Magic Tower Starry Sky

Chapter 82: go home

After passing the second-ring assessment, Harumi and Kaya, at the insistence of the old woman, arranged a carriage for the return journey as soon as possible, and pulled a batch of simple goods, ready to go home.

As the wife of the manager of the Chamber of Commerce, the woman took good care of the two girls who were still half-grown. All kinds of foreign purchase negotiations are also carried out through her. So before leaving Wulian City, they left a sum of money to the old lady.

But it wasn't all hard work. Since Lin transferred all the remuneration he received at the Xijia District Branch into the Li Chak Great Magician Fund, so here, he has no funds to operate. The cost of buying this house has already been settled, but the salary for entrusting the woman to clean it regularly has been owed for some time.

Fortunately, the woman's husband is in charge of the chamber of commerce and knows Lin's ability to make money. The employer didn't say much nonsense about letting his wife earn this easy money. For a big customer like Lin, he is still grateful for being in charge of the family.

Therefore, they did not act maliciously to press for the repayment of the arrears. As for the care of the house and the care of the two apprentices who came here, it has not been reduced.

The money left by the two girls before they left is nominally an arrears and prepayment of future house management and cleaning expenses. In fact, there are some bonuses for the hard work of these days. Because of the habit of the Lost World, no one pays the salary in advance, and will advance the amount of several years.

Since there were not many items to bring back to the Tower of the Great Sage this time, the two girls simply squeezed into the same carriage with the goods. It's not a special vehicle body for carrying people, but it's not covered with a layer of soft blankets, making it even more uncomfortable to sit on. But for those who are eager to return home, it's not bad. It is more important to get home early.

And at the tower of the great sage, today's daytime is the same as the daytime of these days, there is no one in the tower, so the gate is closed. The tower master, who was training two dogs, came to a strange place in the forest.

On some days, every midnight, this place will always be visited by people, and it emits a ratio of mana and power that has never been seen. Lin You tried to simulate the use of this special proportion of mana power, but failed again and again.

It's like on earth, knowing the chemical formula of a certain compound does not mean that the compound can be produced. There are many processes and reactions that need to be considered. If you want to commercialize large-scale manufacturing, you need to consider even more things. In terms of magic in the Lost World, there are certain rituals and certain conditions that must be met.

Therefore, Lin was more or less curious about this place with a strange power ratio. In fact, after taking two dogs to see it, Lin couldn't see anything special about it. White Nose is sniffing east and west, but he doesn't pay much attention to it, and looks lazy. Gray Hoof was even more straightforward, running around, peeing to make a mark.

Regarding the situation where he came to the scene and found nothing, Lin took it easy. As the saying goes, no news is good news. Likewise, no discovery is a good discovery.

A certain person doesn't want to live as if he has persecution paranoia, thinking about who is planning to harm him all day long. Since nothing happened, he didn't hold the heart of digging three feet into the ground, and led the two dogs to go elsewhere.

Forget about this matter. Lin returned to the past two months, the only thing on his mind was how to play with... how to train the two useless dogs.

At any rate, some of them have seen the appearance of military dogs or police dogs, but someone is still dissatisfied because the spirit has not yet been trained. The current appearance of Gray Hooves and White Nose can be compared to human beings. They are fat boys with the same waistline and height, with sweaty hair, staring at other small and thin animals, making them tremble with fear.

The size is there, but the reason for the fear is the unpredictability of the idiot. Who knows what weird things the idiot in front of him will do, so it makes people tremble. But this is not what Lin wants. You have to train yourself to look like a tyrant in the Evil Spirit Castle, who can still make people feel life-threatening just by standing still, to be considered a pass.

To use a sentence from the great book on the art of war of our ancestors, it is stated in it: It is as fast as the wind, as slow as the forest, aggressive as fire, immovable as a mountain, difficult to know as cloudy, and moving as thunder. Only those who can achieve the essence of seven or eight points can be regarded as the dog that someone should be.

So the suffering of the two dogs continues. It's not that they didn't try to resist, but the brutality of someone who has full authority over the magic tower is beyond the imagination of dogs. If you don't move, just bounce and bang, or use the giant palm technique, pinch the dog's neck with one hand and lift it up, and slap the dog with the other. Sometimes two dogs come together, even the rhythm of slapping is the same.

How can a dog bear this! But I can't bear it, so what can I do...

Just when they felt that the dog had no interest in life and the future was bleak, Gray Hoof and White Nose ushered in the dawn. The two masters are back.

Not surprisingly, it was another welcome ceremony full of saliva. The girls are also happy to finally be back in a place they know well.

But the two horses that followed the cart and the camel birds that the guards rode were different from usual, they kept stirring and seemed to want to escape. There is no way, these days of training, the two dogs have more or less aura, and their murderous aura has also increased a little bit with hatred, but they are in a state of being able to let go but not stop.

