Marigold – A LitRPG

Chapter 39: A Easy life, at least for me

The next day I was now inside my laboratory again, i had to sleep in the divan on the nursery since my bad and everything had been burned on the fire, now the workers had cleaned the place and saved what could be saved, which wasn't much, the whole place was covered in black puddles of burning materials, the pots had all been burned, and the place smelled of burning and grass, my little miniature gear had completely melted, and the only thing that seemed intact was the fire flower.

The whole place had burned to charcoal, but the fire flower was stils strong and vigorous as ever, it looked even better in fact now that it had been removed from the earthen stove.

Everyone told me that this fire was a 'signal' from the universe for me to stop my experiments, but that was just the universe laughing in my face and calling me a fool.

I wouldn't give him that taste, if the universe thinks he can stop my progress, he was very mistaken.

I called some workers to the site together with Levi, I was going to remake this laboratory, bigger, better and safer.

"Mom, how can we help?" Levi said promptly

"Levi, I want this place to be restored, is it possible?"

"W-Well.... It would be difficult, we would need someone to remove all the burnt parts, and it would still be a dangerous place to work..."

"What if you put clay all over the entire place? Create a separate room for me to use as a storage room, and create a fire-fighting system?"

The workers looked at each other, as if assessing whether my request was stupid or serious.

"T-To do that we would need a lot of time, and I don't know how to create an anti-fire system."

"We could leave large water tanks with buckets nearby, or create a cauldron with a super resistant lid, or we could also line the entire floor with sand to make it difficult for a fire to spread."

"W-We can do this, but we have other active projects, should we focus on this laboratory?"

Failing to build a general headquarters and an infirmary to create a laboratory, I don't think so, I can't sacrifice the well-being of the colony for my personal gains.

"...No, this is a low priority side project, focus on essential constructions first."


After we finished talking I got a little upset, what was the point of having a giant colony if I couldn't have what I want when I want it, at one point that's a selfish thought for sure, but I should be able to dedicate some of our resources to doing things for me.

Yes everything was "for me" growth and development was focused solely on making my life safer and more comfortable, but I still wish I could dedicate some of my resources to doing things I really want, one of those things was my laboratory, and the production of a windmill, if I could create these apparently 'useless' things with the workers I could skyrocket everyone's quality of life.

After all, it was only thanks to the laboratory that the cooks were able to develop the [Nutritional Paste], without it the workers and soldiers would still consume astronomical amounts of food every day, but with the pastes they could meet their needs with just a little per day.

Soldiers needed around 3 meals of nutritional paste a day to maintain their routine, and workers were able to maintain themselves with just a single reinforced meal a day.

Some thought that my experiments and strange ideas were a strange "hobby" of mine, while only a few, like the more "creative" cooks and workers, could understand my purposes.

Most didn't understand what I wanted to do, but they accepted, after all it didn't matter if what I did was 'useless' I was the queen and the mother, I could do whatever I wanted, as long it didn't hurt the colony.

Now I was heading to the dorms, my personal house/laboratory had been burned, so I had another official place to sleep and all I wanted to do now is get some sleep.

"Hello mom! What do you need?" One of the workers asked me soon as I arrived at the dorm.

"Hello boys, I'm just going to get some sleep, I'm just tired..."

"What here?! No! This place is not worthy of you!"

"But I don't have anywhere else to sleep right now... And I'm sure this must be comfortable as anywhere else."

"Levi and the workers are building your new apartment, mother! It should be ready by the end of the afternoon!

"Oh, I didn't know that, so I guess I'll... I don't really have anything to do..."

"Really? Then why don't you play with us? Let's play some games."

"Umm, what do you guys got there?"

"Uno, a deck of cards, game of life, monopoly, Chess, checkers, D & D, minesweeper, Ludo, and monsters card!"

What the fuck? These guys are no joke when it comes to development, they have already re-created several types of popular games.

When I went to see what they had I could see that it wasn't even remotely perfect, the cards were thin wax plates, which had words written on them with twigs and things like that, the cards had different colors, probably using colored wax, and there were several spelling errors, but it was still impressive for bees.

