Martial Doctor Supreme

Chapter 170

Chapter 170 Even if you are far away, you will be punished!

After the foreign woman finished speaking, she saw that Long Qi was still staring at her coldly, not answering at all, as if she was just a noisy clown.

Her expression darkened, and her words became rude:

“In your Huaxia words, you are shameless! Even if you are unwilling to cooperate, it will have no effect on us.”

Walking to the operating table, she remembered something and sneered: “After you disappeared, Nantianmen tried their best to find you.

Others say that the Lord of Nantian treats you as his daughter, but now it seems that he really cares about you.

However, it may not be a daughter. In my opinion, maybe you are his little lover who is specially raised by his side. ”

Long Qi, who was staring at her coldly, was like an irritated beast, struggling violently, as if to bite a piece of meat off her.

It’s a pity that she couldn’t exert any strength at all, unable to break free from the bondage, she stared at the other party and said angrily: “If you dare to insult my foster father, I will kill you sooner or later!”

“kill me?

I’m afraid you don’t have that chance at all.

We’ve gone to great lengths to capture your experimental subject.

Now that it has fallen into our hands, do you think that it is possible for you to leave our hands alive? ”

The foreign woman sneered disapprovingly, took out the instrument, and began to routinely extract bone marrow.

Her eyes were full of greed, and she looked at Long Qi’s eyes, not like she was looking at a human being, but rather a treasure that was hard to find.

Long Qi endured tremendous pain, gritted her teeth, and didn’t make a sound.

“This is a great study.

When we study the genetic sequence characteristics of the power and create more power users, you will complete your mission.

At that time, we will make you a specimen as a souvenir, what do you think? ”

After the foreign woman extracted the bone marrow she needed, her eyes fell on Long Qi’s face.

A bit of jealousy surged in her heart. She had seen many beautiful women, and even herself was called a great beauty, but she was so beautiful as Long Qi, it was the first time she had seen it.

No matter how critical people are, they will never be able to find the slightest flaw on Long Qi’s face.

“We Nantianmen will never spare you!”

Long Qi said coldly.

The foreign woman said in disapproval: “Nantianmen is indeed powerful, we can’t match it, but they need to be able to find it here!

You don’t know it yet, while you were in a coma, we had already taken you away from the Huaxia border, and now we are a ship on the high seas!

It’s ridiculous that those idiots from Nantianmen are still desperately searching the border of China, but they don’t know that we have already left.

No matter how powerful their intelligence network is, it is impossible to find it here.

If you still expect them to come to save you, then die as soon as possible. ”

Long Qi’s pale face turned pale again at this moment.

There was still no fear in her eyes, and she said coldly:

“I came to this world, it was an accident, even if I left, it was nothing.

But you remember, there is a saying in Huaxia: Those who offend me in Huaxia will be punished even if they are far away! One day, my compatriots will come to avenge me! ”

The foreign woman smiled indifferently, with a bit of sarcasm in her smile, obviously not taking the other party’s words seriously.

It’s a big deal, don’t step into China for half a step in this life!

Even if it is far away, it will be punished?

She didn’t believe it. Now that she is far away from China, what can the other party do to herself!

Long Qi closed his eyes and stopped wasting words with each other. At this moment, the picture that appeared in her mind was not the adoptive father who had raised her for many years, but a strange and close man.

It is said to be unfamiliar, because she and the other party have only met a few times!

Said to be close, because this man who only met a few times used a rude way to possess her. At that time, she did not resist.

Although she didn’t want to admit it, after that time, the man was almost haunted and appeared in her mind more than once.

“If I knew it earlier, I wouldn’t have said that to him at that time, and told him that it was my first time.

In that case, shouldn’t he forget me soon? ”

Even Long Qi herself didn’t know why she didn’t want to be forgotten by the other party at this moment.

Yang Mu arrived at the alley where Long Qi appeared, but after searching, he found no clues.

Brother Snake led people to search the radius of ten miles, but also found no trace of Long Qi.

“The intelligence network of Nantianmen has no way to find the trace of Long Qi. Now it seems that it is very difficult to find her!”

Yang Mu was helpless, after thinking for a while, he dialed Guo Zheng’s number.

I intend to tell the other party the clues I have found so far. If it can bring some help to the other party’s search, that’s fine!

Whether it is to find Long Qi by yourself, or Nantianmen finds Long Qi through the intelligence network, the process is not important, as long as the result is that Long Qi is safe and sound!

“What did you say?

Did you find the alley where Miss Seven used to appear?

Hahaha! it is good! Great, let me know where the exact location is.

I’ll send someone over right away. ”

When Yang Mu finished speaking, Guo Zheng on the other side was ecstatic.

Yang Mu was puzzled and didn’t understand why the other party was so excited, but he didn’t ask much, and told the other party the address.

In less than ten minutes, a helicopter appeared overhead.

When the helicopter was about ten meters away from the ground, two figures jumped directly from above and landed firmly on the ground.

Seeing this scene, Yang Mu’s expression was dull, and he understood that the two were members of Nantianmen, and it was not surprising that they had such skills.

Brother Snake and others on the side were dumbfounded!

In the hands of these two people, with the detection equipment full of technology, Yang Mu greeted them and asked them what they were going to do.

Before the two came over, they obviously knew the existence of Yang Mu, and they treated Yang Mu very politely. They told Yang Mu that the instruments in their hands could detect shoe prints on the ground that were invisible to the naked eye!

The shoes Long Qi was wearing were specially made combat boots from Nantianmen. The shoe prints were easy to identify. With the help of the shoe prints, you could tell in which direction Long Qi was leaving and where he ended up going!

After Yang Mu heard this, he was a little stunned.

“In the inheritance I got, there are many mysterious methods, but they don’t involve much modern technology! Now it seems that fortunately, I took the initiative to contact Nantianmen. I didn’t expect them to have such high-tech methods.”

Yang Mu was so excited that he finally understood why Guo Zheng was so happy before, and urged the two of them to find Long Qi’s shoe print quickly, so as to determine where Long Qi went.

One of them said with a heavy expression:

“Mr. Yang, the situation may be more bleak than we thought.

Even if we are sure where the Seventh Miss ended up going, I’m afraid…”

He sighed: “We are now guessing that the seventh young lady may have been taken away from Huaxia. In this case, it would be difficult to get her back!”

Yang Mu’s expression stiffened for a moment, then returned to normal, with a firm tone:

“Even if she has been taken away, we may not be able to follow the trail and find some useful information.

Not to mention being taken away from here, even if she is taken to the Antarctic and North Pole, even to the top of the Tianshan Mountains, deep under the sea, I will definitely bring her back to China! “

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