Mark of the Multiversal Pretender

Ch. 107 – ElastiGirl vs Bomb Voyage!

"affronte ma colère!" [Face my wrath!]

Still speaking in french, Bomb Voyage, grabbed two grenades from his chest straps and pulled the pin before throwing them towards ElastiGirl.

"I think I can translate that. 'Face my'...-" Posing in a thinking pose, ElastiGirl then easily bent her body in ways that are humanely impossible.

The two grenades smoothly went past her and exploded from behind her.

"My turn." Shaking her fist, ElastiGirl smirked and threw a punch towards Bomb Voyage despite being 5 meters away from him.

"Huh?" Bomb Voyage was confused and didn't bother moving from his position, thinking that ElastiGirl won't be able to hit him.

A big mistake.

Much to the shock in Bomb Voyage's eyes, the fist suddenly started moving towards him at fast speeds.

Before he knew it, he was punched square in the face.


Obviously, ElastiGirl wasn't that strong, so instead of the iconic being thrown away by a punch, Bomb Voyage's head simply turned sideways before falling in the ground.

Seeing that he was already unconscious on the ground, ElastiGirl approached him and was about to wrap her arms around him to incapacitate him, however she was mistaken!

Bomb Voyage's eyes suddenly opened wide and had long secretly pulled the pin of five grenades.

"Mourir!" [Die!]

Stunned, ElastiGirl could only cross her arms and bear the brunt of five grenades.

*Boom!* x5

The entire floor quickly crumbled under the force of five grenades, shocking everyone outside who was watching.

"The building is collapsing!" One of the concerned citizens pointed out.

"But ElastiGirl is still inside!"

"Wait. Where's Old John?" Suddenly, one of the tenants, noticed someone missing among the crowd.

"Old John? The janitor? I saw him this morning before the bombing. But I never saw him get out."

"That means..."

The chief firefighter, who was holding the hose spraying water, heard the commotion and couldn't help but shake his head.

"Oh how convenient!"


"Hehe. je t'ai eu." Bomb Voyage whispered under this breath while pushing himself off the ground.

'No one in this world can survive five grenades all at once! I finally killed a Superhero! I will be known across the world! The Great Bomb Voyage!' Already seeing himself on the news and being the center of everyone's attention, Bomb Voyage couldn't help himself but giggled like a little child.

However, his mistake was not double checking as amidst the heavy smoke, Helen was holding onto a rebar as if her life depended on it.

Her clothes were in tatters and her paper bag mask has long been burned since earlier.

'Oh no. I-I can't fall now!' Helen cried out in her mind, her grip on the rebar tightening, she wanted to raise her other hand and use it to grab the same rebar however, the blast of the explosion left her arm in a bloodied mess.

She can't let go especially since the place she'll fall into is a pit of flames and burnt woods. Don't even mention the height she'll fall into.

If she lets go, she's dead!


Leo, who was heading towards the stables, suddenly saw a Quest screen appear in front of him.

[• Quest Title: Save the damsel in distress!

Main Quest: Helen thought it would be a good idea to play vigilante without any experience and now, she finds herself in grave danger, save her or else the entire fate of this world will change forever.

Reward: ElastiGirl's gratitude, increased charm, Promise Bracelet.]

'Something happened to her.' Without hesitation, Leo quickly activated his Thunder God mark on Helen's bag and disappeared from his position, leaving Buddy alone and confused.

"Huh? Leo? Why'd you disappear? Leo? Did you turn in invisible?"



'I'm going to die, aren't I?' Helen whispered in her heart, she could hear her heart beating as fast as a cheetah running at full speed, muffling the sound of the wreckage along with Bomb Voyage's evil cackling.

Closing her eyes, Helen has already accepted her fate, knowing that her energy is slowly but surely, depleting.

Any moment now, her grip on the rebar would loosen and she'll fall to her death.

'I have so many regrets. I should've told him what I feel even if we just met.' She whispered under her breath.

'Dad, Mom, would you be disappointed in me? That I didn't turned out to be the daughter that you wanted? That I am a failure?' This was the final straw.

Soon enough, she was finally letting go of the rebar.


Feeling the gravity pulling her down towards the fiery flames of hell underneath, a tear escaped from her eye.

