Magical Girls are the Best Toys

Ch-46 Beginning of the Fight

The fight started with an attack of several demons on the Magical Girls, who were helped by the Witch in Bronze who shot at them with stone spears that she created using her magic power and with the help of her magic staff which she directed towards the opponents as if she was giving the order for the spears to attack. However, this attack was intercepted by Eisst and her ice spikes, which collided with the stone spears, changing the direction of their flight or simply stopping them completely, causing them to fall to the ground, shattering into thousands of pieces.

Eisst, deciding to continue with her counter-offensive, flew close to the Witch, intending to slash at her with her katana, but the Witch defended herself by throwing a hail of gravel at the Magical Girl, from which Eisst defended herself by forming a transparent barrier of ice and at the same time constantly using her ice spikes to keep pushing at the Witch without even giving her a moment to rest. However, the Witch did not seem to be pinned down even for a moment and was easily able to repel Eisst's attacks, sending her own towards her.

Seeing this, the Black Witch redirected the demons from Eisst towards the other Magical Girls, apparently under the impression that her companion would be able to deal with her opponent, or simply not care about her. No matter what the reason was it meant that Eisst now had a one-on-one fight with one Witch thus leaving the rest of the opponents to her more experienced companions. The Magical Girls also decided to focus on the rest of their opponents evidently having faith in Eisst that she could handle her opponent.

The demons were stopped at the same time by Feeu who created a great wave of fire sent towards the demons with a swipe of her sword and it proved to be very effective as the demons created from the shadows visibly shrank under the influence of the light created from her fire. Seeing this Argent sent precise shots of her light, in the form of thin lasers moving very fast, which were able to easily finish off the weakened demons that were not even able to react to this attack, slowed down by Feeu's firelight and thus as many as ten demons were destroyed in this one attack.

Seeing this the Witch in Black couldn't ignore the whole situation anymore, deciding to attack the biggest threat which was Argent and sending the rest of the demons to focus on attacking the rest of the Magical Girls, apparently confident in her ability to defeat Argent in their personal battle. Feeu and Aqua wanted to prevent that but being attacked by over ninety demons there was nothing they could do but defend themselves. And that's how the fight fell nicely into three parts, where everyone already had their opponents to defeat.

Feeu seeing that she would not be able to help her companion because of the demons surrounding them created a large fire zone where Feeu's fire mana danced in apparent defiance to the approaching demons and took the form of many fire serpents which with their light weakened the shadow demons. Aqua seeing that even with this they would not be able to fight so many demons surrounded, she created a water barrier behind them so that the demons could only attack them from the front and Feeu's fires visibly avoided her friend's water so that the two types of opposing mana would not cancel each other out.

Of course, these spells being so big consumed quite a lot of mana of their reserves, but they had no other choice seeing that they were fighting alone against a small army which, if it wasn't for the fact that they had a weakness for ligth, would have already crushed them with their numbers. But even though their defence was powerful they were not happy at all, because a huge shadow demon was approaching them and Feeu's fire did not affect it much, or simply its power was so great that this small weakening did not change anything. Either way things were not looking good for them.

Things didn't look good for Argent either because although her light was strong against the Witch's darkness the same could be said for the Witch's side whose dark barriers nullified Argent's light rays with the greatest of ease and it looked like if either of them wanted this fight to go anywhere they would have to fight in close proximity so that the other's element wouldn't have time to nullify their attack. So the fight began where the thrusts of the silver spear from the Magical Girl were deflected by the black swords of the Witch and the slashes of the swords were blocked by the staf of the spear, after which more attacks were thrown. 

Argent thrust her spear once again, aiming at the head of the Witch, who with one sword redirected the path of the spear so it flew past her head, where at the same time with the other sword she threw a cut aiming at the throat of the Magical Girl, who defended herself by using the other end of her spear to deflect the attack upwards and at the exact same moment both of them shot magic bullets at each other, which they blocked or dodged. This created some distance between them, which the Witch used to create black swords levitating next to her and Argent in response charged her mana spear in preparation for her next attack, making it glow with silver light.

