Mark of the Multiversal Pretender

Ch. 111 – V for Vendetta or Vivian?

"She has left now. But how do we escape? Knowing how artificial intelligence works, I'm sure it's monitoring this entire facility twenty-four seven." Buddy muttered to Leo.

"Hey. No worries, remember how I disappeared earlier?" Leo winked at him.

"Oh! Wait, you disappeared? I thought you went invisible and walked away without me knowing."

"It's teleportation." Leo corrected.

"Okay then. So how does it work? Do I have to touch your hand or what?"

"Touch any part of my body."

"Okay then."

"Not that part! Fine, my hand then."



Back in Buddy's room, the two of them suddenly appeared out of the blue just in time as they heard the footsteps of granny Vivian echoing on the stairs.

"Quick! On the bed!" Leo pushed Buddy to his bed and disappeared once again just as the door opened.

"Buddy my dear, are you awake?" Opening the door slightly and peeking slowly, Vivian's head can now be seen looking over the room.

Meanwhile, Buddy was already under the covers, with his back facing his grandmother, constantly snoring from time to time as if to let Vivian know that he's already asleep.

"Buddy?" Vivian called out one more time.

After about a whole minute of pretending to be asleep, Buddy heard the door close again.

Sighing in relief, Buddy quickly turned around to get a breather.

"So you're awake, Buddy my dear." Suddenly, granny Vivian's figure appeared in his vision, standing on the corner of the dark room.

"Gah!" Buddy got so shocked that he almost fell from his bed.

"G-Grandma?!" Buddy yelled out in shock.

"Buddy dear. Was it you who tried to enter the basement?" Grandma Vivian smiled sweetly and asked.

"B-Basement? You mean the basement that you always told me to keep off? Grandma I never set foot on it, since you always warned me of it." Without hesitation, Buddy smoothly lied through his teeth.

"Oh really? Why are you awake then? Did you have nightmares?" Grandma Vivian changed the subject and asked.

"Nightmares? No, grandma. I just woke up a few minutes earlier because I heard a loud bang from downstairs and thought of looking into it but suddenly I heard your truck engine so I went back to bed..."

'Thank you, my smart and intelligent mind.' Buddy prayed in his heart, knowing that his lie is very plausible and reasonable.

"You heard something from downstairs? What else did you hear? Voices? Did you look out the window to see someone?" Quickly leaning down to him, Grandma Vivian grabbed Buddy's cheeks and asked several questions immediately.

"N-No, grandma. That's all I heard and it's too dark outside so I can't see anything." With that being answered, Grandma Vivian released her hold on his face.

"I see. Well, grandma was just coming to check up on you since we just had intruders, I was worried about you, my dear. Now, go to sleep, let grandma handle this mess." Fixing her demeanor, grandma Vivian ruffled Buddy's hair and said before turning around to sleep.

"Goodnight, Buddy." Grandma Vivian stopped for a second and uttered before proceeding to leave through the door.

"G-Goodnight, grandma." Buddy waved his hand and nervously replied, watching grandma Vivian's figure disappear through the gaps of the door closing.




While Buddy was fighting for his life, Leo appeared back in his apartment.

"Thankfully I escaped just in time." Leo muttered to himself.

'Fortunately, I just arrived at this world so I'm a hundred percent sure that artificial intelligence won't find any signs of me from my fingerprint.' Leo chuckled in his mind.

'Genesis, since you said that I have at least 1 month in this world before the time resumes back in the Frozen world. What if I go back? Will the 1 month time stop still continue counting or will it stop while I'm away from this world?'

[If you go back now, your remaining 27 days, 3 hours and 24 minutes of time stop will came to a halt and will resume only when your presence is on this world.]

"Good. I'm missing Elsa's warmth."

[Tsk. How shameless, I wonder how you can keep a straight face knowing you're cheating behind her back.]

'It wouldn't be if I told her before me and Helen became official.' Leo reasoned.

[So, why did you question it? Are you going back now or something?]

'I would, but I have to take care of an old woman first. I don't trust that old woman without knowing her fully.' 


'Call me Detective Leo. Because tonight, we're going on an investigation.'