These are still two girls and two big dogs, they have been close since they were puppies. After that, they got along day and night and grew up together. So although I feel the change, there is no discomfort.

The guards who came with the team were not so relaxed. The soldiers leading the team evaluated that if they encountered these two monsters in the wild, even if the opponent did not rely on sneak attacks, they could easily wipe out their own team in a head-to-head confrontation.

I really don't know how the tower owner tamed such a monster. He didn't ask this question face to face, otherwise someone would definitely say: You two months ago to take a look, there are only two cute stupid dogs, they must have the blood of Erha on Earth.

The return of the girls brought a new look to the magic tower, which had a depressed atmosphere and was gradually shrouded in a murderous atmosphere. Because I was thinking about ways to torture dogs all day long, but a guy who thought he was a former fat house got himself involved. Looking back on these days, Lin just wanted to say to himself: Could it be that I have a hidden S attribute?

Facing the mirror and seeing his hideous expression, Lin couldn't help but think of the notorious psychological experiment on Earth—the Stanford Prison Experiment. Power makes people perverted.

But the girls are back, and it's not appropriate to turn their faces again.

Instead, he looked at his solid abdomen, although he didn't develop six-pack muscles, or mermaid lines or anything. But it is much better than the oily and fluffy appearance before. This is the only place to be happy.

Dinner is handled by Lin himself. He went to the small town outside the tower to temporarily collect taxes and collected three little lambs.

Anyway, in the Lost World, there is no fixed time for tax collection. When the lord is in a good mood, he will send a tax collector to scrape; if he owes money, he will also send a tax collector to scrape; if he wants to buy something but there is not enough money, he will also send a tax collector to go out.

There is no fixed amount of tax. When the tax collector sees that the company is richer, it will take more; if it is poorer, it will take less. If you really don’t have anything, just take away what is considered valuable. If the little girl in this family is beautiful, she only needs people, not property.

In the end, the lord only looked at the tax collector handing over a few bags of coins, or other items of value. If you pay more, it must be because the territory is rich and the tax collector is good. If you pay less, it means changing the tax collector.

Therefore, whether ancient or modern, Chinese or foreign, local fans, tax collectors are an annoying profession. The difference is that, in Lost Land, the tax collector must have a good skill. Otherwise, 'that lord is very powerful, he went into the mountains alone to hunt down monsters, and never came back. ’ In that case, it will reach the ears of the lord.

As for the lord personally coming forward to collect taxes, it will also depend on the situation. Otherwise, rumors of "that lord is very powerful" may also appear.

And Lin, as a magician lord, the residents of the town are quite polite to him, it can even be said to be enthusiastic, or awe? Originally, the three little lambs were intended to be bought with money, but somehow they became a temporary taxation agreed by the residents. A certain person with such a forced face was forced to live with tax money, and walked back with three lambs.

The three lambs were all killed and bled, and they were going to be roasted as whole lambs. Of course, a sheep is enough for the three masters and apprentices, but two dogs can't stand it. Lin Ke didn't intend to pat his chest and tell the dog that he was full. If you have meat to eat, please be grateful, otherwise it may become meat.

And sheep blood, sheep intestines, etc., are made into blood sausage after washing. Lamb tripe and lamb heart are of course also delicious delicacies. Other haggis is disposed of after checking for parasites. If you can eat it, you can find a way to cook it; if you can't eat it, just burn it to Lin doesn't want to take the risk of swallowing parasites, that kind of disease can be regarded as a terminal illness in the Lost World.

That night, the three of them let go of their pregnancy, ate and drank, and had a great time. It is also to celebrate the success of the girls' second-ring apprenticeship promotion.

At night, stargazing and recording work continued. It's just that tonight, looking at the starry sky, my mood is quite different from the previous days. It seems to have broken free from a layer of shackles, and it also seems to have let go of a burden. That deep sea of ​​stars is still different from the past in someone's eyes. It seems to have seen the sun that belongs to the earth and is calling itself.

For several days in a row, the people and dogs living in the magic tower were adjusting their lives and regaining their pace.

The changes of the two big dogs finally caught the eyes of the girls. The dog's temperament has changed, and he no longer sticks out his tongue and pants for breath and drools. There is no instruction, nor will it change positions at will. Once it is quiet, it is like a stone sculpture and clay sculpture, motionless.

But I wanted the girls' touch more than before. Jaws, dog heads, legs, backs, stomachs, anywhere. They will lick and swab back with attachment. Feelings, though less expressed, are deeper and more intense.

As a teacher, although he was tense for a few days, once he relaxed, he was beaten back to his original shape. A fat house is a house in its essence, and fat is just an appearance. Even if he loses weight and loses weight, he is still a nerd.

Just when several people began to feel idle, and gradually moved towards the idleness to panic, Lin remembered that the last part of the golden skull had been delivered, the part of the left arm.

However, where each part is thrown in the tower, the teacher has to think about it.

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