Magical Girls are the Best Toys

Ch-45 Change of Plans

After Yui visited her Magic Garden where she practiced some new knowledge about magic circles, she created some magic formulas which she ordered her demons to put on her equipment. It wasn't anything fancy as Yui had to rely heavily on her notes about the Etativi language, as she was not yet able to combine it with Sumerian. It was unsurprising to her that deciphering a language that is more than six millennia old was difficult and Yui didn't complain about it, but it slightly annoyed her. In these matters Yui decided to approach with professionalism to create something that is not just a bunch of words, she wants to understand it all and then use it to her advantage.

Going back to the magic circles on the demons' equipment, they were simple spells to strengthen resistance or attack, something like increasing sharpness, and even such formulas that slightly concealed the mana signatures the demons naturally released. They weren't too complicated in their structure either, as Yui wasn't very experienced in creating them yet, making their optimization very poor and thus needing a lot of mana to work, in that department Yui still had a lot to learn. Fortunately there was plenty of mana in the magic garden to recharge them, so the demons wouldn't have to refill them with their mana in the field outside the magic garden for a period of time.

Returning now to the topic of the magic garden, the progress on the villa was considerable, so that it was almost ready and looked very good in its classical design, inspired by renaissance and gothic. The only thing missing now was the interior finishing to make the building fully functional, which shouldn't take long considering the speed with which her demons work. It was even possible to see some demons bringing the wooden chairs inside from the area where the forest wolves and the Driad were working on them. On top of that, what Yui was also able to notice was that the demons started to build other buildings like warehouses or their own quarters, which made Yui happy and apparently the demons sensed it because they started to work faster, with more vigor.

Another important thing was that the demons started to plant all kinds of flowers, all around the villa as well as the main magic tree, creating fields of flowers crossed by stone paths or streams and in the end it was not odd anymore to call this place a magic garden. The flowers also soaked up a bit of mana, making them a bit more exotic in colour, and they also had a slight magical glow that would probably look wonderful at night. Yui was even slightly out of breath when she first walked in here after all these changes.

Yui had of course also created more of her crystal for her stone golems as she had noticed that they were running out, so they could do whatever they wanted with it and from the armor and weapons that Yui had seen on her demons they were not wasting her crystal. Each demon had composite armor of her purple crystal and black stone that was tailored to their way of fighting to maximize their combat potential. Their swords had crystal blades and stone cores for strength. Well this black stone created by the stone golems by infusing with mana started to look more like metal but that was a matter for another time.

Yui spent the rest of the day at her desk going over everything she knew about the Etativi magical language and what she had downloaded from the Internet about the Sumerian language, which she found so interesting that she spent her time on it until midnight. Fortunately there was Miyu by her side all the time enjoying the sight of Yui working there and who forcefully pulled her away from the computer when it was clear that Yui was too engrossed in her work to notice anything else. She even increased her strength when she saw Yui's slightly frantic gaze directed at the notes she had written and Miyu didn't even want to know what crazy plans Yui had devised, or would have devised if she had been left alone. 

Luckily when Miyu showed Yui what time it was, the latter agreed that it was quite late and she along with Miyu went to sleep, in Yui's bed which was very comfortable since her demons had improved it using natural materials. Yui didn't even know when her Driad snuck into her room to change it but not that she was complaining because she was now having the best sleep nights of her life. Yui decided she would have to thank her for such a wonderful gift and before falling asleep she thought what would please her loyal demon who even now worked for her mistress.


When Yui got up she immediately set about changing her clothes and heading to the school where she had several plans to complete. She bid Miyu farewell with a brief kiss and then left, taking a quick step towards the school building. Nothing interesting happened on the way, so she arrived at the school quite early, but she never made it through the school gates, stopping right in front of them before changing direction quickly heading back home. What made her behave so strangely was the fact that she felt a powerful magic pulse coming from the city, and it didn't take long to sense that there was a mass of dangerous demons there.

Yui was still able to sense a magical energy belonging to something more powerful, a Witches but even that energy was quickly overshadowed by the energy that appeared, probably from a portal. This energy belonged to a demon that showed a power that Yui had never encountered before and it made a ferocious smile to appear on Yui's face, clearly saying that she couldn't wait to see what would happen. She knew that the Magical Girls had probably already set off to the scene of the incident to deal with those who had attacked the city. However, not wanting to take all the fun for herself Yui pulled out her phone from her pocket and called Miyu who answered from the spot.

