Making It in Night City

Chapter 16 – Taking a Shot

The Aldecaldo camp was a collection of tents, mobile homes, trailer houses, and vehicles. Mitch and Scorpion walked me around and introduced me to the few people around the place. The various vendors, children, and a few Nomads fixing things. Everyone was much nicer than when V first appeared in the Nomad camp. Probably because I didn't get a bunch of them killed yet.

Panam explained that the base was a bit empty right now because most people were either working odd jobs or patrolling the area. Once the sun starts to set, the place becomes much livelier. Currently, it was just Saul and a skeleton crew to keep an eye on the camp.

Most of the Nomads lived in tent homes, with businesses being converted cargo trucks or containers. They pulled the power they needed by high jacking one of the windmills and connecting it to the appliances all around the place. They had a bar, a restaurant, a general goods store, and even a Ripperdoc. 

If you are reading this, it means that you are reading a novel stolen from the original author. If this is left in by whoever stole my work, you'll know their a big dummy and didn't recognize the massive out of place blank space as hidden white text. If you want to support me, the original author, and read ahead for free, you can find me on scribblehub under SPS4. 


Speaking of the ripperdoc, in the center of the camp was an 18-wheeler truck bed that the Nomads converted into a mobile building. Half of it served as the command center for all Aldecaldo activities, and the other half served as a makeshift clinic/operation room. Once Mitch and Scorpion gave me a simple tour, they waved goodbye and went back to whatever jobs they were doing prior. 

Panam led me up the stairs of the ripperdoc section and introduced me to the Aldecaldo's medical team.

"Basil, Gus. Gus, Basil. Gus is our ripperdoc who also works as a physician, pediatrician, and pharmacist. He can get your shoulder in working order in no time. Ain't that right, Gus?"

And by 'medical team', I mean this one overworked guy who did it all.

"Hrmph. Nice to see you back with us, Panam. Now you. Basil, was it? What's wrong with your shoulder?"

"I took a round and didn't want to bleed out, so I healed the wound without pulling the bullet out. Now every time I try to move my arm, I feel something pushing against my muscles. I also can't ball my hand into a fist without hurting the entire arm."

"Simple enough. Probably just shrapnel pushing on your bones and nerves. I can give you some painkillers and cut you open to take out any lead in you. The whole operation shouldn't take more than an hour and a half."

"Sounds good, doc. Strap me in, and let's get started."

I climbed into Gus' surgical chair and tried to relax. He's probably a great doctor, but having a delicate medical procedure in the middle of the badlands isn't precisely the ideal situation. The Bounce Back didn't heal the wound perfectly, so you could still see a scar where I was shot. Gus disinfected the area with rubbing alcohol and pulled out a needle.

"I'll inject you with this local anesthetics, so you don't feel me poking around your shoulder too much."

I then felt a slight prick which went just as quickly as it came.

"I'm just going to give it a moment for the effects to kick in, and then we'll start cutting you open."

After waiting a bit, Gus made a small incision near my upper arm and asked if I felt anything. Since I didn't, Gus made a more significant cut and started to take pieces of copper and lead out of my shoulder. While the good doctor was doing that, Panam was nice enough to keep me company so I didn't have to look at my blood and bones.

Panam and I just shot the shit. We talked about her life and how she will adapt to going back to living with the Nomads. We then talked about how much we could expect to get for the Caliburn. That conversation led to talking about cars, which led to talking about her truck, which eventually led to talking about the modifications I wanted for my van.

Something I've wanted to do was to get the Aldecaldos to modify my van into a heavy-duty war machine. If I was going to start messing around with the plot, I needed a car to handle the job. We reviewed the modifications I wanted, and Panam said it wouldn't be a problem. The Nomads could customize a vehicle to do anything as long as the Eddies were right. 

Gus finished up in less than an hour, stitched up my wound, and wrapped it in gauze. To help my body heal, he gave me a watered-down version of a MaxDoc. Instead of healing the injuries immediately, it just helps the body speed up the process. MaxDocs and Bounce Backs are great if you are in a firefight, but they don't do the best job of letting the body heal correctly.

