Mark of the Multiversal Pretender

Ch. 109 – I’m late, I just helped a granny cross the road

[• Quest Title: Save the damsel in distress! [Completed!]

Main Quest: Helen thought it would be a good idea to play vigilante without any experience and now, she finds herself in grave danger, save her or else the entire fate of this world will change forever.

Reward: ElastiGirl's gratitude, increased charm, Promise Bracelet. [Claim!]]

'Well, what else is there to wait? Claim it!'


'Show me the Promise Bracelet, I've been curious about it since it appeared.' Leo asked.

[Promise Bracelet - A bracelet in the shape of a long rope that is intertwined with a small heart. Can only be given to the owner's lover, partner or slave. Wearing this will give the wearer several benefits...

• Call - With this bracelet, the wearer will be able to establish a call with the owner [Leo] At any time.

• My heart for you - Just in case the wearer dies, the owner can exchange anything he owns in order to resurrect the dead wearer.

• I Love You - When the wearer is battling someone with the owner in mind, a temporary increase of strength.]

'Yup, definitely a gift for Helen.' Leo whispered in his mind.

'Speaking of gifts, I just realized that for each woman, I give them gifts that definitely hints for something. First is Moana, then Elsa and Anna, and now Helen. I wonder who's next? Will there be a limit to my 'harem'? I wonder...' Leo tapped his chin and pondered.

However before he could further ponder, he was interrupted by Helen's voice.

"We're here now. Thanks for taking me home. Like always..." Realizing that they're now in front of Helen's tenant building, Leo stopped in his tracks and looked at Helen.

"See you tomorrow, I guess?"

"Y-Yeah. I'll get inside now. Bye..." Helen meekly waved her hand at him however before she could enter inside, Leo stopped her.

"Oh wait! I almost forgot."

"Hmm?" Approaching the confused Helen, Leo took out the Promise Bracelet.

"May I?" Leo asked for permission as he gestured for her wrist.

Understanding his intention, Helen nodded her head and raised her arm.

Leo softly took her wrist and carefully snapped the bracelet on.

"It looks good on you." Leo smiled and said, flashing a wink at Helen who blushed.

"B-Bye." This time, Helen no longer stayed and quickly entered inside, leaving a chuckling Leo.

'Thankfully, she liked it. You really have my back, Genesis.' Of course, how could he forget about his trusted partner for giving him the bracelet as a reward.

[...Taking a scan. Scan complete, there are currently no other souls residing on your body nor another personality. You look fine to me. Hmm...]

'I take my gratitude back, huge middle finger to you, Genesis.'

[Let me remind you that you forgot about a child you just left to woo a woman.]

'Ah. Ah. Not wooing, I was saving her earlier.' Leo corrected.

[Wooing. Saving. Same thing, you left a child nonetheless.]

'Hey Hey. Don't paint me as a bad guy now. Besides, don't worry, I have a very good reason, I'm sure he'd take it.' Leo smirked, clearly showing the confidence that he has.

[....I don't trust those words.]

'You'll see, my friend. You'll see.' And with that, Leo activated his Thunder God mark on Buddy and disappeared.


Meanwhile, Buddy was now laying back to his bed, since Leo suddenly disappeared, his grandma caught him outside and forced him to go to bed and the result is this.

Buddy was on the verge of sleeping at this moment.

'I should go and contact him tomorrow.' With this in mind, Buddy was about to turn his mind off and venture to the world of dreams and nightmares when suddenly, his head was tapped.

"Kyaahhh!" Surprised and scared, Buddy squealed like a girl.

Quickly opening his eyes, Buddy saw Leo's face that was holding his laugh off.

"You! Where did you went of-!!" Just as Buddy was about to vent his frustrations on Leo for leaving him hanging, he suddenly realized that his grandmother might've heard his scream and are now heading towards his room.

"Quick! Turn into your child form or something! My grandma is gonna come!" He urged, however Leo stayed still and never moved an inch. Instead he simply answered.

"Not happening. I 'scoured' around your house and found no sign of your grandma's presence. From the looks of it, she's currently not at home, makes me wonder why." Leo crossed his arms and said.

"....What are you implying here?" Buddy raised an eyebrow and asked.

"I'm implying. That we look into the basement. Aren't you curious?" Leo smiled and finally hit the iron while it was still hot.

