Mark of the Multiversal Pretender

Ch. 120 – Investigations!

[Breaking News! A new villain calling himself Mastermind has emerged! Allegedly claiming that he planted bombs all around Metroville, with evidence of his claim by bombing the McDonalds branch residing on the west side of Metroville. So far, there has been no response from the Government nor any other Superheroes except for one. The newest Superhero calling himself Phantom, formerly known as Black Panther. What we're about to show you is a video of his speech challenging the so-called Masterminds villain.]

The television then went static and changed from the woman broadcasting to a person wearing an all black suit being interviewed by a blonde news reporter.

["I say I hunt him down. There's no need to be afraid of this man, I'll make sure he won't kill anyone or anything anymore."]

["If you don't mind me asking, what do you mean by anything? Is there something that this villain killed? Are you referring to the McDonalds establishment or?"] The news reporter asked, confused by some of Phantom's words.

["No, I'm referring to my car."]

["O-Oh, that's....quite sad to hear?"] Although the answer confused not only the news reporter but also those who were watching, they chose not to dwell on the subject any longer.

["Anyways, is that everything you have to say to our newest and probably a Supervillain?"]

["Yes, that's all. And just in case if the Mastermind is listening or watching this right now. Let me tell you this, I'm coming for you, and there won't be anybody who will stop me."] Staring dead-eye straight at the camera even though the watchers can't see his eyes thanks to the mask, everyone felt the chill after hearing his words.

As if the Phantom is truly out for blood like a certain retired assassin that got his puppy killed.

["W-Wow, thanks for that, Mr. Phantom. Hopefully the Mastermind villain will hear your words and will stop whatever he's planning, am I right?"] Although her words was just to lighten up the mood, some people didn't appreciate the gesture, especially Phantom who shifted his stare from the camera lenses to her.

["Haha....T-That's all for today folks, make sure to tune to learn more about the sudden rivalry of the two new uprising Superhero and Supervillain!]

And with that, the video was cut off and ended.


"Dude! That's so awesome! You just gained a Rival! You'll definitely gain more fame this way!" Back in the laboratory, Leo just arrived when he noticed that Buddy was watching the news about the recent bomb attack.

"Rival? What do you mean by that?"

"Seriously? You don't know about Hero vs Villain rivals?"

"Just explain it to me, Buddy." Leo sighed in exhaustion as he slumped on the nearby couch.

"Okay, I'll explain the basics. Basically, as a Hero you gain a villain rival, and by gaining a rival, people will tune in onto you and the said villain. Rivals sometimes last for an entire year and that entire year, almost everyone's focus will be on you and your fight with your rival!"

"Through that entire year, because everyone's focus is on you and your villain rival, you'll get fame, sponsors and many other things! Basically, you're already set in your career as a Superhero!"

"So basically, some kind of partnership but a corrupt one since It will all be just me getting all the benefits?" Leo raised an eyebrow and said.

"No I. Uh...okay, you have a point. But that's not what I meant by telling you this though."

"Okay okay, I understand but the reason why I became a Superhero is not because of those things you mentioned."

"Why'd you become a hero then?" Buddy sat beside him and asked.

"....For justice." Leo said in a deep voice.

"Huh? Wha-."

"Anyways, I came back here because I'll initiate an investigation, and I'm gonna need your help." Leo quickly changed the topic.

"Need my help?" Buddy was stunned.

"Yes. So are you in?"

"Am I in? Of course I'm in! I'm more than just in!" Buddy's face was full of smiles as he slammed the table in front of him.

"Alright alright, calm down and stop saying that without proper context." Leo's face twitched.

"Okay? When do we start?"

"We start now." With that being said, Leo stood and started walking towards the laboratory's super quantum computer.


"What!? What do you mean someone interfered in the plan!" In a dimly lit office, Super Macho Man smashed the table into pieces as he was having a call with someone.

<I'm so sorry, Super Macho Man! We didn't expect for that newbie to be there at the same time as the McDonalds exploded!>

"You should've investigated who are the people inside first, you goddamn idiots!" Yelling at the phone for the last time, Super Macho Man hung up by smashing the phone into pieces.

