Marigold – A LitRPG

Chapter 38: Accident

Now I was looking at 2 children who had evolved, They had managed to evolve a day ago and now I was evaluating. Matt would emerge at the end of the day, but now it was these guys turn.

The first to emerge were the soldiers, one was [Warrior] and one was [Swordsman].

The swordsman had long blades in place of 2 of his hands, he had a slimmer body than an ordinary soldier, but was entirely covered by chitin plates that served as an 'armor', the arms that contained the 'swords' seemed to be highly resistant compared to his ordinary arms that were much less developed, the Blades of the 'sword' was just a sharp bar of chitin, as if it were a super sharp nail or something, but for sure this guy was threatening.


Name: N/D Species: Solitary honeybee 
Level: 1 Class: Sworder Mana:N/A
Life: 3.2 Str: 7.5 Def: 1.1
Spr: 12.5 Int: 12 Wis: 8.2
+ Information

{Precision Strike} LV 1 

You can accurately target vital points on our enemies, increasing the chance of inflicting critical damage.

{Dual Wielding} Lv 1

You have a proficiency in wielding two swords simultaneously, enabling you to deal rapid consecutive strikes in a short period of time.

{Maternal Connection} - locked

{Strong limbs} - Lv 3

All yours limbs are very strong and can carry 3x your own weight. 

{Unshakeble Will}

{Basic flight} Lv 7

{Honorable Duel}

Force an enemy more weaker tham you to enter a 1 x 1 battle, if any of the 2 duelist flees or receives outside help during [Honorable Duel] gains the effect [Weakness], [Confusion], [Tiredness]

{Combat posture} Lv 1

Concentrate yourself to enter the [Combat posture], once you are in the [Combat posture] you gain 15% more [Strength] and [Agility], if you fail to enter the [Combat posture], you gain the effect [Paralysis] for 5 seconds.

{Eyes in death} Lv 1

You can feel whether a blow will be lethal for you or not, before it even hits you, giving you the chance to dodge.

{Swift Charge} lv1

Executes a lightning-fast charge, closing the gap between enemies rapidly.


[Super developed]

[Cold head]

You are always calm and stable, your concentration cannot be easily shaken, making you a calculating creature.


Maintains focus during battles, minimizing the impact of distractions and status effects.

You've felt a lot of pain in your life, and you've learned to live with it.

  • Increased pain resistance


It was pretty impressive to tell the truth, he could do more damage than Hans,and move even faster, but had less life than Hans, and his skills were not as "impressive".

Sure, [Eye in death] and [Battle of Honor] look amazing, but they're still not as imprecating as Hans [Stinger growth], or Trouble's [heavy attack]. But the class of [Swordsman] seemed to have an obivious advantage into self defence.

With their high agility, hight sense and decent stamina, these guys became the masters of hit-and-run combat. If I recall the description said they have low stamina so they couldn't stay in this back and forth for to long but they would get the upper hand in a short term fight.

At least that's what it seems to me, they could kill an enemy one by one, and flee before a real threat appeared, the famous "vultures", but if this method works for him who cares if he is 'dishonest'.

There is no honor to be preserved if you are dead.

On the other hand the [Warrior] seemed to align more with Trouble, only he had a lot of life, could he be kind of a meat shield? So did he... Dumber than usual?


Name: N/D Species: Solitary honeybee 
Level: 1 Class: Warrior Mana:N/A
Life: 8.2 Str: 14.6 Def: 1.4
Spr: 6.3 Int: 0.7 Wis: 0.9
+ Information

{Brutal Charge} LV 1 

It advances ferociously towards your enemy, causing damage on impact, when you hit your enemy you have a 40% chance of geting the efect [Confused]

{Intimidating Presence} Lv 1

makes all those below your level afraid of you

{Maternal Connection} - locked

{Strong muscles} - Lv 1

All your muscles are super strong and resilient, increasing your damage and natural endurance.

{Unshakeble Will}

{Basic flight} Lv 5

{Berserker Rage}

Gain the [Enraged] effect, multiply your damage and defense by 3x. loses 5 [Life] points per minute while on [Enraged].

