Mark of the Multiversal Pretender

Ch. 121 – Dirty secrets exposed to a child!


[We are life right now here on White House, where a man in metallic armor, calling himself as The Shredder, appeared out of nowhere and started causing mass destruction all around the place.]

[So far no casualties have been reported yet but will that number remain zero? Make sure to stay tuned!]

After the news reporter's speech, the camera then zoomed in on the ongoing destruction and hail of bullets flying around the place.

"I can't believe someone was dumb enough to attack the White House! Is this Shredder guy out of his god damn mind!?"

"What's happening to America?!"


The sudden attack of Leo on the White House garnered several reactions from all sides.

While the citizens thought of him as crazy, some others especially villains were different.

"This guy is brave!"

"Brave but foolish. If it were that easy to attack the White House and escape, many would have done so."

Of course, such comments were out of Leo's ears, as he was busy tanking bullets with his metallic armor, which in trust is, just his skin that was transformed thanks to his Raven's morphing ability.

"Shoot him and buy some time!" Leo's ears perked up upon hearing the sound of the radio on one of the secret services agents.

'Buy some time? So I was right, of course I am, the White House obviously has a trump card, perhaps someone with Superpowers but not a Superhero nor a Villain?' Leo made a few guesses in his mind.

Fortunately, his questions didn't remain unanswered as he heard from the radio once again.

"You can step back now. He's coming!" With that cue, the secret services and federal agents start backing away slowly.

Confused and curious, Leo allowed them to step back and watched someone step out of the White House, puffing on a cigar and wearing what seems to be old western style clothes, an old and full of scratches hat and finally, two silver colored revolver guns on both sides of his gun straps.

And when he meant old western style clothes, he meant old like the era of western cowboys and stuff.



The more the man marches, the more attention he gathers not only from Leo but also nearby onlookers outside the gates.

"Is it just me or am I seeing a Cowboy right now?"

"I'm seeing him too."

Back to Leo, the cowboy man finally stopped in his tracks after standing just a few meters away in front of Leo.

"I hear you've been causing disturbance in the White House eh?" With a full western style accent, the cowboy puffed on his cigar again.

"Say. Which part of yer body, you want me to put a bullet hole on? Your eye? Cheeks? Chest? Shoulders? Or your head? You name it, boy." The cowboy spoke again, still in his western accent but his tone reeks of arrogance.

"Pfft." This time, Leo couldn't hold himself anymore and released a small puff of air through his nostrils.

"Somethin' funny to you boy?" The cowboy didn't take lightly of the chuckle and a cold glint flashes in his eye.

"Yeah I'm sorry but with the way you wear and speak, I don't think I could take you seriously. Are you like, a real cowboy? Or you have powers that are similar to a cowboy that's why you dress as one. If it's the latter, does your power give you the ability to summon your horse or something?" 

"How arrogant of you. All villains I killed are the same, arrogant fools thinking they're invincible and powerful just because they awakened their Superpowers, not knowing there are others more powerful out there." The cowboy then shook his head in disappointment, thinking Leo was just someone who got his ego to fill his head.

"You're right." Leo nodded his head, confusing the cowboy.


<Leo, I'm inside. You're right, there's indeed a secret elevator behind that painting.> Hearing Buddy's voice through his hidden ear piece, Leo grinned under his metallic mask.

"Now how about we put talking aside and instead, talk with our fists?" Leo continued, smashing his fist against his palm and because of his metallic gauntlets, it made a loud metallic sound instead.


"Sorry son, but I don't use fists, fetooh!" With those last words, the cowboy spit out his cigar and quickly drew both of his revolvers and pointed them towards Leo.

"And for your information, my powers aren't summoning horses. I call my powers Dead-Eye."

Hearing his last word, Leo's eyes widened in surprise as a familiar cowboy with a gruffy beard flashed in his mind.

But before he could say something, the first gunshot rang through his left revolver 


Leo's sharp senses combined with his increased brain capacity and reaction, he was able to witness the bullet fire out of its barrel in slow motion along with the smoke trailing behind the bullet.