The uno was the most "faithful", the cards had different colors on, and in the back a fixed color of black, they had a number that indicated their value, and joker cards were well done.

Things like monopoly, game of life and D&D were far below "perfection", the workers had created inferior and simpler versions, but they still managed to have fun with it.

The most impressive thing for me was the deck, they created a faithful version, with cards that ranged from 2 to 10, with 4 different formats in various cards and special cards, a rough drawing of a bee with a crown was the version of the card of ace, which I presume to be me, other cards such as J, K and Q were respectively, a bee with strong musculus, probably Trouble, a bee with a spear, probably Hans, and a bee holding a Cross, which seemed to represent Ken.

But all of that hadn't prepared me for the 'monster cards', which were... ridiculous.

They were simply very ugly, no one seemed to have drawing skills, so everything was very crude, the little card monsters had strange shapes, and 5 numbers at the bottom, one in each corner and a large one in the middle, which should represent the [Status] of the creature.

I don't think the workers know the creatures real status, but they seemed to have made it up, I was sure of this when I came across the same crude drawing of a bee with a crown with absurd point values.

'At least it's cute'

"Alright guys, let's play a game of chess, how about that?"


The chess was faithful, at least that, they had good wax sculptors, and they could create faithful pieces, the only difference for these pieces was that I was the queen's piece and Hans the king's piece, I don't know what they were thinking when created it that way, but anyone who saw this could have the wrong idea.


At the end of the day I was finished, just collapsed. My children proved to be fierce players, and didn't take it easy on me, I played against several workers and lost against around 80% of them, my only luck was that everyone thought I was "taking it easy" on everyone and that's why I always lost. .

Thank heavens they didn't realize I'm horrible at this.

'I should have suggested playing checkers, it would be much easier, I wouldn't have to think so much... I'm glad it's over, I couldn't keep losing like that, next time we'll play uno, at least it's a game that counts more on the luck.'

In the meantime my newest pastor, Matt had arrived, and I was finally able to get a better insight into his capabilities.

"Matt? Hello dear, I did not have the opportunity to be there when you emerged on account of mine... Accident, good to see you are well and happy with your new class."

"It's incredible!! I can see everything from very far away, I can tell if there is any threat nearby and I can move as fast as the wind!"


Name: Matt Species: Solitary honeybee 
Level: 1 Class: Sentinel Mana: 1
Life: 1.2 Str: 0.1 Def: 0.4
Sp: 19.3 Int: 13 Wis: 6.6
+ Information


{Irritating sting} lv 1

Your sting doesn't cause any damage, but it can cause extreme skin irritation, as well have a minimal chance of causing [Confusion] and [Anger] effect.

{Maternal Connection} - locked

{Pastoring} Lv 1

You can mark a group of allies, and always know with absolute certainty if anyone is missing from the group

{Super vision} - Lv 1

You can see everything much more clearly and from a much greater distance

{Unshakeble Will}

{Enhanced senses} Lv 1

Your basic senses are improved, allowing better use of them in adverse situations



You are always willing and very excited, your energy is high and your disposition is contagious.

[Professional herding]

You watch everyone very well, and you are very experienced in this field, which allows you to sense when something bad is about to happen.


'This boy is really good, there is no one faster than him in this colony now, well, I don't think there is anyone weaker than him in this colony either, but he seems to be very good at his job, being able to tell if there is an imminent danger about to happen is an incredible power to have.'

But something I couldn't help but notice is that Matt lost the [Polonizer], [trait], so the traits aren't permanet, they can change throughout our lives, but I think losing a trait that gave him Xp isn't something to celebrate.

"I'm glad you're happy Matt, I hope you do a good job as a vigilante, but what happened to make you lose the [Polonizer] trait?"

"About that! I have no idea... Maybe it's because my class changed, but I'm not sure, I just know it sucks! I can't get XP anymore."

"Well, don't worry about it, I'm sure we'll sort it out eventually, now I'll go back to my new room, and you can go back to get our rest, keep doing your best darling."

"Of course, mom! You should have seen Miles face when I evolved! He must be biting his own claws from so much hate! He he "

Do these guys ever stop fighting? I think at least it's a friendly competition, it's not like they hate each other, they just like to compete.