"Come to me immediately. Prepare yourself mentally for a lot of fun." And so Yui hung up without even giving Miyu a chance to get a word, in her tone conveying the message that this was going to be a different type of fun than the one they had yesterday. It wasn't like Miyu had to say anything either because even without that Yui knew her well enough to know what answer she would give, Miyu herself after all likes to fight a little even when it doesn't look like it. Well maybe it's more fair to say that Miyu has two faces, one for Yui and another face for everything not related to Yui.

Yui reached the house in no time at all, where there she met Miyu, who had an unreadable expression on her face, which however changed when she saw Yui, thus gaining a happy smile. Miyu with her sparkling eyes was easily able to convey the message to Yui and the latter just nodded cheerfully not seeing any problem in giving Miyu what she wanted. This is how they entered back into Yui's house, where after discussing a few things with Vila, they transformed and summoned some demons, from the magical garden, which would no doubt be invaluable. Then, without waiting much longer, they made their way to the scene of action, where the fight had probably already begun.


In the morning when the members of the student council came to the school before all the students in order to have time to discuss something with Kobayashi, who had some important things to say to them, they were confronted in the student council room with a jacket and a school bag that did not belong to any of them. It didn't take long for them to guess who those things belonged to, and because of that they all in unison took a deep sigh that probably contained pieces of their souls within them. To make matters worse, they all had the same feeling that soon Yui would be here and the whole ball of crazy would begin to roll again.

"Do you have your medicine?" Mercilessly asked Mai, who looked at Keiko with a look that said that she was already fed up with such fun after the first time and Keiko could only nod in confirmation while slightly averting her gaze. The rest of the girls wanted to say something but after the recent events they also wanted to make sure that at least one day would be at least a little bit normal, but even that hope was betrayed by what they all uniformly sensed. All at once they turned in one direction and when Kobayashi just happened to walk in to see them, just to see that, the sigh she made was downright painful. 

"How's the situation?" Asked a concerned Kobayashi after a moment as she saw that some of the girls had turned slightly white because of what they sensed.

"More than a hundred. Powerfull at that." Said Hikari in a low voice full of seriousness and a sense of danger, turning to look into the eyes of Kobayashi, who herself had turned extremely pale upon hearing the news. Giving Hikari a quick nod Kobayashi ran to the staff room to notify headquarters and ask for backup. Hikari and the girls in time ran to the roof to transform on the magic circle, then flew towards the direction of the attack, to start the fight as soon as possible, thus minimizing the damage. They didn't even need a word to communicate and organise themselves, as they all knew exactly what to do.

The Magical Girls were quickly able to reach the attack site, as it was situated in their side of the city, which was a small good thing in a bad situation. When they arrived at the scene, they were able to see an army of human-like demonic looking creatures made of shadows that were on average two meters in height, but one was larger than the others. One shadow demon was over six metres tall and with his intimidating presence he overshadowed the rest of the demons and even the two Witches that were at his sides.

One of the Witches was all in black holding two swords in her hands and it was this Witch that Yui had faced recently, over Miyu's house. She was levitating near the head of her giant demon, with an impossible to read expression and eyes in which no positive emotions could be seen. She watched her demons and apparently commanded them because wherever she looked her demons would focus. They didn't even glance in the direction of the Magical Girls who had arrived, apparently more interested in commanding than in the battle that was about to begin. 

Her demons terrified the civilians who fled in fear, but gave them no mortal wounds and even practically not attacked them, instead they just watched their panic with a visible smirk on their shadowy faces represented by red cracks where the face should be. Civilian casualties were not allowed by either side of the conflict, for TransMagica for obvious reasons and for Etativi because the panic of the humans would generate negative mana which would poison the Ley Lines thus generating more demons, thereby increasing their forces. Death would do noting but waste thier fear.

The second Witch who came to this fight was a girl with dark brown hair and equally dark brown eyes in which one could see the contempt directed towards Magical Girls. She was quite tall and pretty flat, and she wore a brown magician's robe with black and red lines all over it. She also wore a large witch's hat similar in appearance to her robes and the tip of this hat bent backwards, having a stone star at the end of it. In her hand was a large staff made of stone where on the upper tip was a white stone with black and red lines similar to those on her robes. 

This Witch focused all her attention on the Magical Girls who had arrived, watching them with concentration so as not to miss even their merest move, and thus prepared herself for battle by shifting into a battle stance. The Magical Girls themselves went into a battle stance with the intention of holding them in place until reinforcements arrived to help them fight against the overwhelming enemy forces. It did not take long for one side to finally break this little duel of eyesight, as the demons began to attack the Magical Girls.

And so began one of the biggest battles since the establishment of TransMagica.


At the same time, Yui and Miyu along with the demons were rushing to the scene of the action.

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