{Provocation} Lv 1

Makes an enemy angry at you, focusing you on battle. You deal 15% more damage to the provoked enemy, and take 10% less damage.

{The Last Stand}

When you are on the verge of death, you receive immunity against physical blows for a limited time, at the end of the immunity you receive the effect [Incapacitated]


[Super developed]

[Hot head]


I don't think I need to talk too much about this guy. He is simply stunning! Boy, in addition to super high damage, health, and stamina, he also has scary skills like [beserker's Fury] and [last one standing].

It seems to be a unit that is able to sacrifice [health] points to do a lot of damage, it's cool for sure, but it's still disturbing. [Berserker fury] seems to be an ordinary RPG berserker mode, but the fact that it loses [health] points is scary, at least 3x in statuses is a good payoff for this power.

Now [the last one standing] is a joke! That shit makes you immune to physical blows! He could fight until the last moment, and in the end fight some more!

'This looks broken.. He could use this temporary immunity to simply run away without worrying about taking damage, or he could keep fighting.'

But how did a skill determine what "physical harm" was? If he got punched he wouldn't get hurt, but what if he got burned? After all, being burned is a kind of physical damage, just not a blunt damage. The same goes for drowning, strangulation, suffocation, freezing, electrocution and other forms of dying, or will you tell me that he also becomes immune to having his legs or neck broken?

"I wanted to ask you something child. Would you be able to tell me what your skill [the last one standing] consider physical damage?"

"Huh? I have no idea! I just know I'm awesome!"

'Damn, I think having a low [intelligence] and [wisdom] is not really a good thing, he must know how the skill works, if the testimony of those who have come before is right you get a "manual" for this type of skill, but this guy seems to have thrown the manual away."

"What a pity... I don't think I have anything to do about it then. Boys, I am proud of your work, you are the first of your kind, and now you are part of the elite of our house."

"Thank you mom!"

"Hehe, I'm really strong!"

"I thought about allowing them to create their own groups, but... I think it will be better if you join the groups we already have, you join Hans ' group, and you join Trouble's group!"

"No problem!"

"Humf, if I can't form my own group, then I just need to detonate Trouble and become the new leader!"

I ended up sending the swordsman to Hans and the warrior to Trouble, I was a little skeptical in letting them create their own groups, even more in letting this warrior be a group leader, if before he was an idiot teenager now he is a boring child, I did not know that status could influence our minds so much, to the point that we regress.

But I think that served as a warning, if one day I evolve, I should avoid classes with low intelligence, if not soon we will be hitting women on the head and pulling them by the hair.

Soon as I sorted things out with the boys, I headed off to my laboratory, I was keen to do some more experiments, and now I didn't have much to do.

Trevis had already returned, and to my disappointment I received the sad news that the shiny nuts had... Finished. They lost their luster over time, and when Trevis found a bush all the fruit no longer gave off any luster, and the Bush was no longer producing new fruit, all Trevis could do was gather as many nuts as possible from the soldiers and scouts to bring home, at least that way he wouldn't miss the trip.

That left me with a totally unique new ingredient, and one that had the affinity with [light]. Something that was very mysterious, I don't know how affinities work, but these nuts that Trevis brought no longer glowed, some had a slight glow that was dying, but nothing close to the blinding glow that was in a young Walnut.

Another thing was that the" fruit "of the Fire Flower had already ripened, and it was a very strange fruit, it looked like a pumpkin only much smaller, it had a deep red color and yellowish" scars". When you touched the furta you could feel a slight heat but it was nothing that could hurt.

The crystal that the flower had grown into had turned dull gray, but it continued as a crystal with the affinity of [fire], so it seems that you cannot lose an affinity so easily, or it may be that you still have some remnant of energy in that Crystal.

Whatever it is gave me new ingredients.

I opened the light nuts, crushed everything and turned it into paste and powder, I opened the fire fruit that looked like a papaya inside, and put all the hoopoe in a jar, crushed the peel and made a paste. I used 2 stones on the crystal to chip small pieces and then used the pestle to turn it into powder. And now I had many unique and mysterious ingredients.