All these were watched by Leo in slow motion.

Suddenly, much to Leo's shock, his brain started calculating the direction of the bullet, its velocity, vector and speed, not to mention, the air resistance.

In just a split second, Leo got the answer in his brain.

The bullet is actually headed straight to his eye! 

Since most of his body is covered in a metallic armor except for his eyes since he needed to see, even though the truth is that it's just part of the character's image that he disguised as and the armor is also part of his skin, of course the cowboy doesn't have to know that.

Knowing that he's supposed to pretend to be a small time villain, obviously Leo would not be blocking the bullet with his eyes, that would expose that he's stronger than one might think and that would lead to several issues.

His plan is to become a small time villain, perish in this battle, escape and reunite with Buddy.

How will he escape? Simple. Upon his supposed 'death' he devised a strategy that would allow him to knock out an agent, use Raven's morphing ability to change his appearance into it and blend in among the agents that are tasked to 'dispose' of his 'dead' body. Using an extra masking technology and attach it to the agent he'll transform into.

The masking technology of course would detonate upon the timer he set on it.

Meanwhile for him, he would activate the Thunder God mark he placed on Buddy and take him out of the White House before he could get caught.

Simple but effective.

Sometimes, Leo wonders if he's just a main character in someone's story and the reason why everything seems to be going on his favour is because of his plot armor.

'Huh, a food for thought.' Leo whispered in his mind as he raised his arms to block the incoming bullet.


"Hmph, you react fast. I wonder how you'll fare with this then." Although the cowboy was surprised that Leo managed to block his first bullet which almost no one has managed to block except for a few, he quickly bore a poker face and pretended as if it's normal.

Thinking it was just the other side's quick reaction time, he decided to rain him with bullets instead.

*Bang!* x10!

Seeing the hail of bullets coming towards him, more specifically the spots that are unprotected by his 'armor'.

'This Arthur wannabee is quite annoying.' Leo's face twitched as he body moved and started dodging and blocking all of the bullets with quick speeds.


While Leo was busy with his own opponent, Leo's little partner, Buddy was also busy with his own 'opponent'.


The moment he got into that elevator that he found behind a tall painting, he was met with a very confusing hallway of maze.

Buddy's eyes darts around and notice several men in suits, white scientist robes and even military soldiers, all running around like chickens that got their heads cut off.

"Code red! Code red! Quickly! The white house is under attack! Secure the President!"

Followed along was the nonstop yells and orders.

Buddy nervously gulped his saliva and stepped out of the elevator, quickly dodging the trains of humans running from both sides.

Buddy doesn't know what happened next as for all he knows, he was literally fighting for his life not to be accidentally squished by the people.

Only when he got on the other side of the hallway did he finally have the space to sigh in relief.

'Once I'm done with this, I swear I won't go back here ever!' Buddy made a promise to himself.

Making sure that his masking technology is still on, Buddy proceeded to swerve around the human traffic, using the walls as a guide and when he needs to take a short rest, he would simply escape by leaning on the said walls.

After a few minutes of gruesome torture, he finally found himself standing in front of an open metallic door, where countless computers and several Information Technology officers were working around on, typing on their keyboards and their faces focused on the screen in front of them.

Liking where this is heading in, Buddy composed himself and casually strode in, with confidence in his steps, pretending as if he's walked into this place every single day.

Upon getting into an empty computer without anyone on, Buddy looked around first and saw no one looking at him, he quickly sat and started typing on the keyboard, copying the sitting position as the other Information Technology officers.

Once he secretly inserted the Super USB on the PC, only then he proceeded into the main course.

"Let's see what we have here." Squinting his eyes, Buddy used his hacking skills, he easily broke into the private data servers of the White House and started skimming through its data.

The more he skimmed however, the wider his eyes became.

'W-What kind of blasphemy are these!?'





[Next Chapter: Ch. 122 - Escaping!]

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