Mark of the Multiversal Pretender

Ch. 108 – Priorities?

"So. How about you? What's your story?" After she finished crying on Leo's shoulders which was already wet by now, it was Leo's turn.

"Oh right. do I say this. I'm not sure if you're gonna believe me or not." Leo embarrassingly scratched his cheeks while speaking.

"Try me." Helen confidently said with a smirk.

"My powers from God." Leo finished his words while staring at Helen's face, gauging her reaction.

And true to his words, Helen bore a confused and disbelief expression on her face.

"What? What do you mean?"

"Told you, you aren't gonna believe me."

"Well, I won't unless you explain it to me properly. It's not like I don't believe in God but I just need a clear explanation and I'm sure I'll understand as quickly as I can." Helen crossed her arms and said in determination.

"I can't explain it."

"What? Why?"

"Because that's really what happened. I woke up and found myself being gifted by God with not one but multiple powers. It's a miracle."

"You have multiple powers?! You mean teleportation isn't the only one?!" Helen was wide-eyed.

"Yeah. Have you heard of the new vigilante this morning?"

"You mean the black panther guy? I read him on the news, wait...don't tell me..." Helen gasped in surprise, as the pieces finally fell together.

"Yep. That's me." Leo finally revealed with a wink, as if he just revealed something big.

"That's cool! That means you're already a Superhero now? What does it feel like?" Helen surprisingly turned into a super Fan girl mode over him.

"Being a Superhero? Hm...I don't know yet, after all, I only experienced it for only a single day. Maybe I'll be able to answer that question in a few years." That's a lie. Leo doesn't intend to stay here for years after all, he only has 1 month expiration before the time resumes in Elsa's world.

So during that timeframe, Leo will do everything he can to increase his strength in this world and maybe taste Helen's booty on the way.

"Few years?"

"Yes, a few years. Why? Is there something wrong with it?"

"N-Nothing. I just think a few years is more than enough for you to get famous." Helen said while staring at Leo's face. Clearly defining why she said those words.

"Really?" Leo smirked.

"Y-Yeah. A-Anyways, can we go now. It's already nighttime and I think it's wise for me to stay out so late." Helen embarrassingly said while scratching her cheeks, though Leo could clearly see the reluctance in her eyes, contrary to what she's saying.

"Really? Is that what you really want?"

"..." This time, Helen hesitated for a bit.

"Here. Eat this." Before proceeding in what he was about to do, he must first solve her injured self, so he offered a Senzu Bean to her.

"Huh? What's this?" Looking at the weird green bean on Leo's palms, Helen looked at her confusedly.

"It's a Senzu Bean. It can heal you back to your peak. Come on, just swallow it." 

"A-Are you sure?"

"Why are you talking as if it's your first time?" Leo looked weirdly at her, which made her embarrassed.

"O-Okay." Helen nodded her head and took the Senzu Bean from Leo's palm and directly swallowed it.


Suddenly, Helen's body felt warm, her previous painful body that she has been enduring quickly faded as if it was never there in the first place.

At the same time, she looked at her frail arm and saw it slowly heal.

"This is...."

"Senzu Bean. A some kind of medicine that could heal you even if you're on the brink of death."

"Brink of death!? This is too valuable! Leo, do you know what the reaction of the government would do if they heard about this!?" Helen expressed concern.

"It'll be fine, after all, I'll make sure that the government won't get wind of it. Unless, you're a snitch?" Leo teased.

"Me!? No! I'm not a snitch! You know, in my fourth grade, one of my classmates shared her fantasies towards our hot teacher and I didn't tell anyone!" Helen puffed up her chest and raised it high, as if she was proud of her 'achievement'.

"I can trust you then. And now that you're healed..."

"Hold my hand." Leo offered his hand to Helen who looked at Leo first and then back at his hand.

"I will show you the world." Leo softly smiled and said, which was the signal that Helen needed to hold his hand.

Before Helen could react, they started floating into the air with the help of Leo's chi.

Although he rarely trains anymore, his control over his chi is still top-notch, after all, his trainings are engraved deep into his bones and probably soul.

"W-Woah! L-Leo! We're floating!" Without hesitation, Helen's arms latched onto Leo's neck and unknowingly pulled his head towards her chest.

