Mark of the Multiversal Pretender

Ch. 46 – The Great Pretender vs The Demi-God of the Sky and Seas

[A Few Hours earlier]

Seeing the incoming huge wave, Leo gulped his saliva.

"Holy fuck, Ocean you gotta help me in this one!" Leo gritted his teeth and yelled at the ocean behind him, hoping that unlike what it did to Moana in the movie where the Ocean didn't lend a help, this time, it would help him instead.

Just as the huge wave was about to go through them, Leo was prepared to hug Moana and jump out of the boat, only for the water underneath their boat to suddenly rise above the huge wave in front of them.

'Fuck yeah!' Not wanting to risk waking up Moana, Leo silently cheered in his mind.

It didn't take long before the boat finally passed through the huge wave, at last, putting Leo and Moana, including HeiHei back to safety.

"Maui, here we come." Leo grinned and licked his lips, excited at the thought of claiming the juicy rewards of the Quests.


As soon as the island was finally within Leo's sight, his slight drowsiness quickly faded away and was replaced by anticipation.

At the same time, his sharp eyes can see a huge man with huge muscles, full of tattoos on his body, standing over the sand, looking over at them, more specifically their boat.

Once they arrived, the huge man showed no hesitation as he rudely said.

"Thanks for delivering my escape boat, humans. Maui appreciates your effort." Maui smiled with his teeth out while winking at Leo.

"Now, take your sleeping beauty girlfriend out of my boat so I can finally sail." Maui said, mistaking Moana as his girlfriend.

"I'm sorry but you won't be the only one boarding this boat."

"....Well, I'm taking it." Maui shrugged his shoulders, thinking that Leo is just a human. What can a human do to him? As a Demo-God who has lived for thousands of years, he knows the human species like the back of his hand.

Just as Maui was approaching the boat, Leo quickly utilized his speed and launched a kick towards Maui's chest, throwing him across the sand.


Stopping in his tracks, Maui looked at Leo in both confusion and shock.

"....what?" Maui uttered.

"Want the boat? You have to go through me first." Leo grinned and slammed his right fist with his left palm, forming what seems to be a slight shock wave.

"Woah." Maui was amazed and at the same time, afraid that a human is capable of such strength.

"Hey, come on. There seems to be a misunderstanding here. Look, we can share the boat an-." Before Maui could fix things, especially his mistakes, Leo interrupted him.

"I said. Go through me first." Leo said, not afraid of the demi-god especially since the man doesn't have his magical hook.

Even if he obtained it later and tries to take revenge, Leo is confident that he would already have his Panther Habit by that time.

"...Look, I'm quite strong, just because you can do that thing, doesn't mean you can fight me. I'm centuries old! I have a plethora of fighting experience under my belt! You're no match from me. So how about we jus-." Before Maui could finish his sentence again, Leo had already thrown himself towards him.

"Calm down!" Shouting loudly, Maui was met with a knee on his cheeks.


Throwing him far away from the boat as Leo doesn't want their fight to awaken the chief princess, Leo chases after Maui's flying body, intending to further their fight in some place.

Only to be faced with a log of a tree on his face.


"Haha! You fell for that!" Maui laughed out loud, which made Leo groan.


Thanks to his fast reaction, Maui successfully blocked the punch from Leo.

"Man, do you know you pack a punch?" Maui commented, only to be kicked on the chest.


Crashing against several trees, Maui was about to get up when Leo landed on his large chest, forming a crater on where they stood.

'Finally! This is what I've been searching for! I've been itching for a hood fight ever since I fought against Tai Lung.' Leo grinned to himself, feeling such bliss for beating up the demi-god in front of him.

"Gagh! T-That hurt, I admit." Groaning in pain, Maui grabbed a nearby boulder beside him before smashing them towards Leo, who reacted very fast and crossed his arms.



Feeling the dust and pebbles all around him, Leo wanted to cough but Maui has already taken advantage of this and grabbed Leo's face with his left hand before standing up.

"That's enough. I admit you're strong but I'm the demi-god of the sky and seas! Hero of Men.....and women. Or All, Hero of All! You can't defeat me." Maui proudly stated his titles, all while wiping the dirt from his chest.

"Are you okay, little guy?" Looking down on his chest, where a little version of him under the guise of a tattoo was laying on what seems to be a ground on his muscles and rubbing his head before flashing an 'Okay' sign towards him.

