Mark of the Multiversal Pretender

Ch. 131 – I want to meet her

“Time Travel Machine. Time Travel Machine…†Leo paced all around the Laboratory as his mind worked its wonders, constantly computing and thinking of several mathematical equations that would put even Albert Einstein to shame.

Currently, he is working on one of the Quests that has been rotting for almost 2 years.

[• Quest Title: Back to the Future!

Main Quest: Create your own Time Machine and travel either to the future or the past! Experience the joy of Time Travelling!

Reward: 10% of Jimmy Neutron Template, 10,000

Reputation Points, a blueprint for Cookie Ray Gun!]

[• Quest Title: Fulfilling the dreams of many men!

Main Quest: Create your first-ever Mark series Iron Man armor!

Secondary Quest: Create your own Artificial Intelligence!

Main Reward: 10% of Jimmy Neutron Template, 10,000

Reputation Points, Blueprint for Megamind's illusionary bracelet.

Secondary Reward: Technomancy]

“Hmm, maybe I could work on the second one instead.†Leo’s eyes squinted at the 2nd Quest’s Secondary Reward, the Technomancy.

Since he’s technically having problems with the first one, perhaps he should go and finish the 2nd Quest first.

“Create my own Artificial Intelligence? Didn’t I complete it already? I created Red Queen after all.†Leo muttered to himself in confusion.

Could it be that it is not counted due to the fact that he didn’t exactly created Red Queen from the scratch but simply rewrote her entire data and program?

Maybe that’s the reason why it’s not considered.

‘So I do have to start another Artificial Intelligence and start from the scratch…..Maybe I could use this opportunity to create one for Helen and give it to her during the date. Maybe just maybe it would be enough to curb her anger once I revealed that she’s not the only one.’ Placing his entire hope on this, Leo shifted his attention from creating a Time Machine to creating the Mark Series Iron Man armor and A.I.

“Let’s see here. Since I already have the gist of an A.Is a function and program. This should be easy.â€

Keyboard noises!

The Artificial Intelligence that he’ll create will be less powerful than Red Queen but will have more access to the internet and various signals such as radios and such.

Since Helen would be a Superhero, she would obviously need the necessary pieces of information as to prepare before engaging in any hero activity, and then there’s the fact that she needs an A.I that would be fit for combat assistance and reading enemy patterns to help her in battles.

Next is the ability to hack through several securities. Who knows when she might need it to access facilities that are related to a villain she’s hunting.

Last but not the least, convenience and comfort. Leo wouldn't want her to hear a random person’s voice every day. So instead, he’ll input his own voice as the A.I’s voice instead.

Isn’t that more fun and less creepy?

It took Leo several hours before finally applying the finishing touches on the A.I’s program.

“Now, all that’s left is to give it to her but not yet. From what I know, her suit doesn’t have anything technological that would allow me to plant this A.I on her suit. So I might need to forge her an identical mask but more technical than traditional.â€

Carefully placing the Super USB containing the newly created A.I on the table, Leo opened another program on the Super Quantum computer and started making a 3d visual of the eye mask.

Of course, he also decided to add a bit of his own touch on the mask, upgrading it and giving it several functions aside from having an A.I.

For example, the eye mask will be made from nanotechnology and will allow Helen to hear the A.I voice directly through her brain instead of her ears without the need for a headset or something.

And since it is made of Nanotechnology, a simple command is enough for Helen to issue that would immediately turn the eye mask into a simple pair of pretty earrings.

Just like that, Leo stayed inside the laboratory for day and night with only getting out to take a fresh breath of air.


A few days have passed and it was already Saturday, Leo drove his Camaro once again towards Helen’s dorm building, gathering everyone’s attention on him again.


“Look! It's that car again! Could it be he’s here to pick Helen up again?â€

“Oh, man! I wish I had that kind of car!â€

“Do you want that kind of car?â€


“Then work hard for it, you fool!â€

“Fuck you!â€

Getting out of the car, Leo heard all kinds of voices from Helen’s college mates, gasping and singing words of amazement toward him.

‘Never gets old.’ Leo mentally smiled, though it was more like mentally easing his inner nervousness since he’d confess his ‘sins’ to Helen soon.

Leaning on the hood of his car, Leo waited for a few minutes before finally seeing Helen walk out of her door with the same still embarrassed expression on her face.

