Magus Reborn [Mana Cultivation] [Kingdom Building]

97. Back to Veralt

The journey back to Veralt was filled with an eerie stillness. But Kai took it as peaceful. After spending days in Hermil where he had been busy in one thing or another, the peace of the carriage was a welcome change.

He knew that he would be busy once again after reaching Veralt, so this was the only break he was going to get. So, aside from working on his fourth circle which in itself was much more complicated than the third one, he simply read the books that he had managed to borrow from Archine Tower's library.

Two of them were about basic ice spells while the last one was a book written by Hendricks on monster's biology which was an extremely interesting read.

They were moving with a large contingent of men and Mages.

The men borrowed from the prince were in the carriages far behind the one in which Kai travelled, but whenever they’d pass rocky roads, the continuous clang of metals could be heard even from where Kai sat.

The Mages, who wore white and crimson robes, made no action to gather unnecessary attention either. Kai could only imagine how silent they’d be the entire ride, especially with their hushed murmurs. They left the guards alone and none of them dared to disturb them— and by how it continued, the dynamic would extend for quite longer.

Kai had tried to bridge the gap between the two factions, encouraging interaction and asking them to get to know each other, but the Mages seemed content in their world.

Even Klan and Jacks only talked to him and sometimes with Killian when they would stop to rest. In their eyes, the rest of them were beneath them and they had no intention to know their comrades.

Fortunately, none of them tried to go against Kai’s words or actions. They didn’t question his commands, or his authority — which he attributed to either how the duel had ended or simply the fact that they wouldn’t want to antagonise the person that they would be working under.

If it’s the first case, he was content that he participated in the duel. Either way, it was a pleasant feeling to know that these newly recruited Mages wouldn’t be a problem shortly.

At the moment, most of them were useless to him but he knew that he would be able to make good use of them during the beast wave. After all, no matter how weak or untrained, they were still Mages. Even a limbless Mage was helpful simply because of the ability to cast spells.

As they neared Sylvan Enclave, the familiar scent of pine and earth was replaced by a subtle undercurrent of unease. It soon settled in the gut as he looked to his left and right.

The roads were bustling with more and more activity as they moved towards Veralt, but they were the only ones going towards the city. Carriages, laden with belongings, moved in a steady stream, heading away from Veralt.

Killian, his face filled with concern, pointed to the exodus. "Looks like most residents and merchants who could leave are leaving," he said, his voice barely a whisper. "Most of them probably know about the beast wave by now."

A cold dread crept into Kai's heart. Killian's words made him realise that the beast wave was no longer a distant threat. It was on their doorstep.

And they were the only ones standing in its way.

Kai nodded grimly. "Those are the only ones with the means to escape," he said, his voice filled with a bitter undertone. "But even they won't find peace. The roads are dangerous— beasts, bandits and whatnot, and other cities won't welcome them with open arms. They won’t be able to survive easily there either, I feel bad for them, honestly. But it's a harsh world."

Killian offered a sympathetic nod. "Indeed, Lord Arzan." he agreed.

As they continued their journey while discussing the same, grim topic, one of the carriage drivers called out. "We can see Veralt!"

Kai's eyes snapped open. He leaned forward, peering out of the carriage window. Mana moved through his eyes as they powered up a simple spell.

[Hawk eyes]

It took a few seconds, but soon, he was able to see every little detail out there.

The city was a sight to behold. The once familiar spires and towers were now crowned with a flurry of construction activity for the wall. Workers scurried like ants and toiled to reinforce the walls, adding crenellations for defensive purposes. A long, serpentine line of people stretched towards the city gates, probably refugees.

He looked at the sight with a smile on his face. He didn't know when, but he had gotten attached to the city and living in Hermil just made him realise that.

At the same time, a wave of responsibility washed over Kai but soon, it turned to a chill that ran down his spine as he observed the surrounding forest.

What in the name of Goddess Lumaris?

His instincts screamed at him that something was amiss and he noticed sudden movement through the surroundings of the city.

A beast emerged from the foliage, followed by a dozen others, their eyes glinting with feral intensity. Red fur covered their bodies alongside sharp claws and they surged forward on four legs.

They resemble monkeys, just twice the size of a normal one and sharp spikes grew out of the fur, making them seem far more lethal.

Kai watched them as his mind searched through the records of a beast he had read recently that lived around Vasper Forest and realised they were called ‘Spiked Monkeys,’ a name he could get behind going by their appearance. Grade 2 beasts were staunch carnivores, unlike normal monkeys.

