Martial Doctor Supreme

Chapter 169

Chapter 169 Search

Chapter 169

“Who the hell are you?

I understand, are you a killer that someone else has come to deal with me! ”

Brother Snake looked at Yang Mu who was walking step by step, and his heart was full of anger.

After all, he had been in the business for many years, and he immediately understood that Yang Mu was just pretending to be before, guessing that the other party was coming for him from the beginning.

He had many enemies, so he guessed that Yang Mu was hired by a certain enemy to assassinate him.

“Those enemies of yours have not been able to invite me to kill you.

As long as you are obedient and help me find someone, it’s not that I can’t keep you alive. ”

Yang Mu walked to the other side and gestured, “Take this medicine pill!”

“I eat Nima’s food and die for Lao Tzu!”

Brother Snake’s expression instantly became fierce, he took out a pistol from his arms and pulled the trigger at Yang Mu.


At the moment when the gunshots sounded, everyone in the Blood Snake Gang smiled.

Just now, Yang Mu’s strange method really scared them a lot.

But now shooting at such a close distance, no matter how powerful this young man is, he will definitely die.

A scene that made their hearts break, soon appeared.

Yang Mu was like a tumbler, his feet stuck to the ground, his upper body swayed, and he actually avoided the bullet that hit his chest.


The screams sounded, and Lao Hei, who brought Yang Mu over, clutched his chest and lay on the ground screaming.

It turned out that the bullet missed Yang Mu and ended up hitting him behind Yang Mu.


Brother Snake’s face turned pale, and the strong fear made his legs tremble, and the pistol fell to the ground.

“You…are you a human or a ghost?”

The young woman with a bumpy figure, her beautiful face was full of horror. She originally only regarded Yang Mu as a little white face from a big city, like a flower in a greenhouse.

Only now did I understand that where are the flowers in the greenhouse, it is clearly the god of death from hell!

Brother Snake, who is omnipotent in his own eyes, is just an ant that is crushed to death in front of others!

The other members of the Blood Snake Gang were so frightened when they saw this scene that their bodies seemed to be turned into wooden sculptures, and they were speechless for a long time.

“It doesn’t matter whether I am a human or a ghost, the important thing is that I can kill you at any time!”

Yang Mu walked over, pinched Brother Snake’s chin, and put the black elixir into his mouth.

“You…what did you feed me?

pain! It hurts! Forgive me! Forgive me! ”

Soon, Brother Snake screamed and rolled all over the floor. Looking at this scene, the members of the Blood Snake Gang were all terrified, but no one dared to speak.

Just when Brother Snake thought that he was going to die of pain, the pain from his internal organs receded like a tide.

Before he could be happy, he heard Yang Mu say:

“What I gave you is a poison.

If you don’t take the antidote, the pain will come back every three days.

And as the number of times increases, the duration will be longer and longer, until you die of pain.

Do things for me well, as long as you help me find the person I am looking for, I will naturally give you the antidote! ”

Brother Snake wants to cry but has no tears, his life is in the hands of others, how can he dare to refuse.

“Apart from you, are there any other gangs in this town?

If so, take me there too! ”

Yang Mu said. “Yes! There are several other gangs, I’ll take you there!”

Brother Snake, who was full of depression, heard this, his eyes lit up, and his heart smirked. If we all die together, none of you can run away.

Thinking that other people, including some of his own enemies, will soon suffer, he doesn’t seem to be so depressed anymore…

After half a day, all the local snakes in Nancang Town honestly worked for Yang Mu.

To Yang Mu’s disappointment, after describing Long Qi’s appearance, none of them could provide clues, and they all said that they had never met.

With an order from Yang Mu, everyone went out to look for clues about Long Qi.

All the forces were dispatched together to find someone. The whole Nancang Town was chaotic, and various places were turned upside down. Even pedestrians on the road, walking through the streets and alleys, would be stopped and questioned.

After more than an hour, Yang Mu got good news!

“it’s him?”

Yang Mu looked at the young man standing in front of him with colorful hair, and asked Brother Snake in his mouth.

Brother Snake said hurriedly: “Yes! It’s him, he has seen the person you are looking for.”

After speaking, he slapped the young man on the head and said to Yang Mu:

“At the time, this guy had a drink and passed the alley and saw the man you were looking for.

He said that he wanted to mess around because he saw how good the other person was. As a result, he rushed towards him and wanted to hug him. Before he could understand what was going on, he fainted. ”

Hearing that the other party wanted to mess with Long Qi, Yang Mu’s heart was filled with inexplicable anger, staring at the young man and said, “Did you attack her?”

With a sad face, the young man took a step back and begged for mercy: “I… I will never dare again, please forgive me!”

Brother Snake sneered: “Even if this guy dares, he doesn’t have that ability anymore!”

“What’s the meaning?”

Yang Mu looked at him puzzled.

“When this guy woke up, that…it was smashed with stones and he couldn’t be a man anymore.”

Brother Snake’s expression was weird, and he thought that the woman was definitely this goddamn woman, no wonder they were a pair, they were more brutal than the other!

However, being able to tame such a ferocious woman is also something that people have the ability to do.

Who doesn’t want a woman who is tender and sweet to herself, but doesn’t even look at other men?

Thinking of this, Brother Snake was a little envious.

“…” Yang Mu originally planned to teach the young man a lesson, but after listening to Brother Snake’s words, he didn’t know what to say for a while.

Brother Snake gave a wink to the younger brothers next to him, and soon, the young man’s begging for mercy sounded in the room.

Yang Mu left with Brother Snake and went to the alley where Long Qi appeared.

At the same time, he ordered the people who were looking for Long Qi’s trace to concentrate their search within ten miles around the alley.

This is a house with various high-tech instruments.

Long Qi lay on the operating table made of special metal, and metal chains bound her hands and feet to the operating table.

Even her neck was immobilized, making it almost impossible for her to move.

The light bulb above the head emits extremely dazzling light. Ordinary people will stare at each other for a moment, and their eyes will sting unbearably. Even if they close their eyes and don’t look at them, their faces are hot as if they were placed in an oven, which is unbearable. .

Long Qi has been lying here for a few days, if it were an ordinary person, he would have been tortured to the point of madness.

Even though her mind and body are much stronger than ordinary people, she looks extremely weak at the moment, her face is bloodless, her lips are chapped, and her breathing has become very weak.


The metal door opened, and a foreign woman in a white robe who looked like a scientific researcher walked in.

She looked at Long Qi and found that the other party was staring at her with cold eyes, she couldn’t help but admire:

“As expected of the product of the ‘Perfect Humanity’ plan, your willpower is truly admirable.

But why, this kind of resistance is stupid and meaningless.

Join us, become one of our members, cooperate with our research, and you will no longer have to suffer.

Your Excellency the Silver-haired Witch, don’t you really think about it? “

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