Magical Girls are the Best Toys

Ch-41 Events at School

Keiko was kissing Yui with great vigour, by the way already having her own hands going between the girl's clothes, already groping her on the breasts brutally opening Yui's shirt, getting rid of her bra by tearing it and at the same moment her other hand was in Yui's panties, already playing with her pussy which was already wet. Yui, of course, did not resist, barely stopping herself from throwing herself at Keiko, as she was now very aroused and very happy because of the fact that Keiko had lost control of herself again pleased her very much, as now she would have an excuse to play with the girls without drawing bad suspicion on herself.

The girls who witnessed what was happening were so surprised by Keiko's behaviour, who had completely lost all control, that they weren't able to react for a while, thus allowing her to have a few moments of unstoppable fun, which meant that Yui was now almost naked and when they finally started to move, they wasted no time in trying to separate Keiko from Yui who was taking quite a lot of pleasure from this event. However, Hikari and her friends were having a little more trouble with this than they might have thought and thus they were starting to get quite impatient when they saw that Yui was not resisting this assault.

Fueled by dread and adrenaline they were finally able to free Yui from Keiko, with Mai and Aya holding the jerking girl in place. Hikari saw that Yui was just smiling and there was hunger in her eyes so she immediately decided to take her to the nursing room to try and revive her with the sobering salts, thus signalled to her companions who were still trying with all their might to hold Keiko. Yui herself was unmoving looking simultaneously perplexed and displeased, not resisting Hikari who was lifting her.

"I'll take her out of here. You guys lock her in here and make sure she doesn't attack anyone." After those words Hikari started towards the door clearly looking at Yui's state, who seemed confused and Hikari recalling her old knowledge from TransMagica lessons concluded that Yui was just shocked by the sudden influence of mana into her body, similar to the last time she lost consciousness when she was kidnapped by a demon. So Hikari saw that she needed to wake her up quickly before she too went into a trance similar to Keiko's, the sobering salts should have a sufficient kick. What the girl didn't know was that Yui, too had been given lessons on mana and she was a pretty good actress at the same time.

"Okay!", "Understood!" Aya and Mai said at the same time immediately getting down to business. The girls responded by finally being able to overpower Keiko, then slowly retreating to the door from which Hikari had long since exited while holding Yui in her arms and after they left they closed the door quickly, where after waiting for a while they were finally able to hear the moans of Keiko who was beginning to get rid of the mana of lust from the system by herself. Now the girls were only able to blush listening to their friend through the door and not allowing anyone to approach even an millimeter to the room behind them.

Hikari meanwhile quickly ran with Yui in her arms to the nursing room only half way there realizing that Yui's breasts were in plain view for everyone to see and after covering them she let out a big sigh of joy that no one could see them, thus not humiliating Yui as she really didn't want to cause any more hassle for her. The whole time Yui was staring at Hikari with great interest in her eyes which slightly embarrassed the Hikari but it was something girl ignored and was thankful to fate that Yui was now obeying without resisting at all.

When she finally reached the nursing room, on entering it was thankfully empty, as Hikari placed Yui on the vacant bed and from there went to the medicine shelves to find the sobering salts, which didn't take too long. All the while Yui was calm, so when Hikari wanted to use the sobering salts quickly, she lowered her guard and Yui was able to catch her forcibly throwing her onto the bed where she then climbed on top of her, sitting on her waist, while gazing into the eyes of a surprised Hikari. 

"What are you doing Misaki-san?" Controlling her surprise Hikari smiled softly and asked calmly Yui who only smiled at the question. Yui moved closer to Hikari where their noses were almost touching and with her amethyst eyes that began to sparkle she answered Hikari who still seemed calm.

"Well, I will answer when I find out what happened to Keiko?" Yui said calmly returning to her sitting position where she was looking down at the lying Hikari and through that a shadow fell on her face which enhanced the effect of her shining eyes. "What just happened was quite surprising so explain."

Hikari took moments to think so there was a silence where Yui waited patiently for an answer and it didn't look like she wanted to come down off her, at least not until she got her answers. The lying girl had a tornado of thoughts in her head at this moment though, despite the calm atmosphere outside, where on one hand she was glad that Yui was alright, while on the other she was terrified of what to tell and worried how Yui would react to her excuses made up on short notice. However, after a while she finally formed a convincing enough excuse in her head.

