Making It in Night City

Chapter 20 – Rated R for Racing. And S*x (R18)

It was the following afternoon, and I was enjoying breaking in the new shower I had put in yesterday. The contractor came in the morning the day before, and I let him do his thing while I did my remaining tasks. I got my date ready with Panam, then went to the landfill and crafted as much ammo as possible. After fulfilling the order, it was night when the escapade at the bar happened. What followed after was the kiss with Panama and meeting with Rosa's dad to show him what we found.

Rosa's dad was delighted with what we found and happily paid me 30000 Eddies for a well-done job. I stepped out of the shower and dried myself off. I had my date with Panam today, so I made sure to clean myself until I was spotless. I stepped towards the mirror and was greeted with my new face staring back at me.

Striking grey eyes were framed by brows that spread like a hawk's wings mid-flight. Between the eyes was a perfect nose, making me wonder if this face had any work done on it before. A strong jawline sat on either side of plump red lips. Noticing the slight stubble I had growing, I grabbed a razor and tidied myself up. Once I was done shaving, I spritzed some hair gel and quickly styled my jet-black hair by doing a simple part to the left.


I remember when I first got here and how it always took me a second or two to recognize my new face in the mirror. I also remember trying to take my glasses off only to remember that the Kioshi optics give me perfect vision. It was starting to bother me that I was beginning to think this was my face. But even worse was that I was starting to have difficulty remembering the faces of those close to me in my original life.

I always had trouble remembering faces, and not having any pictures or memorabilia of my old life wasn't exactly helping the matter. Am I eventually going to forget everything about my past life? My family, my friends, and all the memories that turned me into who I am today will just fade away? I was beginning to feel anxious. I felt as if I tried to hold onto the metaphorical sand of my past, it would just squeeze out of my palm faster.

"No! No sad thoughts right now. It's a big day, and you can't be bringing it down with your weird mood. What if you forget a few things about your past. Just make up for it by making new memories now! Go to Panam and have yourself a day to remember."

I pinched myself to get out of this funky mood and went into my inventory to pick a set of clothes. A pair of jeans, a simple red shirt, and a black jacket later, I was almost ready to head out. A little spray of cologne behind the neck was the last thing I needed before I stepped out of the door and made my way to my van. I considered renting a nicer car, but the van will play an essential role later in the night.

Checking that I had everything ready in the back, I focused on the road and started driving towards the Nomad camp. The sun was beginning to set, and the sky was now a pretty orange, giving everything a calming warm glow. I turned the radio on to a station playing classic rock music.

Once on the freeway to the Badlands, the traffic began to thin out until it was just me. Shortly after the road cleared, I saw the winding roads leading to the Nomad camp and turned onto the dirt path. A short drive later, I found myself at the entrance and parked near an old Mesquite tree. I got out of the van and texted Panam that I was here to pick her up. She replied that she was on her way, so I leaned against the van and waited for her to show up.

Just a few minutes later, I saw Panam turn the corner and wave at me. I didn't know what outfit she would throw together; frankly, I didn't care since Panam has a body that looks hot in everything. But whatever expectations I did have blew right out of the water once I got a look at what she was wearing.

She wore a pair of shiny black leather pants that hugged her so tight that it looked like someone had painted them onto her. The form-fitting pants did a fantastic job showing off her long legs. The pants rode pretty low and were cinched to her waist with a silver belt.

Right above her belt was her V-cut abs that drew my eyes toward her pelvic area. Forcing my eyes up, I saw her cute belly button and toned abs on full display. Further up was a black mini tube top that left almost nothing to the imagination. The small article of clothing did its damndest to try to hide as much as it could, but I could see her breasts struggling against it and creating a deep valley in the middle.

Doing a poor job of covering her body was a small leather jacket that perfectly complemented her pants. Rounding out the attire was a pair of boots with silvers cuffs at the top. The high heels changed her posture slightly and gave her walk a particular spice to it. Combined with a purposefully exaggerated hip sway, Panam looked like she walked right out of a fashion magazine, dripping with sex appeal.


Seeing how gobsmacked I was, Panam had a grin so large she would have put the Cheshire Cat to shame. Taking her sweet time, she sauntered over to me and struck a pose with one of her legs bent and a hand on her hip. She looked me in her eyes and raised one of her eyebrows inquisitively.

"Cat got your tongue?"

The words that rolled out of her mouth snapped me out of the spell I was under. My brain booted up, and I stepped to the side and opened the passenger door for her.

"More like the cat got my body, mind, and soul. You look stunning."

"Yes. I do. You clean up nicely as well."