[Lumus Berry paste]

A paste of a lumo's nut, can be used in the confection of [Light] afinity itens.

Quality: Greate


[Burning Fruit Pulp]

The pulp of a burning fruit, can be used in the confection of [Fire] afinity itens.

Quality: Greate


[Burning Fruit powder]

Burning bloom powder is a wight inflamable item

Quality: Fine


[Mana crystal powder]

A highly dangerous and unstable substance, it can cause permanent damage to the body if inhaled.

Quality: Good


'Fuck? That fucking powdered mana crystal is dangerous as fuck!'

After analyzing the powder that looked like super fine glitter, I carefully covered it with a jar, and put it inside another jar, so that it was tightly sealed and no one came close.

'Messing with potions is dangerous... I don't know if I inhaled that shit, but hopefully not, one more dangerous thing I've come up with to put on the list, and it sure as hell won't be the last. I hope this shit is useful.'

I decided to leave this powder aside, because I didn't want to risk messing with this thing, in a few days the tailors were born and maybe they could make me some masks, so me and my assistants would be safer.

As I decided to leave the powdered mana crystals very quiet in their place, I went to the next most interesting thing here, which was the paste with [light] affinity, maybe I can create something with it, if I could get something that glowed it was just worth it, I was tired of living in the dark, I felt like an Amish, sleeping with the sun and waking up with it, I wanted to be able to work at night, I wanted to be able to walk through the corridors of my own house without being afraid of bumping into something!

For my first attempt I tried to throw things like ordinary wax, lumus paste, some oils and plant resins to create something but in the end I got paint...

Paint that glows from the dark looks incredible, but was the glow permanent, or temporary like that of the lumus berris themselves? Maybe it's luminescent? Does paint absorb light when there is light to absorb and does it emit light when there is light?

I decide to leave this to my attendants, so I poured the entire contents of the cauldron into a walnut shell and asked them to do some testing.

In that period of time I would try again to create a potion of light, or something like that. Then I again threw various things into the cauldron such as water, lumos paste, sap, resins, bright flower pollen, some fire dust.

And the rarest thing I have, Mana crystal powder.

The result was a tin liquid that didn't emit any kind of smell, the strange thing was that it had a very deep opaque gray color and a texture resembling paint.

What am I doing wrong? I'm just trying to create a potion that glows, not a potion of immortality, it shouldn't be that hard. So why did it always go wrong?

'My ingredients are not good? Are the proportions bad? What is it? Do I need any new reagents?'


I have the white liquid that I can produce with my gland, I knew that the liquid was a kind of" super ingredient", so I could use it here?

I decided it would be worth a try, so I focused on creating a drop of' secret ingredient and let it drip into the opaque gray liquid. After a while without reaction, I got frustrated and started mixing the liquid, and after a short time the whole mixture began to bubble frantically, the liquid began to glow in shades of gold and bright red

'Yes! It worked! I knew I could create a potion of light! Eat this universe! Who do you think you are to stop me?!'

As I stood there amazed and excited by the beauty of my creation, suddenly I could hear a hiss sound coming from the bubbling liquid itself, the liquid began to bubble even faster and glow even brighter.

I could feel that something was wrong and I started to move away from the cauldron, soon the liquid started to give off small sparks and that was the signal for me to start running.

Soon the entire laboratory was taken over by a huge explosion, which destroyed everything and set the tree on fire. I managed to escape in time to avoid being caught by the explosion, but I was still hit by some shrapnel and the force of the explosion.

Soon everyone started running towards me to find out what had happened, and when they arrived, all they could see was me injured on the ground, watching as all my creation and experiments burned.

"Mom! What happened!"

One of my soldiers was checking me out and began to interrogate me with worried eyes.

"T-The cauldron... It... It just exploded...

"Are you hurt? Does it hurt somewhere?!"

"I'm fine... My lab..."

Before I could speak the soldier signaled to another group of soldiers and soon I was being carried towards the nursery where Ken was.

All I could see from my lab were workers who were scared to death of the fire as they ran back and forth in panic, and several other workers who were running towards the lake to get water.