However, just when all hope was lost, Helen's hand was suddenly gripped by another.

"Huh?" Opening her eyes in confusion, Helen suddenly saw a familiar face, looking worried at her.

"Helen!" Leo called out to her, pulling her back to the ground with his undeniable strength.

"Hah~!" Helen moaned in pain after landing on the ground quite roughly.

"My bad." Leo apologized.

"It's okay....wait, what are you doing here!? It's dangerous out there! What if Bomb Voyage sees us and-." Seeing Leo being in such a dangerous place, Helen instinct was to express her worry towards him, however while she was speaking, her eyes suddenly caught a figure lying on the ground.

The figure somehow resembles Bomb Voyage, however before she could fully analyze the figure and recognize, Leo's hand pulled her face back to him.

"We have to leave now, Helen. This place is about to fall apart!"

Without waiting for her to respond, Leo has already pulled her to his embrace and disappeared from the burning building that soon fell apart true to Leo's words.

As for the figure of Bomb Voyage, burning rocks and flames slowly covered him until he could no longer be seen. Only God knows whether he survives or not, but knowing Leo, he'd make sure it's the latter.


Outside the burning building in a nearby dark alley where Helen's bag resides, Leo and Helen appear.

Earlier when he used the Thunder God mark that he placed on Helen's bag, he found himself in this dark alley.

"W-What?" Helen muttered while being disoriented due to the sudden shift of places.

"My bad, but don't worry, your reaction is pretty normal." Leo, noticing the dizzied Helen, assured her.

"Huh?" Helen muttered in confusion.

"The teleportation, it's a normal reaction."

"No no. That's not what I meant! How did you do that!?" Helen roared, her dizziness finally dissipating.

"'s quite a long story." Leo smiled and said.

"....Well? What are you waiting for? I have all day!" Sitting on the ground as if to prove what she just said, Helen even leaned her back and crossed her arms, looking attentively towards Leo's face.

"Hmm, how about you tell me your story first? How did you get there and why?" Leo sat beside her and mimicked her by crossing his arms.

"I-uh...." Helen was speechless. How did it turn from her asking to her suddenly answering.

"Any moment now." Leo chuckled and teased.

"...Sigh, it started a few weeks ago when I finally awakened my superpowers. I told my parents about it and they refused to support me becoming a Superhero! Like, don't they want to have a superhero daughter? It's like every parent's dream!" Helen pouted and continued.

"Sigh....I just wish they could support me just in this. I did everything they wanted, I chose the university course they wanted, I always listened to whatever they said, I never had a boyfriend because they wanted me to focus on my studies, I didn't even know what it felt like as a teenager. It's like they want me to turn into what they failed to become." Hugging her knees, Helen tried her best to stop her tears threatening to fall from her eyes.

Meanwhile, Leo simply comforted her by patting her shoulders.

"Why are you fighting it back?" He asked.


"Your tears, don't fight it back. Cry. Cry all you want. Crying is not a form of weakness, but a way to let out our pent up emotions. So cry." While speaking, Leo even spread his arms and offered a hug.


Hearing Leo's words was the trigger as the dam finally broke and Helen started crying her heart out.

"Waaahh!" At the same time, Helen pushed herself towards Leo's embrace and cried on his shoulders.

"There there. Just let it all out." Patting her back, Leo cooed her.

'I can feel her large breast on my chest.' At the same time, he was fighting a battle inside him.

After a few minutes, Helen finally stopped and wiped her nose with Leo's shirt, which he doesn't mind at all.

"So....about that dinner...." Seeing that she's all calm now, Leo finally asked the million dollar question.

"O-Oh, right about that. Y-You don't have to agree to it. I was just being impulsive and-." Helen stuttered but before she could further embarrass herself, Leo interrupted her.

"Do you have any place in mind? I'm kind of new here in this city, so I want to ask if you know any place where we can have the dinner." Leo grinned and winked at her, turning her from someone who just cried her hearts out to a damsel in a blushing mess.


While Leo was busy picking up the hottest woman in this world, Buddy was still busy looking for his friend slash boss.

"Leo? Leo are you there?"


"Come on, Leo. I don't want to play tag with you, you're cheating!"

"Leo? Leo, you're there, right?"






[Next Chapter: Ch. 108 - Priorities?]

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