Mark of the Multiversal Pretender

Ch. 47 – The Great Pretender and the Pirate King!

"Teach me how to sail!" Moana demanded, only for Maui to refuse her.

"No." While measuring the stars, Maui rejected the girl.

"How about me?" Leo voiced out.

"Yeah sure, what do you want to learn?" With the scars of his fight with Leo still being fresh in both of his mind and body, Maui quickly agreed with him.

"What?! Why him?! It should've been me!" Watching this, Moana was speechless.

"Nice!" Ignoring the weeping Moana, Leo excitedly rubbed his hands against each other before approaching Maui, who didn't waste anymore time and started to teach him.

"Okay, so when it comes to sailing. You must keep in mind that the sea is not your friend, it won't help you in sailing, instead you can only help yourself. First things first...."


[• Quest Title: Sailing Master

Main Quest: Become a master of sailing by learning how to sail from the Demigod, Maui himself! [Completed]

• Rewards:

Main Reward: 5% of Black Panther Template, 5 Gacha tickets, 1,000 Reputation Points, The Black Pearl. [Claim!]]

"Fucking finally." Leo muttered under his breath, while looking at Maui's dropped jaw.


"You....learned all of it by listening once?" Maui pointed at him.

"Of course, not to brag but I'm quite a fast learner." Leo smirked, all while claiming the rewards of the Quest.

Soon enough, Leo felt his strength increasing by a small margin, at the same time, since it crossed another 10% threshold, Leo got another trait from Black Panther.

'Is this what I think it is.' Leo's eyes glowed in surprise as he quickly opened his inventory and saw a brand new item inside.

[100kg of Vibranium]

'...What am I supposed to do with it?' Leo monotonously said in his mind. He doesn't have any tools and the smarts to meddle with it.

'It's kind of useless. At least for now.' Leo then ignored the Vibranium in his inventory hoping he'll get in a world where he can use the Vibranium some day.

"What are you thinking?" Noticing that Leo was deep in thought, Moana couldn't help but ask him.

"I'm fine. In fact, I'm quite happy." Leo flashed a grin which Moana didn't like as she assumed that the reason why Leo was happy was because he got to have Maui to teach him how to sail a boat.

"Be happy by yourself then!" Moana then got up and left Leo by himself.

'What's with her?' Leo wondered in his mind before realization dawned upon him.

'Could it be she's on her period today?'

While Leo was deep in his thoughts, thinking about Moana's sudden outburst.

Maui was shaking his head and muttering.

'Ah, youth.'


While Maui and Leo were busy sailing the boat, a stick with a sharp top suddenly landed between them.

"What the?" Moana was the one who reacted while Maui grabbed the stick and eyed it with an indifferent expression.

"Kakamora." He uttered.

"Kaka-what?" Moana raised her eyebrows while Leo grinned excitedly.

Another fight is about to come!

"Let's escape!" Maui wasted no time in removing the rope of the sails, letting the boat move faster.

However, as if the universe didn't want them to leave, the huge boat of the Kakamora slowly came into view.

"Holy shit." Leo muttered to himself, thankfully the other two don't know the meaning of what he said.

"Leo come on! Help me! Without my hook we can't beat these guys!" Maui shouted while trying to sail faster only to fail.

Not only because Leo doesn't want to help him due to a quest but Moana was also mesmerized by the appearance of the Kakamoras.

"Aww, they're kinda cute." Moana fawned, only for the Kakamoras to replace their masks with anything angry.

"Don't be fooled by their appearance. The Kakamoras are quite....vicious." Maui said he glares at the Kakamoras, remembering his last encounter with them.

"That's just perfect." Leo grinned and before Maui and Moana could react, Leo did something that not only stunned them but also filled their hearts with dread.

Leo jumped out of the boat and landed on the Kakamora's huge boat.

"What are you doing, you idiot!" Maui slapped his forehead hard while Moana was just surprised that Leo jumped out of the boat.

"Let the fight begin!" Without further ado, Leo grinned and started the fight by kicking the small Kakamoras with his feet.

With their small stature, it was easy for Leo to take down tens of them under a second.

It's like he's just stepping on small ants.

*Fwoosh!* x10

Suddenly, his senses went haywire and dodged a couple of darts that are infused with a paralyzing poison.

