Mark of the Multiversal Pretender

Ch. 97 – How Elast-Fantastic!

[Technically, since there's no background behind how superpowers came to be in the world of The Incredibles, I decided to make it somehow similar to My Hero Academia world where superpowers randomly pop out.]


'Ugh, I can't believe they wouldn't let me become a superhero!' Complaining to myself, I started getting ready for my university.

I just went from a call with my parents, telling them how I finally awakened my super powers!One of the rare few in the entire world!

Unfortunately, they refused to help me become a Superhero, a dream job of almost everyone in the entire world. Saving those that need to be saved, kicking a villain's butt and lastly, the fame that will bring you.

You can become a celebrity! An endorser of a huge brand! And even become a politician! Which was banned a few years back as Superheroes are technically a cheat when it comes to having a position in a government.

Now, with all these information, one might raise a question.

How did Superpowers come to be?

Some say, they were gifts from God, which is not false but also not true. While others say that Superpowers were already within our genes and the radiation of the Nuclear Bomb that was caused in Japan during the World War 2 was the trigger.

According to history, superpowers came to be after World War 2. It all started when a random child from Japan developed the power to attract anything metallic to his body.

Obviously the world was shocked and the Japanese government wanted to keep the news to themselves, thinking that their uniqueness is finally bearing fruit, unfortunately, that doesn't seem to be the case, as more and more superpowers started appearing all throughout the world!







Every single country developed their own superpowers.

However, just because it is spread across the world, doesn't mean awakening powers is common.

In fact, a certain scientist from India researched it and concluded that only 1% of the current population awakened their superpowers while the remaining 99% stays as normal humans.

Basically, only 1 out of 70 million can awaken their superpower!

That's rare! Super rare that countries even made laws and Republic Acts towards those with Superpowers, giving them limited freedom considering how dangerous they are.

Although most of those who have superpowers decided to contribute to their countries by either working for the government or becoming the country's super hero, that doesn't mean everyone is.

They're called Villains.

People who misuse their Superpowers to do evil and crimes.

As for who stops them? 

Super Heroes!

People that use their super powers to enact their own sense of justice or perhaps just to become rich or famous but still, Super Heroes are quite important to a society.

Because they can do one thing that no one can, not even the government.

They give people hope.

They give light to those who have fallen to Darkness.


Suddenly, my thoughts were disturbed by my dorm mate, Jessica.

"W-What?" I stuttered out of surprise.

"What's got your brain working, Helen? We got classes to take." Turning my eyes away from the mirror and to my dark skinned friend, I saw that she was already dressed.

She's Jessica, my one and only friend in this University. She might look someone who excels at academics, but trust me, only I know how bad she is in that field. I'm literally helping her every single day in her assignments.

If there's something that she's good at then it's cheerleading. I heard yesterday that the current Cheerleading captain was dropped out of the team due to bad grades, maybe she'll finally have the chance to grab her dream position.

Obviously, as her friend, I'll give her my support.

As for how she became my friend? Technically since she's my dorm roommate, we just hit it off and became friends in no time, it's the only plausible thing to happen when two friendless girls, new to the University became roommates.

"Right. My bad. I'll be there in sec." I responded and she finally left me alone. For now.

Speaking of which, I haven't told her about me awakening my superpowers yet.

'I should go and tell her after classes.' Whispering to myself, I finished the touches on my face to at least look presentable enough before grabbing my bag and leaving the dorm room.


I hate physics.


Hearing the alarm bell ring, I smiled to myself and grabbed my bag before sauntering towards Jessica's desk. However, I noticed that her fellow cheerleaders are already surrounding her and persuading her to join them.

Before I could utter her name, she was already out of the room.

Well, that was fantastic, I guess I'll be going back to the dorm room alone again.

Although I feel jealous of how she can blend in and make so many friends in such a short time, while here I am unable to communicate with someone of my age properly.

'I'll just take a piss and go on my way.' With that in mind, I walked outside and after a few seconds, I found myself inside a cubicle releasing the pent up liquid.

