Magical Girls are the Best Toys

Ch-40 In School

For those who have forgotten the names of our heroines:

Hara Keiko - Eisst

Imai Aya - Feeu

Shirokana Hikari - Argent

Nakano Mai - Aqua

Misaki Yui - Witch of Lust

Kobayashi - 'teacher'

"Good morning."

Said Yui with a soft smile as she entered the student council room thus causing slight confusion to those present and being slightly surprised the student council members took a moment to collect themselves. Their shock wasn't due to Yui's arrival as it was quite common lately and Kobayashi always sends her for some reason, they were surprised due to the fact that Yui wore a smile which was extremely rare on her as well as her new appearance was surprising.

For a while all the girls looked at Yui except Keiko, who was drowning in documents, which only made her give Yui a brief glance, after which she went back to her work and thus didn't even notice Yui's new look, which however caught her friends attention. They quickly understood why Yui's appearance had changed and looked away quickly as they were a bit ashamed and angry at themselves for not being able to help the girl as Magical Girls, as it was their duty. Also they thought that Yui's new look probably didn't please her, as this is very common in humans and it was another blow that increased their shame.

"Good morning Misaki-san," Finally Hikari was able to greet her while her companions only nodded, also giving short greetings to Yui who had already entered the room approaching them with a relaxed pace, holding folders in her hands and the girls were able to guess that Kobayashi had sent her here again to carry the documents to them as that 'teacher' was slammed with work she is not skilled enough to finish quickly, but Hikrai asked anyway to initiate a light conversation. "These documents are from Kobayashi-sensei yes?"

"Yes, though she didn't tell me what documents were about," Yui replied placing the documents where she usually did, after which she looked at the girls present and their quite sizable piles of papers that didn't look like they were going to diminish. She then focused her gaze for a moment on the perplexed Keiko who as usual had the biggest pile which, was still bigger than usual thanks to her not being able to concentrate completely on her work, due to the mana of lust that Yui was still able to sense from her, that state of girl she decided to use for her own amusement. "Do you need help with the papers? I'm willing to help if you don't mind."

Those words caused different reactions in the girls, Hikari was perplexed mainly because she couldn't take her eyes off the purple that started to adorn Yui, knowing that those changes were caused by her inability to protect her from the demons and thus even the mention that Yui would help them nevertheless gave her a complicated feeling, especially since Hikari thought that Yui didn't even realize that she wanted to help someone who wasn't able to help her. After all, Hikari thought that Yui definitely held a grudge against the Magical Girls for not defending her and the fact that Hikari wasn't even able to apologize gnawed at her terribly.

Even though Mai and Aya had similar feelings these were to a lesser degree so the prospect of helping with the papers that plagued them was tempting to them but they still weren't able to say anything thinking it just wasn't right. So they decided to leave the decision to Hikari who in their eyes should make the best decision yet they still secretly hoped that Hikari would take proposition Yui gave and who was waiting for their answer, but unexpectedly this decision was made by another person.

"If you don't mind then We would be happy." Keiko said visibly cheerful from the prospect of the reduced amount of work that was overwhelming her, where her mind was too perplexed with fighting mana of lust and repressing recent memories to even think about her complicated feelings towards Yui, making her not even pay attention to her new look. Yui just smiled as her little kitten was behaving so well by helping her and Yui was already thinking how to reward her for it, after all thanks to her she didn't have to convince Hikari.

So Yui wordlessly sat at Keiko's side and through that she didn't even give a moment to protest for other girls, who after a while just gave in with a sigh, agreeing to take Yui help, who took half of Keiko's pile, 'accidentally' lightly touching the hand of the girl who jumped slightly as a result. Yui helped them until the bell rang, which forced her to go to class and leave her entertained, where she made some more 'accidental' close skinship. She was, for example, able to rest her breast on Keiko's back when she was having trouble with her papers and good-natured Yui helped her when she returned from shelf where she took her papers.

