Mark of the Multiversal Pretender

Ch. 114 – 10%!

"100 grams? Show me!" Despite 100 grams being small compared to Leo's 100 kilograms Vibranium stored in Leo's inventory, from the looks of it, 100 grams of the said material is large enough for Edna.

"Sure. Here." Not afraid to show his powers, Leo snapped his fingers and a small pebble made of Vibranium appeared on the short round table beside the tea cups.

"How wonderful." Like a skilled thief, Edna ignored how Leo made the Vibranium appear, instead her hand quickly snatched the Vibranium from the table and started inspecting it by taking it closer to her eyes.

"It's indeed the same material but more compact, unlike the suit." Edna muttered to herself.

"So how is it?" Leo sipped from his tea cup and asked.

"Oh darling, you have no idea how much this 100 grams is worth to me. If I can replicate this by mixing a few materials, I can achieve the same effect this Vibranium has." Edna replied to him first before she resumed muttering once again.


Taking out the remote, Edna presses a button as the ceiling opens up and the Panther Habit suit is brought down next to them.

"Okay, our deal is done. Take your flimsy suit and leave my mansion. I still have many experiments to do with this." Waving her hand by dismissing Leo, Edna jumped from her tall chair and started walking in small steps after landing on the ground, leaving Leo alone with his newly upgraded Panther Habit suit.

"Well....can't say I didn't expect her to act that way." Leo chuckled awkwardly as he took the suit and left the mansion by tracing his steps back out. The mansion is so large that almost anyone might get lost if it's their first time being in this kind of place.


"Well that was faster than I expected." Leo muttered to himself after finally finding his way out of the mansion, his hand caressing the metallic necklace of the panther habit hanging on his neck.

"Obviously, I'm going to test you out." Leo said in excitement, wanting to feel and see the changes that were made on the panther habit, even though Edna already explained it to him, experiencing it is entirely different than just knowing about it.

With a single thought, the nanotechnology of the Panther Habit crawled and covered Leo's whole body.

In Leo's vision, things also became different as there are now a few virtual screens in front of him.

"What the?" Leo muttered in surprise.

<Good morning, Black Panther. I am your virtual assistant, how may I help you?>

"Who are you?"

<I am the Artificial Intelligence developed by Ms. Edna Mode, to assist you in battle and many others.>

"I see..." Leo nodded his head in undertanding. However in doing so, he noticed something missing.

Normally, his cape would slightly drape on the floor, however he didn't see it.

"Wait? Where's my cape?" Leo asked.

<Answer: the cape function has been adjusted and became a retractable cape.>

"Retractable cape? What if I want to turn it on?"

<A password must be stated.>

"And that password is?"

<Unfortunately, the password is not within my storage memory. Perhaps my creator should've told you the password?>


<Maybe she forgot? According to my research, humans tend to forget things in random times, but it happens more upon ageing.>

"Either she forgot or she purposely didn't tell me." Leo's face twitched slightly, knowing Edna's nature, she'd definitely do this kind of thing on purpose.

"That little bitch." Leo followed up with a mutter.


*Wee Woo! Wee Woo!*

"Dispatch, 9-12, we have a situation at the west side of the boulevard, Jameson Junior High School. We received a distress call about the disturbance of two teens showing violent tendencies, they are armed with knives, they already had two victims slashed."

"The current suspects show signs of violet color on their necks up to their head. It is still unknown what it does, so proceed with caution."

All of this was heard in Leo's comms through his Panther Habit suit. With the function of being able to connect to almost all police channels, Leo now has 'eyes' all around America.

Nothing can be hidden from him.

"Let's see. Two teenagers going violent? Sounds like something that came out of a school shooting movie." Leo chuckled slightly, remembering that certain incident that got turned into a movie back in his world.

"Time to save the world, I guess?" Leo stretched his limbs first and stood.

"Jameson Junior High School, do you mind giving me directions, Lena?" Leo spoke through his comms, asking his newly named Artificial Intelligence assistant.

<Giving directions now.>

What appeared in front of Leo's face was a virtual screen that looks similar to the map from Grand Theft Auto 5, where a purple line can be seen zigzagging through the roads.