"No heavy liftin' that'll strain the wound and take a hit of that inhaler twice a day. Don't worry about the stitches. The biodegradable string will break apart when your body has healed."

"Thanks, doc. What do I owe ya?"

"Nothin'. The cut from the Caliburn sale will help dig the clan out of the hole we're in right now. That's payment enough."

I thanked Gus and shook hands with the man. Panam helped me out of the seat and told me to follow her.

"Come on, let's grab some food and a drink."

We walked towards a large cargo truck turned restaurant and sat at the bar. Panam ordered a Broseph and a hot dog, while I ordered a can of NiCola and a burger. The burger the Aldecaldos made was a hell of a lot better than that piece of crap I got on my first day in this world. Apparently, the Aldecaldos use a soy patty but infuse it with some plasma to imitate that blood flavor from real meat.

As the afternoon started to shift to night, more Aldecaldos began returning from their jobs. The temperature dropped as the sun started to set, and a bonfire was created in the center of the camp. A small group started collecting around the warmth, and a few portable grills were brought out to feed the group.

Someone then picked up a guitar and started playing a folky tune. No one sang; it was just some calming music to soothe everyone. People settled into their cliques, and the country sound was only interrupted by gentle laughter and banter. Panam was leaning back onto the countertop, looking at the bonfire, and sipping at the last few drops of her Broseph. I could see a small smile begin to form.

"This is nice. I can see why you'd want back in so much. Even if you and Saul are at each other's throats."

"Yeah. City life has its benefits, but this is where my heart is. You can't beat good company and the open road."

"Hmmm. It is the dream."

I crushed my empty NiCola can and tossed it into the trash can. It was getting late, and I needed to get back into the city. Since I intend to use my knowledge more, I need to be somewhere where I can think and put my plans on paper. I'm going to tussle with Arasaka after all. I'll need a plan.

"You good to drive me back, Panam? It's getting late, and I need to wake up early tomorrow."

"One Broseph isn't enough to put me out of commission. Come on, let's get you back home."

We paid our tabs and made our way over to Panam's truck. Once inside, Panam turned onto the dirt path, which then merged into the freeway. We drove in silence towards the neon lights of Night City, leaving behind the Nomad camp. I enjoyed looking out of my window and up at the night sky. This might be the first time I've seen the stars while in this world, and I'm dazzled by their simple beauty.

Panam interrupted my peaceful admiring of the celestial bodies.

"I think you'd like living out here."

"Do you now? I don't want to be the wet blanket, but do you know me well enough to make such a statement?"

"I don't. But I know that look in your eyes. You've found serenity, and you like it. If I've learned anything while living in the city, it's that you can't find peace living in it."

"Hmmm. Maybe your right."

Maybe I'll carve out a piece of the Badlands and settle down once the dust settles and I'm happy with my impact on Night City. Or perhaps everything goes so horribly that my only option to stay alive is to go into hiding with the Nomads. Would I be happy living such a lonely life out in the middle of nowhere? Would I be willing to do it with the right person? With Panam?

While I was thinking this, we pulled onto the street next to my and Vic's shop. I need to stop being a wuss, I'm taking my shot.

"Hey, Panam. The last few days have been pretty crazy, but spending them with you has been fun. I know I joke around a lot , but I like you, and I'd like to take you on a night out when you're free."

Panam looked at me with wide eyes and mouth agape like horns were growing from my head. She didn't say anything, and I kept silent, waiting for her response. My hands started to get clammy with anticipation. In the game, she held off on having a relationship with V because she didn't want to ruin an already good friendship. Is she going to do the same with me? Did I come on too early or strong?

While I was having a tiny freakout, Panam unfroze from her shock and cleared her throat to try to break the silence.

"*Ahem* That was kinda out of nowhere. Yeah, that sounds nova. Wednesday work for you?"

She said yes? Hell yeah! She said yes!

"Uh, yeah. That works for me. I'll get something set up and pick you up on Wednesday."

I opened my door and stepped out onto the busy streets, turning around to wave at Panam and say goodnight to Panam. She waved back, and I closed the door. Panam's truck drove down the road and soon out of sight. Happy that I got a date, I pumped my arms like a teenager and walked back to my store with an extra bit of swagger.

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