So needless to say, Keiko was getting more and more embarrassed with each accidental touch, which only increased the amount of her mistakes and thus the incidents where Yui had to help her along with unfortunate 'coincidences' happening. But now that Yui had finally left and the council had stayed because she didn't have to go to her PE lessons, it was Keiko's turn to take a breath from the situation, thus realizing how excited she had become by all of it.

"Misaki-san really doesn't mind close physical contact right," Remarked Aya who apparently picked up on Keiko's embarrassment whenever Yui approached her, not caring how close she approached the girl and the other girls at that nodded slightly embarrassed as well, not seeing how to absorb that fact about the Ice Queen of their school who usually doesn't approach anyone. "Well from what I've heard she doesn't talk to anyone so no wonder this is something new."

The girls again could only nod at Aya's conclusion, who quickly went back to completing her paperwork, as did the rest of the girls, except for Keiko who was wriggling in her chair and hadn't even moved her pen. Of course the girls knew what their friends was about and all thought at the same time "Ah so it's time.", however, none of them said a word, waiting for Keiko to make the first move.

"I have to go to the bathroom, I'll be right back." Keiko said quickly leaving the room thinking she had been able to fool her friends who however knew from the start why she needed time to herself and in their kindness pretended not to know what was going on. For it turned out that Keiko was the only one who didn't know that when she needed to get rid of an excess of mana of lust, she starts to douse herself with it and the girls were able to sense it, not to mention the fact that as Keiko returns slightly out of breath, which is a big sign saying "Had some fun solo.", that you just couldn't help but notice.


During the lesson Yui was able to lightly sense the scraps of lust mana coming towards her due to the fact that as a Lust Witch she was more sensitive to it, other Witches would have to be less than a meter away from centrum of it to be able to sense it and Yui knew what was going on because in the school only Keiko had lust mana besides her, while the fact that it was now so noticeable could only mean one thing. Yui knew what she had to do now and immediately started to tell the teacher that she felt unwell, pretending her stomach hurts.

Thanks to Yui usually being serious without causing the teacher any problems, she was let go to the nursing room without much trouble and Yui went from her seat to the bathroom immediately, where she could sense her prey. As she entered the bathroom quietly from the spot she was able to hear muffled moans from one of the cabins and in front of the cabin at the sink Yui let the water run which immediately caused a small squeal from Keiko who, when she heard someone was in the bathroom with her, fell silent. Yui decided to actually give Keiko a little bit of a hard time in order to have more fun with her in student council on break.

Kieko was now in a reprimanding state where she had her panties down to her ankles, her shirt unbuttoned with her bra pulled up, and her hands still at her nipple and wet pussy. Now she was in this position locked like a stone, hearing Yui wash her face and because of the shame she felt about being heard while masturbating she was unable to move, too scared to make even the faintest sound, hoping that the person using the tap would come out of the bathroom. She didn't even think about confronting the person, too ashamed, knowing she would die of embarrassment and wanting to remain anonymous by being completely silent.

However, even after a few moments, the tap was still on and Keiko was able to sense that this person, who had entered the toilet despite the fact that there were lessons, was still simply standing in the same place without even moving a millimetre and it made Keiko slightly panicked as now with the utmost gentleness not to even make the merest noise, she got herself in order with her clothes. However, because she had not been able to satisfy herself Keiko was now terribly aroused and it did not help that the presence of someone behind the toilet wall embarrassed her slightly.

This situation continued until the bell rang, where finally Yui left the bathroom heading towards the student council room to continue with her paperwork she was helping with and Keiko who was finally able to move quietly also left the bathroom without continuing to satysfy herself, scared that a similar situation could happen again during the break where a lot more students were going now to toilets. So when she returned to the student council room Keiko lacked even more focus that previously, which Yui took advantage of at every turn.

And all the attempts by Hikari and the rest to free Keiko from Yui met with great failure in their efforts, by Yui's very dominant aura that said 'I said I will help with it, don't even try to change a thing!' Because of this they all focused on work for the time being sacrificing Keiko, telling themselves that it was only today that she had to endure.


