Mark of the Multiversal Pretender

Ch. 112 – A call from Edna

"Got you, bitch!" Quickly kicking the dangerous ray gun from her hand, All Might delivered a punch towards grandma Vivian's cheeks.

"Punching an old woman like a normal person!" All Might quoted as his fist connected to her jaw, throwing her across the room and landed quite harshly on the ground.


Just as Leo thought his punch did its wonder, he suddenly heard grandma Vivian's painful groan and watched her stand before fixing her dislocated jaw.

"Egh!~ you're not a normal old woman. You say you hate Supers when you're one yourself." All Might remarked with disgust in his voice.

"Don't compare who to those imbeciles! I gave myself this power while they only got spoonfed with theirs! Through my hard work and intelligence, it is I! That created powers!" The old grandma Vivian yelled very loudly despite her old age.

"And you, who is nothing but spoonfed by your own genes, that gave you your powers! Have no right to insult me and my name!" Vivian continued, pointing her flimsy and almost bony finger towards All Might.

"I'm sorry, old lady but you can't blame everyone just because of something they cannot control." All Might shook his head in disappointment, giving his wise words to the old woman.

"Of course, you can't control whether you will have powers or not but what you can control is the power itself!" 

'God dammit. This old woman is annoying.' All Might's face twitched slightly.

"Now, I'll make sure you won't come out of here alive, even if I have to use my last bit of energy just to drag you to hell! All you Supers should go to hell!"

"It is because of people like you that my son and husband died!" She continued.

"And what about your grandson!" All Might gritted his teeth and yelled back.

"W-What?" Vivian stuttered.

"What if he also awakens his own superpower? Would you kill him? Like how you will kill the other supers? Do you think your husband would like to see you kill your grandson? Don't even get me started on your son, do you think he will appreciate you killing his son?" The more All Might speak, the more stunned and speechless Vivian is.

"I-I, no t-that's a different matter." She stuttered.

"I don't want to kill you nor bring you to jail. That would render Buddy an orphan and I don't want to see an innocent child suffer that. I came here to change you." Which is true as Leo has already seen Buddy not as the future super villain but as a friend that he made in this world, and he doesn't want to make his friend sad by killing or bringing his one and only family to jail.

He's not a completely heartless person.

"I-I....Don't bring him to this! Buddy doesn't have to know about this or me! Once my mission is done, I'll erase this all and raise him like a normal child!" She yelled, upon realizing that she was losing control of the conversation, she quickly shifted the topic so she would be the dominant one.

"A normal child? I don't think you are fit to raise him as a normal kid."

'Knowing what Buddy became in the future, it clear that this old woman's mission failed and Buddy somehow inherited her legacy, except for the Superpower creation thingy which I still don't know how she did it. I don't sense any lies coming from her, after all.' All Might whispered under his breath.

"How dare you! You muscle-head freak that knows nothing but to lift weight tell me about raising a child!?" Vivian insulted the muscles.

"You....crossed the line. You never insult a man's muscles! It is a man's life work! Take it back, you old woman!"

"No!" With a yell, the regeneration on Vivian's body finally finished and she's now back to her top condition.

"Eat this!" Grabbing a weird item from a nearby thrower, Vivian snapped it in half before throwing it in front of All Might on the floor.

"What's this?" Just as All Might raised the question, the item snapped in half suddenly started releasing a weird pink smoke from the middle where the item was snapped.

"That my dear, is also my life's work! Inhaling the smoke will remove a certain part of your DNA that gives you your powers! It turns out, according to my research, superpowers came from a certain part of our DNA structure that slowly blossoms as we age! Remove that part and your powers disappear! The only reason it took me this long was because getting a subject with Superpowers is very hard...." Like a notorious villain from cartoon and children films, Vivian confidently turned her back on All Might and monologues.

"In my estimation, by the time you inhale the smoke, you will start to feel drowsiness." At the same time as she said these words, All Might held his head as his eyes turned slightly drowsy and he fell on his knees.

"W-What have you done to me?" All Might weakly looked towards Vivian's back and asked.