They weren't particularly strong individually, but in a group, they could be forced to reckon with. The worst part— they were heading straight for the city.

Their appearance wasn't stealthy and the city soon took notice of it. Panic erupted as refugees clamoured to get inside and the work on the wall stalled.

Guards tried to assure them, but they were too panicked to listen to anything. Even the workers on the wall seemed to be shouting and abandoning their duties to get inside while a few of them picked up weapons and jumped down on the ground to join the guards.

It wasn't the best response to an attack, but it was clear that it wasn't the first time going by how quickly the guards seemed to be reacting.

Kai saw archers moving on to take their position by the time the horde had reached halfway to the city. A barrage of arrows rained down on the beasts, but they pressed on, their numbers overwhelming.

A few of them staggered while others were luckier, their spiked fur intercepting the arrows. Despite that, the guards on the ground stood with shields, forming a formation.

Kai saw Feroy and other Enforcers jump out of the wall, leading a counterattack as the monkeys reached nearer to the gates, their swords and weapons a blur of steel. They didn't seem to have neglected their training as the blades moved with precision, slicing through the vulnerable parts of the monkeys and drawing blood.

More and more guards joined the battle as the Enforcers took the lead, holding the beast from slaughtering the refugees that hadn't been able to get inside. But as the battle continued, a roar reverberated and a colossal figure emerged from the forest.

It looked the same as a spiked monkey but was twice as big with black marks flowing through the red spiked fur. Its claws were long and its muscles bulged as it ran towards the gates. It was called a spiked gorilla, a Grade 3 beast and probably the beast leading the pack.

The guards wouldn’t be able to get out of the battle without getting injured or even losing their lives, not after the monstrous gorilla showed itself.

Kai had no idea why it was too late to join the fray, but he was thankful for it since it gave him a few moments to think and his decision was already made.

Knowing that currently they were sitting ducks, Kai turned to Killian. "I need to go," he said, his voice urgent. "The city is under attack." Killian opened his mouth to say something, but he couldn’t wait.

He leapt from the carriage, using a spell to balance himself. Spells of acceleration propelled him forward, making the rest of the world pass in a mere second. A gust of wind flowed around his legs, pushing him forward and he was lucky that the path ahead was straight.

With the speed he ran, he couldn't do more than run in a straight line.

He drew closer to the gates and came to a halt, maintaining a safe distance and not rushing in.

The refugees who were behind the defenders screamed as the spiked gorilla joined the battle, coming forward and smashing the ground with its fist. The monkeys scattered, letting it take the centre space and the faces of the guards fell. Horror gripped them and even the Enforcers didn't look sure of the outcome of the battle now.

One of the monkeys took advantage of the fear and jumped forward, its claws slashing across a guard. He fell on the ground, clutching the sides of his ears and let out a scream of anguish. He was bleeding from the ripped skin.

The spiked monkey moved to finish him off, but Kai joined the battle then.

Mana surged around him as streaks of it formed a spell structure. He unleashed flaming arrows, raining them down on the spiked monkey and in a matter of seconds, it lay on the ground, fur scorched and blood seeping out of its injuries.

The monsters took note of him, but Kai didn't stop there.

He created another spell structure. Since reaching the third circle and making progress in it, he had gotten access to a large mana pool that was perfect for handling a group of monsters.

As his spell structure came to life, something bubbled up from the ground.

In the middle of the horde of monkeys, a searing wall of flames burst forth, burning away a few of the monkeys as they screeched. The smell of scorched fur filled the air as [Firewall] fully took its shape.

The guards noticed it and immediately took the cue, moving and pushing the monkeys towards the wall. Flames licked their bodies and they burned. Their numbers dwindled rapidly as the guards cheered and spotted Kai.

Feroy sent him a glance of happiness, but he barely had any time for greetings as the spiked gorilla moved forward. It was careful to not touch the wall as it turned its attention towards Kai.

Spiked gorillas love to fight strong creatures and would always aim to finish the strongest person first.

Kai recalled a line from a book as the gorilla towered over him.

The creature's roar echoed through the battlefield as Kai unleashed a torrent of fire spells, each one blazing with intense heat. Flames licked at the gorilla's fur, but it charged forward, seemingly unfazed.

Its scorched fur seemed to have no effect on it and any guard that tried to close in on it got injured by the spikes on its back.

