Magical Girls are the Best Toys

Ch-44 Reports

Yui after a long session of teaching from the Vili had to refresh herself slightly because her head was filled with mass of theoretical knowledge and even more in form of language from the Vili world, which is mainly used in Etativi runes. Of course, the correct method of formulating magic formulas and how to transfer them into the form of magic circles was also a great dump of knowledge on her already full head. So now Yui relaxed while lying comfortably in the bath, where she could analyze all the knowledge she had gained in peace of comfort.

This was how her time passed, until Miyu rushed into the bathroom to join Yui in the bath, already half naked and ready for whatever awaited her here. Marii followed her, picking up all the scattered clothes, placing them in the basket where they belonged, then removed herself from the bathroom to give Yui and Miyu privacy. The red haired girl didn't wait long and with dizzying speed joined Yui in basking in the warm water not forgetting the obligatory cuddles throughout the bath.

Yui, however, was already thinking about some magic formulas while in the bath and what language to use. She was eager to see how the Etativi language worked with the languages of the Earth, because from what Vili said it was used about three thousand years ago, and the older ones are guarded by the elite. Vili went on to say that by virtue of the fact that mana was a very important part of their culture they have many words to describe it, which can be replaced by a single word in earth languages instead and it is not good.

Still slightly fascinated by the possibilities, Yui before going to the bath began to download the oldest known language in earth's history, the Sumerian language and which, compared to some Asian ones which are just as old, like Chinese, ceased to be spoken millennia ago. Yui was also thinking of ways to integrate words from the Etativi language into the Earth language so as not to have problems with the lack of words related to mana. However, her thoughts were interrupted by a bold Miyu.

Well Yui wanted to get some practice with magic circles, so she was going to stop by her magic garden. There she would be able to throw herself into a crazy whirlwind of ideas, so now she decided to give herself to Miyu and start having a little fun with her, quickly turning it into something much more enjoyable. 

Marii at the same time returned to the living room where she found Vili, in a good mood watching TV while eating her tangerines and after a moment's thought she joined in watching TV while sitting down on the free sofa. There was a romantic drama on TV with princesses and a prince, but Maria was more interested in other characters. She focused her attention on secondary and tertiary characters, like knights and maids.

When she saw how gracefully they served their masters Marii started to focus more on them, making sure she would remember everything and not let a single detail escape her perception. For the first time in her existence in this world, she felt a certain feeling that she could not describe and then this feeling was followed by other more or less positive ones. Some were pleasant and others were more negative, but they were certainly not as intense as she had shown to her mistress enemies. However, for some reason some of the feelings towards the maid in the series were similar to those shown to the enemy.

For the time being, however, she dismissed those feelings, focusing more on memorizing as much as she could, which was not difficult for her because she had an almost perfect memory due to the fact that her brain did not work on chemicals, but on the basis of mana. That's how time passed in Yui's house, but nobody knew that at the same time in Miyu's home a certain demon was also focusing his attention on a certain TV series when he accidentally turned on the TV.


However, compared to the tranquility that was present in Yui's home, the TransMagica mobile base that was the Volantes1Ship from Ch-7. From the Latin the name means 'flying'. A semi-official name for these flying ships given to them by civilians. A flying ship, a cruiser named Ame No Nuboko of Izanagi class2Ame No Nuboko - a spear from the creation myth of Japanese mythology. Izanagi - the god who used Ame No Nuboko., time was not so pleasant and the whole crew was working under a heavy atmosphere. For the demon attacks had been increasing lately, which could only mean that something big was coming, and everyone had a feeling that it wouldn't be long before they knew what was waiting for them. It also didn't help that the officers were more tense than usual which carried over to the normal crew. 

But now the most tense and nervous person on the entire ship was probably Kobayashi, who was wearing her uniform this time around, waiting for the Commander to start talking after she gave her report on what had happened. The entire office was engulfed in a suffocating silence which only increased the number of drops of cold sweat running down Kobayashi's back. So she stood in a relaxed attention posture in a slight straddle with her hands behind her back, trying with all her might not to bother with the sight that would probably be able to burn a hole in her if her commander wanted it. 

