Mark of the Multiversal Pretender

Ch. 94 – Satisfaction!

Opening his eyes slightly, Leo felt the sun rays seeping through the curtains, licking his face like there's no tomorrow.

Grunting, Leo was about to shift his position when he suddenly realized a heavy feeling on his chest, looking down groggily, Leo saw a mess of a white hair splattered all around his top.

Shifting his gaze, Leo was met with Elsa's tired yet satisfied sleeping face.

Smiling, Leo slowly and carefully removed himself from Elsa's grasp, standing up and stretching his limbs as if it had been years since he last stretched.

'Last night was pleasurable and fun.' Leo remarked, giving his little brother a pat on the head for doing a great job last night.

'Now, it's time to finish the rest of my Quest, Kingpin or myself is going down.' With this in mind, Leo used his storage ring to give himself some clothes.

Using his teleportation, he left Elsa's room. He doesn't dare to go out through the front door as the servants of the castle are already wide awake and doing their tasks around the hallways.

It would be better for him to teleport away instead.

Still, before he left, Leo made sure to leave a note to Elsa, after all, if she wakes up without him by his side, who knows what she'll feel and do.


[• Quest Title: Melting the Frozen Heart [Completed]

Main Quests: A few days from now, Princess Elsa will be crowned as the new Queen of Arendelle, however something unforeseen might happen. Make sure she succeeds in her ascension and helps her forget her problems.

Reward: A woman's warmth. [Claimed]]

"Yeah, right. Thanks." Leo sarcastically said.

"How about showing my status? It's been a while since I last saw it."


Name: Leonard Skinwalker

Completed Templates:

- Black Panther [MCU version]

Current Templates:

- Template 1: Daredevil [92.8%]

- Template 2: Kingpin [88.89%]

-Template 3: Jimmy Neutron [0%]

- Reputation Points: 88,290

- Gacha

- Quest

- Multiverse

- Skills

- Inventory

- Shop]

"Oh wow. It's been a while. I didn't know my templates were almost near completion." Leo remarked while staring at his status, his eyes then darted slowly towards Jimmy Neutron Template.

There's a reason why he hasn't focused on progressing it yet.

Normally it's because he's been quite busy for the first two templates, however the real main reason is because of the absurd Quests.

[• Quest Title: My First Invention!

Main Quest: Create a High-Tech gadget, outside help can be tolerated.

Reward: 5% of Jimmy Neutron Template, 5,000 Reputation Points.]

[• Quest Title: Back to the Future!

Main Quest: Create your own Time Machine and travel either to the future or past! Experience the joy of Time Travelling!

Reward: 10% of Jimmy Neutron Template, 10,000 Reputation Points, a blueprint for Cookie Ray Gun!]

[• Quest Title: Fulfilling the dreams of many men!

Main Quest: Create your first ever Mark series Iron Man armor!

Secondary Quest: Create your own Artificial Intelligence!

Main Reward: 10% of Jimmy Neutron Template, 10,000 Reputation Points, Blueprint for Megamind's illusionary bracelet.

Secondary Reward: Technomancy]

3 Main Quests, yet Leo was unable to complete at least one of them.

Sure the first one is easy however Leo has already tried completing it, like creating his own flashlight based on the combined knowledge of his three current templates, however the Quest remained uncompleted, which only means that Flashlight can't be considered as a High-Tech Gadget.

From the looks of it, he's gonna need to invent things that are up to the Star Wars kind of level.

Perhaps only then will he finish such a Quest.

However, how can he invent a gadget that is up to Star Wars's level? Outside help? Oh please, is there someone in Frozen that is smart enough to help him? Don't even mention the other two worlds, one is a backward world that is still stuck in the stone age, and don't even mention the world full of animals where Kung Fu revolves around them.

Lord Shen's cannon is already that world's highest level in technology.

That only leaves him to one choice.

His next world.

However after asking for Genesis's favour, he can only pray to God to let Genesis choose an advanced world as his next world.

[You know I can hear your thoughts, right?]

'Yes, but that doesn't mean I care. Anyways, your choice of world would be somehow related to me accomplishing Jimmy Neutron's Quests, right?'

[Who knows~.]

Hearing a tone of mystery and teasing from Genesis's words, Leo decided against responding.

It doesn't matter which world it is, Leo is confident in surviving whatever world Genesis will throw him into.

