Mark of the Multiversal Pretender

Ch. 71 – Meeting the sisters again!

Just as Leo was about to catch up on Luna again, his ears suddenly perked up upon hearing a set of footsteps not far away from them.

Using his Life Sensor skill, he was able to determine who the footsteps belong to.

'What are those 2 sisters doing out here?' Leo questioned inside his mind. 

[Papa? Why'd you stop?] Noticing him, Luna asked him through their mental connection.

[It's nothing Luna. How about we play a game of hide and seek. I'll count to 100 and you find a really good hiding spot.]

[Hide and seek, yey!] Jumping out in excitement, Luna quickly told Leo.

[Count already Papa!]

[Alright then, one....two....] Pretending to cover his eyes and start counting.

He then sensed Luna running and once she was already far away from him, Leo removed his paws from his eyes and started walking towards the direction of Elsa and Anna, he didn't even finish his countdown.

'I'm sorry, Luna. Forgive Papa.' Leo whispered in his mind, trying not to be guilty for leaving his daughter hanging like this.


"I can't reach it!" Climbing on a tree, Anna can be seen trying her best to reach for the sets of apple hanging on the tree branches.

"Anna! Come back down here this instant! That's dangerous!" Elsa spoke in a commanding tone, flashbacks of her past with Anna flashing in front of her eyes.

The scene of Anna falling and her attempting to rescue her only to fail and cast an eternal curse to her instead.

'I don't want that to happen again.' Elsa prayed in her mind.

Unfortunately for her, no god was available to hear her prayers as the small branch that Anna was stepping on suddenly snapped and the gravity did its work, pulling her back down to the ground.

"Anna!" With a fear-stricken face, Elsa raised her hand forward and was about to create an ice to dampen Anna's fall when suddenly, the scene of her hitting Anna in the face flashed in front of her eyes.

That was the only moment it took for her to be too late as Anna is now close in falling to the ground.

Before Elsa could react, a black blue suddenly appeared underneath Anna and the latter landed on a soft but sturdy furr.

"This is?...." Elsa's eyes widened in surprise. The scene of Anna falling and breaking a bone was nowhere to be found. Instead, a huge black panther appeared all of the sudden and caught Anna on its back, preventing a tragedy that might cause some unforeseen circumstances.

"Well that was close. Thank you Mr. Big Cat." After rubbing her buttock, Anna noticed the one who saved her and expressed her gratitude by patting his head, not knowing what species Leo belongs to so Anna just resorted to calling him a Big Cat instead.

"...." Unknown to Anna, the black panther looked at her with an indifferent face, which is something that only Elsa noticed.

"Uhh,, Anna? Maybe it's best if we leave now." While saying so, Elsa was grabbing Anna's hand and helping her to get up from the black panther's back.

Meanwhile, Leo simply just watched this scene without doing anything.

"What? Can we at least take him home?" Anna said to Elsa, flashing her an adorable and puppy-eyed stare, which unfortunately was ineffective to Elsa, who has already grown immune to her antics.

"Anna, no. You almost fell from a tree just today! We're going back and we're not taking a wild animal back with us." After bringing the hammer down, Anna looked down on Leo in sadness before patting his head.

"I'm sorry Mr. Big Cat we won't be able to take you home. You can have my kiss instead." With that being said, Anna brought her head down to Leo's forehead and planted a kiss on it.

"Anna~." Rubbing her forehead at Anna's naivety, Elsa can't help but imagine what would happen to Anna if she wasn't around.

"What? It's just a kiss." Anna pouted.

"No Anna, what if the cat carries some kind of disease? He's out here in the wild, we don't know if he's healthy or not."

'Woman!' Leo growled at Elsa, his piercing eyes glaring at her for calling him unhealthy.

"Ohh~ look sister, the cat is angry at you. Now, go and apologize!" Anna didn't waste the opportunity to tease her sister out of the situation.

Meanwhile, Elsa just rolled her eyes at Anna.

"Fine." In order to finish and finally go back, Elsa was left with no choice but to play with Anna's game.

So, she kneeled on the ground and stated her apology.

"I'm....sorry, Mr. Big Cat."

"I don't think it's enough, look Mr. Big Cat is still growling at you. Maybe he also needed a kiss as a form of apology." Anna continued, even leveling up her teasing.