Panam was rightfully cocky and gracefully stepped into the passenger seat. I closed her door and quickly walked to the driver's seat. Starting the van after getting in, the radio turned on and played a half-finished song. I reversed away from the Nomad camp, and we soon found ourselves back on the freeway and driving towards Night City. Only a sliver of the sun could still be seen above the earth, which soon wholly disappeared, allowing the darkness of the night to start rolling in.

"So, where are we going? Hope you have something special in mind because I don't impress easily."

"It's a secret. I wouldn't want to ruin the surprise now, would I? Don't worry, I put some effort in, and I think you'll like what I have in store for our evening."

We then settled in and silently enjoyed the road and the music playing in the background. The drive to our destination took about half an hour, but the look in Panam's eyes when she realized where we were was more than worth it.

"Is that what I think it is!?"


"I love demolition derbies! How did you know?"

"I know how much you love offroading. Your Mackinaw's a dead giveaway. I just got a hunch that you enjoyed something similar like this."

In actuality, I may have cheated slightly and got Mitch to tell me what Panam liked to do while growing up. The older man was more than happy to set me up and play the wingman for me. He ranted about all the things he knew about Panam, some of which were highly embarrassing.

One of the things that caught my attention was that if you got lucky while on the road, you could sometimes hijack television or radio signals. A young Panam always used any chance she had to tune into rally races or demolition derby. Apparently, this love turned into an obsession, and she started racing and tuning cars the second she could.

I handed her a ticker and pulled out two passes on lanyards. I draped one of the passes over Panam and watched as her eyes sparkled at the shiny gold letters on the pass that said 'VIP'. Smiling at her reaction, I held out my elbow, and she happily looped hers through mine. We walked arm in arm and skipped the lines by flashing our badges.

After I saw how happy Panam was with the pass and the derby, my shoulders relaxed, and I released stress that I didn't know I was building up. I guess I was worrying about how the date would go more than I thought I would. I need to just relax and remember to enjoy the date as well.

After we bought some junk food and drinks from some stalls, Panam and I found our seats and sat down to enjoy the show. Demolition derby was surprisingly popular, with the night city circuit occasionally drawing hundreds of thousands of viewers worldwide. It was only ten minutes before the first heats started, so the stadium was packed, and we had to weave through the crowd to get to our seats.

Ten or so minutes after we found our spots, the race commentators came over the speakers and announced the start of the race. Tonight the track's middle sections were opened up, and the usual oval track was converted to a figure eight. The X formed in the middle would become a battleground where miss timing your entry could get you t-boned by someone on the other side.


There were two heats, the Amateur League and the Professional League. The top two finishers of the Amateur League get to advance to the Professional race. Each race consisted of twelve cars, having to complete thirty laps or be the last one standing. After the commentators finished explaining the night's events, I had Panam take over and explain everything she knew about demolition derby.

She went into detail about the cars, the strategies, and even the different tracks. I let her excitement run wild and interjected every now and then to show that I was still paying attention. It was fun watching someone talk about a subject they are passionate about, even if you didn't have any prior interest. I'd even hazard to say it was attractive watching Panam be so passionate about a subject.

While Panam was going on about the derby sport, the commentators announced the arrival of the Amateur League competitors. Cars started pouring out of a garage entrance and flowing onto the circuit like a football team would at the start of a game. The crowd cheered as the teams got lined up and ready to race.

The roar of the engines briefly drowned out the noise of the spectators, but that soon was reversed when the green flag dropped, and everybody went wild. Immediately there was chaos as the car in the second starting place crashed into the rear of the first as they tried to overtake. This caused them both to spin out and the vehicles behind to swerve wildly to get out of the way.

The race went on, and it got more exciting as we watched the pack of twelve get widdled down to just four cars by lap twenty-five. With the race drawing to its end, the cars not in the first two places started getting desperate and tried to knock out the two in front. This strategy seemed to spread as the relatively civil race soon turned into a full-on brawl.

Several pit maneuvers, slams, and near misses at the intersection later, three cars crossed the finish line. One of the last four had it's rear clipped at the crossing, flipped side over the side, and got knocked out of the race. The last three weren't in much better condition as they either had smoke billowing out the rear or clouds of steam coming off the front. It was honestly a miracle any of them made it.

Panam explained that the two leading teams would generally avoid as much contact as possible since they only have thirty minutes to repair their car before the next race. But since the ones lagging behind this time were so aggressive, they couldn't help but pick up more damage than they would have liked.

The next race started thirty minutes on the dot, with fourteen cars showing up at the starting line. The two top finishers of the Amateur league were in the back, no longer smoking but still looking pretty banged up. As the race started, the crowd roared to life again, and I felt the seats rumble from a collection of cars and the cheering crowd.

