Magical Girls are the Best Toys

Ch-39 Return to School

 Finally with the start of the new week school reopened which meant that Yui had to adjust to getting up early again which only meant that she was now a little sleepy, as she prepared her breakfast, after Miyu ran home to get ready for her school and because of that Yui's house was now quite quiet which was a pleasant change for Yui, although if she had a choice she would rather have Miyu here with her now as she was able to brighten up her day.

Although Miyu was quite unhappy when she found out that the reason why Yui came home from school quite late was because she found a toy to play with forgetting everything else and even worse Yui did not invite Miyu to play even though she had the opportunity. So Yui had to make a big effort to make Miyu feel better by physically showing what she was doing with Eisst, which made Miyu soften quickly, requesting Yui to tell her again because she didn't hear everything, in the end there were five repetitions until Miyu was finished.

After Yui had eaten her breakfast she went to wash up, when she entered the bathroom she found her female demon in a mask already holding her new clothes and without bothering about it she stripped naked, unexpectedly the demon helped her, which Yui appreciated because she was too sleepy to bother with clothes. The demon stripped her naked gently pulling down her T-shirt where Yui gave her hands up, thus revealing the girl's breasts which as usual had no bra on and then pulled down her shorts under which of course there were no panties, putting the clothes aside as Yui went to wash herself.

As Yui washed up, the demon helped her with everything from simply applying the soap to wiping her off making Yui able to completely relax as the demon gently cleaned her skin with her surprisingly gentle hands or cleaned her hair at a pleasant pace, it was so pleasant that it almost made Yui fall asleep again and she was only able to stay conscious because the demon was also cleaning her intimate places, making Yui slightly excited but the demon didn't go any further so Yui wasn't excited enough to start playing witch herself.

As she got out of the bath while the demon dried off with towels her body as well as her hair with a hair dryer, Yui went to her room where the demon started dressing her in her uniform, putting on her bra, panties and stockings with a garter belt, the whole set was of course black and sexy. The demon then dressed her in uniform after which she started combing her hair as she sat on a chair collecting her books into a bag and finally the demon stepped aside allowing Yui to look at herself in the mirror.

"Thanks." Yui thanked the demon for the good job when she saw that she looked pretty good, or at least better than she could do herself but she noticed that the lack of names in demons was starting to get more and more problematic, addressing specific demons was pretty annoying too so Yui was starting to think of names that she could give them because of what she was now thinking, as her demon was still waiting until she saw that time had started to fly while the school wouldn't wait, so she decided to let her know by tapping lightly on Yui shoulder.

"What? Ahh... not much time!" Noticing that she might be late Yui started to get herself together, picking up her things after which she started to walk out of, still having in the back of her mind her thoughts about names for demons but having to go to school now so she didn't focus on that too much and as she walked out her demon accompanied her to the door to bid her farewell, at least with her presence, for she couldn't speak, however one could see the surprise in her when she heard the final words of her mistress. "Well for now I'm going, take care of the house, Marii."


It didn't take Yui long to arrive at the school by the her usual route, ignoring any eyes from the street which had recently increased in number whenever she went out, because of her relatively rare amethyst eyes as well as a few strands of amethyst hair, which are quite rare compared to other magical alterations, because hardly anyone has the right attribute and of course Yui didn't have to worry about anyone who was stupid enough to talk to her, thanks to her cold demeanor which she took on again because there was nothing interesting around her to get her excited.

She arrived at the school without any problems, then after changing her shoes she went to her classroom noticing that the other students' eyes on her were now not only more numerous but there were also eyes that had a different meanings and Yui was able to sense that some were surprised by her new look that did not match what they remembered, other eyes were worried because they were able to find out that it was Yui who was taken by the demon wolf. Others were also enchanted by her new look which made Yui look even more charming and they just couldn't take their eyes off her.

As usual she waited in her classroom for the lesson to start by reading, magnificently ignoring everyone in her class, the atmosphere there was very tense for a while, but when they came to the conclusion that no one would ask Yui about her new look they returned to their normal conversations and several minutes of such a state of wishful thinking, where Yui was catching up on school material because she had more interesting things to do at home, finally the bell rang notifying the students of the start of the lesson where the students quickly found their seats waiting for their teacher who was obviously late.

"Sorry for being late, there were too many papers to go through!" Kobayashi running into the classroom shouted her apology after which she started to say her excuses which were ignored by the students who looked at their teacher like a tiny pathetic animal which is even slightly cute, Yui didn't even look at her putting down her notes, then just looking at the board and through that it was possible to see to what extent Kobayashi had lost her students respect and even was able to lose a lot more of her pride than should be naturally possible, now to the students she looked like an animal that needed to be taken care of.

