Magus Reborn [Mana Cultivation] [Kingdom Building]

96. Tales of Heroes and Vipers

The restaurant was called the Sapphire Hall, one of the costliest places in Hermil. It felt like luxurious confinement.

Excessive in all ways, the splendour stretched towards the crystal chandeliers that cast an otherworldly glow on the room. The light that reflected on it, danced on the polished marble floors. To add to the interior, soft instrumental music filled the air.

Edrian, Arzan’s second brother, reclined in a lavish velvet chair, a satisfied smirk on his lips.

"One of my favourite places in the capital," he said, his voice carrying a hint of smugness. "You have to try the crimson beef steak. It's a house speciality. Ah, I’d recommend it to anyone who’s trying here for the first time. It won't disappoint you."

Kai nodded, his attention divided between the extravagant surroundings and the information he was eager to obtain.

When Edrian had offered a final meal, Kai wasn’t that interested in sitting down and having a meal— a good place of choice for food or not. But if it meant he would be able to obtain more information on his brother, then it was worth the risk.

Information was key to anything and if Kai could get it by just having a meal, then it was an easy bargain.

"Sure, I would try it," he replied, his voice flat. The truth was, that Kai cared little for the culinary delights of the upper class. Good food was always a welcome thing, but he had far more important things on his mind. “Now, I’m more interested in knowing what you wanted to say.”

Edrian raised an eyebrow. "You're growing impatient, aren't you?" he remarked. "The duel is over. You should enjoy the spoils of victory. I don't know if you have tried the delicacies of life or not, but food and women are the finest of them. I won't share the latter with you, but food tastes better with good company."

Kai winced at the remark. "I don't have much time in the capital. The beast wave is waiting and I have to prepare to meet it."

A flicker of surprise crossed Edrian's face. “It seems like it's true that you haven't decided to hide in the capital to play the victim. Seems like you want to follow the path of your mother more than our father."

Kai's brow furrowed. "What does that mean?"

Edrian leaned forward, his eyes glinting with a strange light. From one look at the man, Kai could tell that he had been waiting for that question.

“Your mother, Magus Valkyrie made her name as a Mage exterminating monsters. She died a hero's death after a horrible fight and I know you don't like hearing about her, but it immortalised her name and prestige among everyone. Archine Tower even went ahead with creating fairy tales out of that fight.” He chuckled. “It happened because the beast she fought sought to destroy a big part of the kingdom and as she saved everyone, she became a hero.”

“I’m not trying to be a hero,” Kai replied. “It's just my duty as a lord.”

Edrian nodded. “I know, I'm just saying it's one of the best ways that anyone in the kingdom could solidify their name and prestige— by showing off the strength they possess and saving commoners. And as you can see, Magus Valkyrie legacy lives on. In this kingdom, power might be inherited, but you need to prove yourself. And there's no better way to prove yourself than facing the beast wave. Especially for a fledgling noble with land to protect."

Before Kai could respond or even think about how to respond, a waiter came with the plates in his hand. His movements were practised as he gracefully placed the plates on the table, the sizzling meat spreading the mouth-watering aroma in the air.

Kai inhaled slightly, letting his lungs fill with the taste before it hit his taste buds.

“Alright… Before you talk, I’d like to offer to try this first. I’d be offended if we let it get cold because…” Edrian cut a piece of meat and placed it on Kai’s plate. “This is my favourite thing in the world.”

Kai nodded and took a bite of the steak, the rich flavour momentarily distracting him. As his brother said, it was savoury and the more he chewed, the more flavours his tongue touched.

But his mind was racing, deciphering the hidden meaning behind Edrian's words. One thing he knew about him was that he wasn't the type to say things straightforwardly. Instead, he liked to give clues and let the other person get to the answer like a puzzle.

That's why he knew Edrian's words weren't entirely about him. After all, Arzan wasn’t the only new noble to reign over a land.

Kai's appetite vanished as he reached there. He leaned back in his chair, his gaze fixed on Edrian.

“Are you trying to say what I think you are?” Kai asked. It was a simple question, and his suspicions were confirmed when Edrian’s eyes suddenly glinted with a hint of amusement.