"Oh how useful." Leo said in bliss, clearly annoying a certain someone, or more like teasing.

<Thank you, Leo.>

[Fuck you, Leo.]

Fortunately, Lena the Artificial Intelligence doesn't have access to Leo's mind or else, she might've heard that there's another 'system' inside Leo.

Shaking his head while chuckling at his own antics, Leo jumped from the gargoyle statue he's been squatting on and brooding like a certain bat.


"My baby is still inside! Let me in!" In front of a large school campus, several policemen and police cars were circling the said building as hundreds of parents with scared and frightened expressions can be seen trying to force their way in.

"Ma'am! Please calm down, we are currently doing the best that we can to rescue everyone inside!"

"No! I don't trust any of you, mother fuckers!" The blonde woman, a mother of a student inside yelled at the police officer who was simply doing his job of calming the mass people.

"Ma'am, please give your trust to us. As long as you let us do our work, we would be able to do our job properly! As of now, you are hindering our work and it will cause the lives of the innocents inside including your own children!" Having enough of the woman's rants, the police officer lashed out on her which thankfully shuts her up.

After all, the only way to discipline a woman is to be rough with her.

The other parents also saw this and zipped their own mouths, although they were worried about their children, they would be much more worried if their children accidentally died and failed to get rescued due to them.

"Good job, Adrian." A fellow police officer patted Adrian's shoulder and complimented him.

"Shut it, Arthur." The police officer who just lashed out, now known as Adrian, rolled his eyes and swatted Arthur's hand from his shoulder.

*Bang!* x2

"Shit! I thought they only carried knives!" A police officer yelled.

"It seems like we got the wrong info from the caller. Are there any nearby Superheroes available? This is something the police can't handle without extreme measures!" The police chief assigned to the current issue, radioed on his radio.

"Look! Over there!" One of the worried parents, noticed something in the sky and quickly pointed her finger at it.

Soon, everyone's attention went towards the figure floating in the sky.

"Is that a bird?"

"No! It's probably a plane!"

"Maybe it's a satellite!"

"Since when did satellites enter the troposphere? Think you idiot, think!"

"It's probably a superhero!" One of the more logical thinking parents, shouted and was agreed upon by the rest.

True to his words, the said floating man in the sky with a black suit, started descending towards the rooftop of the school and landed, disappearing from everyone's view.


"It's a bird. It's a plane. What kind of superman shit did I just hear down there?" Inside the mask of the suit, Leo bore a face that shouts cringe all over.

'Does the Superman or DC franchise even exist in this universe?'

"Hey, Lena. Have you heard of Superman or DC comics franchise?"

<Answer: There are currently no such things as Superman or DC comics franchises. Please focus on your current rescue work as the more you delay, the more victims there will be.>

"Oh right. My bad." Embarrassed at being educated by Lena, Leo shifted his focus on the current operation.

Spreading his senses all around the rooftop, Leo sensed a roof access glass hatch.

"It needs to be opened from the inside." Leo squinted his eyes and muttered. Although he can teleport, he can only teleport through things or items that he marked. And he has no thunder god marks inside, he can't teleport in.

Don't even mention breaking the glass, as his senses told him that the two violent teens with Glock guns were just nearby, breaking the glass would alert the two.

"Hmm... I'm not sure but hopefully this works. Thanks to my past self for spending some time studying Chinese characters back in the Kung Fu Panda world."

Leo's index finger then glowed in orange and left a trail of golden light in the middle of the air, writing what seems to be a Chinese character that reads 'Muffle'.

After he was finished, the Muffle chi seal glowed very brightly and exploded into light pieces that surrounded the entire rooftop including the inside.

"It worked, probably?" Testing it out, Leo clenched his fists and punched the glass hatch into pieces.


Instead of the sound of breaking glass, it sounds more like a pillow falling on the floor.

"I'm in!" Leo grinned inside the mask.

"Lena. Activate the stealth function. I'm just going to use 10% of my strength."





[Next Chapter: Ch. 115 - Jimmy Neutron was actually this smart?]

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