Mark of the Multiversal Pretender

Ch. 96 – Heroes and Villains?

"Hey there, bud. Sorry bout that."

Seeing that the Hulk-like man looking at him in amazement, Leo squinted his eyes at him.

'He looks quite familiar. Where did I see him.' Leo contemplated in his mind.

Meanwhile, the big man just suddenly felt a shiver that ran up on his spine before darting his eyes around.

"So, what happened? I suppose this is not how you greet people you see in public, right?" Leo said while placing the huge ass can down on the ground much to the impressed look on the big guy's face.

"Oh no, not really. I was just fighting a villain and he ended up throwing this car just to give himself enough time to escape." The big guy embarrassingly scratched the back of his head while speaking.

"Seeing how you're here, that means the villain successfully escaped, right?" Leo raised an eyebrow.

"Well.....I'm kind of new to being in this hero thing, so yeah the villain escaped, but I'll try to improve."

"Hero thing?" Mentally, Leo was surprised by the existence of heroes and villains in this world. Did he perhaps end up in the world of My Hero Academia or something?

"Yeah, you know, heroes saving the day and stuff. You watch the news everyday, right?" This time, it was the big man's turn to be confused. Did the person in front of him live in a cave to not know about Heroes?

Heroes are after all, globally famous, every country has their own famous heroes and vice versa for the villains.

" know about Heroes, just wasn't expecting to meet one personally." Lying through his teeth, Leo made up an excuse which thankfully the big man took without any suspicions.

"I see. Well, it's not common you meet heroes after all, though from the looks of it, you have the strength to become one. Are you aspiring to be a hero too?" Shifting the subject, the big man changed her topic to Leo's previous feat of lifting the car weighing tons with ease. 

After all, he himself went through the same phase. Awakening his powers, going to the public in hopes of using the said powers to save someone in need and becoming a vigilante before signing up as a hero from the government and such things.

"....." Leo was stunned, not knowing what to answer. Somehow, if he said he wants to be a hero, the big guy in front of him might recommend him or something but if he said no, then he might be seen as a villain.

'As someone who has watched X-Men and My Hero Academia, I think I'm knowledgeable enough about these kinds of things.' Leo muttered under his breath but still, he decided to choose the former.

"I do want to be a hero. I'm actually out here looking for some damsel in distress, you know what I'm saying?" Leo smiled as he replies, giving the big guy a wink as if what he said is something that only men can understand.

"O-Oh, yeah. I totally get you, my friend is actually the same, he just went into this hero business not to save anyone but to get himself a girlfriend." Although surprised by Leo's unexpected answer, the big guy chuckled, sharing his own experience towards it.

"He's a hero too? Is he someone I know?" Seeing the opportunity to gather more information about this world and see if he's familiar with it, Leo asked for the big guy's friend's name or at least the hero name.

"Well, I can't disclose his real name, you know, Hero's privacy and stuff but I could tell you his hero name. His name is Frozone, you can search him up on the internet, he started the hero business earlier than me, so he's quite famous already."

"I'm sorry what was his name again?" Leo's face had a look of disbelief plastered on his face.

"Uhhh, Frozone? Why, is there something wrong? Do you know him?" The big guy tilted his head in confusion.

"No, nothing. I was just surprised, since I think I saw his name somewhere in a newspaper, I didn't expect him to be your friend." Leo chuckled, smoothly slipping out of the possible suspicion.

Still, his eyes were now sticking to the big guy in front of him, especially his chest where a huge letter 'i' is serving as his symbol.

"Yeah, we were childhood friends. Oh good lord! I'm not supposed to be idle during hero duty, I just broke the Republic Act Heroic Article 47!" Just as the big guy was about to immerse himself in their conversation, he suddenly slapped his forehead upon coming up to a realization.

"I'm so sorry, but I have to go now. Although the villain escaped, I should at least try to chase after him. Anyways, thanks for the chat." Before The big guy could leave, Leo suddenly called out to him.

"Wait! What's your hero name?" He asked, his heart already expecting the words that will come out of the big guy's mouth.

