Making It in Night City

Chapter 15 – Meeting the Family

We got to the mine entrance roughly 15 minutes after the call with the NCPD. We slowly made our way through the tunnel, checking if any Shivs came here after our firefight went down. The path was clear, and we soon made it to the containers, where we found the Caliburn and the girls. Panam and I got out of the truck and confirmed the car was still there.

"The meeting with Saul is starting soon. You get in the Caliburn and follow me to the meeting place. Once we're there, let me do the talking. You got it?"

"Yup, sounds good."

I walked into the container and found the shard to the car, and watched the scissor door open for me. This is so freaking cool. I know this car won't be mine, but I always wanted a vehicle with Lambo doors, and my inner child is having a meltdown at how awesome this is. I slid into the leather bucket seats and gripped the steering wheel that wouldn't look out of place in a spaceship.

While I was gawking at the interior, Panam walked over and leaned into the opening.

"Basil, I need you to look at me."

Tearing my eyes off the interactive dash, I looked up at Panam.

"This is important to me, ok? I want my family back, but only if it's on my terms. So when I said let me do the talking? I mean it. The Aldecaldos don't like outsiders, so make sure you don't ruin the deal by joking around. Ok?"

"You got it, Panam. I promise I'll let you handle the situation, no matter how badly you are screwing it up."

Deciding that talking with me any further wouldn't be worth the effort, Panam closed the door on me so I couldn't smart mouth her. Once the door closed, I pushed the start lever down on the center console, and the car started right up. A classy tone played, and all the internal lights and panels powered on. The CrystalDome windows became transparent, and I watched as Panam stepped into her truck.

Once Panam started driving out, I gently hit the gas pedal and followed behind her truck. There were certain expectations for sports cars, and the Caliburn met absolutely none of them. The engine was quiet, the ride was very smooth, and the seats were incredibly comfortable. Then I remembered that Rayfield was a luxury company first and foremost, and it made more sense.

It was a strange feeling driving such a nice car down such a dusty road. The Caliburn had excellent ride quality, which provided a disconnected feeling from the rest of the world. Now that I was outside the city, I could enjoy the blue sky perfectly framed by the mountains and hills in the distance. 

It was nice to see nature again, even though nature in this world means the desert with limited vegetation. My entire stay in this world has been occupied with city living, literal dumpster diving, or murdering people. This feeling I have right now must be what the Aldecaldos experience daily. Living the Nomad lifestyle was the essence of freedom.

But it also meant no amenities the modern person would have become acquainted with. No consistent signals meant no entertainment at your fingertips. It also meant that anything you couldn't make would take an hour-long drive. Outside of city limits means no city infrastructure. Most people can't live without a hot shower or 24/7 air conditioning. It's the classical trade-off, freedom or convenience?

While I was thinking about the idiosyncrasies of the different lifestyles in this world, Panam pulled into a dirt road that led towards some wind power generators. I was worried that going offroad would harm the paint, so I carefully drove and avoided any rocks I could see. We went through a few turns and slowly climbed uphill toward what I now recognize as the first Aldercaldo camp.

Saul was already waiting at the entrance to the camp, with Mitch and Scorpion by his side. He must have recognized Panam's truck the second he saw us since he yelled something and then turned towards mitch and stared him down. Props to Mitch; the dude didn't seem to care at all. He just raised his hands in mock surrender and pointed over to us.


I parked the Caliburn right next to where Panam stopped and got out of the car just in time to see Panam exit her truck and Saul stomp over.

"If it isn't Panam Palmer. Why are you here? Here to poison the well some more? Or are you here to finally see some sense and help the family instead of arguing all the time?"

Whoa. Strong start.

"Oh, go fuck yourself, Saul. Me poisoning the well? You're the one who's about to sell our clan's soul to BioTechnica!"

And an equally strong clap-back! If only I had popcorn.

"For crying out loud! Selling our souls? You're too old to be this dramatic. We need the money, and this is the best way for the family to get it. The decision was made with our best interest in mind. You're just too immature to see that."

"This is the best way, is it? Why have we fallen on such hard times, huh? Maybe if our leader hasn't turned into a coward, we could start taking on some serious jobs that make serious money."

"Not everyone is willing to risk their life for Eddies like you, Panam. And it is not your right to decide how everyone lives their life."

