Mark of the Multiversal Pretender

Ch. 116 – Finally getting started!

Everything starts to become clear now. Leo's eyes caught the sight of a small fly, flapping its wings slowly.

No, this is not because of his sharp senses. What he's using is merely his enhanced reaction time.

Although Leo's reaction time is inhumane, it is far from this.

'How wonderful.' Leo tilted his head, his eyes darted around and he could almost see hallucinations of nothing but mathematical equations.

For every piece of equipment his eyes pass by, his brain was already running at full speed, thinking of several ways to tinker and use it to its full potential.

Another thing to note is that for some reason, his slightly hazy memory of his past life starts to emerge in his mind, it is as if he just experienced it yesterday.

That is what Leo is currently feeling right now.

"What happened to you?" Beside him, Buddy just finished inspecting the ray gun that he helped Leo in making when he finally noticed the look of euphoria on Leo's face.

'Why does he look like as if he's high in drugs?' Buddy muttered to himself in confusion.

"Leo? Are you okay? Leo?" Waving his hand in front of his face, Buddy received no reaction from him.

"W-what?" Finally, after a few more calls on his name, Leo snapped back to reality.

"Are you okay? You just paced out for literally an entire minute!" Buddy reminded him.

"Really? It's nothing, I was just thinking of ways to use all these equipment, I think I have a good idea for an invention." Leo rubbed his chin as he replied.

"And those are?"

"Time machine. Metallic robot that can be worn like armor and a lightsaber." Of course the first two things that Leo mentioned was related to his quest, while the last one, was just a small fantasy of his that he wants to fulfill.

If everyone from his past world is given a chance to build their own lightsabers, would they refuse it?

Obviously not. Only an idiot would refuse a lightsaber. It's literally his and many other Star Wars fan's dream.

"What are even those things you mentioned? I only know about the time machine, but I don't think you or we are capable of building one. It's just....theoretically impossible even if Einstein says it's possible." Buddy shrugged his head, doubting Leo and his capabilities in creating a time machine.

"It would be, normally, but not anymore. Not when I've finally achieved what I've been trying to reach."

"That is?"

"Even if I explained it to you, you wouldn't understand." Leo shook his head in denial and changed the topic.

"Anyways, you've been trying to initiate a topic with me since earlier, what happened?" Massaging his neck muscle, Leo stretched his limbs and sat on the nearby couch.

"Oh right! It's about my grandma."

Leo slightly perked up upon the mention of Buddy's grandma. He knows what he just did to her and it would be bad if Buddy somehow discovers it was him.

"What's wrong with your grandma? Did you finally find out she's actually a Superhero?" Leo closed his eyes and answered casually, pretending as if he had no idea what Buddy was about to say.

"Not quite. I still hope she is but not that. I'm talking about her weirdness this morning when I woke up."

"Why? Did she do something?" Still pretending to not care much, Leo lazily questioned.

"Yes! She woke up in the morning! I saw yawning in the kitchen and making breakfast for the first time since grandpa died!"

"Oh....that sounds wonderful. Though I do understand why you thought it was weird." Leo nodded his head in understanding.

'Well I wasn't expecting that. Didn't know stealing all of her life's hard work would cause her to change quickly, too quickly.' Leo muttered under his breath.

"And what else happened?" Leo probed.

"What I'm about to tell you, will shock you to your spine!" Buddy overreacted, increasing the tension.

"Try me." Leo chuckled and confidently replied.

"She said I would inherit her legacy!"

"Pfftt!" Upon hearing the end of Buddy's sentence, Leo got surprised and accidentally spat saliva.

"See! I told you it would shock you to your spine!" Buddy smirked and said while crossing his arms.

"Cough! Cough! I-I guess you're right. What does she mean by legacy? Like the facility we saw last night?" Leo cleared his throat and asked. Several questions were running in his newly sharped mind.

Could she have found a way to retrieve everything? A failsafe of some sort?

Or maybe she have other facilities outside the farm house?

So many questions left unanswered and yet, it will be answered by none other than Buddy himself.

"No! Her legacy of cooking the most delicious chicken curry!"



After successfully resisting the urge to slap Buddy across the wall, Leo felt his phone ringing in his pocket.

