Mark of the Multiversal Pretender

Ch. 95 – Man vs Himself

At midnight, Leo can be seen sitting on a wooden ship's deck, seemingly waiting for a certain someone.

Suddenly, Leo's senses picked up a familiar life force heading towards his way.

Smiling, Leo stood up and patted his butt before greeting.

"I see, you have made your choice." Leo spoke, looking at the hooded Queen of Arendelle.

"I'm sorry, Leo. But I can't join you." As soon as he heard her words, Leo's smile strained, before sighing mentally.

'Well, I should've expected that.'

"It's fine, Elsa. I understand that you have your own responsibilities as the Queen of Arendelle, perhaps this would be the best time for us to say our farewells." 

"But Leo, I think you should hear me out first."

"Hmm?" Leo raised his eyebrows.

"I think you should stay. You don't have to go to Kingpin, instead we let him come to us." While speaking, Elsa was getting more and more determined, as if she was getting successful in convincing Leo to stay.

"What do you think?" Elsa fidgeted, her fingers tapping against each other as he heart prays that Leo is convinced.

As for Leo, he was contemplating deeply about the words of Elsa.

'She doesn't want me to leave her that's for sure.' Leo said in his heart, feeling warm and touched by Elsa's intentions.

He knew she wasn't saying this just to give themselves an advantage against Kingpin, but to 'force' him to stay with her.

'Please don't tell me she'll turn into some kind of Yandere.' Leo's lips quivered slightly just by the thought of it.

If Elsa indeed turns out to be a Yandere, then perhaps he might have to 'instill' some rules on her.

Putting those aside, he still needed to answer Elsa, as he could see that any moment now she might say or do something she'll regret out of desperation.

'But I already bought this ship for 1,500 gold coins. That fucking old man!' Leo clenched his fists, taking note of himself to get himself back at the old man who sold him his ship.

However, as much as Leo wanted to accept Elsa's proposition, there's a reason why he's doing this. 

He wanted to go to another world already. As much as Leo hates to say it but the world of Frozen becomes quite dull to him.

Sure he could explore the enchanted forest and interact with the spirits but he'd prefer to venture to it right at the start of the second film's canon.

 As for why?

Main Quests, of course! If he ventured to it alone and without Elsa, the Quests he would get might not be that good or big.

'But Elsa's parents are alive, which means there would be no reason for nature to call out to Elsa. There should be another reason why Elsa was called besides knowing the truth about her parent's death, right?'

"....eo.....Leo!" Snapping back to reality, Leo noticed that Elsa already removed her hood and looked at him in worry, touching his shoulders as she called his name again.

"Leo. Are you fine? You dazed out for an entire minute."

"I'm fine, Elsa, I appreciate the worry. As for your proposition, I totally get what you're trying to say but could you hear me out first? I have something to tell you that might change your mind completely." Thankfully, he still has his trump card, the Thunder God technique, with it perhaps Elsa's mind will change.

"What is it?"

"Do you trust me?"

"With all my life." Elsa blurted out as quickly as she could, indicating how much she trusts Leo.

"Then hold my hand." And hold she did.

As soon as their palms touched, they quickly appeared back in an inconspicuous corner in the castle.

"This is..." Elsa's eyes widened in surprise, seeing the familiar place they're in.

"It's the castle, Elsa. I have the ability to appear in any place that I have marked no matter the distance or time." The more Leo spoke, the more Elsa was shocked.

"How, what, when...." Elsa stuttered, not knowing which and what to ask, as if her tongue got itself twisted inside her mouth.

"So. What do you think?" Leo smirked, loving the reaction that he got from Elsa.

Elsa, who has so many questions in her mind, finally stopped and closed her mouth, coyly looking back at Leo.

"So this was your plan huh, when we met earlier at the port, I was supposed to be the one to convince you, yet you convinced me instead."

"With this....ability you have, does that mean I can go back here whenever and wherever we want?"


"So. This is one of your secrets that you told me, huh? About having secrets that would make me think that you're not the man I think you are?" Elsa continued, staring directly at Leo's eyes 


"Where are you going?" Leo confusedly looked at Elsa's departing back and thought he said something wrong.