When I went towards where Levi's group was I could see a building that wasn't there this morning, the building was inside the building shared with the nursery, with the recent expansion this place started to become empty, so much so that the new plan was to transform it into the new permanent nursery.

But now about 30% of this place had become the "royal quarters", and I must say it was quite spacious. The place was still full of bees working on the finishing touches, and there was a big bed right in the middle of the room, the bed was made up with regular wax and comfortable sheets, the whole place had several jars full of honey, and some games and a pile of of letters left by workers.

The whole place was very well done, and was being guarded by soldiers outside, with honorable mention from the only swordsman stationed at the entrance.

"Boys, what's all this, you didn't need to do so much..."

"Of course we needed it mom! Your quarters were always a big concern, but you insisted on sleeping in that weird smelling place, now that we have the chance we can create a place that is adequately protected, and comfortable."

"Is this really necessary?... I don't like the idea of soldiers stationed at my door...."

"Of course yes, how else other than putting soldiers to protect you 24 hours a day can we guarantee your safety?"

"Yes, if you had soldiers accompanying you on the day of the explosion you would have left without a single scratch!"

But the soldiers would have been hurt...

"Okay, since they insist so much, but outside, okay? Without anyone watching me while I sleep, this won't happen!"

"It's not ideal... But we can work with it." Said my swordsman.

After a while all the work was finished, the workers said goodbye and the soldiers left the room to stay outside, I could still see them through the "door", but they respected my request, and didn't look at me. my direction, I must admit, that sleeping surrounded by soldiers calmed something inside me, maybe it was my instincts, which I used to ignore a lot, saying that I did something right.


When the day dawned I went straight to the nursery, my new workers had hatched, and now we had hundreds of them, the beacons would soon emerge and now I had several empty brood units, and 10 pearly white cocoons, from which in a few moments my new [Weavers] would emerge.

After waiting for a few moments while discussing with the nurses what the next batch would be, the white cocoons began to break and small bees the size of a common worker began to emerge from inside.

These bees had a much larger and silkier mane, they had small pompoms of hair on their arms and legs and small, fragile-looking wings, the most eye-catching thing about them was their bee-like backs, which were the same size as mine, even though they were smaller than me.

They all had a very "feminine" vibe, but I could still tell from the link that they were men, and that started to irritate me, why were all my descendants men? Is there something wrong with me, or something else? Can only queens be female in this world? After all, I never needed a male to create eggs, just the skill, so it seemed like the system had no reason to create a female bee if it wasn't to lay eggs.

But even so, I would still like to see a female in this place besides me, it's not like it's an impossible or ridiculous request.

While I was thinking about this, all the tailors came out of their cocoons and delicately cleaned themselves, they had red eyes, and a dull yellow body, which gave them an air of elegance or old age, I can't say which of the two, but they still looked very sophisticated and serious.


Name: N/D Species: Solitary honeybee 
Level: 1 Class: Weaver Mana: 1.6
Life: 0.5 Str: 0.2 Def: 1.6
Sp: 0.1 Int: 14.5 Wis: 18.1
+ Information

{Spinning Techniques} lv 1

Utilizing efficient spinning techniques, you can produce high-quality silk threads in large quantities, minimizing the waste.

{Maternal Connection} - locked

{Sewing ethics} Lv 1

You are able to create complex items using thread and related materials

{Silk creation} - Lv 1

Use different materials to create different types of silk

{Unshakeble Will}

{Razor fangs} Lv 1

Your fangs are super sharp and are capable of easily cutting through various types of materials.


[Gentle Touch]

You have a soft touch, minimizing much as possible any damage you could cause to any thing your's hands touch


you are super vulnerable to any kind of emotional damage

"Hello everyone, welcome to the world, I'm your mommy!"

"Hello mother!"

"Can you please explain your abilities to me?"

"Of course! We are able to create silk and work with it, creating things like ropes or fabrics."

"We can also modify the texture, strength, quality and color of the silk produced based on the resources used, and the purpose of use."

