Magical Girls are the Best Toys

Ch-18 Lack of Homework

Yui was again helping out at school, and more specifically in the student council, this time because of a lack of homework. She did not do it because she was busy with magical things and it completely slipped her mind. So now she is sitting next to Keiko and helped her with the documents, of which there was quite a pile. They did not talk and only heard the sound of pens writing on paper. There was a heavy aura around them which made Keiko nervous even though nothing was happening. However, it was a condition that Yui evoked in everyone who did not know her closely.

The other members of the council were also in the room and were also completely quiet, more than usual when they worked because none of them could start a conversation as usual. This was the case because Yui looked more serious than usual and created an aura around her that said "Don't disturb me". Once in a while, however, Yui was caught by the gaze of Hikari, who looked a little more nervous than usual but in a different sense than Keiko, but this was invisible to others besides Yui, who could sense it.

They were surprised when Kobayashi brought her here and explained the situation, because Yui does not look like a person who is lazing around, but they did not refuse help, because the work had gathered together for them in recent days and they started to be a little desperate about how they would finish it. Under these circumstances, Yui was an gift from heaven for them and they were very grateful. It is not as if they were able to convey their gratitude as they wished, again, because of the unfriendly atmosphere surrounding the slightly annoyed Yui.

Yui herself wanted to lose as little time as possible with all this, because she wanted to see how her garden is maintained by demons, so she worked at a high speed, like a professional using all her concentration, doing the job of two. This was so much to the point that when Kobayashi, after showing Yui what to do and seeing her speed and professionalism, felt more and more demotivated by her efficiency and swore to herself that she wouldn't let the other students and the teachers see her work in order not to lose her last scrap of teacher's pride.

Yui could not help but sigh when she took another handful of documents, which did not escape the girls and drew their attention to look at the documents she had already finished. Her pile was almost twice the size of theirs and Yui did not look like she was going to slow down. Keiko, as always, decided to interfere here.

"If you are tired you can rest Misaki-san." Yui stopped for a while but quickly returned to work and said without any interest.

"No thanks. I'm not tired."

Keiko lost her good mood a bit and now went back to work with her head lowered to hide her facial expression. The girls didn't pay much attention to her, she always took things too much to herself when she tried to be nice to others and it didn't work out. 

Their work lasted an hour, before most of the work was done largely because Yui made up the lion's share of it, making the girls feel a bit stupid and on the edge of their minds they did not want their opinion to fall with one of the most popular girls in school. For two girls it was because they secretly admired her a little, for the third because she did not want Yui to feel better than her. However, in Hikari's case, she was even sad that Yui might think badly of her, but she quickly got it out of her head telling herself that she did not care.

When Yui finished another pile of papers, she saw that all the girls were already finishing the last pile of papers. They also noticed that she had finished and Hikari wanted to say that she could go home, when Yui had picked up half of Keiko's pile, who was surprised and wanted to keep it, but Yui just ignored her and started filling in the papers.

"Misaki-san you don't have to work anymore, you might go home." Hikari said, not knowing how she should react to the situation.

"Hara-san has the most documents, it will be faster." That's the only response Yui gave to the matter without stopping even for a second. Keiko herself got a big hit on pride thinking that Yui thought she was incompetent, and her opinion was shared by the girls who looked at her with gentle eyes. This only made Keiko feel worse. 

However, Yui herself did not intend to achieve this, not even in the slightest. She only did it because her heart did not allow her to leave a girl with a job, especially when she looked sweet and tried her best to keep up with them. So she decided to be nice and help her, realizing completely that they misunderstood her and took pleasure in with them. She liked Keiko's sad expression.

They finished their work so quickly and gathered all the documents together to take them to the school office. Keiko went under the table because her pen fell under it and she followed it to get it back. *bang* But when she wanted to get up, she hit her head, drawing the girls attention. Yui being the closest to her, pulled Keiko out of under the table where she was squatting down, holding her head. She had tears in her eyes and her expression was quite pathetic but Yui found her clumsiness quite sweet.