"Me? People call me Mr. Incredible." And with that, the big guy, now known as Mr. Incredible, bent his legs and jumped, covering huge distances through jumping.

'No wonder I didn't recognize him, he looks fucking small unlike the one I saw in the films. From what I remember, he's supposed to be as big if not bigger than Shaquille O'Neal, but right now, he's probably just around the size of a random body builder.' While muttering under his breath, Leo can't help but form a grin on his face.

'Oh my time in this world will definitely be fun!' Seeing so many opportunities and great Quests and he'll get, Leo rubbed his palm against each other like a bad guy in cartoons.

'Thank you Genesis, for bringing me to this wonderful world!' Of course, he wouldn't forget of his dear partner slash lover.

[Fuck you.]

'I love you too!'


What was the first thing Leo did after arriving in this world?

Obviously to find himself a home so he would have a place to slack off and spend his free time.

As for the money? Obviously he wouldn't exchange his gold and jewelry, that would be a bit suspicious of him who doesn't have an identity in this world yet.

So aside from buying himself a house or an apartment, he's going to need to register himself as an American citizen.

As he wasn't born or doesn't have registered parents, he's gonna have to find himself a forger, to forge himself the documents and id's that he's going to need.

Unfortunately for him, it's easier said than done.

Not only because this world is reeked of heroes which decreased crime rates, but it also decreased those who does illegal businesses.

'Normally, I should be able to find myself a forger somewhere in dark alleys and dangerous places full of criminals but those are probably non-existent thanks to heroes.' Leo rolled his eyes in annoyance.

'Maybe I could search the Dark Web? I have access to it in my past life, maybe it'll still work in this world? After all, this and my previous world is pretty much identical, except for the existence of super powers and such.' Eager to try it, Leo quickly went around the city and bought a laptop using the dollars that he got as a Gacha draw.

[Multiversal Dollars - A 10k worth of dollars that works in worlds where dollars are the main currency.]

Soon, he found himself a random bench in a random park and opened up a browser from the laptop.

Now, to enter the Dark Web, the creator would not be dumb enough to use as an RRL, that would just give it away.

Instead, the creator uses words that are so random nobody would've guessed it unless someone who knows the RRL tells you about it.

Quickly pressing the search bar, Leo cracked his fingers before entering a certain type of words.


[A/N: If someone got offended by it, my apologies. I'll bring it down as soon as possible if you want.]

'Please work. Please work.' Leo prayed intensely in his heart.

After a few seconds of loading up, the entire screen turns black except for a white word that says 'Welcum'.

'Holy mother fucker it works!' Leo screamed in his mind. His fingers quickly worked on their own, typing several letters on the keyboard before hitting enter.

[Anonymous: You want documents forged?]

[Leonardo Da Vinci D'Carpenter: Yes. Send me your location, I'll drive myself by.]

[Anonymous: No need. Let's meet up at this Internet Cafe xxxx-xxxx.]

[Leonardo Da Vinci D'Carpenter: And your equipment? Won't it be too suspicious to do it in a public place?]

[Anonymous: Who says I need equipment to forge documents? I just need a printer and a computer and I'll handle it by myself.]

[Leonardo Da Vinci D'Carpenter: Sure. Tomorrow morning, 9 am?]

[Anonymous: And the payment?]

[Leonardo Da Vinci D'Carpenter: Only gold nuggets or bars so it would not be traceable, am I right?]

[Anonymous has disconnected]

'Well, that went better than I expected. Thankfully, I have hundreds of golds and jewelry that I got from that crab in Moana's world.'

Folding his laptop, Leo was about to leave and buy himself a temporary place when he suddenly saw someone with a familiar face.

'Hmm? Isn't that?' Leo can't help but track his eyes on a beautiful lady with short auburn hair and majestic curves, wearing a tight fit University uniform that just makes her curves noticeable while wearing a single strapped bag.


[This is way past before the canon, so you know where I'm going here *wink!*]




[Next Chapter: Ch. 97 - How Elast-Fantastic]

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