The members of the student council noticed right away that their friend was unable to free herself from the mana of lust, without even having to sense it, because they could see it from Keiko's behavior, who because of her inability to focus, was filling out papers at a snail's pace, which was painful to look at. There had already been a couple of lessons where Keiko did not go to the bathroom during the break because she was afraid of a similar encounter as before and even when she tried to go to the bathroom she heard someone in the cabin which quickly changed her mind.

Keiko was blushing while in pain from holding back her urges, because Yui was with them and if it wasn't for that she probably would have ignored her friends while starting to masturbate, or it was even possible that she would have tried to throw herself at one of her friends. She held out until the end of the lessons which was a display of her will, but because she had never held out for so long before she didn't expect the lust mana to suddenly start acting so violently and Hikari with the girls was able to sense the stream of lust mana flowing out of Keiko which made them slightly concerned.

However the girls were more concerned about the fact that Yui acted as if she didn't mind it at all and she should have noticed Keiko's behavior for a couple of breaks already when she was still helping them with their work and what frightened them more was fact that sometimes when she was next to Keiko due to mana of lust was pouring down on her, her eyes were shining slightly. Because of this, on one of the previous breaks they had talked to each other, throwing their thoughts on Yui's strange behaviour at each other and thus were able to come to some conclusions based on shaky theories.

They concluded that Yui's lack of reaction to Keiko's behavior is due to the fact that because she was previously imbued with the mana of the Witch of Lust, which changed her appearance to some degree, she is now sensitive to it and the mana that flows from Keiko calms her down, making her accept everything that happens. This theory was based on the fact that people who have changes in appearance due to excess mana, are more sensitive to the mana attribute that saturated them and are sometimes even able to sense it or even locate it.

So seeing now how Yui was sitting chair to chair next to Keiko helping her with her documents, they were not very sure how to approach the situation where they should ask her out of the room, while at the same time try not to offending her because this whole situation where Yui is sticking herself to Keiko is somewhat their fault and they should somehow separate them anyway before Yui herself gets into a similar mood as Keiko who was on the verge of her endurance. So they selectively pointed at Hikari to resolve the situation and she finally gathered the courage to confront Yui who now had a slightly oppressive aura around her.

"Misaki-san, you have helped us enough, you should go home now."

"No need, I'm full of strength and besides Hara-san still has some work to do. So I'll stay a little longer and help her since I don't have anything else to do, besides you guys should be finishing up your work too, right?"

Yui countered Hikari as she didn't want to leave now that the fun were it was just beginning and waste all her work with pretending to be charmed, as she herself knew how mana worked thanks to Vila's lessons, making her able to guess what the girls were aiming to achieve. She decided to use this opportunity to get closer to the Magical Girls in their normal lives, by tricking them into thinking that they owed her a big responsibility and that's where Keiko stepped in to help her.

For Keiko had reached her limit and put her hand under the table half consciously too focused on maintaining control to notice. However, the girls noticed it and to their horror were to see by Keiko's movements and position that her hand was not going towards not herself but towards Yui. Thus Keiko began by slowly massaging Yui's inner thigh, under her skirt slowly moving towards the girl's panties and these events seen by the rest of the student council members pushed them into action.

"Misaki-san I insist, you should rest too." Said Hikari slightly panicked indicating Mai and Aya to start flanking Keiko who was starting to lose control.

"No. As if I could leave Hara-san in a time of need. Right Hara-san." Yui replied as she moved closer to Keiko shoulder to shoulder, speaking her last words into the girl's ear and she herself had a slight blush from Keiko's touch.

"Yes!" Replied Keiko vigorously with a big smile, finally no longer having the strength to resist her urge, after which with great vigor, she threw herself on top of Yui and started kissing her, while putting her hand in the girl's panties.

I apologise for the lack of chapters, I had tets last week. Then following Murfi's law, the rest of the week was hell on earth for me until yesterday.

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