"But it's your right to decide everyone should live under the boots of corpos!? Taking some risks is a part of being a Nomad." 

Panam then pointed at the Caliburn.

"This is what a little risk can get us. Brand new Caliburn abandoned by its owner. You move this, and we can fund the family for months! No corpo ass-kissing required."

Saul looked at the Caliburn and noticed me standing next to it. I didn't think it was possible, but he furrowed his brows further than his grimace was already doing and jabbed a finger at me.

"And who the hell is that?"

"He's a friend. And he's none of your business. Where's that 'for the good of the family' crap now? Here's a job with almost no risk and a preem payout. But if you want the family to get a cut, I handle the job, and you have to butt out."

Saul focused back on Panam and started pacing back and forth in front of her like an angry lion. I could see the mental arithmetic he was doing. The Aldercaldos did need the money, but was it worth having Panam back and undermining his decisions? Eventually, he came to a conclusion and threw his hands up into the air.

"Fine! but you better stay in line, or I'll beat you into it."

After that last pseudo-threat, Saul turned around and walked back into camp.

"You and I both know that's not happening."

Panam yelled at her back, getting Saul to raise his right arm and give Panam the bird. Seeing the bombs had gone off and the dust had settled, I strolled over to Panam to gauge how she was now feeling.

"So now that you two are done going at each other's throats, how did that go? I can't tell if this has gone well or not."

"Trust me, that was nothing. You should have seen my argument with Saul before I got thrown out. I swear the people in the Crystal Palace could have heard us. And it went well. His accepting letting me handle this job and giving the money to the clan is his way of saying I'm back in."

That was going well? This family is hugely dysfunctional.

"So you planning on keeping quiet this time to make your stay last longer?"

Panam looked at me and gave me those eyes that said, 'Come on'.

"Wouldn't count on it."

While Panam and I were talking, Mitch and Scorpion walked over. Mitch spoke up first.

If you are reading this, it means that you are reading a novel stolen from the original author. If this is left in by whoever stole my work, you'll know their a big dummy and didn't recognize the massive out of place blank space as hidden white text. If you want to support me, the original author, and read ahead for free, you can find me on scribblehub under SPS4. 


"Well, that went better than we expected. Welcome back, Panam!"

Huh. She wasn't lying about this being a good meeting. Mitch pulled Panam into a hug, and after they were done, Scorpion did the same.

"Thanks, guys. It means a lot. Anyway, this here is my new choom, Basil. He helped me with some personal problems. And he's also the reason why this Caliburn is here."

I shook hands with Mitch and Scorpion, feeling the rough and calloused hands only found on people living arduous lives for decades. Mitch and Scorpion served together in the Unification war as Panzerboys, operating large hover tanks controlled directly through a neural interface. That would sound super cool if they weren't also given chemical cocktails that destroyed their sense of self-preservation and now have PTSD.

"New Choom, eh? So is he a friend, or is he a 'friend'."

Scorpion asked about our relationship while waggling his eyebrows at that last 'friend'. Panam rolled her eyes, but I could see a grin tugging at her lips.

"He's just a friend, ok?"

"*Gasp* Just a friend? After all we've been through? I'll get that heart of yours one day. Mark my words!"

Panam gave me a dirty look and went back to Mitch and Scorpion.

"Don't mind him. He just likes to stir the pot. The Caliburn will stay here until we can get a buyer. I got a few contacts that would be interested, but let's put out some feelers to see what's the best price we can fetch for this thing."

The Nomad trio then hashed out the details while I waited by the side. This went on for a few minutes, then a dozen minutes, then two dozen minutes...

"Sorry for interrupting, but since I'm leaving Caliburn here, Panam is my only way back. Do you mind driving me to my place?"

"Trying to leave so soon?" Scorpion asked, "You should come into the camp and meet everyone."

"That would be nice, but I'll have to turn down that offer. I need someone to take a look at my shoulder. I picked up some shrapnel on the way over and need a doc to take it out."

"Oh! Then you should definitely come with us. Getting medical attention out here is hard, so we have some of the best medics. Gus'll get you sorted out in no time."

I looked at Panam to confirm she was ok with this, and she nodded and started walking toward the camp.

"Come on, Basil. I'll introduce you to everyone."

Fuck it. I got nothing to lose. Let's meet the Aldercaldos.

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