"Fucking idiots!" Super Macho Man muttered to himself again, pulling the nearby drawers and taking out what seems to be a syringe before stabbing it on his muscles.

"A newbie dared to interfere with my plans? Fine, I'll show you that the world is not black and white." With a smirk to his face, he then yelled after throwing the syringe to the trash can.

"Madonna! Get my villain costume!"


"There's no information about that guy." Leo muttered to himself after searching through several websites including the dark web about any information about the Mastermind.

"Maybe he doesn't exist and just got created? You know how identity works." Buddy chimed in.

"Newly created identity. Is this what it meant by the true villain behind the scenes?" Leo squinted his eyes at the screen and muttered under his breath.

Fortunately, Buddy didn't hear his muttering or else he would be entirely confused at him.

"So what now? We met a dead end." Buddy asked, also in loss.

"...Not yet Buddy." Leo smirked and said.

"So, what's your plan?" Buddy also smiled back and asked.

"Tell me, if there's someone in the world who can create and hide identities, who do you think it is?" Leo asked first, wanting Buddy to discover the answer himself.

"Uhm...The Government?"


"Only the government can tamper with identities and stuff!"

"So if it's the government, how are we gonna fight them then? We can fight villains but not the government." Buddy expressed his concern.

"Who says we're gonna fight the government?" Leo smirked again.

"So the plan is?" Buddy asked again, trying to catch up with Leo.

"Simple. We or I, pretend to be a simple and small time villain. I'll waltz into the White House and use myself as a distraction, while you, my little buddy Buddy, will use a masking technology to infiltrate the private data servers residing underneath the White House and steal all the data using the super USB." Leo crossed his arms and grinned, as if his plan was fool proof and well thought of, not something that a grade 3 student came up with.

"That sounds like something that a grade 3 student came up with." Buddy only replied with a monotone voice.


"First question, why do you know that there are secret private data servers underneath the White House, second question, how the hell are we getting those masking technology and super USB you're talking about and last but not the least, are you drunk? Cause only a drunk man is insane enough to infiltrate the White House."

'Well I am drunk because I infiltrated the white house back in my past life as part of me scamming the President's son.' Leo chuckled mentally.

"For your first question, the reason I knew about the secret data servers hidden underground of the white house is because someone I knew from the inside told me so. Seriously, there's nothing in this world you can't buy with money. For your second question, we're not 'getting' those technologies I mentioned, we're MAKING it! And last but not the least, no I'm not drunk but I wish to get drunk because it's the only way to cope up with the loss of a loved one." With sorrow in his face, Leo bowed his head down and gestured a sign of the cross.

"You're indeed drunk, making those technologies? Are you insane? Just a few days ago you hired me to help you create machines and here you are, thinking you can create those high tech gadgets! And why the hell do you want to get drunk simply over the loss of a car!" Buddy's eyes twitched as he yelled at Leo.

"It doesn't matter, so are you in or not?" Getting annoyed at the constant back and forth asking, Leo ended the conversation by raising the million dollar question.

Staring at each other's eyes, Buddy opened his mouth and answered.



"We are so dead."

2 days have passed and now Buddy finds himself standing in front of the White House gates, using the newly created Masking Technology to make himself look older and different.

Until now, Buddy was still amazed at how efficient and fast Leo created these equipment in the span of a day. When he asked him how he did it.

He answered, "I prayed to the God of Templates."

Obviously, he rolled his eyes at the nonsensical reply, not believing him even a single bit.


"Are you ready now?" Hearing Leo's voice through the comms hidden under the masking technology so it wouldn't appear on the outside, Buddy answered.

"If I die here, please tell grandma I love her." He whispered.

"Don't worry, I'll even make sure she won't be alone and sad after your death." Came Leo's reply.

"Hey, what do you mean by that?"





[Next Chapter: Ch. 121 - Dirty secrets exposed to a child]

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