"Well now we'll go over some basic things..." Kobayashi started to explain all the things that would change slightly in how the students were supposed to behave in school, mainly because of the last attack on the school, it was mainly related to safety and how they were supposed to behave now, also that there would be safety changes, but some things were also requested by the parents who agreed to have their children return to school but that was not very interesting or important to Yui so she ignored it.

"Misaki-san, please wait." Of course, after the lesson, Kobayashi called out to Yui, who wasn't surprised by this at all and in fact expected it, making her easily able to comprehend what the teacher would want from her, thus she was even eager this time, since Kobayashi's help would give her the opportunity to check on her little girls to check whether or not they would behave a little more openly now because of her little pranks that she had given them.

"I'll help." So Yui replied quickly and started walking towards the door leaving Kobyashi behind, as she was pretty sure that the job she had was in the staff room.

"But I didn't even say what it was about." Kobayashi said quietly through which no one was able to hear her, not that it helped as this scene was a critical injury to her non-existent pride in the eyes of the other students in the class who even had sympathetic looks and after a while the pathetic teacher started to follow Yui completely devoid of any will to work after her student had read her so well, not bothering to even give her even a hint of the respect that is expected from a student towards a teacher.

In the staff room, only for a moment did the teachers look at the scene where a disheartened Kobayashi was being led around by a stoic Yui, who in this situation looked more like a teacher who was punishing a student for bad behavior, but after a while the teachers went back to their work because they knew Kobayashi and for some reason this scene suited her a lot, some even giggled slightly knowing that Yui would take care of her like she always did, although they would never tell Kobayashi that they would prefer if Yui stayed here to work while she went back to the classroom to be taught by her.

Yui finally after forcing Kobayashi to work faster with her cold gaze which was colder than Eisst ice which by the way made Kobayashi have cold sweat on her back, which also made her speed up her work pace and with that Yui was as she predicted able to let go to the student council room where she was supposed to carry the documents in grey folders, which student council are supposed to check after which send them back to Kobayashi. Yui didn't notice Kobayashi who took a deep sigh of relief as she made sure Yui wasn't around and with that she earned herself a few laughs from her co-workers.

Hikari was now sitting in the student council room checking school related papers which was very tiring especially because she had a job as a leader of Magical Girls which made her very busy, but luckily most of the school related work was done for her by Kobayashi, who hated paperwork and with the rest Hikari was helped by other members of the student council so the work was quite well distributed among them, to the hatred of Kobayashi who really wasn't up to the job of being an teacher as she was terible at it, despite her professionalism in her other job.

The atmosphere in the room was peculiar by the fact that no one wanted to look each other in the eye without the reason, since everyone here had witnessed a black history of others and even some shared it, making it difficult for them to look at each other without recalling what had happened so recently, but still they were unexpectedly closer to each other than ever. For the first barriers of embarrassment towards each other had disappeared and it was now possible to see that despite their awkwardness towards each other they were with each other all the time, rarely separating even in school but mostly when they went home walking each other as far as they could.

However, Hikari was sure that this atmosphere would disappear quickly because it had already subsided to a great extent since the last time they were together, they just had to overcome some issues that were occupying their minds, but it shouldn't take too long since Mai had practically already dealt with it, or at least on the surface it seemed that way and Hikari was sure that under Mai's pride there was a lot of insecurity from the encounter with the Witch, but that was not something that could just be dealt with, so Hikari decided not to go into it for now believing that Mai could deal with it.

Aya was doing fine, just being a bit embarrassed which made her not want to meet Keiko's gaze for the time being, but she was roughly doing fine and it was obvious that it didn't take much for her to get back to her normal state, she just needed some time to overcome her embarrassment. Keiko, however, was the worst of all the girls, because since the meeting with the Witch she had become very quiet and shy, which made it difficult to talk to her, not to mention that she blamed herself for what had happened, which made her terribly embarrassed, thus her effectiveness in teamwork decreased visibly, while working alone was not allowed for the time being, which caused her some uneasiness.

Keiko, however, had a few other problems she didn't want to talk about with her friends too ashamed to reveal what was happening to her and that secret was that the lust mana had remained in her longer than they had expected, thus even though that mana was already leftovers, it didn't change the fact that from time to time Keiko would get terribly aroused, thus needing a few moments to herself because holding it back only made the effect stronger. At the very beginning she masturbated fifteen times a day then it only took her ten, then eight and now she still needed to do it five times a day, and it didn't help that every time the lust mana reminded her of its existence, the memories from the temple also brought themselves to mind.

Even today in the school bathroom she had a little adventure and now her panties were slightly wet which embarrassed Keiko greatly making her shyness go full throttle. However, the girls' thoughts and musings were interrupted by a knock on their door from which a girl with amethyst eyes and a small amount of purple in her hair emerged, which made the student council nervous.

"Good morning."

She smiled sweetly with her greeting.

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