"Fuck!" Leo cursed and was thankful that he has fast reflexes and sharp senses or else he wouldn't be able to dodge those darts.

If he got hit by one of those, Leo knew he was done for unless Maui and Moana were willing to rescue him. As for why he's afraid of the darts?

In the movie, a single one of them managed to paralyze Maui, a Demi-God, in just a single second. If someone of his caliber could be paralyzed, what about Leo who is just a normal human with a superhuman body?

Leo is not confident that his body could withstand the paralyzation effect of the dart, even if it is, Leo won't take the risk.

So, after dodging the darts, Leo became more cautious and wary of his surroundings.

"Let's leave then." Meanwhile, Maui never thought of saving Leo's ass, he brought it to himself, so he'll take advantage of this and leave.

"What?! We're not leaving without him!" Moana quickly refuted him.

"Nope, he went there by his own accord, not my problem." Maui shrugged his shoulders and said, in fact, he was even glad that the 'devil' is finally out of his back.

Who knew what would've happened to him if he continued to stay longer with the devil.

As a Demo-God, he must be cautious when it comes to devils, right?

"Listen here you big buffoon! We won't leave him! Or perhaps your title of Hero of All is just for a show? It turns out you're just a coward, Demi-God of the seas and sky, more like a Demi-God of cowards...." Moana squinted her eyes at the big guy and glared at his face, insulting him in every manner she could do.

"....Fine! But only if we leave here as soon as he gets him." Maui can only sigh in defeat, his pride won't let him be insulted like that, so he can only prove to her that he's not a coward.

"Deal." Moana smiled in satisfaction, pleased that Demi-God agreed with her.

As soon as they shifted their attention to Leo, they were surprised to see several Kakamoras flying out of their big ship, as if it was raining in Kakamoras today.

Meanwhile, Leo can be seen moving flexibly and very fast, dodging many darts and defeating Kakamoras one by one, something that Maui saw for the first time.

Sure the Kakamoras are small and easy to beat, but their sheer numbers and wickedness made them feared across the seas.

"Alright, let's make a plan."


"Let's go!" Now that the Kakamoras are holding their bone weapons, it just made Leo grin more excitedly.

'Hopefully, with whatever I'm doing, I'll have the secret Quest completed.' Leo prayed inside his mind.

"Kah!" The Kakamoras made noises after their chief or leader made a noise.

'That's probably their language.' Leo said to himself in mind, currently he and the Kakamoras are in a stand still, with the Kakamoras afraid of Leo while the latter was having a short rest.

Kicking coconut looking creatures are no joke, they're quite exhausting if you do it yourself, Leo is talking from experience.

"What? Scared?" Leo taunted the chief, who grew angry and started making noises again, which made the Kakamoras look at one another before swarming Leo once again.

"Heh." Leo silently chuckled, preparing the face of the Kakamoras once more, only to be shocked when Maui landed in front of him.

"Huh?" Leo was confused.

"We're getting out of here whether you like it or not." Maui said, as if he's not taking a no as an answer.

"Oh man." Leo complained like a child, still he complied since what else can he do? It's not like he wants to be left here.

So obviously he would come back.

"But first, we can't get out of here without a ride." Maui smirked and pointed at their speeding boat that was slowly getting away from them.

"What do you mean?" Leo raised an eyebrow.

"You know how to jump right?" Maui grinned, hoping that Leo would say no so he could carry him and scare him while in the air.

"I don't need to jump." Seeing the look on Maui's face, Leo knew that he had something bad in his mind, so he refused and decided to take out his almighty Black Pearl.

As for the questions?

He'll just say the gods have gifted him the boat, knowing them especially Maui, they would definitely believe him, especially since the Black Pearl would be out of this world.

"Huh? Are you sure? You know it is impossible to escape here right?" Maui pointed out.

"Yes, but with the gifts of the gods to me, nothing is impossible."

"Gift?" Maui was shocked, could it be that Leo was the same as him? A Demi-God who used to be a human, blessed by the gods!

"Let me show you." Leo then went on a praying posture.

"Seriously?" Maui was doubting Leo.

Of course he would, that is until something huge, heavy and breathtaking fell from the sky.

The Black Pearl!





[Next Chapter: Ch. 48 - The Great Pretender is blessed by the gods!]

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