“Morning Flexy.†Winking at her, Leo proceeded to open the car door, and just as she got inside, he heard her whisper.

“D-Don’t call me that with so many people around us.†Looking at Leo with a pleading look, Leo grinned and said nothing.

“They’re leaving already? Oh man, I wish I had that kind of car, if I were, I’d definitely be able to pull the hottest girl in school!â€

“Heh, you wish. Even with a good car like that, if your face is not as good as it, then you’ll pull no one.â€


“So what’s our plan today, Flexy? You said you have everything planned. Just say the magic word and this car will drive us to it.†As if to prove his words, Leo removed his hands from the steering wheel and before Helen could give him a warning, she noticed that the car remained stable without any stumbles.

As if to add to his proof, the car smoothly swerved around the traffic, as if the car was possessed by Max Verstappen himself.

“This!?†Helen gasped in shock. This is the first time she has seen a car that is capable of moving on its own.

“Nice isn’t it?†Leo winked at her and continued.

“So. Like I said earlier, what’s our plan for today?†Leo asked again.

“Okay, here we go. I listed out all of the possible things we can visit but since almost all dates start with dinner, I planned our date to start here.†Helen then pressed something on her phone and showed it to Leo.

“A Diner? Isn’t that a bit old-fashioned?†Leo raised an eyebrow and asked.

“It is…†Helen blushed slightly however she seemed adamant about the Diner as she said next.

“But a Diner is where my parents went into during their first date so I thought that maybe we should do the same. If you don’t want to its fine, maybe I can find some lux-.â€

“Let’s do it. Let’s date at this Diner. Dates at luxurious restaurants and such are too bland already. Let’s be different.†Winking at her, Leo set the car’s destination to the Diner’s location.



Arriving at the Diner, Leo parked the car and got out first, using his gentlemanly manners to open the car door for Helen.

“Thanks.†Not used to such kind of treatment, Helen smiled like a maiden falling for her prince again.

Before Helen could react, Leo’s hand came in contact with hers and held her hand.

Upon getting inside, Leo was immediately assaulted by a kind of smell that is so nostalgic.

“I remember eating to this kind of Diner whenever I get my ‘paycheck.†Leo said with a nostalgic tone in his voice, though he was kind of wrong as the paycheck he was talking about was the success of his scams in his past life.

“Really? Wow, you must’ve gotten so far to be able to go from getting paychecks from your job to being able to afford your car out there.†Oblivious to what Leo was talking about, Helen thought Leo was referring to an everyday average job.

“Yeah right…†Leo never bothered to correct her, after all, sooner or later she’ll know about him and what he’s doing soon. He has already planned out everything aside from just telling her that he has other women from other worlds.

There’s just one thing he’ll avoid telling her about. Genesis.

Genesis also told him it would be a good idea to keep her a secret.

So the only thing he’ll tell her aside from his women in other worlds is a few stories he came up with, with the help of Genesis of course.

He’s not technically telling her a lie as according to Genesis, what he’ll tell her has a bit of truth in them.

After ordering their food, Leo and Helen found themselves sitting face-to-face with Leo bearing a slight nervous expression, which was soon noticed by Helen.

“Is something wrong Leo? I knew it, I shouldn’t have picked Diner. Maybe we should just go an-â€

“No. No. Its not about that. Listen, whatever I will tell you. Don’t get angry at me, okay?â€

“Angry? Why would I be angry? It's not like there’s something you did wrong, right?â€

“That’s exactly what I’m about to tell you. You see, it's like this…â€

For the next few hours, Leo started narrating to Helen about how he was chosen for a mission to become a figure who will impose balance on the entire Multiverse and his adventures to different kinds of worlds to gather experience and strength.

In the end, he finally tells her about Elsa and Anna, whom he’s infatuated with.

Once he was done, only then he noticed that their food had finally arrived and was now cold and untouched.

Looking at Helen’s empty expression, Leo tapped his fingers on the table and waited for her response.

Just when Leo thought it would take Helen a few more minutes, she finally responded to him.

“I want to meet her.†Her eyes stared straight into Leo’s eyes as she spoke.

‘What the hell did I get myself into?’





[Next Chapter: Ch. 132 - I want to claim you as the second [Lemon]]

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