It doesn't seem like a big deal when they say it like that, but no one really gives the value that basic items like cloth deserve. Without fabric or ropes we wouldn't have things like clothes, filters, insulation, toys or even some food.

'The silk produced by these tailors could revolutionize life in this colony, we could enter a whole new era, we could create the mill's propellers, create filters for the cooks, ropes for the workers and create decorations and utilities for the entire colony, no. We need clothes, but we could use some towels, rugs and table cloths.'

"This is incredible guys! Please do a good job, I'll ask the boys to build you a room, but until then you can stay in the old honey warehouse, we have 2 big honey tanks there, and a decent amount of space."


"I also wanted to give each one a name... But if I start naming everyone I'll never remember everything, so how about I call them all "The Sewing Club", and give the club oldest member a name? That way he can give each one names over time, if you guys want, of course."

"We don't care about names, mom! But if you want us to give you a name, we'd be grateful!"

'Now, what should I call a seamstress bee?.... They are very elegant, and seem to be 'fashionable', so what?'

'Ragyō Kiryūin? No... That name brings bad luck... Satsuki Kiryūin? No... it's too long... Sat? Suki? Zuk? Zuki?'

"I'll call you Zuki! The oldest of the weavers!"

"Thank you mom!~"

When we finished, the tailors left and I was left alone with the nurses to lay another large batch of eggs, this time I wanted to create 50 farmers, and 50 carpenters, I already knew they would be useful, so there was no reason to create a small number to see its uses.

Without much delay I laid all the eggs and then I went back to my private room. Now that the workers had finished all the finishing touches on the room they had returned to the project with the infirmary, with the recent increase in the number of workers it was easy to build an infirmary, dormitory and mess hall for the soldiers.

"hmm? Oh! I remember now."

"What happened mom? What do you want?" asked one of the soldiers at the door.

"I need you to let Levi know that the seamstresses need a room of their own, make them prioritize that please Simus, I would really like a soft blanket and comfy pillows."

"Immediately mother!"

Things were happening around here, everything was becoming more and more developed day by day, this place that not so long ago was just the top of a tree was now looking like a factory entirely made of wax, it had roads and large structures, corridors that connected everything togheter and a large number of "armed" soldiers patrolling the place.

Our enemies, (who to this day I have never seen in person) seemed to be intimidated by our growing numbers, we were the rulers of this region according to Hans, Apparently we gained a very bad reputation around here. Any living creature that was weaker than the soldiers was simply obliterated.

And According to Trouble he's starting to move on to... Bigger targets. Finding enemies had become a real challenge, everything that the soldiers could easily kill had already been killed, and all that was left were large and very dangerous animals. But Trouble didn't seem to be afraid of them, of course he wasn't going after a moose, but he was starting to fight off creatures like young squirrels and small birds, I don't think he's managed to kill anything until this day but at least he's trying.



You earned 52 Xp from your soldier


You have have leveled up to lvl 7


your soldier have leveled up to Lv 5


your soldierhave leveled up to Lv 5


your soldier have leveled up to Lv 5


Your soldier has evolved into a [Striker]


Your soldier has evolved into a [Warrior].


Your soldier has evolved into a [Slaughter].


I was in my room, being served a delicious honey drink, by the arms of one of my soldiers while the tailors measured and made plans across all the room.

My privacy had been slowly and strategically invaded, under the pretense of helping, I now had a small entourage, which was made up of common soldiers, a swordsman, and a small group of workers.

These guys followed me everywhere, and whenever I tried to disperse them they didn't really go away, they always stayed around, bringing me sweets, giving me massages or talking to me and keeping me company.

'If you can't fight them, join them.'

There were so many advances to stay close to me, 24 a day that I ended up giving in, it wasn't like they were doing anything uncomfortable, they were just keeping me company and taking care of me, but I had still lost a little of my privacy.

And while I was just relaxing, drinking some nectar from a pitcher given by a soldier, and getting massages from some workers, I received notification of the slaughters, most likely coming from Trouble's group.

'Wow, the boys seem to have gotten quite a kill, 3 soldiers managed to evolve, but what the hell is this Slaughterer class?'


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