"Well, first of all Agent Kobayashi after hearing your report I am able to say that it was quite a unexpected situation in which you were not able to do much," Kobayashi almost smiled with happiness, however she forced herself to leave a neutral expression on her face, knowing that it was impossible that no blame would fall on her. "However, I must point out that this situation could have been avoided had Hara Keiko followed Dr. Lilian's suggestions, which should have been supported by your orders, which you did not give. So explain why you did not order Hara Keiko to stay at home, Agent Kobayashi?"

Kobayashi could have sworn that she felt her body being shredded by the lasers pouring out of the eyes of the woman in front of her, who was sitting in her chair resting her hands on the chair supports where her hands joined in the middle with her fingers. The Commander's attitude could only be described in one word and that would be Intimidation. Kobayashi however, braced herself and began to answer not wanting to offend the Commander with her silence. 

"Miss Hara, asked Me for permission to attend school after despite her condition, assuring me that it would not cause any trouble. I agreed to it, so any consequences should be thrown at me, due to my lack of judgment, thus making a bad decision." Kobayashi decided to take all the responsibility on herself, although it was possible to dump some of it on Keiko, but firstly it didn't fit Kobayashi's character and secondly it wouldn't work at all. The Commander was not one to ignore shifting blame and responsibility onto others.

"I understand. Dismissed." That was the Commander's response without changing the expression on her face one bit, apparently already expecting such an answer. After a while, however, the Commander stood up and ignoring the pale Kobayashi, walked out of her office. Her tall figure of perfect proportions left a thick atmosphere of intimidation and her long black hair helped a lot, not to mention those deep grey eyes that had a hint of black, they were eyes that could not be forgotten. As the Commander walked in, Kobayashi could finally sigh, but she still knew that her punishment would soon be presented to her. 

It was one of the more notorious character traits of a woman who was known on the ship only as the Commander, she never said what punishment she give personally. Although it had to be said that these punishments were always well thought out and in severity equivalent to the seriousness of the mistake one had made, which brought the Commander a good reputation. Therefore, working under her was not a cause of unhappiness for officers and ordinary operatives, because they knew that even though the Commander was stern, she was just as fair with giving out promotions or rewards for hard work. 

Although there were many rumours or myths about her, as she was a rather mysterious person and did not get to personal with subordinates more that neded. The most important mystery was why her name was not known and why the main command did not care too much about it, also addressing her only as Commander. Also this mystery was not helped by the fact that almost no one had seen her change her facial expression and thus her true character was also unknown. Even Kobayashi more than once wondered what the Commander really was because she did not think that this cold persona was her true character.

However, Kobayashi quickly freed herself from the vortex of her thoughts and left the Commander's office for she still had many duties to attend to and most of them could be put in the category of paperwork. But first, she still had to go to one meeting where she would meet with the Alpha and a few other officers to get the information she would need to pass on to her Magical Girls. So she went to one of the many conference rooms on the ship and before entering she met Alpha, who was without his equipment this time making it possible to see his face clearly.

The young man, had light brown eyes and was quite handsome but that wasn't much noticed by Kobayashi, who still had her teacher ethic, making her unable to think of youngsters of Alpha's age as anything other than students. Besides, she preferred those older than herself though without overdoing it in that regard and at least that was how Kobayashi preferred to think of herself because through her work she had no romantic life. Working as a teacher and a TransMagica agent really took all the strength out of a person especially that there was hardly ever a situation where there was no problem.

Alpha and Kobayashi's greeting was shortened to only a brief nod, as not to prolong it, then they entered the conference room where Alpha acted like a gentleman by opening the door for Kobayasho. There were now six people in the room including the two newcomers and one who was represented on the monitor as she couldn't come due to certain circumstances, this was Dr. Lilian who had a bored look on her face as usual. Lilian disliked all these meetings she had to attend preferring to focus on her research on mana and its useful applications in medicine.

The other three people on the other hand were, a tall man with reddish brown hair and a fluffy beard, who through his beard looked older than he really was, looking to be in his 50's despite being in his early 40's. He was also of sizeable build, where one could easily see his muscular body through his blue-grey uniform. His name was Lejto and on the ship he was second in command behind the Commander, who was not here because she had to talk to the main command now. So Lejto had the task of summarising everything to her later, as the Commander did not consider this meeting important enough to postpone it until later to be present herself.

