Marvel: A New God’s Reign

Chapter 67: Harem Hijinks & Professional Spies


"Without Anything Around Us, We Are Nothing."

- Ulquiorra Schiffer


<{Pentoffice of Meta International HQ, Neo Genosha}>

<(Atem POV)>

"Where have you been for the past few months? Do you realize how worried we've all been? Do you even care about us? Aren't you ashamed of repeatedly disappearing on us like this?" About half a dozen women were currently surrounding me with pouts on their faces, their hands reaching out to playfully scold me by pulling my cheeks.

Among them stood Jean, Ororo, Vanessa, Elizabeth, Gwen, and even Morganna, each casting a gaze filled with a range of emotions, from hurt to anger, contemplating how to give me a proper punishment.

"Alright, okay, calm down girls," I interjected calmly, sensing the tension in the room. "Don't worry I am here now, and I am not going anywhere anytime soon. So, I am all yours till then and I assure you that I'm fully committed to being present and attentive from now on." I soothed their worries. "As for me receiving a punishment for being away from all of you for so long, I agree that I too deserve a punishment. And I have the perfect idea of what it should be." With an evil smile, I transformed my office desk and chair into a large luxurious bed.

HP world magic is really awesome once you get enough control over your magic to cast the basic spells without chanting.

There was a collective exhale as my words seemed to alleviate some of the apprehension. Vanessa's questioning voice cut through the air; her "pained" tone tinged with accusation as she stood with folded arms. "So, you believe you can simply reappear and expect sex whenever it suits you? Is that all we are to you, objects for your pleasure?"

Her question hung in the air, followed swiftly by Jean's challenge. "Also, why are you so sure you can handle all of us simultaneously? Your overconfidence in yourself might be misplaced. Some of us are more than capable of wearing you out on our own. So, don't underestimate us too much." Jean displayed a proud smirk on her face, her confidence bolstered by the fact that she currently possessed quite a fraction of the Phoenix Force's power even though currently, she was neither an active host of the force nor had complete control over her powers.

"And why assume we'd all be willing to sleep with you together?" Ororo chimed in with a raised brow, the annoyance on her face thinly veiled. "Sharing you is one thing since we are all i love with you but expecting us all to participate in the act together is too presumptuous, isn't it?"

"Indeed, not all of us are bisexual... or crazy." Elizabeth nodded in agreement while taking a quick peek at Gwen even though everyone knew that the ninja's favorite way of having mind-blowing sex was when she was being dominated like a masochist while I had sex with someone else in front of her.

"Hey, I am not bisexual. I just love to experiment when it comes to sex but that is only if my sweetheart is present there too." Gwen revolted with a hurt face before quickly kissing my cheeks.

"Okay, okay. Stop arguing amongst yourselves. *Sigh* I knew having a harem was going to be a headache" I muttered the last line to myself as I looked at my lovers who were all waiting for an explanation. "Look, as all of you already know, I am in love with all of you. Now, I admit I am not able to give all of you enough time, even though that's what I want the most in the world. But I HAVE to do the stuff that I do, not just to secure our own future but also to make sure that I can give all of you and our children enough time in the future. Only by working hard now can I make sure that we get to have our happily ever after later." I explained. 

"As for me being able to handle all of you together, don't forget I am a God. I have infinite stamina and can go all year long. Hell, I can literally repaint the entire White House with my seed if I wanted to." I exclaimed with a grin. "The only ones who can truly come close to me in raw stamina are Morgana and Irene since I have turned them into New Gods as well. But even then, I can take them on together at once." I revealed. "Although something like that hasn't happened yet since Irene is loyal to her wife, Mystique and I prefer her to be like that. They genuinely love each other, and I don't really want to ruin that. One shapeshifter is enough for me." I said while winking at Vanessa which resulted in a happy blush forming on her face.

In fact, besides the immense pain, I feel every time I convert someone, not being able to keep up with the sexual needs of my entire harem was one of the reasons I wasn't actively transforming my lovers into New Gods left and right.

"Yeah, about that, I still haven't decided if I want to join your harem. Seems like there are too many emotions involved in these types of... romantic relationships which I personally would like to avoid. However, I like the physical relationship we currently have going on. In fact, I am pretty sure that I cannot even enjoy sex with anyone else anymore now that you have ruined me, but I will probably hold off on making this more... complicated." Morgana, who had been observing everything silently up until now suddenly spoke up.

"Really? I guess we will see." I mysteriously said while sending a wry smile in her direction.

I wonder how long she will be able to last once I stop having sex with her. After all, I had used my Absolute Dominance ability on her the most to give her pleasure since she was the hardest woman to satisfy and impress out of all my lovers. She must be at least partly addicted to it by now.

"Is that a challenge I hear in your voice?" Morgana asked as she stood straight while seductively folding her hands under her large breasts to attract my attention to their big size.

"Maybe," I muttered as I began taking off my normal clothes.

"Wait, what about the ones who want to join the harem and are waiting for their chance like Wanda or Rogue? Should I call them as well? You know what they say, the more the merrier." Jean interrupted.