The energy was contagious, and even I was starting to get really invested in the night's last race. I had no clue who any of the teams were, but I instinctively cheered on the Amateur drivers since they were the underdogs. Sadly this was not one of those times the stubborn underdogs managed to cinch the race.

They simply didn't have the time to properly repair their cars, and they dropped out early. After the underdogs got knocked out, I lost interest and started watching Panam more than the race again. I watched as she hooped and hollered whenever someone tried to overtake a car. She would gasp when there was a close call at the intersection and boo whenever a team pulled a dirty maneuver.

Unsurprisingly, the professional league had much better drivers, and almost all of the cars managed to finish. We watched as the winners of tonight drove their car to the middle of figure eight and started doing donuts in celebration. This was followed by a short award ceremony for the top three finishers, which also had an honorable mention for the top two of the Amateur races.

Soon after, Panam and I filtered out of the stadium and got back into my van. She settled into the passenger seat and released a long sigh.

"That was real nova. Thank you, Basil. I hope that's not the end of our night, however. Yelling my lungs out burned some calories, and I'm starvin' for some food."

"Absolutely. Let's go to dinner."

I turned on the van and drove to the next spot I had planned. Part one of the date was meant to be fun and exciting, while part two was meant to be more private and romantic. I struggled with what to do after the derby, but eventually, I decided to take inspiration from the game and settle for a classic.

We drove on the highway for fifteen minutes before entering Westbrook, specifically the North Oaks sub-district. It was now well into the night, and the cold air was beginning to seep around us. After turning off the highway, I took a small hill road which eventually led to the drive-in theater Johnny took Rogue.


I had Panam stay in the van while I rushed to the ticket stand and entered 0000 into the keypad to unlock the gate. Then I ran upstairs and put a corny comedic heist movie into the projector. I got back into the van after getting everything ready and drove us into the middle of the lot.

"A drive-in theater all to ourselves? It's definitely nice and romantic, but what about the food?"

"Got a cooler in the back with some preem synthetic steak I picked up. We'll have a freshly cooked meal in no time."

"Hmmm. I like the sound of that."

I then got out of the van and got everything ready. A couple minutes later and there were blankets, comforters, and pillows on the roof. This is where the large size of the van came in handy. Any other car wouldn't have the square footage for me to build a small love nest on top of it. The cooler was then emptied, and I used it as a riser for the grill I had brought. Putting the grill on top of the cooler brought it to the perfect height where I could lay down on the van's roof and still cook.

"You really thought this through, didn't you?"

"Well, yeah. I wanted to make sure this was special. Come on."

I then grabbed Panam's hand and helped her get onto the hood of the car, then I gently deposited her into the makeshift bed. Panam shuffled around and got comfy with the covers as I started the grill and gave the projector the signal to begin the movie.

Soon the sound of the movie was joined by the sizzle of steaks and the distinct aroma of beef. I also tossed a few bacon-wrapped poppers, vegetable kabobs, potatoes, and asparagus. The smaller items finished first, and I hand-fed them to Panam while she was focused on the movie. She took the chance to tease me and licked my fingers more than what was probably necessary. The Entree followed soon after, and we were enjoying the closest thing I had to meat in a very long time.

I killed the grill after our main course, and Panam cuddled up to me to watch the remainder of the movie. We laughed at the on-screen antics and occasionally voiced our opinions on how unrealistic it was. I had an arm around Panam, and she had her head on my chest, gently caressing my stomach. She then looked at me and asked about my life before meeting her.

"You know, all this time we spent together, and we never talked about you. You said you never even killed someone before meeting me. What was your life like? What made you change?"

"I hate to disappoint, but it's nothing interesting. Mostly lived a privileged life. Our family was pretty well off, and my parents could afford to put me through school. Dated a girl while at NCU and got engaged right after college. Managed to land a white collar job and worked at a corp for two years before calling it quits."

I then took a deep breath as I remembered the string of tragedies that befell Dakota before I took over. Life really could be so crude.

"Used the money I saved to start my business bulk importing hardware and reselling it to shops all around NC. Things were going pretty good until my folks got zeroed by some 6th street gonks while out celebrating their anniversaries."

Panam's hand on my stomach stopped, and she tilted her head to look at me, paying more attention to the story of Dakota than the movie.

"Got real depressed afterward. I neglected my business and fiancee, and everything collapsed around me. My girl left me for someone she met at work, and they ran away out of state. I started doing drugs, and one night, I took on more than I could handle. I OD'd, and according to the Trauma Team, my heart stopped for a few minutes."