So Yui stroke her head to comfort her, which apparently calmed Keiko's who in response relaxed her face. The girl smiled lightly to show that everything was fine with her and Yui returned it with a warm smile, which made Keiko blush. The girls were slightly surprised by Yui's sudden gentleness, as she was as cold as the ice until now. Their surprise increased when Yui suddenly returned to her cold shell in a instant.

Aya ran up to Keiko to check at her condition and saw that she wad growing a big bump on her head. She must have hit head hard and so in her head now must be ringing like in church. Aya looked questioningly at Hikari who only sighed and then nodded. So Aya said to everyone goodbye and took Keiko with her to bring her home. Yui seeing this took a big mountain of documents and decided to go to the school office on behalf of Keiko, although it was not her responsibility. 

"Sorry about that." Said Hikari, who also took the documents and together with Yui went to the school office, leaving Mai, who was tidying up the documents in the student council room. Yui walked with Hikari evenly without saying anything to each other on the way. Hikari really wanted to say something, but she was not able to get herself together.

There were not many teachers in the teacher's room and Kobayashi was nowhere to be seen, which surprised Yui, who thought that she was always a busy in work. So she had no idea what her teacher was thinking about leaving her work alone and doing what she wanted.

However, she did not let that thought take away her thoughts and decided that she did not care. She left her papers on her desk and went back with Hikari to take her things. During their march they met Mai, who also went with the documents, but Yui ignored her and Hikari said she would take care of the rest so she could go afterwards.

In the room when Yui was about to leave because she took her things, noticing that only her and the President things were left, Mai had to leave them somewhere else, Hikari called her.

"Misaki-san thanks you for your help. You were invaluable." Hikari thanked and praised Yui who barely reacted and only turned around slightly to respond.

"It is no big deal. No need to thank me, I was here for the punishment after all." Her story was quick, and about what suited the school Yui like nothing else.

"But you did more than the punishment intended, you deserve to be thanked for that." Hikrai insisted and slowly approached Yui not to talk to her from the other end of the room. Her face was serious, hiding her nervousness and happiness, as she finally got through to talking to Yui and did not intend to miss the opportunity. She will improve her relationship with her, as a good student council president, just for that, nothing else.

"Thanks accepted in that case". Yui smiled gently in opposition to her unfriendly aura and also took one step towards her. She looked directly into Hikari's eyes and noticed that she got nervous in front of her eyes so her smile was slightly increased with satisfaction.

"I would like to thank you on behalf of the council so if you need anything, come and I will try to help you as much as I can". Hikari declared with a smile, hiding the blush that strongly wanted to come out on her face with great obstinacy. 

"So I will get the prize, yes?" Yui so understood the word Hikari said, she just nodded thinking it was a good way to describe it. Yui at that time approached her even closer and closer to Hikari's until she took one step back. This led to Yui's eyes a few centimetres apart and Hikari looked into Yui's eyes again, where she was able to see a slight shade of violet. "So what will be my reward?"

"Eh?" Hikari could see Yui approaching her quickly and saying this to her ear. Surprised, she walked away from her slightly, taking three steps back just to see Yui and her sadistic smile that was seductive to her. Yui walked forward and Hikari retreated until she hit the wall behind her. "What are you doing?"

"Just asking what prize I'm going to get." Yui, not caring about Hikari's anxiety, approached closer and closer, with her smile, which gave Hikari ideas and a blush on her face. However, she tried to stop herself because she didn't like the fact that Yui was behaving like this at all. Yui stretched out her hand and tried to touch her cheek, but Hikari grabbed her hand with quite a bit of force and her eyes were shining slightly. "Oh, ha ha. It seems to be the end. Well, I'll take that as my reward."

"What?" Hikari got lost on the words of Yui, who took her hand back, returning to her cold self and turned around leaving the room without even saying goodbye, leaving the stuned Hikari. "What was that just now?"

Hikari couldn't understand anything about Yui's behaviour. Whether she was serious or just making fun of her, Hikari could not say. Losing control completely, Hikrai used her aura to calm down because of her nervousness and rejected Yui, which she now regretted slightly. The truth of the matter was that she no longer knew what to think.

"Misaki Yui is that how you really are?" Was it her true character or just a way to show dominance? Hikari could only guess, without realizing that she spent the rest of the day thinking about Yui.

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