Mark of the Multiversal Pretender

Ch. 118 – From Date to Duty!

After getting their order, Bob and Lucius were about to search for a table when suddenly, Bob stopped in his tracks, his eyes stuck glued to Leo's figure.

"That's..." He muttered to himself while squinting his eyes at Leo.

"Bob? You okay?" Snapping his fingers in front of Bob's eyes, the latter finally snapped from his trance.


"Dude, you went into a trance like 10 seconds or something." Lucius 


"Is something wrong?" Lucius tried to track where Bob was left staring at and saw a normal couple in a line, well the man is handsome, he'll give him that.

"Hey Luci. Remember that guy I told about a week ago?"

"Who? You mean the civilian who carried a car like it weighs nothing? I thought it was you narrating nonsense cause you were drunk." Lucius chuckled.

"Yeah. I think it's that guy." Bob replied, pointing his finger at Leo's figure.

"Wait. Seriously? Wow, this world is really small huh?" 

"Luci, hold on. He's walking towards us. Act normal." Tapping Lucius's chest, both him and Bob quickly cleared their thoughts and bore poker faces as they slowly walked towards a free table.

"Hey there, Mr. Incredible, was it?" However, just when Leo finally approached them, his words immediately shook the two to the core.

"W-What are you talking about, sir? Mr. Incredible? Who's that?" Scratching the back of his neck, Bob nervously chuckled as he pretended to be clueless, his eyes darting around as he noticed that several eyes were now on them.

"Oh really?" Leo smirked and crossed his arms, making Bob realize that it's no use pretending as Leo seemed so sure that he's the Superhero named Mr. Incredible. 

The question is, how did he know? There's no way he was caught, right? After all, no Superhero was recognized when they wore normal clothes.

And he was also sure that he wore his eye mask during the day he met Leo, so there's no possible way for Leo to recognize him.

Determined to take the answer out from Leo's mouth, Bob made a move.

Without hesitation, Bob quickly used his strength and speed to grab Leo so he could take him to a corner.

However to his surprise, Leo stood still, as if his feet were cemented on the ground, making him immovable like a mountain.

Unfortunately, he could only sigh and resort to a peaceful approach.

"Can in private?"

"We can talk later. I still have a date you see. I just came here to greet you." Leo replied while pointing at Helen, who was confusedly looking at their side.

"O-Okay." Bob scratched his cheeks and watched Leo reunite with his date.

"I think this is the time where you say to yourself 'I need a girlfriend' am I right?" Lucius grinned and nudged his side with his elbow.

"Come on. Don't worry about him, I can see that he didn't mean it and besides, your denial earlier made everyone shift their attention to somewhere else." True to his words, Bob saw that the people earlier that were looking in their direction when Leo called out to his hero name were now having their focus on different things.


"What'd you do? I saw them froze and panic or something." Seeing that Leo was back, Helen asked in confusion.

"Nothing, I just wanted to see if he still remembers me and from the looks of it, he does." Leo replied with a smile.

"So, what now?"

"Hmm? What do you mean?"

"I mean, your 'friends' are over there, should we sit with them or something?"

"What? No, of course not. We finish our date and I'll just catch up to them later." Leo shrugged his shoulders and said in a casual manner.

"You sure?" Helen asked for confirmation.

"Hundred percent." Leo winked at her.


Upon getting their order, Leo and Helen found a table for themselves and sat face to face.

" want to become a Superhero, right?" Taking a bite out of his burger, Leo initiated a conversation by raising a question.

"Yeah?" Helen answered, munching on some fries on the other hand.

"What kind of Superhero name would you want?"

"Superhero name?"

"Yeah, like Flexy or something." 

"Stop with that! It sounds so....L-Lewd!" A blush crept up to her cheeks again as she pouted.

"My bad, my bad. So what is it? Normally, Superheroes have their names based on their Superpowers, speaking of superpowers, I don't think you ever told me what you're capable of. I already told you and showed you mine." Said Leo before sipping on his coca-cola filled cup.