Ohh la la~

Leo immediately smiled in bliss, however he mentally shook his head from such vile thoughts and focused on assuring Helen.

"It's fine, I'm the one controlling. You don't need to be afraid. Didn't I tell you? I'll show you the world." This thankfully helped Helen loosen her embrace on Leo's neck.

Only loosened though, as she was still latched into his neck.

"H-How so?" Helen mustered a strained smile, trying not to look afraid in front of Leo.

"Just trust me." Leo chuckled at her poor attempt of trying to look brave.

His senses are very sharp, not to mention he could almost read a person's mind through facial expressions.


"Un!" Nodding her head, Helen looked down and watched as the ground slowly became little the more they ascended into the sky.

However, unable to hold it, the more they ascended the tighter her grip on Leo.

"Don't let go, Don't let go." She whispers with her eyes closed, begging Leo to not let go.

"Seriously? An aspiring Superhero is afraid of heights?" Leo smiled and teased.

"W-What? Who? Me? Pfft! I'm not afraid!" Helen was quick to deny, though her expression was betraying her, as fear can be seen plastered on her face.

"Oh really? Not scared?" Leo asked with a smirk.

"O-Of course!"

"Alright then." Leo shrugged his shoulders and only a booming sound can be heard next followed up by a scream.



"How is it? Not afraid?" Leo casted her a smirk after ascending higher in a sonic boom, looking at her.

"You!!!" Helen shivered out of anger however as much as she wanted to yell at Leo for scaring her like that, her fear is still within her, preventing her from experiencing any other emotions aside from fear.

"Me!" Leo laughed and carried her in a princess carry, making her yelp in surprise.

"I can show you the world~" Leo sang slightly, though due to embarrassment, he was only muttering the song.

"Shiny, shimmering, splendid~"

"...Are you? Singing?" Helen felt familiar with Leo's tone despite him muttering, so she asked.

"...N-No?" Leo awkwardly chuckled while denying her words.

'Motherfucker! I wonder how those Disney characters can sing without getting cringe!' Leo cursed in his mind, swearing not to ruin the moment by singing.

After all, he was just trying to make the mood romantic, but it seems like he failed at it.

"....A whole new world...~" However, much to his surprise, Helen started murmuring herself, singing the same song he was just singing earlier.

"You...know that song?"

"Y-Yeah. I used to listen to it when I was a child. It's my favourite song." Helen smiled and said 

"A new fantastic point of view~." This time, both Leo and Helen sang together, though the volume of their voices were still low.

"No one to tell us 'No'. Or where to go~" As the song escalated, so is the volume.

"Or say we're only dreaming~"

"A whole new world!~"

"A dazzling place I never knew~"

"But when I'm way up here~""

"It's crystal clear~""

"That now I'm in a whole new world with you~""

"Now I'm in a whole new world with you~" Leo finished by himself.

And so, the flight was filled with their voices singing until they reached the same park they met.

"I should walk you home." Leo said.


'That's weird, why does it feel like I'm forgetting something?' Leo weirdly said to himself, trying to recall anything he might've forgotten.


"Leo?...Are you still there?"


'It's probably nothing.' Leo mentally shrugged his shoulders and said, prioritizing Helen over anything or anyone they might've forgotten.

"So, how was the ride?" Leo smiled and asked.

"It was....I don't know the word for it. Fantastic? Amazing? It's too wonderful to be described by words. Maybe I can describe it by showing you?" Helen stopped in her tracks and turned to face Leo.

"Show me? Show me ho- hmph?"

Leo was kissed. Once again.

The kiss lasted for several seconds before Helen took the initiative to separate.

"That's how it felt to me." Helen smiled and seductively winked at Leo before resuming walking, but this time with a skip on her step and hands behind the back.

[• Quest Title: Save the damsel in distress! [Completed!]

Main Quest: Helen thought it would be a good idea to play vigilante without any experience and now, she finds herself in grave danger, save her or else the entire fate of this world will change forever.

Reward: ElastiGirl's gratitude, increased charm, Promise Bracelet. [Claim!]]

'So that is her that how woman thank their saviors? By kissing them? Or does it only apply to children shows.'





[Next Chapter: Ch. 109 - I'm late, I just helped a granny cross the road]

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