Mark of the Multiversal Pretender

Ch. 130 – Please go on a date with me!

“I’m so fucking smart now,â€

Leo muttered to himself as wherever his eyes darted around the laboratory, complex mathematical equations started floating in front of his eyes as if he had turned into a robot capable of analyzing any technologies he sees.

“This is great.â€


Hearing the ringing of his phone, he grabbed it from his pocket and saw that it was Helen.

Without hesitation, Leo answered it.

Before he could even speak, however, Helen quickly blasted him with several hurried questions.

“Leo! Where are you? Metroville City- no…The entire America is in chaos! Did you release those things on the internet?!â€

“If you’re talking about Alejandro Garcia then yes, it was me,†Leo answered in a swift manner.

“W-Why? How did you even do that? Especially that public apology video of his, did you do that to him?†Helen asked in low volume, probably referring to the recent video he made with Alejandro earlier.

It's nothing much, just a video of Alejandro apologizing to his victims and how the entire money that he made from his 20-year-long career will be sent to various orphanages and charities.

Did he also mention that he had to ‘rough’ him up just for him to confess to his sins?

“Leo….†He heard Helen mutter again. To be honest. Leo wouldn’t be surprised if Helen abandons him and leaves. It's not like his stay in this world is permanent.

His one-month time stop was almost due, so he knew any moment now he’d need to be back in the world of Frozen because the time there wouldn’t be frozen anymore. Heh, get it?

“If you’re having trouble expressing what you want to say, you can just text me about it.†Just as Leo was about to hang up, he quickly heard Helen’s words.

“No! Don’t hang up! I just want to say thank you. For everything. I don’t think I’d make it this far without your help. Although you surprised me with what you did to Macho Man, but that just means you’re more of a dark side Superhero like BatMale or The Punishment.â€

“Sigh, what are you implying here, Helen?â€

“What I’m trying to say is….Please go on a date with me again! Toot!†With that, the phone was hung up, leaving a stunned Leo.

“….How is that any related? Does she even want to hear my answer? Why would she hang up right as she said that?†He muttered to him in confusion. However, what truly confused him was why she suddenly asked him for a date.

Not to mention when he just tortured a man to death.

‘Could it be she has a kink towards murderous men?’ Leo muttered to himself in confusion.


“I can’t believe I just said that!†In her bed, Helen was once again left squealing and kicking the mattress of her bed.

Sure they had already gone on a date but Helen wouldn’t call it official, after all, the place they went to date was bombed by a villain who secretly turned out to be the number one Superhero in America.

“Okay, Helen. You can do this. Just search everything you need on the internet and you’ll be fine.†Sitting up on her bed, Helen tucked in her hair behind her ear as she grabbed her laptop and started rummaging through the internet.

“Lame. Boring. Nice but too expensive. Would Leo even like this place?†For the rest of the night, Helen continuously searched through the internet, listing several places they could go during their date.


While Helen was already making plans for the date, Leo just arrived outside his laboratory, where his black upgraded Camaro just arrived without anyone driving.

Yes, he just modified his camaro to have a self-driving mode.

Of course he also added many things on it aside from Self-Driving mode which will remain as a secret for now.

‘Genesis, I’m feeling quite lucky today, roll my 2 golden Gacha tickets.’


[Congratulations, Leo. You have received the following….

- Template: Avatar Aang [Avatar: The Last Air Bender]

- Legendary Bridge of the Multiverse]

‘Avatar Aang? Is it that bald kid that could manipulate elements?’ Leo pondered to himself in amazement. His mind remembers the short scenes he watched about Aang.

‘As for the second roll, Legendary Bridge of the Multiverse…’ Muttering to himself, Leo pulled up its description.

[Legendary Bridge of the Multiverse - A legendary tool created by Samael for the future man who will balance the undisputed powers of the Devils, Angels, and Gods. Allows the user to form bridges to random universes once a month. The formed bridges will be permanent.]

‘Is this what I think it is!?’ Leo’s eyes couldn’t help but widen in surprise.

With this legendary tool, Leo would no longer need to complete quests just to get a travel ticket or single-use multiversal bridges. He can now form bridges to random worlds once a month!

‘I told you, Genesis, I’m feeling lucky today!’ Leo mentally jumped in excitement.

‘There’s no time to waste, Genesis, place the Avatar Aang template on the empty slot.’ After saying this, Leo waited for a few seconds and as he expected, he felt no change in him.

That’s because the template is still at 0%, which means Leo hasn’t inherited a single thing yet from Aang.

‘Pull the quest tab, Genesis.’ Leo casually said, expecting to see 5 Quests related to Avatar Aang.