[Alright. I'll play along. How are we going to investigate the old granny, oh so great Detective Leo?]

'Good question Genesis. The best place to start our investigation is pretty obvious. The facility. I'm going back there but this time, without stealth since I don't have my black panther suit. So we're gonna use Raven's ability instead.' 

[And how are you going to use Raven's ability to infiltrate?]

'Infiltrate? Who says about infiltrating? I'm barging in again but this time with a different identity.'


Back at the facility, Vivian was standing in front of the screens once again, awaiting her artificial intelligence's response.

"System, what'd you got for me?"

<I apologize in advance, Ms. Vivian but unfortunately, I've been scouring all the databases around the world and even the government's but so far, none of the fingerprints matched.>

"Tsk. A complete ghost. This guy's good. Whoever is behind this is good. How about the file saving, have you finished them?"

<I was already finishing them as we speak, Ms. Vivian.>

"Good. Give me an estimation."

<20 minutes, Ms. Vivian.>

"Good. Then inform me once it's fi-."

<Please allow me to interrupt you, Ms. Vivian but it seems like we have compan-.>


Before the system could finish its notification, the metallic door suddenly received a large fist print, that started off as single, double, triple until the entire metallic door is filled with fist prints.

"What the?" Vivian muttered to herself as she watched the metallic door in spectacle.


It didn't take long before the entire metallic gate got filled with fist prints and flew out of its hinges.

Vivian quickly stepped aside to dodge the metallic gate that crashed against the screens.

"Who are you?" She asked, already taking out both of her sharp daggers and squinting her eyes at the smoke filled place.

When the cloud of smoke disappeared, what was revealed was a man with a very large stature along with a large smile on his face, wearing a pair of blue, red and white stripes that sticks clearly to his very sharp muscles.

Following him was a loud manly laugh.

"HaHaHa! Don't worry now!"

"Because I am here!"


"W-Who are you?" Vivian had a look of disbelief plastered on his face.

"Me? Do you even need to ask? Of course! It is I, All Might! And you, old woman is under arrest for conducting illegal projects that go against the code of Supers law!" Still maintaining such a deep and masculine posture, All Might pointed his large finger at Vivian and initiated an arrest.

"M-Me?" Vivian was wide eyed, how did this All Might know about her and her illegal projects?

"Yes, you! Specifically, your Project Kronos which is now known as Project Vendetta that serves to eradicate all Supers in the world!"

"You don't have any proof! Now I suggest you leave or else I might have to call the police on you. I'm sure they would have a field day for arresting someone pretending to be a Superhero." Vivian confidently said, however her words soon got stuck in he mouth upon hearing her own voice coming out of a contraption on All Might's hand.

"(I'll make sure to make them pay. All the Supers will pay for taking you and Max away from me! I'll make sure all of them die! Especially that Super Macho Man! I'll make sure to give him a special treatment!)" And with that, the recorder stopped.

"Is there anything else I need as evidence?" All Might pocketed the recorder and asked with sarcasm, his annoying large smile just further irritating Vivian.

"No need. Because that evidence won't leave out of here alive." And with that, the two daggers from her hand flew towards All Might.

"Did no one tell you not to play with knives?" Remarked All Might as he dodged the daggers with a simple twist of his body.

"Hah!" However to Vivian, the daggers only served as her distraction as she headed towards her desk and grabbed a ray gun that looked a bit different from the Transgendering Ray Gun.

"That's not the ray gun that changes gender, is it?" With a strained smile, All Might 'kindly' asked for the ray gun's capabilities. After all, he heard about the Transgendering Ray Gun and he doesn't want to see himself turned into a girl.

It would be embarrassing to not only him but also to his future generation of children.

"No, but this is much worse than that! This Dismembering Ray Gun can remove a part of your body! Anything! Including your own head! It's all in a matter of luck!" With a smile, Vivian quickly pulled the trigger as a green beam came out of its barrel.

"Oh no." Leo muttered, he doesn't want to have a part of his body missing like his arm or leg, much worse, his lower head, so he quickly used his full speeds to disappear from his position and reappear behind Vivian.

"Got you, bitch!"





[Next Chapter: Ch. 112 - A call from Edna]

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