Opening it up to see who it is, Leo's face was full of smiled upon seeing that Helen was actually the one calling him.

Answering it while walking away from Buddy, who was busy reading the manual he gave him about the pieces of equipment in the capsule laboratory.

"Yahallo!~" Leo joyfully answered.

"Yahallo? What's that?" Helen voiced out on the other side.

"It's nothing much, just a fun way to greet someone. Like when you have a good morning. Anyways, why'd you call?"

"Really? Yahallo to you too then, hehe. As for why I called, well my first class got cancelled and my next class is 6 hours away. I was thinking of hanging out with you? But if you're busy, you don't have to-." Upon the end, embarrassment once again starts to fill in on her but thankfully, Leo was quick to notice and immediately interrupted her to save her.

"Are you crazy? Me? Busy? Nah, between the two of us, I'd think you're busier than me considering your college and stuff." Leo chuckled.

"Anyways, where do we meet up?" Leo questioned.

"You can just meet me up at my dorm building. I'm actually on my way there."

"It's a date then, Flexy." Leo grinned, uttering the nickname he made up for her. It's a mixture of flexible and sexy. I mean, it's kind of true.

"F-Flexy?!" On the other side, Helen stuttered while turning into a blushing mess, making everyone she passes by look at her.

Quickly covering her face up, Helen hastened her pace and was about to ask Leo further for the sudden insert of a nickname however upon hearing the beep on the phone, she realized he hanged up on her.

'T-That v-vile man! W-What does he mean by F-Flexy?' Helen couldn't help but throw love curves towards Leo and almost threw her phone on the wall.


Back to Leo, he grinned as he looked at the hanged up phone.

"I guess she liked it." Leo muttered to himself.

"Hey, Buddy."


"I'll go first. Don't destroy anything just keep reading that book and wait for me to come back."

"Where are you going." Buddy removed his eyes from the book pages and confusedly stared at Leo.

"It's nothing. It's hero work." Leo waved his hand and lied, leaving the laboratory. As for the items that he stole from Vivian? He's not worried about them being found by Buddy as he hid them in a secret compartment in the laboratory that is accessible only to him.


Back in the dorm building, Helen was taking out all of her clothes out of the cabinet, having a hard time picking out the best clothes for the upcoming date.

'Oh no. They all look so old! I should've brought some newer clothes during my free time! All of this is my mom's clothes during her teenage years!' As much as Helen wanted to be excited and enjoy the upcoming date unfortunately she can't deny the nervousness she's getting now just by picking out the best clothes.

"What's up girl? Whatchu doing? Oh...what happened? Are you....going somewhere?" Coincidentally, her ex-friend who doesn't know she's already an ex-friend arrived behind her carrying the same energy when they first met.

"N-Nothing." Helen mentally gritted her teeth and resisted the urge to say something harsh to her.

Jessica has no idea that she overheard her conversation with her so called cheerleading friends and she wanted it to stay that way.

"Really? You know I think I've been through the same thing. Let me guess, you're going somewhere and you need a good outfit. A date perhaps?" Upon mentioning the word 'date' Helen froze up, which she quickly took notice of.

"Oh my gosh. You have a date?! With whom? Don't tell me it's Trevor from math class, that guy has his eyes on you for a while." Like a natural college girl, Jessica squealed, feeling happy for Helen.

Even Helen is not sure anymore if Jessica is being true or she's just faking it like how she faked their friendship.

"Not Trevor." Helen shook her head and answered.

"Heh, good for you, I don't think Trevor even deserves you. Don't worry girl, if you're worried about what to wear, I got you!" As if she was more excited than Helen, Jessica ran back to her room and Helen could hear several thuds and hangers being thrown aside before Jessica was finally back with a complete outfit.

"You gotta try this!"


Outside the dorm building, several students belonging to the same university as Helen, were walking in and out of the dorm building when suddenly, they heard an inhumane roar of an engine.


Everyone's attention was quickly gathered by a sleek black muscle car that slowly parks in front of the dorm building's porch.

"W-Who's that?"

"Dude! Look at this car!"

"Holy shit! Is someone dating a rich man?"





[Next Chapter: Ch. 117 - Date]

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