Lejto greeted the newcomers briefly then showing with his dark brown eyes the place where they were to sit, next to the other person present. This person was the ship's Chief Engineer Leonard, who was a slim tall man in his 30s, wearing his iconic round little glasses on his nose. He had untidy, short black hair and a clean-shaven beard with a few cuts. He wore civilian clothes under his lab coat and, as usual, smiled like he was having the best time of his life. A packet of cigarettes and a simple lighter could be seen in the pocket of his T-shirt.

The last one present, however, was the most striking, as it was a white cat with orange stripes on its back and muzzle, which looked very plushy. He was sitting on the conference table apparently contemplating because he didn't even pay attention to Kobayashi and Alpha entering, who had already taken their seats. Now seeing that everyone was beating on their seats Lejto started the meeting.

"So now that everyone has gathered, it's time to start the scheduled meeting on the plan of action with the Witch of Lust who has recently appeared in our sector and with whom we have already had several encounters as well as fights. Please Agent Kobayashi and Agent Alpha begin with their reports on her." Lejto's voice was soft but carried a great weight that caught the attention of everyone present.

""Yes Sir."" Said Kobayashi together with Alpha who indicated for Kobayashi to begin. So Kobayashi pulled out her documents from her briefcase and began to give her report.

"The first meeting with the Witch of Lust was conducted by Eisst, who decided to check a sudden magical impulse that had its epicenter in the border of the residential district. In the encounter Eisst was tricked by the Witch, who claimed to have been transformed against her will and then was incapacitated, after which the Witch generated some lust mana and stepped back through the portal sensing reinforcements coming. In this clash, the Witch's first ability to create artifacts was shown..." 

Kobayashi continued her report by listing all the encounters with the Witch and any information that could be obtained about her skills and combat abilities. Everyone present knew the basic facts about her but learning the details still couldn't help but at least raise their eyebrows. However, Kobayashi only presented information from the encounters, not a psychological profile so everyone hearing it started to get more and more curious about this Witch. 

"Thank you, Alpha, do you have anything to add?" Leyto asked.

"Yes. From what I personally saw, during our meeting with her, she did not have the same atmosphere as the other Witches I encountered. One could sense that she is intelligent and, despite her behaviour, she certainly does not act on emotion. This makes her a very dangerous opponent." The Alpha said his thoughts and to this Leyto merely nodded knowing that he could trust the intuition of the young man he had trained himself.

"Thank you now we will turn to our engineering team, do you have anything to say about the case?" Lejto turned to his colleagues. The Commander ordered him to gather pros and cons on the Witch, and a preliminary plan of action to decide how TransMagica should deal with her.

"So to begin since negotiations with her are possible, we would like to make contact with her to obtain any artifacts, or even better to have her create specific ones for us. That way we would be able to study them considerably or more fun, increase our combat capabilities." Leonard said visibly excited at the possibility of obtaining artifacts.

"It is a good idea, it would help us in our research in trying to recover our artifact creation technology." Little Metermi3A positive counterpart to the Etativi of the Exstel race. said having a slightly melancholy like expression on his face, not that the people present were able to notice. After all, who is able to discern the expression on a cat's face.

"I understand, thank you for your opinion, so Dr Lilian what do you have to say?" Lejto continued the conversation seeing that Leonardo had something to say but preventing it because no one wanted to hear his constant chatter.

 "Well considering all the information we have on her, we can be sure that she is not with the rest of our opponents. She is just doing what she wants and Etativi who is with her has probably left their little organisation. As for her personality, as Alpha said, she is very intelligent and will probably plan all her actions. I would also suggest not letting her kidnap our Girls because from their behaviour and comments it looks like this Witch is more intense than the previous Lust Witches we have faced. Well I myself think that it is possible to have reasonably normal diplomatic relations." With that last comment she finished her statement indicating to Leyto to finally end this meeting. But...

"Well then what plan of action do you propose?" Asked Lejto continuing the meeting.

Later he went to the Commander's office where he gave his report and the plan of action was decided.

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