“And what would that be?”

“That Lucian is the one who’s behind the beast wave?” Kai paused, he didn’t need a response. “You know what that would mean, right?”

A bitter taste lingered on his tongue despite the steak he had just eaten.

"It's a likely scenario," Edrian mused aloud. “Lucian, a new Duke eager to prove himself and the first prince who sought a powerful ally. Both of them seemed to be in on the game even though I don't know if the prince had any idea or not. I hope you know about their connection?” He asked.

Kai nodded at that.

Each of the princes, save for the first, had the backing of powerful Dukes, some of whom were related by blood. These alliances had formed naturally, bolstering their bids for power.

The first prince Eldric, however, stood alone, without the support of a Dukal household— at least not openly. The Kellius household, embroiled in its own succession disputes, had been unable to lend support until recently.

Lucian's ascension to Duke had changed the game. He must have struck a deal with the first prince, leveraging his newfound title. Lucian’s position wasn’t yet secure; as a new Duke, he needed a grand gesture to solidify his standing among the nobles and commoners alike.

The beast wave presented a perfect opportunity. If Lucian could lead a successful defence, he would not only gain glory but also elevate the first prince's standing, cementing their alliance and boosting his own reputation.

Veralt was in the middle of it and they had probably thought that it was the perfect opportunity to destroy the city and end Arzan for good. He doubted his brother had expected him to take on the beast wave head-on at first.

Edrian continued, “And the beast wave, the perfect opportunity to rise to prominence." He shrugged at his own words. "Things don't just happen, especially in this world. Beast waves are rare. To orchestrate one, or at least manipulate it, requires careful planning and I don't know where one would even begin with it. I might have thought of it as fate, but it's hard to think so with that man. Lucian might be more dangerous than we think."

A chilling realisation washed over Kai. He guessed that the first prince and Lucian were using the beast wave as a way to solidify their position, but orchestrating it was a wholly different thing.

If he was actually capable of that, then he might be the most dangerous person in the kingdom. Had he managed to tame the brood mother? Or was it something else?

“And one thing I know is that,” Edrian spoke up before Kai could say anything else, earning a curious glance from the latter. “Our brother… He would never leave his family alone. And not in a good way.”

“I know.”

Kai’s response was curt and Edrian gave a brief nod.

They didn’t need any more words to discuss Lucian and a silence descended. The rest of the meal continued with occasional utensil noises and chewing the tasteful steak that Kai had taken an interest in once again.

He could agree that Edrian was right about it. The steak was good enough to be Edrian’s favourite meal.

Occasionally, they gave each other glimpses while chewing the meat. But soon, the uneasy silence came to an end when both their plates emptied. As he promised, Edrian didn't talk about their past or childhood.

That was the best for him since he had enough thoughts running in his mind. Once the meal was done, Edrian stood up, a smile gracing his lips.

"It was good to reconnect, brother. You've grown immensely since your awakening. I’m happy to see that you’ve."

Kai returned the smile, a mask of indifference hiding the turmoil within.

"Likewise," he replied. "What are your plans? Staying in the capital?"

"I'm leaving the capital," Edrian announced, a hint of freedom in his voice. "For years, I chased a phantom, trying to earn Father's approval to become a Duke, but that’s out of order. Now, I want to see the world. I'm starting a merchant company."

Kai raised an eyebrow. "A merchant company?"

Edrian nodded. "Yes, it’s a business that I was always interested in. You know, money is the only thing that's truly loyal. I trust it more than people who would plunge the knife at each other’s back right when they get the slightest chance. So, I will focus on my business and travel plans. Nothing extraordinary like your Heat stones, but I will start by selling spices."

“If you want, I can connect you to a person who delves into it.”

“I will think about it,” he replied.

There was a finality to his tone and although Kai could suspect his plans about starting a business, there was no reason. Edrian wasn't antagonistic towards him nor was he close.

As he turned to leave, he paused, his gaze locking with Kai's. "Good luck with the beast wave. I have a feeling you'll overcome it regardless of how it goes. I have been surprised more than once by you in the last few hours." He smiled, and then his face twisted as if he was hesitant. "And if you have time, read the “Tale of the Maleficent Viper."

