Mark of the Multiversal Pretender

Ch. 113 – Upgraded Suit!

'How did she get my number?' Leo questioned himself, then suddenly he remembered his conversation with Edna a day back.

["How do I call you?"

"You don't. I'll be the one to call you. So do whatever you want and wait for my call "

"How? I didn't even give you my number."

"Oh darling. I don't need a phone number to call someone. I have many ways if I want to call someone!"]

"Oh right. I wonder what happened to my suit? Hopefully nothing much and would become cooler than the previous." Silently praying in his heart, Leo opened his pending messages and there it was, Edna's message in the form of a set of numbers.

"She wasn't lying. She indeed sent the latitude and longitude of her location." Leo's face grimaced. Why does Edna want to make it harder for him to visit her?

"Let's see here. According to the combined knowledge of my templates, this should be around the west." Leo squinted his eyes as he opened a map application and started calculating the route and the given numbers that Edna gave him.

It didn't take long for him to decipher it and get a location.

"Beverly Hills? Huh, what did I expect?" He chuckled as he pocketed his phone and stared at the empty stables.

"Before I leave, I should probably leave the lab with the Laboratory version Capsule." With that said, he took the capsule from the inventory and proceeded to throw it on the ground, watching as it expanded and caused a large cloud of smoke.

Waving his hand to disperse the smoke, Leo kept the smoke under his watch until it disappeared, revealing a small and short tent looking structure but more futuristic.

"Let's go inside then." Leo smiled and approached the entrance of the capsule house.

"This is amazing!" Leo was flabbergasted upon stepping inside.

Contrary to what it looked like outside, the inside was much larger as if the very fabric of the space itself was stretched thin and it resulted to this.

Inside was nothing like Vivian's facility. Everything here is clearly levels above Vivian's laboratory, obviously since the world of Dragon Ball is hundred times more advance than this world.

Time chamber, gravity chambers, capsules that could stretch space and many more.

"I can't wait to put a percentage on Jimmy Neutron's template." Leo muttered to himself.

'I wonder if I could somehow invent something here without anyone's help. As long as I know the function of the equipment I'm gonna use, perhaps I could treat myself with a high tech item?' Wanting to see if it is plausible, Leo took out all the items and equipment that he stole from Vivian's laboratory and placed them on the wide corner of the room.

"Let's see here...There's gotta be a manual somewhere around here." Leo searched around the room and after a few minutes, he saw a thick book lying on a wooden shelf, looking very inconspicious from those in the room.

"That should be it." Leo muttered to himself, walking towards the wooden shelf and grabbed the thick book with his hands.

"'Communications and Equipment'." Reading the title out loud, Leo flipped it on the first page.


It took Leo only an hour to get the gist of the equipment's functions.

"Well this is quite easy. Like they say, the more advanced technology is, the easier it is to use. Humans indeed strive to make life easier, haha." Leo softly chuckled, he was about to flip to the next page when Genesis suddenly reminded him.

[Perhaps you're forgetting something? It's almost sunrise now.]

"Oh shit." Leo cursed under his breath, placing the thick book back to its shelf and rushed outside.

The capsule itself obviously has several countermeasures for those who might try to enter or break it.

It's not that dangerous, it would just electrocute people who might try to touch the doorknob with just 10,000 volts, which is just a tickle to him.


In a westside land full of green sceneries, stood a large mansion covered in pane glasses, surrounded by thick walls known to many as security.

Inside the said mansion stood a woman with a very short stature that one might mistake her for a small child if it wasn't for the greases and flabby skin that indicates her old age.

"How is that flesh bag taking this long?" Edna Mode spat with a sarcastic tone.


"Oh finally!" Having a relief look on her face, Edna rolled her eyes and with her short legs, starts walking towards the entrance, however due to her being short, it takes 5 steps for her to reach a single step of a normal human.

A single minute later, she finally arrived at the entrance and looked at the screen on the side.

Seeing Leo stand there clueless and scratching the back of his head, Edna blew an air through her nostrils and rolled her eyes before using a handprint to open the door.


"Quick, I don't have time all day. Follow me." Upon the door opening, Edna only said a few words before turning around and resumed walking.

Leo, confused by the sudden abruptness, could only follow Edna as they reached the underground of the mansion.

Upon reaching the end of the stairs, they arrived in front of the gate where Edna passed through several biometric systems and ended it with a voice authentication.

"Edna Mode." She smoothly said as if she had said the same thing over and over again throughout her entire life.

The door opened swiftly and they entered.

"Now, listen to me. I made quite a few adjustments on the suit as I noticed that it is made from an unknown material that we'll talk about earlier."

"Now. The first thing I added is an Advanced Adaptive Camouflage. I noticed it already has its stealth function but it is too crude and you would still be detected through various ways like an x-ray vision or an advanced thermo vision. But with my adjustment, it would be nigh-impossible for you to be detected."

"The next thing I added is an Integrated Tactical AI. This is a very highly sophisticated AI system that can provide real-time combat analysis, enemy tracking, and tactical advice, all while maintaining a sleek, unobtrusive interface." At this point, Edna and Leo are now sitting side by side as the Panther Habit suit stands in front of them behind a large panel of glass.

"Next is the Multi-Purpose Gauntlets. I noticed that the only offense this suit has is it's retractable claws. So I decided it's combat utilities and added a few functions to the gauntlets, such as energy shields, EMP emitters, and micro bombs. I also made sure that each function would be activated seamlessly with a mere thought, making it incredibly efficient in battle." While explaining, the panther habit suit's hands started to form several weapons, energy shields and also released small black balls through its fingertips that fell on the floor.

Leo hears a few bleeps coming from the small balls before exploding in almost as strong as a missile, covering the entire room beyond the glass panel in black smoke that quickly disappeared through a vacuum that appeared.

"Next is the Self-Healing Nanotechnology. It would automatically repair the suit through nanotechnology and since I don't have the same material as the suit, I decided to add my own material instead. It might not be as strong as the original material but it would still save your ass from embarrassing yourself by being naked in the middle of battle."

"Next is Psychological Warfare Features. These are just a few simple things I added in my free time. With these features, you can turn your eyes into glowing red or distort your voice to intimidate your enemies in case you want to interrogate your enemy."

"Last but not the least. Advanced Communication System. I connected the suit through several police channels all throughout america so you can keep in touch on their reports and if a villain popped up during your resting time. It would automatically connect to the nearest police comms. It would analyze the conversation and only send the message to you if it detected several keywords that would indicate that there's a villain in the midst."

"That's all. What do you think?" Edna smiled while side-eyeing Leo.

"This is....breathtaking. I wasn't expecting this kind of change to the suit." What he said is true, he was very speechless by the add-ons added on the suit.

Normally, he was expecting normal things to be added like increased resistance to flame and ice and other such things.

However, Edna just broke his expectations on her and went beyond that.

"I expected that. Now let's put the suit aside and talk about more important and pressing matters." Pressing a button from the screen she's holding, the lights on the room brightened while the panel glass dimmed, covering the panther habit suit inside.

"And that is?"

"The material that was used on the suit. I want to know about it." Edna crossed her legs and asked.

"Is that the payment for the adjustments?" Leo cautiously asked.

"Payment? Oh no, the adjustments are free. This is just an extra, let's just say. A tip of some sorts. Just the info about the material." Edna smiled and continued.

"...I'm gonna be honest with you here but the material that was used is not in this world. It's called Vibranium and it's not something that I'd accessible just to anyone. However as a payment for what you did, I'm willing to lend you 100 grams of Vibranium. Consider it my gratitude."





[Next Chapter: Ch. 114 - 10%!]

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