When we arrived at the nursery Ken threw himself towards me and began to analyze me meticulously, but I couldn't concentrate on his words, all I could think about was my laboratory, I had dedicated so much time and resources to that place and now everything was burning.

Everything burned again.



"Are you listening to me?"

"Y-Yeah, I was just... distracted, that's all."

"You weren't hurt thank heavens, but why the hell are you playing with fire!?!"

"I wasn't playing with fire, the fire started out of nowhere! And my lab? How's my lab?"

I asked this to a soldier, who was nearby and had just entered.

"The workers are trying their best to extinguish the fire, but they are too scared to get close and prefer to focus on not letting the fire spread, one day it will stop burning."

"No! All my work! It will turn to ashes!"

"And who cares about that! You're alive, what are some stupid pots and stupid materials, you can always create more, but you only have one life!"

'Damn, Ken is right, I'm so worried about my things that I didn't think about the crucial and the whole plan again, if this fire isn't stopped we could lose our house.'

"Tell the workers and soldiers to throw green leaves into the hole, several of them until they cover the entrance, so we can smother the fire and prevent it from growing any further!"

"Yes mom!"

"Send a group to get dirt and sand, it could all help us stop the fire from spreading!"


Everyone started to move, and I went after everyone, I didn't have time to mourn like a little girl who lost her favorite toy now, I had to make sure that this fire didn't compromise the integrity of the tree, or that it spread.

When I arrived at the place the fire was still weak, but it was clearly increasing, all the members of the colony were running here and there in disarray, as if they were a real swarm of bees, it seemed that their rationality and intelligence had been extracted from them and they could not think and act coherently to solve this problem.

"Everyone pay attention to me!"

Suddenly the whole swarm of angry bees started to slowly stop and everyone looked at me, they were still scared and seemed confused about what to do and how to act, but with my order they all started moving again.

"Everyone, get water, green leaves, earth and sand, even clay, and throw them into the hole, we can't let the fire spread!"

"But! The fire is dangerous, we can't get close!"

One of the workers had spoken up, and some started to panic again, I had to do something to make them obey, I don't like forcing my will on them, but there is a moment when I need to.

"I said! Everyone. Go!"

This time everyone stopped for a moment, as if fighting their fear and my orders, but it became clear when everyone started moving orderly again that my orders were more important than their fears, and soon everyone started working again.

Quickly a group brought leaves, earth and mud and began to throw everything into the hole, the fire broke out with the material and it didn't seem to care what was thrown into it, but soon several other workers and soldiers began to arrive with other materials and began to flood the hole with earth, mud, green leaves, sand and stones.

Soon the fire started to get weaker, as the hole was getting full, but in the meantime it had managed to melt the entire wax floor and started to soften nearby structures. Everyone continued throwing things into the hole until the fire began to die down and some collectors and workers arrived with water, then everyone began to pour small amounts of water on the pile of "garbage" to moisten everything and soon the fire turned into just smoke. .

With a little more work and water, the hole stopped burning, and now there was only a little smoke coming out of the cracks, everyone started to celebrate as if they had won a war, and I was happy that we managed to stop the advance Of fire.

After a while, Hans and Trouble's group of soldiers arrived hurriedly, but it was too late, as the incident had already passed.

"What happened here?" Hans asked me soon as he got close.

"I ended up blowing up my laboratory... I'm fine, but it started a fire, and we had to run to stop the fire from spreading."

"Mother! Didn't I say not to mess with fire!? This is very dangerous! We could have died, or worse, you could have died!"

"Hans, it was an unfortunate accident, I don't intend to make that kind of mistake again, but now everything is fine, the boys helped me a lot, they fought against their fear of fire and managed to put out the fire quickly."

Even though I gave them a little 'push'

"...I understand, it's a shame that you lost your lab, but this could be a sign to stop this dangerous activity."

"Accidents happen Hans, I won't stop there."

Hans seemed saddened by my statement, but he seemed relieved that we were all okay and uninjured. We had lost my lab, ingredients and items, some wax structures had melted and others had softened, but nothing that wasn't salvageable.

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