The black magic swords shone with a pale light and then fired with great power wanting to pierce the Magical Girl through, but Argent was not rank three in vain and she was able to keep up with this speed without any problem, she was able to fire three lasers from her spear destroying the incoming swords and then with the fourth thrust she sent the most powerful laser directly towards the Witch in front of her. The Witch collided her two black swords with each other and they flashed with white light, then disappearing into a quick black blur that created an X symbol which cut the Argent beam into four parts, which passed the Witch hitting the building behind her, destroying the entire side of it.

This attack was not followed by attacks when Argent and the Witch in black looked at each other being able to see that only Argent was out of breath while the Witch still had a calm expression on her face not looking worried at all. Argent could see that the Witch in front of her was stronger than her but she couldn't understand why she wasn't even trying to fight and end this as soon as possible. When she turned her attention slightly towards Eisst there too she saw that her opponent wasn't trying too hard. Argent didn't know what was going on here and it made her feel like something worse that this attack was about to happen, as evidently the Witches had a plan in store.

The only thing she was able to see in her opponent's practically unchanging face was that the only emotion she could sense from her was annoyance as if what she was doing really didn't suit her and she would rather be anywhere else. That alone made Argent start to worry a lot more about what the Etativi who had sent them here might be planning. But Argent didn't have time to think about it because the fight started again and this time it looked like her opponent was more serious because she created as many as ten levitating swords around herself which all started to shine with a pale light and then shot towards Argent. 

This time unable to destroy the incoming attacks, which were faster this time, Argent created a barrier of light in front of her then sent a wave of light in front of the barrier to weaken the incoming attacks and even with that the Witch's attacks were able to break through Argent's barrier. However, the barrier was able to change the direction of some of the swords so Argent was able to deflect the rest with her spear gaining only a small cut on her side from a sword she could not block. The Witch in black created ten swords again which could only mean that she would repeat her attack. Thus began a defensive battle for Argent where she was at the mercy of her opponent.

The fights of her companions were not much more successful, as Eisst also found herself on the defensive, as the Witch she was fighting also increased the power of her attacks, where she herself was without any damage. Feeu and Aqua, on the other hand, were in the midst of a fierce battle with a large demon who, with the help of his companions, was able to dominate the Magical Girls, who also had to fight in a defensive position and it didn't look like they would be able to turn the tide of their battle.

However, at that moment when all seemed lost, a mass of small white crystal projectiles attacked the demons, who immediately turned their attention to their attacker, which turned out to be a man in a black and grey bodysuit. He was hovering a few metres above the ground by means of magical engines placed on his suit, constantly firing his machine gun, which had a blade a dozen or so centimetres long under the barrel serving as a bayonet and in his shots was extremely accurate, repeatedly hitting demons in the head.

Immediately after him, TransMagica trucks appeared behind the street, from which more than forty soldiers ran out, who also began to fire similar bullets at the demons, with their rifles modified specifically for fighting demons and with that amount of firepower they were able to force the demons to form a united front, thus making the Magical Girls who were fighting the demons no longer surrounded. Thereby, they were better able to pull down on attacking the demons and due to that, the number of demons began to decrease quickly.

"Well it looks like it's time to end this farce." Said the Witch in Brown loud enough for all concerned to hear and at the same time the whole atmosphere of the battle changed. The Demons stopped acting unorganized, starting to fight in groups where their tasks were visibly determined and the Witches themselves also stopped limiting themselves, starting to attack with all their might. 

Eisst thus had to immediately rush out to a support group to defend them from the attacks of the Witch who threw stones at them as well as the onslaught of several groups of demons who rushed at their new targets. Eisst created fighting positions for them out of her ice and in return the soldiers began firing towards the Witch to slow her attacks, and brought something from their transport vehicles. It was an RPMG-Rocket Propelled Magical Grenade, which they quickly fired towards the Witch to her surprise, causing her to quickly defend herself by creating a stone shield which crumbled to absorb the power of the soldiers attack and thus allowing their commander to take action.