Every now and then, I questioned my reality. Maybe my previous life was just a drug-induced fantasy. Or perhaps this was a dream, and suddenly the veil will drop, and I'll find myself in my old room.

"When I returned, I felt like a completely different person. Like I had just woken up from a dream. Like the decisions I made before weren't even mine. I changed the business and my life, and here we are."

Panam mulled over what I said in silence, probably not expecting something so gloomy out of nowhere. Then again, this is Night City, and she is a Nomad. She's probably already uncomfortably used to loss and death. Hopefully, that will be something I can change.

"I'm sorry to hear about everything that's happened to you. But I want you to know I'm happy you're here with me now."

Panam then wrapped her arms around my neck and pulled me closer to her, and kissed me. This time there, it was more than just a tease, and I happily reciprocated. She used her tongue to prod at my lips. Taking the hint, I let her tongue enter, and we soon found ourselves hungrily sucking at each other, only stopping so we could catch our breaths.

Panam pushed me down and clambered over me so she could sit on my lap. My right hand wandered across her lower body as if it had a mind of its own. Starting from her calves, then up to her thighs, and finally landing on the inner thigh beside her sex. My other hand searched further upwards, using my nails to leave tiny scratches on her bare stomach before gently cupping one of her breasts and softly squeezing them.

I ensured never to touch anything more intimate, using my gestures to circle around her most sensitive areas, only teasing her and keeping her pent up. I could hear her breathing quicken every time I let my hands sneak close to her nipple or pussy, only to grunt in displeasure when I purposely changed the directions.

After a few more minutes of this dance, Panam finally had enough, broke apart our embrace, and gave me a sultry yet demanding stare.

"I'm done playing around. You, me, fuck, NOW."

I grinned at her simple and almost primal commands and happily obliged. I picked her up alongside the bedding and jumped down the van. Panam gave a little 'whoop' when I opened the rear doors and tossed her into the trunk. She propped herself on one arm and seductively beckoned me with her finger. More than content to accept her invitation, I jumped in and pinned her to the floor with a kiss. We then pawed at each other's clothes and ripped every article we had on until we were both in our birthday suits.

The moonlight showed through the windows, and I took a step back to fully appreciate Panam's beauty. Here delicious dark caramel skin now had a light sheen of sweat covering it, some of which reflected the light, making her look like she was covered in tiny diamonds. Her chest heaved with every breath, gently rocking her sizeable breasts and causing small rippling motions.

Not a single strand of hair could be found anywhere, and my eyes focused on her mound, glistening with desire. She must have shaved, and that thought made my already stiff member become as hard as rock. Her smokey gaze told me she wanted me in her, and I would have killed another shiv hideout to plunge her depths, but I wanted this to last.

Panam raised an eyebrow questioningly when she saw me lower myself between her lower lips, only for her eyes to widen in shock when I used my arms to lift her waist and plunge my tongue into her pussy. My mouth covered her labia, and my tongue snaked its way in. The warmth of her vagina and musk hit me like a freight train, and something primal activated in my brain.

Her juices tasted sweet, with a bit of bitterness hidden within them. I let my tongue run wild, wriggling and pushing at her inner walls, trying to find the spot that drove her crazy. When I extended my tongue as deep as I could and brought it up to graze against her cavern, Panam grabbed my head to hold me in place and moaned like I was sucking out her spirit. Seeing her eyes roll back into her skull confirmed her sweet spot for me, and I attacked it relentlessly.

Her pants only being interrupted by calling out my name when I did something she particularly enjoyed. Deciding to kick it up a notch, I brought one of my hands close to her mound and began circling around her diamond-hard clit. I would brush my thumb against it every now and then, eliciting moans every time I did.

Eventually, Panam's groans and whimpers become more labored, signaling her coming close to her first orgasm. My hand changed tactics, and I gently began to pinch and rub her button between my thumb and index finger. Only a few seconds after doing this, Panam arched her back and opened her mouth to shriek with pleasure. Her thighs clamped down on me as her lower body convulsed while riding out the high.

If you are reading this, it means that you are reading a novel stolen from the original author. If you want to support me, the original author, and read ahead for free, you can find me on scribblehub under SPS4.


Panam held my head in this awkward position between her thigs for what felt like minutes before finally collapsing flat on her back. I pushed myself off her and gently kissed her lower lips, then her pelvis, belly button, abs, and chest, finally stopping at her neck. Using my teeth, I gently bit her skin and sucked until I tasted the faintly metallic taste of her blood.

I let go of her neck and admired the hickey on the right side of her neck.