However, upon the content of the first Quest, Leo froze in his place.

[• Quest Title: Be Honest

Main Quest: Air nomads are known for their honesty and kindness. Tell your women about one another and the truth about you and your mission.

Bonus Quest: Ensure they won’t leave you.

Reward: Completion of Kingpin’s template, 10% of Avatar Aang Template, 10,000 Reputation Points, 10 Normal Gacha Tickets.

Bonus Quest: Complete knowledge of the Branches of Energy Bending]

Leo would be lying if he was left speechless after seeing this Quest. He wasn’t expecting it would be his system that would make him confess to his ‘sins’.

‘Genesis, there’s got to be another way other than this, right?’

[If I were you, I would take a look at the other Quests.]

‘….Sigh. Fine.’

[• Quest Title: Air Nomad!

Main Quest: Master Air Bending

Bonus Quest: Learn the branch of Air Bending: Sound Bending.

Reward: 5% of Avatar Template, 1,000 Reputation Points, 5 Normal Gacha Tickets

Bonus Quest: Title: Air Guru]

[• Quest Title: Firebender!

Main Quest: Master Firebending

Bonus Quest: Learn the branches of Fire Bending: Blue Flames, Lightning Bending, Combustion Bending

Reward: 5% of Avatar Template, 1,000 Reputation Points, 5 Normal Gacha Tickets

Bonus Quest: Title: Phoenix King]

[• Quest Title: Waterbender!

Main Quest: Master Water Bending

Bonus Quest: Learn the branches of Water Bending: Blood Bending, Healing

Reward: 5% of Avatar Template, 1,000 Reputation Points, 5 Normal Gacha Tickets

Bonus Quest: Title: Waterbending Master]

[• Quest Title: Earthbender!

Main Quest: Master Earth Bending

Bonus Quest: Learn the branches of Earth Bending: Lava Bending, Metal Bending, Sand Bending, Seismic Sense

Reward: 5% of Avatar Template, 1,000 Reputation Points, 5 Normal Gacha Tickets

Bonus Quest: Title: Melon Lord]

‘These quests seem easy enough.’ Leo amusedly chuckled.

‘But why do I need to Master the bendings though? Didn’t Aang master them already when he fought against the Firelord?’ Leo asked.

[Although Aang is the Avatar, he isn’t truly a Master of the four elements including Air Bending. When he defeated Ozai, it was thanks to the help of entering the Avatar State. Aang never truly mastered the four elements, he could only use them but not as a master.]

‘So what you’re trying to say is that by the time I reach 100% of Avatar Aang Template-’

[You would be more powerful than him.]

‘Should I practice now? But I need at least 1% of Aang’s template to get started.’ Leo’s face grimaced as he realized that this situation left him with a single choice.

Complete the first Quest.

“Well, looks like I’ll have to tell her the truth then. And maybe take her back to the world of Frozen if she agrees.†Muttering to himself, Leo stored the Black Camaro in his storage ring and walked back inside the Laboratory.

“Red Queen, send a message to Helen and ask her about the exact date of the date.â€

[-I understand, sending the message-]

‘In the meantime, I’ll try and see if I could do something about the Time Travelling machine. I have too many pending Quests that are yet to be completed.’

‘Genesis, how many Quests I haven’t finished yet?’ He asked.

[Including the recent Quests, you have 10 unfinished Quests in total.]

‘Knew it.’ Leo’s face darkened slightly. Why does it feel like he’s back at his Public School with many pending assignments?



Helen, who was busy picking the best locations for the date. Suddenly received a message.

>Leo: So when’s the date so I could make preparations.<

“Date…Date….I have classes this week, so maybe next week Saturday?†Flipping through her schedule, Helen picked the best day for the date before sending it to Leo.

>Helen: Is next week Saturday okay?<


>Leo: I’m free during that day, see you on Saturday, Flexy.<

Once again, Helen was left a blushing mess that night.


“Is he ready, Sam?â€

“He’s close. Should we spread his existence now? It would serve a good challenge for him who would soon become someone who serves the Balance of the Multiverse in the future.â€

“Then let’s send the small ones for now. Maybe a few devils, what do you think?â€

“Sounds good enough. I’ll tell Genesis about it.â€

“Speaking of Genesis, I never expected you’d actually send your own daughter to such an important mission, Sam.â€

“She was naughty and arrogant. This mission would only serve as a good lesson for her.â€


[I wouldn’t be surprised if some of you guessed who these two are considering if you have read the Prequel of this story.]




[Next Chapter: Ch. 131 - I want to meet her]

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