"Wait, Rogue as well? Wow, I really am quite popular, aren't I?" I mumbled to myself, struggling to believe that so many attractive women and females out there would agree to share me just like that. Seems my charm skill is too over the top. "No, not today. They will have their own time. Today, it's only about you girls."

The girls all blushed when they heard my words. It was obvious from their joyful faces that they were giddy with happiness because of my compliment. Soon, the entire room was filled with lustful moans, and a unique smell of sweat and sex, something that could drive almost anyone to madness with desire.

'So goddamn easy.' I thought to myself while pitoning inside Vanessa's pussy. 'Wait, am I forgetting something?'


<(Omniscient POV)>

'How could they so conveniently forget that they told me to wait outside with these files? Are they doing this intentionally or something? Maybe this is some unique reverse psychology to make me horny and feel like a weak newcomer in their... cult.' Natasha Romanova wondered to herself as she heard the lascivious and hungry moans inside her boss's room.

Natasha, who had been newly promoted to the role of Atem's secretary, found the situation profoundly weird as she made a peculiar observation. Despite the inexplicable supernatural powers and abilities, they possessed, alongside their vast considerable wealth, their chambers lacked the basic amenity of soundproofing. It was like they weren't even trying to hide their debauchery; like they wanted her to listen in on them when they were having sex. It almost seemed to her like they were trying to tease her.

'But still, even if my mind knows and understands all that, my body feels something completely different. Those trainers in the Red Room surely prepared me to use my sexual appeal as a weapon with dozens of real-life scenarios where someone could try to seduce me. But even they failed to ever mention that someone could be this debaucherous. I can't even comprehend some of the stuff that I can hear from inside the room, much less imagine it.' She sighed with frustration as her fingers began to lightly rub her clit over her underwear.

"It might have been a bad idea to accept this job without enough research." She mumbled aloud with an unfocused hot gaze that seemed to make a hole in the door of the pent office.


<(Omniscient POV)>

"What do you mean by you saw God, Agent Coulson? I don't care if Jesus Christ himself made you drink his wine and gorge on his bread, I want the full details and not the half-baked crap that you are spewing right now." Nick Fury threatened as he struck his fist on his desk in anger.

"I am just telling you what I saw there, Director. I am not saying that the being I met was one hundred percent, THE God... but it might have been some other divine being. I have seen metahumans before, but what I... what WE felt that night was definitely not a metahuman. Even the golden light around the being had a holy feeling to it." Phil defended his statement as he took a look at his small team who were also present near the Stark Expo that night and had felt the same thing. "Plus, hundreds of the civilians who survived the Expo that night also said the same thing too, sir. How could all of us be wrong?"

"Mass hallucination powers or maybe large-scale mind-control. There are people with various types of unique abilities in this world. It wouldn't be too much of a stretch if the person responsible for this was just an exceptionally powerful metahuman. I have read your report, Agent Coulson. You mentioned there that you couldn't see his exact face. Was there anything at all you could see that could be helpful to us, anything that you either forgot to or didn't mention in the official report?" Nick Fury questioned.

"Well...," Coulson hesitated. "There was this one thing that I did notice but didn't mention in the mission report because I was not at all confident in what I saw. The being's face was completely blocked with golden light, with it feeling like something was actively preventing me from seeing his face, But... I did find his overall body structure somewhat similar to... the pictures of Atem that we possess, including the ones he deleted from the internet as well as the ones we ourselves wiped from all global networks in an attempt to keep the solid evidence of his existence a secret." Coulson revealed.

"Him again? It seems that he is becoming increasingly more and more active. He is probably the only guy in the world who poses so much danger to order on this planet and yet we have no choice but to trust in his wisdom to not directly declare a war. Even the people that are always with him, especially his... lovers are also extremely dangerous." Fury pondered.

"Yeah, he reportedly has a harem of beautiful super-powered women for himself... But again, I guess one has to be a literal god to manage so many women without any difficulties, especially women who can destroy entire cities if they are in a bad mood." Coulson nodded to himself with a weak smile on his face.

"Yeah, at first, I thought he was just a hedonistic guy with too much power, only interested in chasing skirts all the time. But I was wrong. The corporate empire he has created, his personal metahuman country, and even the people he surrounds himself with are all too suspicious. His intentions are getting more and more unclear with time. He is probably planning something big, especially with how his company declared that it would be fully acquiring Hammer Industries when it went bankrupt the day after the incident.

They even refused to hand over the Iron Droid designs to the government, citing that the company had completely scrapped the project, deleted all the research data and even destroyed every last one of its hardware related to the project due to safety concerns. Yeah, something is definitely up with them." Fury concluded.

'Hmm, I might have to meet him soon if things keep going the way they are...' Fury thought to himself. 'At least, we are lucky that Natasha has somehow infiltrated into the company. She is surely one of our most talented agents to attract the attention of Atem himself. Even if she fails to give us any valuable intel about Atem, she will at least be able to supply us with data from his company or information about the current state of Neo Genosha. Yeah, that way, we will always stay one step ahead of him... even if he is a God.'


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