"That was amazing, Basil. It's been so long since someone last ate me out."

"It was good for me too. I love the taste of you."

I brought our lips together to share a brisque kiss, biting her lower lip as I pulled away. Using one of my hands, I grabbed the base of my cock and gently started rubbing it in between her folds. We were now in a missionary position, and I enjoyed the view of her body as I gently rubbed ourselves together. Her juices combined with my precum, and soon my member was nice and slippery. I continued this see-saw motion, enjoying Panam's moan's pitch increasing every time I glided across her slit.

The heat from her sex was intense, raising my own body's temperature and hunger. The pleasure went both ways, and I soon became impatient and aimed the tip of my cock at her entrance. I put my forehead against Panam's and searched her eyes for any signs of doubt. There was none to be found. She gave me a gentle nod, and I let the weight of my rear fall, enjoying the intense sensation of piercing to her lowest depth in one stroke.

"Oooooh shit. Yeeeeeessss!" Panam moaned.

Being inside Panam was like having a velvet cushion tightly wrapped to perfection around your member. She was just slightly too small for me, and bottoming out inside her caused her cervix to be gently smushed upward into her womb. We both moaned from the deep satisfaction of being connected and just held each other for a while.

After my brain recovered from the brain-frying stimulation, I gently pulled out, letting me feel Panam's soft folds get pushed aside and catch on the underside of my cockhead. Once only my glans were inside, I slammed back down again. Our bodies colliding created a slapping noise, which soon gained a rhythmic repetition as I humped away at her with wild abandon.

"God, I love the way you feel inside, Panam. I swear you're going to get me addicted."

"Hmmm... Good."

Panam then took my right hand and brought it up to her breast. I took the cue and groped her left titty, gently tugging and kneading it, enjoying the soft feeling within my palm. I then moved to the center and started to pinch and pull at her pointy nipples. Panam seemed to love that since every time I stretched her peaks, she would yowl like a cat in heat.

As her nails dug into my back, I continued to pound her into the ground, doing my damndest to remold her tunnel into the shape of my cock. Her silky insides pushed me close to my finish line, and I could feel her sheath tightening around me, hinting that she was coming close to her second climax.

I wanted to finish this with a bang, so I spread Panam's legs open and got underneath her. Then I lifted her calves and placed her ankle on my shoulders, putting Panam on my lap. I then activated my Sandevistan and thrust into her as fast as possible.

I was probably going twice my average speed, which with the fifty percent time dilation, made my ramming quadruple in rate for Panam. I watched as Panam made her orgasm face almost immediately after slowing down time. Even though her womanhood tightened around me like vice-jaw, I continued to hammer away.

Panam probably orgasmed five seconds into my Sandevistan, which meant she had to endure the pleasurable torture of being pounded while riding out her orgasm for twenty real-world seconds. Her legs wrapped around my torso as she clung to me for dear life. Her climaxing sex undulated as if trying to milk the very essence out of my soul.

This sensation pushed me across the breaking point, and right as time sped up again, I felt the dam break inside me. My cock jerked in tempo with Panam's pussy, and my balls contracted as I shot streams of cum deep inside her. My whole body felt like one big nerve as electricity radiated from my groin all over my body. Fireworks went off in my head as I almost blacked out from the sensation. I settled her on my lap and gasped for breath, feeling my lungs burn from exertion. I was too tired to thrust any longer, so we stayed in that position while Panam used her pelvis to grind small circles in my lap.

We instinctively seeked out each other's lips and connected for a long and deep kiss. I wish I could have stayed in this blissful position for the rest of eternity, but having Panam's weight on my kneeling lower half was beginning to get tiring. I gently laid us down on the bedding and hugged her.

"Sorry for coming inside you. You just feel so good, and I couldn't stop once I started."

Panam removed the leglock she had around me and our legs entwined together like a braid.

"Don't worry about it. I figured something like this might happen, so I took a pill a few days before."

"Oh? Were you planning for sex? What a naughty girl."

"I don't want to hear that from you. The second you saw me today, you were undressing me in your mind. Don't pretend like you weren't trying to get into my pants."

She was right. This was what I was secretly hoping for. But it was somehow even better than what I imagined. I enjoyed Panam's heat, but it was getting cold as the night air entered the van. I draped the cover over our bodies and maneuvered the pillows so we could be as comfortable as possible.

We stared at each other silently as the sandman began working his magic. Panam was the first to fall asleep, and I watched her breathing become soft as she slid into the dream world. I gently kissed her forehead and settled my head to keep looking at her. My eyelids soon became heavy, and the post-sex euphoria lulled me into a deep slumber.


Author's Note


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