Just as I was finished and prepared to leave, I heard the door of the bathroom open.

Normally, I would just mind my own business and go out but I heard Jessica's familiar voice along with her cheerleading friends.

"Oh my gosh, I can't believe I was nominated as the Cheerleading Captain! This is like a dream come true!" I heard Jessica's exasperated and excited voice.

Wait, she was nominated as the captain of the Cheerleading Squad? That's great! I should go and congratulate her now!

"Girl! You deserve it! Do you remember how Derek looked at you earlier? He definitely has hots on you!"

"Really?" I hear Jessica respond, as if in disbelief.

"Of course! Though I don't think you should go for it, at least not now."

"What why?"

"Duh, you're friends with the loser Helen. Ugh, just the name itself reminds me of my grandma, so uncool. Did she really think she can hook up all the men with her disgusting fats? Just because she has plastic surgery to make her curves bigger doesn't mean she'll become a school flower, what an uncool way for a loser to think." Hearing my name and the insult that she gave, I grew angry and was about to burst out of the cubicle to confront Jessica's cheerleading friend when I heard her.

"Y-Yeah, you're right. S-So uncool, haha~"

Huh? Did I hear that right? Did Jessica just agree to it?

But....she's my friend, right?

"Let's go girls. Let's hurry up and catch up to those jocks. I heard they're on their way to a disco tonight."

"Yeah, sure I'll catch up. I'll just....inform Helen about it first. I'm sure she'll understand."

Suddenly, my eyes widened in surprise. Jessica is going to text me. Which means...

I quickly fumbled my bag and just in time, my entire hand ballooned and covered my entire phone entirely.


Instantly, I could feel my phone vibrate inside my hand, thankfully, I reacted fast enough and covered it up before it could make a sound.

At the same time, I heard Jessica leave the bathroom, probably to catch up to her cheerleading friends, leaving me alone now.

Coming out of the cubicle slowly, I was lost in thought.

I don't know what to say or even what to feel. I just feel betrayed. Like there's this painful feeling throbbing in my heart.

Clutching my chest, I can hardly breathe. I was backstabbed by my one and only friend. Or ex-friend now.

I need fresh air. Thankfully, I know a nearby park around here.


Arriving at the said park, I was in daze as I walked towards the bench, not noticing that someone was looking at me.

By the time I noticed, I was already sitting beside him.

Great, now I accidentally sat beside a creep. Nice going, Helen.

"Can you please stop staring at me?" I raised my voice, hoping to scare him off.

"Oh, my bad. I'm sorry, it's just that, I wasn't expecting to see someone at this time." I heard the man speak, suddenly, as if someone was controlling me or perhaps just to vent out my pent up frustration due to earlier, I accidentally lashed out.

"Why? Is it because I'm weird and a loser!? Do you hate seeing someone whose name reminds you of your grandma, huh?!"

Finally, by the time I was finished, I realized what I just did and was quickly about to apologize when my vision finally registered the man's appearance.

I changed my mind, this man is not a creep.

Gosh, I can't believe I just called someone so hot as a creep.

And did I just lashed out at him? God, I'm such a loser! Slightly darting my eyes at him, I was expecting to see disgust or worse, see him leave however, he was still sitting there and he was smiling?

"Well. First of all, I don't think someone with your beauty can be called weird and a loser. Second, I don't mind seeing or looking at you, considering how pretty you are and lastly, I don't think whatever your name is would remind me of my grandma since I don't have one. I don't even have parents." And then, the man ended his sentence with a chuckle.

Unbeknownst to myself, I failed to realize that I was a blushing mess.

D-Did he just called me beautiful and pretty?

That's the first time someone called me that aside from the insults towards my disgustingly fat breasts and ass.

No men would call me beautiful and pretty with these 'fats', right?


[It's been a while since I wrote a first person perspective, so tell me what you guys think.]

[And also, Power Stones!]




[Next Chapter: Ch. 98 - Too far from the canon]

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