With that, he walked away.

Kai was left alone, his mind racing. The Maleficent Viper? What kind of tale was that? And what did it have to do with anything?

Questions swirled in his head as he stared at the empty chair where his brother had sat.


The aftermath of the duel was a whirlwind. The city was abuzz with excitement, Arzan's name was on every lip.

Heads turned as he walked, eyes filled with awe and admiration. Even the stoic castle guards, hardened by years of service, couldn't hide their surprise. Hours after the duel, he had already gotten over a dozen letters, a few inviting him to balls while others were from noble ladies who had been impressed by him.

He ignored them, but among them, there was a letter from Amara who had only congratulated him on his victory and again, thanked him for saving her life. He hadn't seen her in the arena, but he guessed that she had her subordinates watching it.

Other than that, Kai also felt a wave of sympathy. It wasn't for Reyk or any other one of his enemies, but for the nobles and commoners who had betted on the duel. It was sufficient to say that most of them had lost good money and from what Killian told him, a lot of bars had people cursing Reyk.

Everyone expected it to be an easy duel for Reyk to win and put their bets on him, but it turned out to be their biggest loss.

For Kai, it was one of his most profitable ventures.

He had instructed his personal guards to wager on his victory, and he himself had placed a substantial bet, which turned fivefold when he won. Simply, the winnings were a windfall, a painless acquisition of gold. Probably the easiest bag of gold he’d made so far in this world.

More than a few of his guards thanked him and even Malden had struck rich, betting on him without even being told to. The man had smelled money knowing Kai's capabilities and had gone all out on it, betting over half of his personal savings.

He had invited Kai to a party to express his gratitude, but he had rejected it. He had much more serious matters to deal with after all.

The first prince Eldric, his face a mask of forced cheerfulness, had finally signed the papers assigning five hundred men to Kai's service.

It was a paltry number, insufficient for the task at hand, and the prince hadn’t even bothered to secure any Mages. Kai knew this was a token gesture, a way for the prince to appear helpful without truly committing resources. But he had expected this.

So, when he moved to Archine Tower to find out the result of the ascensus exam, he also asked to borrow Mages for the beast wave. It seemed like Veridia had already told everyone to agree to his demands and was surprisingly cooperative.

They agreed to send a dozen novice and apprentice Mages back with him.

Kai was certain these were not the cream of the crop. Most likely, they were the less promising students or those from commoner backgrounds. Yet, it didn’t matter. He wouldn't have wanted stronger Mages either way since they would be harder to control.

Since he wanted Mages to agree to each of his commands and trust him, he had also asked for the ones he had been familiar with.

Klan and Jacks, their eyes wide with a mix of fear and shakiness, stood out from the crowd. Both of them had failed to advance to the next rank in the examination and were now standing among a small army that would be fighting a beast wave.

They looked at the carriages and back at Kai, their eyes a mix of fear and nervousness.

Kai offered a reassuring smile. "Good to see you two," he said. "We'll be together for a while."

Klan swallowed nervously. "We have no experience in battling beasts, Lord Arzan. I... I've barely fought a few beasts before on the road and they barely had any bite,” he stammered. Jacks nodded in agreement. "We'll probably die," he added bluntly.

“I will teach you what to do after you’re there. So, don’t worry.”

“We might not make it alive,” Jacks said, repeating his friend's words.

Kai grinned at that. “Until you come back with your heart and limbs intact, it’ll be okay. We can easily heal a chopped limb or two. In the worst cases, we have prosthetic arms. And the rest of your worries, we'll cross that bridge when we come to it.”

The realisation hit them like a ton of bricks. Their faces paled visibly. The other Mages standing with them looked similar and even the men he had gotten from the prince had a tense atmosphere among them.

Kai knew all of them felt like they were being sent to be killed by the beast as no one expected to survive with such a low number of fighters. He hoped their thinking would change once they reached Veralt.

After all, with so much preparation, he would be damned if he wasn't able to survive the beast wave.

No, I will not only survive but win comfortably.

He swore under his breath and turned to Killian. "Let’s depart home," he said, a hint of anticipation in his voice.


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