"Simple, I removed your superpower DNA, after the drowsiness, you'll feel weak and almost unable to move your body. And that's when the chemical takes effect and kills your Superpower DNA from your DNA structure." Still confident in her creation, Vivian turned back to All Might and started walking towards him in confidence.

As she walks, she could already see steam seeping out of All Might's muscles as his figure is slowly getting smaller and smaller.

The smaller he gets, the wider her smile becomes.

"How does it feel now? You're my second test subject. The last one was earlier and he went through the same stages as I mentioned earlier." Crouching in front of All Might, Vivian was over the moon. She felt very dominant right now, dominating the Superhero in front of her.

"How do you feel? Come on, tell me. Don't be shy." Vivian leaned forward and grinned as All Might weakly raised his head to meet her eyes.

However her grin didn't last long as it strained upon seeing another grin on All Might's face.

"Thank you for letting me get close to you."

At the same time as he spoke, All Might's small form suddenly turned back large in a single blink of an eye.

"Huh?" Before Vivian could react, All Might had already stood from the ground and with a swift movement of his hand, he karate-chopped Vivian's nape, knocking her unconscious.

"Did you really think, it is that easy to take me, All Might, down!?" Puffing his chest and raising his head, All Might crossed his arms, highlighting his muscles that returned.

"How was it? One out of ten, rate my acting skills." All Might, now known as Leo after his body started changing back to his original body, asked Genesis.

[Your acting skills need to be polished more. So five out of ten.]

"You rate so low!"

[Of course! I'm a System that is covered by billions of people! My words are very heavy and valuable!]

"Tsk. You just made the word 'Cheap' sound regal."

[What are you gonna do now? I don't think knocking her out would serve as the solution and change her for the greater good.]

"Obviously not. I have another thing in my mind that would definitely cause her to change and make her forget about everything that involves killing all the Supers."

[And that is?]

Leo didn't answer Genesis first as he scanned his eyes around the facility first before asking.

"Say, do you think my storage ring and the storage function of my Ring of Hades would be able to fit everything here?"

[Hmm....According to my calculation, the answer would be yes. Everything here would fit. Wait...don't tell me...]

"Indeed, my dear Genesis, whatever you are thinking is indeed what I'm about to do. With how old she is, I'm sure she would rather spend the rest of her time with her grandchild rather than recreating her entire work that cost her tens of years."

"Let's get to work then."



"Huh? What happened? Where am I?" A few hours later, Vivian's eyes flickered slightly as she finally woke up from a deep sleep.

Suddenly, memories from before she was knocked out flooded her mind, reminding her of everything that happened earlier.

"Oh no! He tricked me! My gas didn't work!" Quickly rising, Vivian quickly scanned her eyes around looking for All Might's presence however she was shocked not because All Might was gone.

But because everything is gone!

Her entire facility is emptied except for her!

Her eyes then saw a small paper lying on her side.

Grabbing it and unfolding it, Vivian read its contents.

[If you're reading this, then that means you're awake. As punishment for you and your bad ambition, I'm confiscating your entire life's work and well...put them to good use instead. So good bye and make sure to take care of your grandchild!

Yours truly, All Might!]

"Damn you, All Might!"


"Achoo! What was that?" At the empty stables that Leo found coincidentally, Leo was fiddling with his two rings that contained things that would cause millionaires to salivate and make governments go into war.

"Thank you, Grandma Vivian! For giving me purpose in this life! With your technology, I could finally kickstart Jimmy Neutron's Quests even without asking Buddy for help!"

Technically, he won't be abandoning Buddy just because of this. There's a reason why he's at the empty stables that Buddy mentioned earlier after all.


Suddenly, Leo jumped in surprise at the ringing of his phone.

'Who the fuck is calling me at this hour and how did they know my number?' Cursing in his mind, Leo grabbed the phone and answered it.


"Don't you 'Hello' me! I already gave you the longitude and latitude of my location, so be here by tomorrow sunrise!"


The moment the familiar voice of Edna finished, the call ended.






[Next Chapter: Ch. 113 - Upgraded Suit!]

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