Thankfully that doesn't seem to be the case.

"What else? I'm gonna go back and pack my bags. Wait for me there." Doing a swift turn to speak, Elsa turned back and started jogging back to her room.

It's already in the middle of the night, so there are no servants that are awake in the halls, so it didn't take long for Elsa to be back in her room.

Grabbing a large bag that has been gathering dust, Elsa quickly opened her cabinet and started taking out her clothes, underwear and everything she'll need for the journey.

"You know you don't need to do that." Suddenly, Leo's voice interrupted her from behind.

Turning around, Elsa saw him leaning against the door frame while crossing his arms.

"What do you mean?" Elsa stopped what she was doing and asked.

"Take out everything you're gonna need." Although confused, Elsa still nodded her head and did as he said, laying them all on her bed.

"Now what?" Wiping out the small sweat that accumulated on her forehead, Elsa asked.

"Now, you watch the magician in his work." Leo mysteriously said as he hovered his right hand across the bed.

Elsa could only watch with a stunned expression as her clothes all disappeared one by one, emptying her bed.

"W-Where are they?"

"In my storage space."

"Storage space? Is this one of your secrets again?"

"Yep, now come with me. I'll explain it on the way." Without raising any questions, Elsa unconditionally held Leo's hand and they both disappeared from Elsa's room. Of course he also left his Thunder God mark on her room, so it would be easy for Elsa to go back to her bed.


Back in the ship, Leo has already explained everything to Elsa.

"Can't we just teleport to Weselton Kingdom and be done with it in just a single day?"

"Well, like I said earlier, I can only teleport to locations that I have marked and Weselton Kingdom is not among them."

Of course that's a fucking lie. He could teleport to Weselton Kingdom, but that would be too suspicious of him to do.

After all, if he already has his mark on Weselton Kingdom, then Elsa will prolly ask him why not just finish the job in his free time and such.



"Now, since everything is ready, let's set sail!" Feeling the nostalgia of riding a ship, Leo smiled and assisted Elsa in sailing the small wooden ship.

Once the ship is a few miles away from the port, only then did Leo and Elsa rest.

"Well, the journey will surely be boring." Elsa said and just as Leo was about to agree to her, she suddenly continued but this time with a sultry tone.

"Thankfully, I have something in mind to alleviate the boredom." Elsa smirked and stared at Leo with obvious lusty eyes.

"Well, mind telling me what it is?" Leo leaned forward and cast a smirk of his own.

"Follow me then."

The next thing they knew, a few moans and grunts happened and both of them are now laying on the bed with Elsa sound asleep.

'Genesis, does the Permanent Bridge to a Random Worlds stops the time in this world?' Leo asked, if the answer is no, then perhaps he'd be forced to bring Elsa along with him.

[Stopping time in the world you're in is possible, but it has a time limit.]

'What do you mean?'

[You can only spend a month in the other words before time resumes in this world.]

'That doesn't sound too bad.'

'Genesis, bring me to the world of Erised!' Leo fantastically said.


Hearing Genesis scoffing, Leo mentally laughed.

After untangling himself from Elsa's limbs, Leo stood and walked outside of the room.


'Dew it.' Leo smiled, he's now standing on the deck and waiting for the golden portal to open.

Soon, the familiar golden portal slowly appeared in front of him, carrying its majestic aura that makes Leo full of vigor.

"Ahh~ this will never get old." Leo sighed in relief, before finally stepping inside, leaving the Frozen World stopped in time for a while.


On the other side, Leo just casually stepped inside when a huge car suddenly flew towards him.

Surprised, Leo quickly used his bare hands to catch it.

"Who the fuck throws car at people?" Leo cursed out loud, as he was setting the car down, a huge man with packing muscles landed in front of him, wearing a light blue tight suit with a huge letter 'i' on his chest.

"Hey there, bud. Sorry bout that."





[Next Chapter: Ch. 96 - Heroes and Villains?]

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