a first-class one to relieve fatigue.

The next day, Harumi and Kaya put on the small shawls representing their identities in high spirits, tied a loop of apprentice silver tassels, and reported to West Tower first. After two weeks, another inspector will be free to conduct assessments for the apprentices. This period of time happened to be the awkward middle period.

The girls were noncommittal. This period of time is regarded as the final sprint before the exam. The luggage will bring so much, isn't it just to prepare for such a situation, so Lin prepared a lot of magic materials for practice and consumables for meditation for them.

The reason why the itinerary could not be arranged just right was that the trustworthy car and horse team guards could not match the exact time. The current Wulian City is still in a state of insufficient transport capacity and insufficient guards.

Lin thought, anyway, there is a place in Wulian City where you can stay, so you don't need to deliberately arrange the itinerary, or even let the girls go on the road alone. And it's more reassuring to live alone in a big house than to travel alone.

After completing the application for the apprenticeship assessment, the girls went to the South Tower together, which was a magic tower dedicated to managing and storing various spell knowledge. Of course, it was to hand in the magic knowledge entrusted by the teacher.

The sealed wooden box was handed over to the manager, and the secretary beside him was transcribing the newly added records. Since it was turned in on behalf of him, the magician who served as the manager did not ask the two young apprentices about the knowledge content. In fact, it is indeed a white question to ask. So the girls quickly left.

The magic knowledge turned in will be put into the warehouse after review. After that, there are still a series of procedures to be done before it will be officially released to the public. But this is usually the case...

In the eyes of a certain teacher and two apprentices, they still regard themselves as nobody, at most they have a lot of money and a lot of greed. But in the eyes of caring people, it is not the same thing.

Not to mention magic knowledge such as browsers, and the programmatic editing method behind it, so far no one has dared to publicly say that they have figured it out. The transformation of the Tower of the Great Sage, how many enemies with malicious intentions were killed, these are also points of concern.

Now that they have handed over their magic knowledge, these people who were spying secretly bought relevant knowledge from the association immediately. Fortunately, many paper data can now be digitized, and then it is just a matter of copying and pasting. If it was still copied by hand a few years ago, the office in the South Tower has not been demolished by these magician's henchmen.

But these things, the girls are completely unaware. He just sent a letter to his teacher using the magic mail system that had already been constructed. The content is nothing more than that people have arrived in Wulian City safely, and the knowledge of magic has been handed over to the association.

The mail server that has been established, of course, has been continuously tested and adjusted. And it has been perfected long before the girls set off, and Lin has made it public long ago, including the URL of the web mailbox, and detailed user instructions.

It's a pity that with the current forum traffic, the title of the discussion thread posted by Lin is clearly written, but no one understands it. The posters are not just a few active and popular people in the public discussion forum. So soon, the discussion thread sank to the bottom. Maybe a few interested people have noticed that, in line with the principle of making a fortune in silence, they read it for themselves, but they didn't say anything.

Until the two apprentices at the Tower of the Great Sage sneakily—in the eyes of others, this is the behavior of Harumi and Kaya—handed over their teacher’s magic knowledge to the South Tower, attracting the attention of those who care, and the magic The mail system has just come into people's eyes.

In the current forum, the discussion thread in the public discussion area is updated too fast, and it sinks quickly. So as long as the theme is clear, everyone's usage habit is to search for keywords and then click to browse. The magic mail system is undoubtedly a recent hot topic.

When everyone scrolled down the list of search results, they suddenly discovered that a tower owner had already announced it by himself, and it was different from the server-side content that was handed over to the association. What was announced was the web interface of the user-side.

This forum can be fried.

Everyone has the need for long-distance communication. But not all content can be placed where everyone can watch it. Although there are many workarounds, you must first agree with the other party that a discussion section with a strange name, or a discussion thread with a strange name, is the place where you and I communicate secretly...

If the two meet and make an appointment, then that's fine. But there are idiots who say so sarcastically on the forum, and then the discussion area, which was originally used as a secret contact, is almost catching up with the public discussion area dedicated to chatting and spanking. In particular, there is still a problem with the authority setting of the other party, and it does not restrict non-related people from entering the speech... Then, this becomes a joke.

A lot of jokes, and more weird means of communication, only show one thing, people's demand for one-on-one communication is very high. A certain tower owner has released such a function, so how can it not be sought after by others. More importantly, there is no need to spend extra money, as long as you have a browser magic stone, you can open a web page, and you can open the interface of the web mailbox to use it.

Immediately, there was a sound of praise on the forum. Not without opposing opinions, of course, but they were quickly overwhelmed by the masses. UU Reading

But I was also clever, and realized that in addition to forums, shopping malls and the latest email usage methods, other functions can be added to the webpage. These people put forward many weird requests, and strongly requested a certain tower owner to create it, otherwise they would have to do something...

It is a pity that no one can hear or see whether it is praise or derogation, praise or threat. Because he was having a hard time with the two dogs and having a good time.

It is also the possible reason why the magic mail system is now in the forefront, but it has diluted the two apprentices from the Tower of the Great Sage to appear in Wulian City.

The materials specially used for practice are available, and the food can be entrusted to the old lady who helps to take care of the house and clean the food. The two girls just stay at home and concentrate on practicing magic and meditation until the day of the assessment.

No matter how prosperous Wulian City is now, the bad memories of the past are still deeply rooted in my mind. Coupled with the influence of his teacher, staying at home is much better than going out and meeting people who don't want to watch. So the choice for the girls is fairly obvious.

In this low-key atmosphere, without many people paying attention, Hallomi and Kaya successfully passed the apprenticeship assessment of the second ring, and got the qualification to tie the second silver tassel thread.

The inspector in charge of the assessment praised the two girls for their cleansing test and their proficient magic skills. But that's all, it didn't get the same level of attention as the previous round of the first-round assessment. After all, there was no president to take care of this time, and no great magician came forward to express concern. Of course, there was no money stuffed in advance. If the level of performance is not hard enough, it is possible to go home crying.

───) Readers, please pay attention!

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