"For my Superhero name, people already called me ElastiGirl when it was supposed to be ElastiGirl but it's fine, ElastiGirl sounds much nicer, as for my Superpowers...."

"'s not as strong as Super Macho Man or yours but I could do this...." Obviously, Helen looked around first to see if someone was looking at them but seeing no one, she carefully showed her hand to Leo and made it stretch to the point that she caressed Leo's cheeks without leaning forward to reach him.

"You can stretch yourself?" Leo asked for confirmation, of course he already knows it, he was just pretending not to, to avoid suspicion.

"Yeah. It's kind of lame and not that strong." Helen dejectedly said.

"Hey hey. Don't say that, you know how strong stretching yourself is? I know two guys who can stretch themselves like you and yet they fight beings far more powerful than them." Leo leaned forward and then continued.

"One is a guy who says he's the smartest and then made the dumbest decision while the other one is a kid who defies everyone's expectations on him just so he could become the so-called Pirate King. All in all, they have the same Superpower as you but they're capable and strong, which I'm sure is the same for you." Leo then ended his words with a soft smile that made Helen forget about her current dilemma and smile back at him.

"...Thanks. You always know what to say." Helen breathed in relief while saying.

"Not always. It's just an experience that's all." Leo shrugged his shoulders and replied.

"Can you....tell me more about that kid you told me about? The one who wanted to become a Pirate King was it?" Noticing that the conversation was coming to an end, Helen slightly panicked inside her mind and tried to prolong the conversation.

"Oh that kid? Heh, you asked just the right person." Mentally, Leo grinned as he stretched himself, as if doing a warm-up for an upcoming battle.


While everyone in Metroville was minding their own businesses, all televisions around Metroville including cellphones and computers suddenly flickered and showed a simple video of a person wearing a clown mask standing in front of the screen, his hands hiding behind his back as he stood straight.

"Good afternoon, citizens of Metroville. It is I, The Mastermind, the soon to be greatest villain of America, has an announcement to make. I, the Great Mastermind has planted bombs all over Metroville city, I won't tell you the locations of course. Just know that one of you is in great danger if you're living near or are in the center of the bomb I planted."


Back in McDonalds, everyone including Bob, Lucius, Leo and Helen all stopped whatever they were doing and watched the broadcast happening on one of the screens on the counter that were supposed to show the current Menu.

"I know some of you might think of this as nothing but a hoax but let me tell you, it is as real as it can be. And to prove it to you, I will detonate one of my bombs I planted and to make it more fun, I'll tell you where it is."

Everyone in the restaurant suddenly tensed, preparing to run out of the McDonalds to get themselves to safety when the Great Mastermind finally revealed the said location of the first bomb.

"A random McDonald restaurant. Those who are in a McDonalds restaurant, good luck or good night." Upon mentioning the location, Leo's senses went haywire as his eyes quickly widened upon realization.

Quickly calling his Panther Habit, the suit quickly covered him and took a single second to conjure several golden bubbles of chi shields to every civilian he could see, including Bob, Lucius and Helen.

Leo knew he missed other people too but it was already too late as his control over his chi is not as powerful as Master Oogway, not to mention, the bomb has already gone off.


Coincidentally, the bomb that was planted in a 'random' McDonalds turns out to be the McDonalds they were dating at.

The entire building of McDonalds got torn to pieces by the large explosion including the people that Leo failed to put a chi bubble in.

Everyone outside, quickly ran and yelled in panic as the debris and pebbles that came out of the explosions started flying out and hitting nearby buildings, cars and people, including Leo's black Camaro.

Everything happened too suddenly before Helen could blink.

One thing, she saw Leo covered in his panther suit and the next thing that happened, she was surrounded by a transparent glowing golden bubble along with other people.

However, speaking of other people, not all of them were saved.

Helen saw several corpses either burnt out or in pieces, lying on the ruined floor, making her stomach churn.

She couldn't help but quickly vomit as this was the first time of her seeing a dead person, not to mention tens of dead people.

Meanwhile, inside the mask, Leo's face was full of rage.

'Someone will die today!'





[Next Chapter: Ch. 119 - A Tragedy that will cause bloodshed]

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