What the fuck?

Switching tactics, Kai summoned sharp gusts of wind. If flames couldn't do anything to it, he was going to cut it into pieces.

The winds sliced through the air, striking the beast with relentless force, yet it shrugged off the attacks, its determination unwavering. One of the blades made a large gash around its arm as it screeched, but it simply gave a grim, seemingly liking the challenge Kai posed.

Each step it took shook the ground, closing the distance between them.

Kai's mind raced. His spells were powerful, but this creature was relentless. He needed a new approach.

Channelling his mana, he called for the familiar chill of ice magic coursing through him. He had studied them extensively in the past week and now, he could already form basic spells well.

With a swift motion, streaks of mana formed a spell structure, one he was casting for the first time. But it worked, taking a second or two longer than his usual spells.

“[Frost Grip].”

Mana surged forth, freezing the ground beneath the gorilla and creeping up its legs. Crystals of frost spread rapidly, encasing the beast in a glistening prison of ice.

The gorilla's movements slowed, its roars turning into frustrated growls as it struggled against the icy bonds. Kai took a step back, smiling and looking sideways as Feroy leapt into action.

With a powerful swing of his spear, Feroy struck the immobilised beast, shattering the ice and delivering a fatal blow to its chest. For a second, Kai felt like he saw a hint of flames at the edge of the spear.

The gorilla collapsed, its massive form hitting the ground with a thunderous crash. He saw its hands moving as it tried to claw at Feroy, but Kai sent a flame lance straight into its heart.

It pierced through the fur, burning it up as it flailed and screamed. But the blood seeping out of it pooled more and more every second and soon, the spiked gorilla grew quiet and the battlefield grew quieter.

The remaining beast, sensing their leader's defeat screamed and began to retreat. Kai looked around, seeing the relief on the guards' faces.

The archers rained down arrows on the retreating figures and a few guards chased after them, led by Bord and Nelson. Taking the offensive, they slashed and sliced through the monkeys as more and more fell every second.

Finally once the last of the monkeys had fallen, the tension in the air dissipated.

A cheer erupted from the city walls. The guards, who looked exhausted and relieved, turned their gaze towards Kai. The refugees let out another cheer as more and more eyes fell on him. Everyone knew who he was since his fame had increased in recent months and as he took in the sight of their faces, their eyes looked grateful for his timely intervention.

Feroy, his breath coming in ragged gasps, approached Kai. "Lord Arzan, you arrived just in time," he said, his voice filled with relief. “If you haven't, then that beast would have been hard to deal with. It's already the second attack in the last three days. The city missed you.”

Kai nodded, his eyes scanning the battlefield. The bodies of the fallen monkeys littered the ground and among them, there were a few guards. "I can see that," he replied, his voice low.

He turned his attention to the approaching carriages. "I brought reinforcements," he said to Feroy. "The best I could gather. There are a good amount of men and a few Mages. I told you to prepare the barracks. Get them settled in there."

Feroy nodded. "They're ready, but I don't know how the Mages will react."

Kai shook his head immediately. "They're here to fight beasts, not have a picnic. They'll adjust."

He wished to talk more, but as he saw how haggard Feroy looked and the dark circles in his eyes, he knew the past few weeks hadn't been easy for him.

Kai wanted to know more about how everything had gone in his absence, so after telling Feroy to clear up, he moved towards the gates.

The refugees and guards cleared a way for him, clapping for his victory as their eyes looked at him in reverence.

As Kai stepped through the city gates, the familiar clamour of life greeted him, but his attention was immediately drawn to a figure getting out of a carriage and sprinting toward him.

Francis— his eyebrows raised in worry looked as though he had aged years in their short time apart. His clothes were dishevelled, and his hair stuck to his forehead with sweat.

"Lord Arzan!" Francis called out, his voice cracking. He reached Kai, breathless and wide-eyed, words tumbling out in a frantic rush. “You are finally back! I heard there was another attack on the city, but it seems like you already dealt with it. You came just at the right time. A few days more and the city might have been razed—”

Kai raised a hand, stopping him mid-sentence. "Francis, take a breath," he said calmly. "Let's get to the estate first. I want to hear everything, but we need a more secure place to talk."

Francis nodded, swallowing hard as he tried to compose himself. As they moved towards the carriage, Kai couldn't help but feel a growing sense of urgency to understand what had transpired in his absence.


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