[Ohh~ confident are we?]

'If your meaning of confidence is trusting his partner, then yes I'm confident.' Leo replied, however his response was something that Genesis wasn't expecting. Does Leo really trust him that much despite the hurdles Genesis gives him?

[How foolish...] Was the only response of Genesis before turning silent.

Assuming that Genesis would no longer pester him, Leo shifted his attention back to the matter at hand.

Currently, Kingpin's main base is situated in Weselton Kingdom, a small kingdom that is around 500 years of age. It might seem long but compared to giants such as Arendelle that are already around 9000 years ago, Weselton is considered young and a sapling.

"I'm gonna need a ship if Elsa is going to join me. Perhaps the port has some ships for sailing?" Leo muttered to himself, taking a note to visit the port. 

On the other hand, he's not confident that Elsa will join him, after all, she's the Queen of Arendelle, there's no way she could leave her own people just for some adventure and a Quest that he could complete alone.

But still, a small part of him was hoping that Elsa will come with him, after all, it's quite boring to venture on his own, he missed the feeling of doing adventures like during his Quest with Moana and Maui.

Just in case Elsa does indeed agreed to join him, he could perhaps reveal his Thunder God technique, just to ease her, if she's worried of leaving her people and family.

"She should be awake by now and reading the letter." Looking out of the window, Leo saw that the sun had reached its peak in the sky, which tells Leo the time.


As Leo expected, Elsa, who has been asleep on her bed for the past few hours, finally shifted awake, her eyes fluttered open.

"Wha-...." Muttering to herself, a bunch of memories about last night suddenly flashed right before her eyes, the way they danced on the bed, how she felt, the pleasure, the moans and everything.

Quickly blushing, Elsa stretched her limbs which led her to another realization.

She was alone.

'Where's Leo?' She asked herself as she raised her head and looked around. She's indeed alone, no sign of Leo everywhere.

'Could Leo have....' Suddenly having a bad premonition, Elsa immediately got up from bed to dress herself when her eyes suddenly laid upon the bedside table, where a small folded paper lies.

Elsa immediately thought of Leo, so she grabbed the paper and unfolded it, proceeding to read it afterwards.

[Dear, Elsa. By reading this, I assume you're already awake. Now that my business is done in Arendelle, it is time for me to venture to Weselton Kingdom, to slash Kingpin to death and bring justice to all of his victims. If you still wish to join me, you can find me by the port, midnight. Lastly, I loved the gift last night, the way your insides felt warm as I insert my-]


Quickly crumpling the paper and throwing it aside, Elsa's face was blushing madly once again.

'H-How could you write such obscene words in a letter!' She muttered under her breath, swearing to get Leo back for this.

But still, thinking about his offer of taking down Kingpin, Elsa started to hesitate, she's the Queen now, which means leaving Arendelle is a no go, it would be irresponsible of her to leave when she just ascended to the throne, not to mention when the Kingdom just experienced a dire event yesterday.

'I need to meet up with Leo, perhaps I could convince him to stay and let Kingpin come to our doorstep instead.' Elsa's mind started running and she quickly found a quick and easy solution.

As a Queen, she can use her authority to 'invite' Kingpin to their territory instead. Bringing the fight to their own, not only making this Kingpin exposed and vulnerable, and since the fight is in their territory, means they'll be at their strongest while the Kingpin will be at his weakest.

Speaking of Kingpin, Elsa grabbed the diary of Argon from a drawer and took note of the locations that are inside Arendelle.

It's not surprising that the damed Emperor of the Underworld has his own hidden bases and factories inside Arendelle.

'Maybe I should start with these.' Can't wait to express this wonderful news and new plan to Leo just so he could stay instead of leaving, Elsa stood up when she heard a noise.


Hearing her stomach grumble, Elsa realized that last night's activity has depleted her energy, hence she needs to replenish herself, so she dressed herself up in a matter of minutes before walking out.


As for Leo, he just arrived at the bustling port and is currently negotiating a price for a ship.

"1,500 gold coins and you'll have the gratitude of myself."

"Who cares for yer gratitude? I want my money!"



[If you think the upcoming chapters are gonna be boring, think again cause we're venturing to another world next chapter haha. Guess the next world *wink!*]




[Next Chapter: Ch. 95 - Man vs Himself]

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