Magical Girls are the Best Toys

Ch-17 The Secret Garden

 After the girls had their picnic, they put everything back in the basket and put it aside. However, Miyu was still on Yui's knees leaning on her breast as Yui lightly massaged her belly after she fed her without giving her the opportunity to eat by herself. Miyu has already calmed down from her shock of kissing Yui, but even now a little blush can be seen on her face.

Yui finally released her from her knees when she saw what Vili was doing and decided to check it out. Miyu let herself rise without any problem, still not daring to say anything, and stood up quickly to follow Yui. Vili noticed that they were coming up and stopped what she was doing to turn her head towards them ready for any questions.

"What is this formation doing?" Yui asked curiously, looking at the black unknown signs circulating around the tree trunk. However, they were shining with a purple light similar to those of the leaves from the tree and had quite an ominous but equally mystical atmosphere around them.

"A camouflage barrier, similar to the one in your room but much more powerful." Vili pointed out symbols that slowly circulated around the trunk, spinning slightly. "Because the tree will feed on a Lay Line mana, it will be a great mark for those who are able to sense mana and thus it would become a great target that would attract both the Witches and the Magical Girls here. That is why this barrier here, although something more powerful would be useful. With these words, Vili turned to look into the eyes of Yui, who only smiled slightly.

Yui approached the basket and pulled out a box full of demon cores, amethyst and crimson cores, which flashed to Yui's touch, where the crimson cores changed colour to amethyst and crimson when Yui took control of them. Then she changed back to her Witch form.

She took sixteen cores eight larger and another eight smaller. She then found sixteen large stones and, using mana, began to carve in them, the shape of an arrow of the compass leaving a hole in the middle. She then cut a piece of the branch from her tree and carved sixteen wind roses in it, which she then placed in the holes of the carved stones. 

As she watched the working Yui, Miyu could not help but think that Yui looked amazing with the magic tree in the background, which added to her beauty. Amethyst shards started to dance around her, emitting purple unholy light, as if a goddess was performing a miracle, Miyu could only watch and admire, as others would too, because there is nothing else anyone would dare to do.

Vili was also staring at the working Yui and again she couldn't believe the treasure she found. If it goes on like this they will create a new faction together in this whole war. However, for the time being they are still quite weak and will need much more power, demons and artifacts to be able to face their enemies equally.

Sixteen carved stones with wooden cores and the same number of demon cores levitated around Yui. So she approached the tree and once again placed her hand on it and focusing on the purpose of her artefact, drawing magical power from the tree, into the stones to connect them together. 

In her imagination an image was formed, in the centre as the core of the garden and also its heart, which will defend its home a magical black tree with amethyst leaves. Sixteen stones fired from it, which flew far away marking the territory belonging to the tree and were fed by the tree. They were to use its power to create a world only accessible to garden visitors. They were to mark the borders of the magical world in the world. Only those who know this place can get here and intruders will have no right to see it.

Yui's will was given form when a new artifact started spinning around the tree trunk creating one circle for the human eye. In one second, it stopped and fired in all directions of the world, stopping only one kilometre away from the tree, where they became the points from which the purple barrier protecting the entire garden was created. The sun got an amethyst colour but did not change the light falling on the area. The sky was starry and dark purple even though there was a day, and one could only wonder how beautiful the sky would look at night. All clouds blurred leaving a cloudless sky.

"It' s finished, what do you think of it?" Yui on uncertain legs turned around with a big smile on her face, which radiated a sense of satisfaction. However, it was quickly replaced by surprise when she saw that Vili and Miyu had plates instead of eyes. They were so astonished, with their eyes so open that Yui was worried that their eyes would fall out, not to mention that their jaws fell down.

"Here's Earth. Are you still alive?" Yui ran up to them and waved her hand in front of their eyes, but this only had an effect on Miyu, who woke up from shock and started looking around.

"Yui, you are amazing! How did you create something so fantastic!?" Miyu started running around the tree trying to see everything from all sides. In her eyes stars, she looked at the most amazing thing she had ever seen, even though she was a Witch herself. She turned around while running and it looked like she was dancing.

"I wanted to have the world just for us. Do you like it?" Yui answered Miyu's question and then asked her own, to which girl vigorously nodded and even jumped up and ran to Yui to hug her. Yui allowed and grabbed Miyu in a strong hug starting to stroke her head.

"This is absurd." Vili also said, in a rather uncertain calm way, looking around the terrain during the flight to the main tree. "This is really her secluded world, absurd. She had to use mana from a tree to do this and hold this micro world. That would explain the effect." She whispered to herself, not not noticing the world around her. "This certainly takes care of hiding, no one will sense something that is not in the world. They could still feel the mana being sucked out of Ley Line. But it's harder than finding the power point itself."

"What are you talking about?" Yui asked a little bit uncertain about Vila's behaviour.

"The fact that you created a magical realm." Vili looked Yui straight in the eyes, a flash in her scarlet eyes. "I haven't seen one since our world. In this world, our artifacts are not able to adjust themselves to the other properties of the dimension. But it's a good thing no one will expect us to have something like this. Yui make some demons and leave them here, we'll start building armies without worrying about being detected."

Yui just nodded to excited Vili and without seeing any problem with the idea, she used all the other crystals to create demons. A few wooden wolves from a nearby tree, she told them to find and bring stones from which she created two powerful golems from the largest crystals and finally a few wood puppet demons the size of an adult with three pairs of arms. She ordered them to take care of the garden while she was away and make it cosy.

"Okay, we' re leaving, the sun is setting." Yui said and then she went up to the tree. Miyu looked inquiring, but Vili just grabbed Yui, and pointed out to Miyu to do the same. When they did so, they flashed and disappeared and appeared a kilometre further on the edge of the barrier where a black and white stone levitated three metres above the ground.

Yui nonchalantly walked towards it, and the girls followed her. A few branches suddenly grew out of the stone, which merged with the ground to form a portal that they all went through. When the passed branches returned to the stone, which this time was on the ground buried, barely visible. If you are not specifically looking for it you would not be able to see it.

"Let's go back!" Yui said when and flew away.

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