Elsa frowned at her sister before sighing in defeat.


Also planting a kiss on the forehead, the growling finally stopped.

'Wow, did I just get kissed by two princesses? How lucky am I?' Unbeknownst to Anna and Elsa, the black panther that they just kissed is not a normal animal but a living person, and now they just kissed someone they don't know.

"There. Now let's go Anna. We can only stroll outside for an hour. Remember what our father said."


'And there they go.' Watching the sisters walk away, Leo was suddenly filled with some kind of unknown feeling in his heart.

'What is this feeling? Like some kind of loneliness? That's weird, I never felt lonely in my life especially since I have Luna with me.' Deciding to ignore this weird feeling for now, Leo then remembered something.

'Speaking of Luna I should go find her now.' Leo then kicked his legs and started running towards Luna's location according to his Life Sensor.

Nope, he's not cheating. He's just using his skills to his advantage.


Eventually, Luna was found in the end, it's not like she can hide from Leo no matter what she does.

Once the moon settles up in the sky and Luna can now be found asleep on her bed, Leo proceeds to wear his newly obtained Daredevil indestructible suit.

'It's a good fit. It shows my muscle.' Leo whispered to himself, even posing a few times that highlights his muscles.

'Time to properly show myself as Daredevil with the iconic suit this time.' After saying those words under his breath, Leo then jumped out of the window.

'To be honest, I'd prefer to be batman if it wasn't for the system preferring to call myself Daredevil just for the template percentage.' Whispering to himself, Leo sighed in defeat and switched his focus on his current mission, which is to kick some bandits asses.


"It is time." Back in her room, Elsa was wearing her night outfit, her Sentinel outfit. She looked outside the windows and after seeing that the moon was back high up in the sky, was her signal that it is time for her to perform as night duties as Arendelle's Sentinel.

The one who they used to call as a myth or a legend not knowing that not only she is real but also the princess and heir to the throne of Arendelle.

Opening the door, Elsa followed her usual pathways where here servants don't usually pass before arriving at an inconspicuous wall.

This might look like a normal wall to others but it is actually a secret entrance that she found accidentally that leads to a small tunnel.

A tunnel that then leads outside the walls of the castle.

Opening the secret door, Elsa crouched and went inside, of course not forgetting to close the door lest she might get discovered by the servants, much worse if her parents discovered her night routine.


"That Daredevil thinks he's smart huh? Let's see if he's smart enough to mess near the Duke's territory." A few bandits residing in an alley that is near the Duke of Arendelle's manor were laughing among each other, launching insults to the Daredevil that became famous overnight due to his act of exposing three noble's corruption and destroying a few bandits camps outside the territory of Arendelle.

Now, the bandits 'grew' another head and thought it would be smart for them to stand near a Duke's territory think they'd be safe from Daredevil and the myth, Sentinel.

Unknown to them, they're not Leo's target to begin with.


"Let's see. Genesis, show me the Sub-Quest for today."

[Sub-Quest #235: Saving the future of Arendelle

Quest: Now that the coronation of Elsa is nearing, a Duke has decided to plant Fisk Industries weapons to a battalion of Bandits to disrupt the event and kill the Royal Family in order to take over Arendelle smoothly. Destroy his plans and expose his malicious plan.

Bonus Quest: Bring the Duke in front of Agnarr and expose him to the King himself.

Rewards: 5% of Daredevil Template, 5,000 Reputation Points.

Bonus Reward: Honorable title from the King of Arendelle, Agnarr.]

"Easy." Leo smirked, in this Kingdom where Elsa is the only one with abilities, Leo can be said to be like an adult playing with a bunch of kids.

His legs then started jumping from roof to roof, heading straight to nothing but the Duke's manor.


Meanwhile, Sentinel or Elsa can be seen patrolling under the shadows.

"I think I'm near the Duke's territory. There shouldn't be that much here." Elsa whispered to herself and was about to leave when suddenly, her peripheral vision caught a reddish shadow in the sky before it disappeared.

"What is that?" Confused and curious, Elsa decided to follow the shadow's path.





[Next Chapter: Ch. 72 - The Daredevil and the Sentinel]

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