"No! We can't do that! Grandma always warns me to stay away from the basement. She said it would give me illness and virus or something."

"And that just made it more mysterious, don't you think?" Leo waved his eyebrows in inhumane ways and finished it with a small wink. A clear attempt at persuading Buddy.

"But my grandma..." Despite having his curiosities piqued thanks to Leo, Buddy's dedication in heeding his grandma's advice was battling for dominance.

"Your grandma is not here, though." Leo pressed on.

"I...I....wait, where were you by the way? I kept looking for you earlier and you just disappeared!" Finding no answer to Leo, Buddy decided to change the topic back to his question earlier.

"That, my little friend. I was on an emergency hero duty earlier."

"Emergency Hero Duty?"

"Yes. I helped a granny cross the road earlier. She was having a hard time, not to mention the road is a very cruel place." Leo shook his head as if sympathizing with the poor granny.

"Wait. Bu-."

"Anyways! So, what's the answer? The basement or the Stables? You know, I'm gonna be honest with you. I have super senses and used it in the basement. Guess what I found." Leo smirked and leaned forward.

"What?" This once again, piqued the future super villain's curiosity.

"Technologies. Advanced ones, many of the-"

"Let's go." Before Leo could even finish his words, Buddy was already out of the bed and heading towards the door, this time, hesitation no longer plastered on his face.

"Well that was easy." Leo muttered under his breath with a chuckle.

Thankfully, he successfully convinced the little bud or else Leo would be forced to go in there alone and might worsen his relationship with Buddy if he got caught.

Even though that would be impossible, Leo would rather take the safe route.

There's a reason why he kept insisting on the basement.

His Quests and Jimmy Neutron's template.

Leo was a hundred percent sure that even though he was already sure that he'd be able to kickstart his Jimmy Neutron Template with the help of Buddy, Leo had a hunch that the basement and its technologies inside would be a very valuable asset to Leo.


"But how do we get in? I don't know where Grandma keeps her keys." Now outside the farm house, Buddy and Leo were standing in front of the basement.

"Don't worry. While walking here, I'm already making plans."

'Actually, I already planned this the moment I sensed the techs inside.' Contrary to what he said outside, his words on the inside were the opposite.

"So what's the plan?"

"We barge this door."

"What!?" Before Buddy could question the plan, Leo already kicked the basement door open, causing a cloud of dust to form.

"Cough! Cough!" Coughing roughly, Buddy waved his hand in front of his face to disperse the smoke.

Finally recovering, Buddy lashed out at him.

"Are you insane!? If this is indeed a basement full of advanced technologies, then there would definitely be some sort of alarm system or traps that would prevent intruders!" Buddy informed him with a fearful look on his face, looking around as if expecting his grandma to arrive or worse, the police.

However, Leo simply chuckled at his reaction.

The entrance of the basement is not what they should be worried about, they should be worried about the second entrance instead, the metallic gate with security codes and authentications instead.

"Say. In numbers 1 to 10, how's your expertise in hacking?" While entering, Leo raised a question.

Though hesitant, Buddy followed him inside and answered his question.

"I'd confidently say 10. I'm hoping to compete in the leaderboard of Hackers on the deep web, once I familiarize myself with it." Buddy answered with a puffed chest, full of pride.

"Really? Then I hope you're prepared, because we're getting inside either through your hacking skills or the same way as we did earlier." As Leo finished his words, the metallic door was revealed in front of their vision.

"This!?" Buddy's eyes were wide open along with his jaw as he raised his face just to take a good look at the door.

"Now tell me that your grandma's normal." Leo grinned upon seeing the reaction of Buddy. 

Leo wasn't sure but he felt like Buddy's aura just changed.

"Buddy? You okay?" Leo asked.

"Me? Okay? Of course I'm not! This is revolutionary! No not revolutionary, perhaps only to me! I didn't know grandma has this in the basement! Why is she keeping this from me!?" Buddy has so many questions yet they were kept unanswered due to the absence of his grandma.

"I could totally understand how you're feeling. But our journey beyond this gate depends if your hacking skills are enough to get us inside."

The only thing Leo saw was Buddy's smirk.





[Next Chapter: Ch. 110 - Superhero or Nah?]

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