"I know right. This little guy really did bring us troubl-" Before Maui could finish his sentence, he felt his left hand where he is supposed to be holding Leo's head, was empty.

"Huh?" Hearing someone breathing behind him, Maui slowly turned around only for a huge log to be smashed against his face.


Watching as Maui fell on the ground, Leo sighed in relief, kissing the huge log he was holding for knocking out the demi-god.

"He's very strong even without his magical hook." Leo muttered under his breath, inhaling and exhaling heavily, trying to recover his lost stamina.

After a few minutes of resting, Leo stood up and started dragging Maui's unconscious body towards the beach where the boat and Moana resides.

At the same time, he was staring at the panel screen in front of him.

[• Sub-Quest

- Sub-Quest #60: Defeat the Demi-God Maui (Completed)

Reward: 10% of Black Panther Template, 2 Golden Gacha Tickets (Claim)]


"And that's the story." Leo smiled, oblivious of the twitching eyes and stunned expression of the dark-skinned girl in front of him.

"You beat up the Demi-God?! Why did you do that!? No, how did you do that!?" Moana clutched a handful of her hair while not believing the story of Leo.

"Don't believe me? Well, the evidence is right there. It's up to you whether you want to believe or not." Leo answered while pointing at the unconscious body of Maui.

*Bonk!* x2

Using the butt of her oar, Moana nudged the passed out Maui and sighed in relief after seeing that the demi-god is really unconscious.

"I'm kind of worried." Moana muttered, which was heard by the great pretender.

"Don't worry, the rehearsal of your lines would not go to waste, we can just wait here until he wakes up." Leo assured her, which made Moana refute him harshly.

"That's not the reason why I'm worried!"


"Ugghh." Opening his eyes slightly, Maui noticed he was resting on a wooden floor.

Quickly getting up, Maui was expecting to see his usual island that accompanied him for a thousand years, only to see nothing but the ocean.

"I'm finally out of that place." Maui muttered while sighing in relief before turning around, only to see an oar pointing at his face.

Looking down at who is holding it, Maui saw the girlfriend of his 'enemy' earlier.

"Wait a minute." Muttering, Maui slowly looked around and his blood quickly went cold after seeing the 'man' who kicked his ass earlier.

"It's you!" Maui pointed his finger at Leo's figure and fell on his butt, fear can be seen on his face.

"It is I!" Leo grinned.

"My name is Moana of Motunui! You will board my boat! Sail across the seas and restore the heart of Te Fiti!" Moana, who has been practicing her lines since forever, finally had the chance in front of her and definitely wouldn't waste it. So without hesitation even if Maui was busy being a scaredy-cat, Moana stated her lines perfectly without any stuttering or mistakes.

"....First, I'm already boarding your boat and lastly, not anymore. Ba-bye!~" Under Leo and Moana's eyes, Maui jumped out of the boat without hesitation.



Only for the Ocean to bring him back to the boat.

"....That was weird." Having a stunned expression, Maui uttered out of confusion.

"I'll repeat it again! My name is Moana of Motunui! You will board my boat, sail across the seas and restore the heart of Te Fiti!" Moana pointed the tip of her oar at Maui's face and repeated her lines.

"First of all, like I said earlier I'm already boarding your board. Second, the heart of Te Fiti doesn't exist anymore, unless you want to scour the entire ocean and-" Before Maui could finish his sentence, a shining green light lit up in front of him.

It was Moana who was holding the heart of Te Fiti.

"Get that away from me!" As if being more scared of the stone rather than Leo, Maui fell back to his ass again and crawled away from the glowing green stone like a certain superhero who doesn't like green stones.

"Oh this? This scares you?" Watching the 'almighty' demi-god crawling beneath her, Moana was filled with a sense of pride and waved the heart of Te Fiti in front of Maui like a toy.

"Throw it away! It's not a simple heart but a curse!" Maui yelled.

"No it's not!"

"Yes it is!"

"No it's not!"

Seeing the two banter, Leo could only sigh in defeat.

'I'm not gonna like this am I?'


[New week, fresh rankings! Two chapters on Monday if we reach top 10 in the Power Stone rankings on Webnovel!]




[Next Chapter: Ch. 47 - The Great Pretender and the Pirate King!]

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