"Eisst take care of the brown one, I will help Feeu and Aqua!" Commanded Alpha after which he flew to attack the giant demon, knowing that with the help of the TransMagic soldiers Eisst would be able to stop the Witch and wasting no time he started to shoot towards the giant demon. His firing-rate was slower this time but the bullets he fired were bigger and of course they packed a lot more punch. Thanks to that, he was able to fly up to Feeu and Aqua without much trouble, reducing the intensity with which the demons were pushing against them.

Without even exchanging a single word with each other, they began to fight side by side, thanks to which Aqua gained enough free time to be able to focus half of her attention on helping Argent, by sending water lances that were under great pressure towards the Black Witch. However, she still had to devote half of her attention to demons, which still wanted to chop her into pieces with their sharp claws.

Fighting the demons wasn't easy where the Magical Girls were already quite exhausted after using a huge amount of their mana, but still their attacks didn't become weaker at all and Feeu constantly maintained her fire zone weakening the shadow demons. The Alpha did well to help reduce the weight from Feeu's shoulders by accurately destroying the demons and those that managed to get close he cut with his blade, which became much longer after his weapon went into sword mode, thus rearranging the handle and creating a magical blade on the edge of the bayonet creating a proper single bladed sword.

The big demon however gave them the most trouble after he finally started attacking in earnest, as only the strongest attacks against him worked especially if they were from Feeu and his attacks were only blocked by Aqua's shields, which themselves were quickly destroyed under his onslaught. Unfortunately Feeu wasn't able to focus the rest of her mana on him because then she wouldn't be able to weaken the demons and that would quickly shift the scales to the demons side which they couldn't afford right now. So their fight was still in the middle of an unpleasant stalemate.

Worst of all however was Argent who despite Aqua's help was now all scarred up from the Witch's levitating swords that pierced through her defences time and time again and to make matters worse Argent still knew that the Witch wasn't trying too hard because the Witch wasn't getting even slightly closer to her, only increasing the amount of her attacks, with her swords only blocking Aqua's water lances. However, something worse than the total attack of the Witch that was in front of her happened before Argent's eyes, as Witch at least was not as nasty a situation that happened now.

After the Witch of Hate looked around the battlefield, she pulled out a black marble from her pocket which she threw behind her and then smashed it with a quick movement of one of her levitating blades. This opened a portal from which came out fifty more demons, which this time looked like stone golems and worse still another giant demon which was made of stone as well as shadow. Argent gritted her teeth because there was nothing she could do but that wasn't the worst of it yet.

At this point Argent was terribly distracted which the Witch took advantage of, lashing out at her in a thrust of her sword which was covered in a pale light and when Argent saw this she knew she wouldn't be able to block or dodge it. All she could do was use the rest of her mana to create a magic shield in front of her to try and slow the attack down just a little and although when the Witch's attack met the shield it stopped for a moment, after a second it broke through flying straight at Argent. Argent couldn't even jump back as she saw the incoming attack pierce through her body.


However, contrary to what was supposed to happen, the attack never reached its target for the Witch of Hate's sword was repelled by a sword that was segmented and acted like a whip. Then this sword became whole again in the hands of its master, who was now levitating between Argent and her opponent. The Witch of Lust who was now in front of Argent looked less than pleased, in her eyes which had taken on a slightly darker shade of amethyst one could clearly see the anger and promise of harm directed straight at the Witch of Hate.

"Hello let me join in the fun," she said. In contrast to her eyes her tone was cheerful, but there was no room for objection as a hint of coldness could be sensed, but that hint was enough to send a shiver down the spine of all present. "You see I was so excited about coming here, that I brought something I made myself to this little party."


Suddenly there was a powerful sound that drowned out the entire battlefield drawing everyone's attention to the direction it came from and what they saw terrified everyone. They saw how a huge demon made of stone and shadow was pierced through its entire body length by a crystal pole of 30 centimetres in thickness, thus being killed by it. 

In the silence that ensued only one voice could be heard.

"So how did you like my little gift?"

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