"Just like you she was attacked by a lust demon," Hikari began carefully watching Yui's reactions, which weren't present, making her unchanging smile slightly intimidating and making Hikari worry that Yui was enraged by the whole incident. ''Well in her case it made her lose her control sometimes. The doctor said that it would pass after some time. She just forgot to take the medicine and now she just needs to let off some steam. I'm sorry about that, she in all honesty didn't mean to attack you like that."

"Well if it's like that then nothing happened, but..." Yui replied in a sweet way her smile finally changed slightly to the sweeter one, but Hikari wasn't cheerful because she heard her 'but' and she knew it wouldn't end so easily. "But since Keiko was suffering I could help her, you know. I didn't mind what was going on."

Yui spoke her words in a sweet way where at the same time she run her finger over Hikari's breast which made her like a little flushed but she let it happen without doing anything to interrupt Yui, because she knew that Yui must be under the slight effects of mana of lust and although she knew that Yui liked to tease people a little because she had done it to her in the past, Hikari also knew from Yui's normal behavior that she was not that shameless. Well bad for her but she did not know Yui very well.

"Well that's fine but it's best if we leave her alone for now." Hikari spoke calmly struggling to maintain her tone as Yui's behaviour was putting her on the edge of her endurance and she was now looking for excuses to pull Yui off her, while at the same time not hurt her feelings too much, especially now that her emotional state was unstable. So with her hands she slowly approached Yui's waist where she would be able to pull her off of herself without too much trouble at the right time, and to her misfortune it didn't look like that time would come soon.

"No no, because of this whole experience I'm a little turned on right now," So Yui started by exposing her breasts again and immediately placing her finger on Hikari's lips, who looked like she wanted to say something. "Besides, since you apologized, why don't you compensate me too? What do you say Hikari?"

Without waiting for Hikari's answer, Yui kissed the girl pushing her tongue into her mouth, from the spot starting to play with her tongue, and with her hands she grabbed Hikari's hands which she placed over the girl's head and held them there with her greater strength which surprised Hikari who is training regularly. However all her thoughts quickly changed their direction, now focusing entirely on Yui and how she would stop her before something happened that could not simply be forgotten.

Yui who didn't have enough began to unbutton Hikari's blouse with her free hand, which she did very competently thanks to the practice she got in her last night classes and after a while she began to remove the girl's bra simply by sliding it off her breasts that spilled out wonderfully. Having Hikari's breasts now in view Yui began to squeeze and massage them for her pleasure. She was pleased then when she felt Hikari's twitching, which she was able to sense under their kiss and so she could see when to attack even harder to play with her, by starting to pull on her nipples.

"Haa... Well that's a good start right?" Said Yui as she finally broke the kiss to catch her breath, where Hikari wasn't even able to say anything too embarrassed and breathless to say a thing. It didn't last long though because Yui attacked Hikari again before leaving only the words, "Let's continue then." Those words caused the girl's blushing to increase and she didn't even have time to object.

After a few minutes of such play, Yui was beginning to get bored with the monotony, causing her to change her position by getting up on her knees and with her free hand heading under Hikari dress where wet panties were already waiting for her, with an even wetter pussy underneath. However, this time Hikari no longer allowing Yui's free play to continue as she had gone slightly too far, she decided that this was enough and using a smal amount of mana she increased her strength to counter Yui's. By doing so she was able to reverse positions with Yui and thus she now sat on Yui's waist, who interested in these events did not resist even in the merest way.

There was a silence where Hikari sitting on top of Yui gazed focusedly at her eyes, occasionally changing her focus to Yui's lips which looked dreadfully soft and which softnes Hikari had been able to confirm through sheer experience from a few moments ago. Absentmindedly Hikari slowly moved closer to those plump lips that were so delicate that someone could drown in them and finally she kissed Yui, who accepted the kiss with all her heart, not even trying to use her tongue to avoid scaring Hikari. Their kiss lasted several long moments where no one disturbed them and they had their own little world.

Eventually Hikari started to get bolder, starting to slip her tongue into Yui's mouth, who for now let Hikari do whatever she wanted with her and even though Hikari was a total amateur Yui was getting quite a bit of pleasure out of it, but her hands were shaking, demanding more to grab something. After a while Yui began to move her tongue which only made Hikari also increase her pressure to take control and she failed immediately unable to deal with Yui's technique.

*Knock*, *Knock*

However, their fun was interrupted by a knock on the door. Hikari pulled away from Yui all red and confused, and a tornado of thoughts could be seen in her eyes where she was completely confused as to what she had done.

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